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FsrmReportSchedulerClass.ModifyScheduleTask Method (String, Object, String)


Modifies a task that is used to trigger a report job.

Namespace:   Microsoft.Storage
Assembly:  srmlib (in srmlib.dll)


public virtual void ModifyScheduleTask(
    string taskName,
    [InAttribute] ref object namespacesSafeArray,
    string serializedTask
virtual void ModifyScheduleTask(
    String^ taskName,
    [InAttribute] Object^% namespacesSafeArray,
    String^ serializedTask
abstract ModifyScheduleTask : 
        taskName:string *
        namespacesSafeArray:Object byref *
        serializedTask:string -> unit
override ModifyScheduleTask : 
        taskName:string *
        namespacesSafeArray:Object byref *
        serializedTask:string -> unit
Public Overridable Sub ModifyScheduleTask (
    taskName As String,
    <InAttribute> ByRef namespacesSafeArray As Object,
    serializedTask As String


  • taskName
    Type: System.String

    The name of a Task Scheduler task to modify. The string is limited to 230 characters.

  • namespacesSafeArray
    Type: System.Object

    A VARIANT that contains a SAFEARRAY of local directory paths to verify (see Remarks). Each element of the array is a variant of type VT_BSTR. Use the bstrVal member of the variant to set the path.

  • serializedTask
    Type: System.String

    An XML string that defines the Task Scheduler job. For details, see Task Scheduler Schema.


IFsrmReportScheduler.ModifyScheduleTask(String, Object, String)


Specify the same namespaces for this method that you specified for the NamespaceRoots property. This method validates the namespace paths. For validation details, see the Remarks section of VerifyNamespaces.

See Also

FsrmReportSchedulerClass Class
Microsoft.Storage Namespace

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