다음을 통해 공유

Saml2SecurityTokenHandler 멤버

다음 표에서는 Saml2SecurityTokenHandler 유형에서 제공하는 멤버를 나열합니다.

공용 생성자

  이름 설명
  Saml2SecurityTokenHandler 오버로드되었습니다.  

공용 필드

  이름 설명
public field static TokenProfile11ValueType  

공용 속성

  이름 설명
public property CanValidateToken 재정의되었습니다. Indicates whether this handler supports validation of tokens handled by this instance.
public property CanWriteToken 재정의되었습니다. Indicates whether the class provides serialization functionality to serialize token handled by this instance.
public property CertificateValidator  
public property Configuration  (SecurityTokenHandler에서 상속)
public property ContainingCollection  (SecurityTokenHandler에서 상속)
public property KeyInfoSerializer  
public property SamlSecurityTokenRequirement  
public property TokenType 재정의되었습니다. Get the System.Type of the SecurityToken this instance handles.

공용 메서드

(보호 메서드 참조)

  이름 설명
public method CanReadKeyIdentifierClause 재정의되었습니다.  
public method CanReadToken 재정의되었습니다.  
public method CanWriteKeyIdentifierClause 재정의되었습니다.  
public method CreateSecurityTokenReference 재정의되었습니다.  
public method CreateToken 재정의되었습니다.  
public method Equals  오버로드되었습니다. (Object에서 상속)
public method GetHashCode  (Object에서 상속)
public method GetTokenTypeIdentifiers 재정의되었습니다.  
public method GetType  (Object에서 상속)
public method ReadKeyIdentifierClause 재정의되었습니다.  
public method ReadToken 오버로드되었습니다. 재정의되었습니다.  
public methodstatic ReferenceEquals  (Object에서 상속)
public method ToString  (Object에서 상속)
public method ValidateToken 재정의되었습니다.  
public method WriteKeyIdentifierClause 재정의되었습니다.  
public method WriteToken 재정의되었습니다.  

보호 메서드

  이름 설명
protected method AddDelegateToAttributes  
protected method CollectAttributeValues  
protected method CreateAdvice  
protected method CreateAttribute  
protected method CreateAttributeStatement  
protected method CreateAuthenticationStatement  
protected method CreateClaims  
protected method CreateConditions  
protected method CreateIssuerNameIdentifier  
protected method CreateSamlSubject  
protected method CreateStatements  
protected method CreateXmlStringFromAttributes  
protected method DenormalizeAuthenticationType  
protected method DetectReplayedTokens 재정의되었습니다.  
protected method Finalize  (Object에서 상속)
protected method FindUpn  
protected method GetCacheExpirationTime  
protected method GetEncryptingCredentials  
protected method GetSigningCredentials  
protected method MemberwiseClone  (Object에서 상속)
protected method NormalizeAuthenticationContextClassReference  
protected method ProcessAttributeStatement  
protected method ProcessAuthenticationStatement  
protected method ProcessAuthorizationDecisionStatement  
protected method ProcessSamlSubject  
protected method ProcessStatement  
protected method ReadAction  
protected method ReadAdvice  
protected method ReadAssertion  
protected method ReadAttribute  
protected method ReadAttributeStatement  
protected method ReadAttributeValue  
protected method ReadAudienceRestriction  
protected method ReadAuthenticationContext  
protected method ReadAuthenticationStatement  
protected method ReadAuthorizationDecisionStatement  
protected method ReadConditions  
protected method ReadEncryptedId  
protected method ReadEvidence  
protected method ReadIssuer  
protected method ReadNameID  
protected method ReadNameIDType  
protected method ReadProxyRestriction  
protected method ReadSigningKeyInfo  
protected method ReadStatement  
protected method ReadSubject  
protected method ReadSubjectConfirmation  
protected method ReadSubjectConfirmationData  
protected method ReadSubjectID  
protected method ReadSubjectKeyInfo  
protected method ReadSubjectLocality  
protected method ResolveIssuerToken  
protected method ResolveSecurityKeys  
protected method SetDelegateFromAttribute  
protected method TryResolveIssuerToken  
protected method ValidateConditions  
protected method ValidateConfirmationData  
protected method WriteAction  
protected method WriteAdvice  
protected method WriteAssertion  
protected method WriteAttribute  
protected method WriteAttributeStatement  
protected method WriteAttributeValue  
protected method WriteAudienceRestriction  
protected method WriteAuthenticationContext  
protected method WriteAuthenticationStatement  
protected method WriteAuthorizationDecisionStatement  
protected method WriteConditions  
protected method WriteEvidence  
protected method WriteIssuer  
protected method WriteNameID  
protected method WriteNameIDType  
protected method WriteProxyRestriction  
protected method WriteSigningKeyInfo  
protected method WriteStatement  
protected method WriteSubject  
protected method WriteSubjectConfirmation  
protected method WriteSubjectConfirmationData  
protected method WriteSubjectKeyInfo  
protected method WriteSubjectLocality  

참고 항목


Saml2SecurityTokenHandler 클래스
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.Saml2 네임스페이스

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