다음을 통해 공유

server-http-request Feature


This feature determines whether the SAX reader uses the server-safe ServerXMLHTTP object (true) or the WinInet component (false) to request data over HTTP when the parseURL method is called.

JScript Syntax

oSaxReader.putFeature(strFeature, vBool);  
vBool= oSaxReader.getFeature(strFeature);  

Visual Basic Syntax

(strFeature, vBool)  
vBool= oSaxReader.getFeature

C/C++ Syntax

HRESULT putFeature(BSTR strFeature, VARIANT vBool);  
HRESULT getFeature(BSTR strFeature, VARIANT* vBool);  


A BSTR string whose value is "server-http-request"

A VARIANT_BOOL value of true or false that indicates the value of the feature. If true, the SAX reader will use the server-safe ServerXMLHTTP object to request data over HTTP when the parseURL method is called. If false, the WinInet component will be used instead when parseURL is called. The default value is false.


When the SAX reader is actively parsing, this feature is limited to read-only access. Otherwise, if the SAX reader is not actively parsing, full (read/write) access is permitted.

Applies to

Interface: ISAXXMLReader

Method: putFeature | getFeature


Implemented in: MSXML 3.0 and later