다음을 통해 공유

Radio Manager - Verify Radio State

This automated series of tests verify radio state notifications and ensure the radio state persists across various scenarios.


You must run this test for each Radio Manager that is installed on the system and package the results together. For example, if a machine has a GPS radio manager and an NFC radio manager, you must run this test twice; once to test the NFC radio manager and second time to test the GPS radio manager.


Test details

Associated requirements

System.Client.RadioManagement.RadioMaintainsState System.Client.RadioManagement.RadioManagerCOMObject

See the system hardware requirements.


Windows RT (ARM-based) Windows 8 (x64) Windows 8 (x86) Windows RT 8.1 Windows 8.1 x64 Windows 8.1 x86

Expected run time

~2 minutes


Basic Certification Functional




Running the test

Before you run the test, complete the test setup as described in the test requirements: System Client Testing Prerequisites.

In addition, input the following parameters before running this test:

  • RadioMgrSignature – The Radio Manager Signature GUID as registered with the Radio Management APIs. This parameter MUST be in GUID format – {12345679-1234-1234-1234-1234567890AB} (curly braces included).

  • RadioInstanceID – The Radio Instance ID of the radio under test. This could be in a GUID format or device path string, depending on the implementation of the Radio Manager.


If the RadioMgrSignature and RadioInstanceID parameters are not given values (empty strings), the tests run in a 'Not Implemented' mode. This means the system does not have a third-party Radio Manager installed. In this case, the test will pass if a third-party Radio Manager is not detected. The test will fail if a third-party Radio Manager is detected and the parameters are empty.



For troubleshooting information, see Troubleshooting System Client Testing.

The tests provide logs which describe what action caused a failure, along with any related HRESULT values to assist in debugging issues.

More information

This test job runs several different tests which make sure the Radio Manager properly manages the radio state across various events, such as turning Airplane Mode on and off, sleep/resume, or reboot.

Tests that run in this job:

  • RadioMgrLogoTests::VerifyOnOffNotifications

  • RadioMgrLogoTests::VerifyAirplaneModePreviousStateOn

  • RadioMgrLogoTests::VerifyAirplaneModePreviousStateOff

  • RadioMgrLogoTests::VerifyRebootAndMaintainState

  • RadioMgrLogoTests::VerifySleepAndMaintainState

Certain tests require user action and will prompt you for actions, however VerifyRebootAndMaintainState doesn't. This test works in two parts. The first time VerifyRebootAndMaintainState runs, it changes the radio state, sets a flag to check for a reboot and that the state has changed. You MUST do the following when running this test outside of the Kit (command prompt):

  1. Run VerifyRebootAndMaintainState

  2. Reboot the machine

  3. Run VerifyRebootAndMaintainState again

After VerifyRebootAndMaintainState runs a second time, it resets the flags so the sequence can be run again.

Command syntax

Command option Description

TE.exe RadioLogoTest.dll /name:<test_name> /p:RadioMgrSignature=<RadioMgrSignature> /p:RadioInstanceID=<RadioInstanceID>

Runs the test. For example:

TE.exe RadioLogoTest.dll /name:RadioMgrLogoTests::VerifyOnOffNotifications /p:RadioMgrSignature={12345679-1234-1234-1234-1234567890AB} /p:RadioInstanceID={12345679-1234-1234-1234-1234567890AB}


File list

File Location



*TAEF files





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