다음을 통해 공유

EnvelopedSignatureWriter 멤버

Wraps a writer and generates a signature automatically when the envelope is written completely. By default the generated signature is inserted as the last element in the enveloped. This can be modified by explicitily calling WriteSignature to indicate the location inside the envelope where the signature should be inserted.

다음 표에서는 EnvelopedSignatureWriter 유형에서 제공하는 멤버를 나열합니다.

공용 생성자

  이름 설명
  EnvelopedSignatureWriter Initializes an instance of T:Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.XmlSignature.EnvelopedSignatureWriter. The returned writer can be directly used to write the envelope. The signature will be automatically generated when the envelope is completed.

공용 속성

(보호 속성 참조)

  이름 설명
public property CanCanonicalize  Returns a value indicating if the reader is capable of Canonicalization. (DelegatingXmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)
public property Settings  (XmlWriter에서 상속)
public property WriteState  When overridden in a derived class, gets the state of the writer. (DelegatingXmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)
public property XmlLang  (XmlWriter에서 상속)
public property XmlSpace  (XmlWriter에서 상속)

보호 속성

  이름 설명
protected property InnerWriter  Get the wrapped writer. (DelegatingXmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)

공용 메서드

(보호 메서드 참조)

  이름 설명
public method Close  Closes the underlying stream. (DelegatingXmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)
public methodstatic Create  오버로드되었습니다. (XmlWriter에서 상속)
public methodstatic CreateBinaryWriter  오버로드되었습니다. (XmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)
public methodstatic CreateDictionaryWriter  (XmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)
public methodstatic CreateMtomWriter  오버로드되었습니다. (XmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)
public methodstatic CreateTextWriter  오버로드되었습니다. (XmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)
public method EndCanonicalization  Closes a previous Start canonicalization operation. The stream given to the StartCanonicalization is flushed and any data written after this call will not be written to the canonical stream. (DelegatingXmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)
public method Equals  오버로드되었습니다. (Object에서 상속)
public method Flush  Fluses the underlying stream. (DelegatingXmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)
public method GetHashCode  (Object에서 상속)
public method GetType  (Object에서 상속)
public method LookupPrefix  (DelegatingXmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)
public methodstatic ReferenceEquals  (Object에서 상속)
public method StartCanonicalization  (DelegatingXmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)
public method ToString  (Object에서 상속)
public method WriteArray  오버로드되었습니다. (XmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)
public method WriteAttributes  (XmlWriter에서 상속)
public method WriteAttributeString  오버로드되었습니다. (XmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)
public method WriteBase64  (DelegatingXmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)
public method WriteBinHex  (XmlWriter에서 상속)
public method WriteCData  (DelegatingXmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)
public method WriteCharEntity  (DelegatingXmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)
public method WriteChars  (DelegatingXmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)
public method WriteComment  (DelegatingXmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)
public method WriteDocType  (DelegatingXmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)
public method WriteElementString  오버로드되었습니다. (XmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)
public method WriteEndAttribute  Closes the previous System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteStartAttribute(System.String,System.String) call. (DelegatingXmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)
public method WriteEndDocument  Closes any open elements or attributes and puts the writer back in the Start state. (DelegatingXmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)
public method WriteEndElement 재정의되었습니다. Overrides the base class implementation. When the last element of the envelope is written the signature is automatically computed over the envelope and the signature is inserted at the appropriate position, if WriteSignature was explicitly called or is inserted at the end of the envelope.
public method WriteEntityRef  (DelegatingXmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)
public method WriteFullEndElement 재정의되었습니다. Overrides the base class implementation. When the last element of the envelope is written the signature is automatically computed over the envelope and the signature is inserted at the appropriate position, if WriteSignature was explicitly called or is inserted at the end of the envelope.
public method WriteName  (XmlWriter에서 상속)
public method WriteNmToken  (XmlWriter에서 상속)
public method WriteNode  오버로드되었습니다. (XmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)
public method WriteProcessingInstruction  (DelegatingXmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)
public method WriteQualifiedName  오버로드되었습니다. (XmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)
public method WriteRaw  오버로드되었습니다. (DelegatingXmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)
public method WriteSignature Sets the position of the signature within the envelope. Call this method while writing the envelope to indicate at which point the signature should be inserted.
public method WriteStartAttribute  오버로드되었습니다. (DelegatingXmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)
public method WriteStartDocument  오버로드되었습니다. (DelegatingXmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)
public method WriteStartElement 오버로드되었습니다.  
public method WriteString  오버로드되었습니다. (DelegatingXmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)
public method WriteSurrogateCharEntity  (DelegatingXmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)
public method WriteValue  오버로드되었습니다. (XmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)
public method WriteWhitespace  (DelegatingXmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)
public method WriteXmlAttribute  오버로드되었습니다. (DelegatingXmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)
public method WriteXmlnsAttribute  오버로드되었습니다. (DelegatingXmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)

보호 메서드

  이름 설명
protected method Dispose  (XmlWriter에서 상속)
protected method Finalize  (Object에서 상속)
protected method InitializeInnerWriter  (DelegatingXmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)
protected method InitializeTracingWriter  (DelegatingXmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)
protected method MemberwiseClone  (Object에서 상속)
protected method WriteTextNode  (XmlDictionaryWriter에서 상속)

명시적 인터페이스 구현

  이름 설명
  System.IDisposable.Dispose  (XmlWriter에서 상속)

참고 항목


EnvelopedSignatureWriter 클래스
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.XmlSignature 네임스페이스

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