다음을 통해 공유

SecurityTokenDescriptor 멤버

This is a place holder for all the attributes related to the issued token

다음 표에서는 SecurityTokenDescriptor 유형에서 제공하는 멤버를 나열합니다.

공용 생성자

  이름 설명

공용 속성

  이름 설명
public property AppliesToAddress  
public property AttachedReference Get/Set the SecurityKeyIdentifierClause when the token is attached to the message
public property AuthenticationInfo  
public property DisplayToken  
public property EncryptingCredentials  
public property Lifetime Get/Set the lifetime information for the issued token
public property Proof Get/Set the proof descriptor which can be used to modify some fields inside the RSTR, such as requested proof token. It also contains the
public property Properties Get the properties bag to extend the object.
public property ReplyToAddress  
public property SigningCredentials  
public property Subject  
public property Token Gets or sets the issued security token.
public property TokenIssuerName  
public property TokenType Gets or sets the token type of the issued token
public property UnattachedReference The unattached token reference to refer to the issued token when it is not attached to the message.

공용 메서드

(보호 메서드 참조)

  이름 설명
public method AddAuthenticationClaims 오버로드되었습니다.  
public method ApplyTo  
public method Equals  오버로드되었습니다. (Object에서 상속)
public method GetHashCode  (Object에서 상속)
public method GetType  (Object에서 상속)
public methodstatic ReferenceEquals  (Object에서 상속)
public method ToString  (Object에서 상속)

보호 메서드

  이름 설명
protected method Finalize  (Object에서 상속)
protected method MemberwiseClone  (Object에서 상속)

참고 항목


SecurityTokenDescriptor 클래스
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens 네임스페이스

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