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Precedence Property

For instances of the RSOP_ApplicationManagementPolicySetting class, the concept of precedence, or ranking, applies only within the context of applications with the same id and EntryType properties.

If two instances of the RSOP_ApplicationManagementPolicySetting MOF class have the same id and EntryType properties, but one instance has a lower precedence value (a higher rank) than the other, the application represented by the instance with the lower precedence value prevents the other application from being applied. This does not necessarily mean that the "losing" policy setting will never be applied, only that the "losing" policy setting cannot be applied because the setting with the lower precedence value conflicts with it.

The following list is a summary of the primary features of the precedence property:

  • The precedence property for an instance of the RSOP_ApplicationManagementPolicySetting class is relevant only for ranking a set of instances that have the same id and EntryType properties.
  • "Ties" (instances that have the same precedence and EntryType properties) can exist within a set of instances of RSOP_ApplicationManagementPolicySetting that have the same id and EntryType properties.
  • "Ties" can exist only if all the instances in the "tied" set were "defeated" (not applied) as a result of policy applying one particular instance having a precedence property of 1. This implies that if all the instances having a precedence value less than the instances in the "tied" set were removed, then nothing would prevent policy applying all the instances in the "tied" set. All "tied" instances have the same id and EntryType properties.

Be aware that classes that derive from RSOP_PolicySetting must redefine both the id and the precedence properties to be keys.

For more information, see the following topics: