다음을 통해 공유

IWmsStationPresenter2 interface

[Some information relates to pre-released product which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.]

Displays frame buffers from an input device that is connected to the MultiPoint station, and manages the idle notifications for the input device.


The IWmsStationPresenter2 interface inherits from IWmsStationPresenter. IWmsStationPresenter2 also has these types of members:


The IWmsStationPresenter2 interface has these methods.

Method Description
EnterIdleState Sets a MultiPoint station to an idle state, due inactive input devices. This method was inherited from the IWmsStationPresenter interface.
ExitIdleState Removes a MultiPoint station from an idle state, due activity from input devices. This method was inherited from the IWmsStationPresenter interface.
GetDimensions Retrieves the dimensions of a frame buffer from the input device, in pixels. This method was inherited from the IWmsStationPresenter interface.
GetMousePresenter Retrieves an interface pointer to the mouse to use for the MultiPoint station. This method was inherited from the IWmsStationPresenter interface.
OnError Called by MultiPoint Services when an IWmsStationPresenter method returns an error. This method was inherited from the IWmsStationPresenter interface.
Present Displays an updated frame buffer from the input device. This method was inherited from the IWmsStationPresenter interface.


Minimum supported client
None supported
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2016
IID_IWmsStationPresenter2 is defined as 5c03282a-b68f-476a-ace8-e0736a9d1260

See also

MultiPoint Services Interfaces
