다음을 통해 공유

Win32_OfflineFilesPinInfo class

Represents the pinned status of an item in the Offline Files cache. When an item is pinned in the Offline Files cache, it is protected from automatic eviction and is guaranteed to be available offline.

An instance of this class is obtained through the PinInfo property of the Win32_OfflineFilesItem object.

The following syntax is simplified from MOF code and includes all inherited properties.


[dynamic, provider("Win32_OfflineFilesProvider"), AMENDMENT]
class Win32_OfflineFilesPinInfo
  boolean Pinned;
  uint32  PinnedForUser;
  uint32  PinnedForUserByPolicy;
  uint32  PinnedForComputer;
  uint32  PinnedForFolderRedirection;


The Win32_OfflineFilesPinInfo class has these types of members:


The Win32_OfflineFilesPinInfo class has these properties.


Data type: boolean

Access type: Read-only

TRUE if the item is pinned for any reason, or FALSE otherwise.


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read-only

Indicates whether the file is pinned for all users on the computer by Group Policy and, if it is pinned, whether its pinned state is inherited by new child items.

Not pinned (0)

Pinned (1)

Pinned inherit (2)


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read-only

Indicates whether the file is pinned for users on the computer by Folder Redirection and, if it is pinned, whether its pinned state is inherited by new child items.

Not pinned (0)

Pinned (1)

Pinned inherit (2)


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read-only

Indicates whether the file is pinned by a user and, if it is pinned, whether its pinned state is inherited by new child items.

Not pinned (0)

Pinned (1)

Pinned inherit (2)


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read-only

Indicates whether the file is pinned for users by Group Policy and, if it is pinned, whether its pinned state is inherited by new child items.

Not pinned (0)

Pinned (1)

Pinned inherit (2)


Minimum supported client
Windows Vista
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2008

See also

Offline Files WMI Provider Reference