Displays the stakwalking options. Stack walking flags can be specified either directly on the command line or in a file.
xperf -on base -stackwalk ThreadCreate+ProcessCreate
xperf -on base -stackwalk ThreadCreate -stackwalk ProcessCreate
xperf -on base -stackwalk @stack.txt
The stack walking flag file can contain any number of stack walking flags per line, separated by spaces, plus ("+") signs, or on new lines:
ThreadCreate ProcessCreate
The file can also contain empty lines or comments prefixed by "!".
The following is a list of recognized stack walking flags:
ProcessCreate |
ProcessDelete |
ImageLoad |
ImageUnload |
ThreadCreate |
ThreadDelete |
CSwitch |
ReadyThread |
ThreadSetPriority |
ThreadSetBasePriority |
Mark |
SyscallEnter |
SyscallExit |
Profile |
ProfileSetInterval |
DiskReadInit |
DiskWriteInit |
DiskFlushInit |
FileCreate |
FileCleanup |
FileClose |
FileRead |
FileWrite |
FileSetInformation |
FileDelete |
FileRename |
FileDirEnum |
FileFlush |
FileQueryInformation |
FileDirNotify |
FileOpEnd |
SplitIO |
RegQueryKey |
RegEnumerateKey |
RegEnumerateValueKey |
RegDeleteKey |
RegCreateKey |
RegOpenKey |
RegSetValue |
RegDeleteValue |
RegQueryValue |
RegQueryMultipleValue |
RegSetInformation |
RegFlush |
RegKcbCreate |
RegKcbDelete |
RegVirtualize |
RegCloseKey |
RegCloseKey |
HardFault |
PagefaultTransition |
PagefaultDemandZero |
PagefaultCopyOnWrite |
PagefaultGuard |
PagefaultHard |
PagefaultAV |
VirtualAlloc |
VirtualFree |
PagefileBackedImageMapping |
HeapRangeCreate |
HeapRangeReserve |
HeapRangeRelease |
HeapRangeDestroy |
HeapCreate |
HeapAlloc |
HeapRealloc |
HeapFree |
HeapDestroy |
AlpcSendMessage |
AlpcReceiveMessage |
AlpcWaitForReply |
AlpcWaitForNewMessage |
AlpcUnwait |
ThreadPoolCallbackEnqueue |
ThreadPoolCallbackDequeue |
ThreadPoolCallbackStart |
ThreadPoolCallbackStop |
ThreadPoolCallbackCancel |
ThreadPoolCreate |
ThreadPoolClose |
ThreadPoolSetMinThreads |
ThreadPoolSetMaxThreads |
PowerSetPowerAction |
PowerSetPowerActionReturn |
PowerSetDevicesState |
PowerSetDevicesStateReturn |
PowerDeviceNotify |
PowerDeviceNotifyComplete |
PowerSessionCallout |
PowerSessionCalloutReturn |
PowerPreSleep |
PowerPostSleep |
PowerPerfStateChange |
PowerThermalConstraint |
PowerIdleStateChange |
CritSecCollision |