Error Codes (XmlLite)
This topic provides the XmlLite error codes and their associated symbolic codes and descriptions.
Error Codes
Symbol | Hex Code | Description |
MX_E_INPUTEND | 0xC00CEE01 | unexpected end of input |
MX_E_ENCODING | 0xC00CEE02 | unrecognized encoding |
MX_E_ENCODINGSWITCH | 0xC00CEE03 | unable to switch the encoding |
MX_E_ENCODINGSIGNATURE | 0xC00CEE04 | unrecognized input signature |
WC_E_WHITESPACE | 0xC00CEE21 | whitespace expected |
WC_E_SEMICOLON | 0xC00CEE22 | semicolon expected |
WC_E_GREATERTHAN | 0xC00CEE23 | '>' expected |
WC_E_QUOTE | 0xC00CEE24 | quote expected |
WC_E_EQUAL | 0xC00CEE25 | equal expected |
WC_E_LESSTHAN | 0xC00CEE26 | well-formedness constraint: no '<' in attribute value |
WC_E_HEXDIGIT | 0xC00CEE27 | hexadecimal digit expected |
WC_E_DIGIT | 0xC00CEE28 | decimal digit expected |
WC_E_LEFTBRACKET | 0xC00CEE29 | '[' expected |
WC_E_LEFTPAREN | 0xC00CEE2A | '(' expected |
WC_E_XMLCHARACTER | 0xC00CEE2B | illegal xml character |
WC_E_NAMECHARACTER | 0xC00CEE2C | illegal name character |
WC_E_SYNTAX | 0xC00CEE2D | incorrect document syntax |
WC_E_CDSECT | 0xC00CEE2E | incorrect CDATA section syntax |
WC_E_COMMENT | 0xC00CEE2F | incorrect comment syntax |
WC_E_CONDSECT | 0xC00CEE30 | incorrect conditional section syntax |
WC_E_DECLATTLIST | 0xC00CEE31 | incorrect ATTLIST declaration syntax |
WC_E_DECLDOCTYPE | 0xC00CEE32 | incorrect DOCTYPE declaration syntax |
WC_E_DECLELEMENT | 0xC00CEE33 | incorrect ELEMENT declaration syntax |
WC_E_DECLENTITY | 0xC00CEE34 | incorrect ENTITY declaration syntax |
WC_E_DECLNOTATION | 0xC00CEE35 | incorrect NOTATION declaration syntax |
WC_E_NDATA | 0xC00CEE36 | NDATA expected |
WC_E_PUBLIC | 0xC00CEE37 | PUBLIC expected |
WC_E_SYSTEM | 0xC00CEE38 | SYSTEM expected |
WC_E_NAME | 0xC00CEE39 | name expected |
WC_E_ROOTELEMENT | 0xC00CEE3A | one root element |
WC_E_ELEMENTMATCH | 0xC00CEE3B | well-formedness constraint: element type match |
WC_E_UNIQUEATTRIBUTE | 0xC00CEE3C | well-formedness constraint: unique attribute spec |
WC_E_TEXTXMLDECL | 0xC00CEE3D | text/xmldecl not at the beginning of input |
WC_E_LEADINGXML | 0xC00CEE3E | leading "xml" |
WC_E_TEXTDECL | 0xC00CEE3F | incorrect text declaration syntax |
WC_E_XMLDECL | 0xC00CEE40 | incorrect xml declaration syntax |
WC_E_ENCNAME | 0xC00CEE41 | incorrect encoding name syntax |
WC_E_PUBLICID | 0xC00CEE42 | incorrect public identifier syntax |
WC_E_PESINTERNALSUBSET | 0xC00CEE43 | well-formedness constraint: pes in internal subset |
WC_E_PESBETWEENDECLS | 0xC00CEE44 | well-formedness constraint: pes between declarations |
WC_E_NORECURSION | 0xC00CEE45 | well-formedness constraint: no recursion |
WC_E_ENTITYCONTENT | 0xC00CEE46 | entity content not well formed |
WC_E_UNDECLAREDENTITY | 0xC00CEE47 | well-formedness constraint: undeclared entity |
WC_E_PARSEDENTITY | 0xC00CEE48 | well-formedness constraint: parsed entity |
WC_E_NOEXTERNALENTITYREF | 0xC00CEE49 | well-formedness constraint: no external entity references |
WC_E_PI | 0xC00CEE4A | incorrect processing instruction syntax |
WC_E_SYSTEMID | 0xC00CEE4B | incorrect system identifier syntax |
WC_E_QUESTIONMARK | 0xC00CEE4C | '?' expected |
WC_E_CDSECTEND | 0xC00CEE4D | no ']]>' in element content |
WC_E_MOREDATA | 0xC00CEE4E | not all chunks of value have been read |
WC_E_DTDPROHIBITED | 0xC00CEE4F | DTD was found but is prohibited |
WC_E_INVALIDXMLSPACE | 0xC00CEE50 | xml:space attribute with invalid value |
NC_E_QNAMECHARACTER | 0xC00CEE61 | illegal qualified name character |
NC_E_QNAMECOLON | 0xC00CEE62 | multiple colons in qualified name |
NC_E_NAMECOLON | 0xC00CEE63 | colon in name |
NC_E_DECLAREDPREFIX | 0xC00CEE64 | declared prefix |
NC_E_UNDECLAREDPREFIX | 0xC00CEE65 | undeclared prefix |
NC_E_EMPTYURI | 0xC00CEE66 | non default namespace with empty uri |
NC_E_XMLPREFIXRESERVED | 0xC00CEE67 | "xml" prefix is reserved and must have the URI |
NC_E_XMLNSPREFIXRESERVED | 0xC00CEE68 | "xmlns" prefix is reserved for use by XML |
NC_E_XMLURIRESERVED | 0xC00CEE69 | xml namespace URI ( must be assigned only to prefix "xml" |
NC_E_XMLNSURIRESERVED | 0xC00CEE6A | xmlns namespace URI ( is reserved and must not be used |
SC_E_MAXELEMENTDEPTH | 0xc00cee81 | element depth exceeds limit in XmlReaderProperty_MaxElementDepth |
SC_E_MAXENTITYEXPANSION | 0xc00cee82 | entity expansion exceeds limit in XmlReaderProperty_MaxEntityExpansion |
WR_E_NONWHITESPACE | 0xC00CEF01 | writer: specified string is not whitespace |
WR_E_NSPREFIXDECLARED | 0xC00CEF02 | writer: namespace prefix is already declared with a different namespace |
WR_E_NSPREFIXWITHEMPTYNSURI | 0xC00CEF03 | writer: It is not allowed to declare a namespace prefix with empty URI (for example xmlns:p=””). |
WR_E_DUPLICATEATTRIBUTE | 0xC00CEF04 | writer: duplicate attribute |
WR_E_XMLNSPREFIXDECLARATION | 0xC00CEF05 | writer: can not redefine the xmlns prefix |
WR_E_XMLPREFIXDECLARATION | 0xC00CEF06 | writer: xml prefix must have the URI |
WR_E_XMLURIDECLARATION | 0xC00CEF07 | writer: xml namespace URI ( must be assigned only to prefix "xml" |
WR_E_XMLNSURIDECLARATION | 0xC00CEF08 | writer: xmlns namespace URI ( is reserved and must not be used |
WR_E_NAMESPACEUNDECLARED | 0xC00CEF09 | writer: namespace is not declared |
WR_E_INVALIDXMLSPACE | 0xC00CEF0A | writer: invalid value of xml:space attribute (allowed values are "default" and "preserve") |
WR_E_INVALIDACTION | 0xC00CEF0B | writer: performing the requested action would result in invalid XML document |
WR_E_INVALIDSURROGATEPAIR | 0xC00CEF0C | writer: input contains invalid or incomplete surrogate pair |
XML_E_INVALID_DECIMAL | 0xC00CE01D | character in character entity is not a decimal digit as was expected. |
XML_E_INVALID_HEXIDECIMAL | 0xC00CE01E | character in character entity is not a hexadecimal digit as was expected. |
XML_E_INVALID_UNICODE | 0xC00CE01F | character entity has invalid Unicode value. |
Header: XmlLite.h
Library: XmlLite.lib