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Windows Hardware Error Architecture (WHEA) Cmdlets in Windows PowerShell

Windows PowerShell® is a task-based command-line shell and scripting language designed especially for system administration. This reference topic for the information technology (IT) professional provides assistance in utilizing the Windows PowerShell cmdlets to script and automate tasks.

WHEA Module Cmdlets

The Windows Hardware Error Architecture (WHEA) cmdlets enable you to get and set WHEA memory policy values. These policies control how WHEA reacts to corrected and uncorrected memory errors. Some of the WHEA policy values affect the Predictive Failure Analysis (PFA) performed by WHEA on corrected ECC memory errors.

By using PFA, WHEA can monitor one or more Error Correcting Code (ECC) memory pages for errors. If the number of errors on a page exceeds a configurable threshold within a configurable time interval, WHEA attempts to take the memory page offline. For more information about WHEA, see Windows Hardware Error Architecture Overview.

Cmdlet Description


Gets WHEA memory policies.


Sets the WHEA memory policy on a local or remote computer.

For more information about, or for the syntax of, any of the cmdlets, use the Get-Help <cmdlet name> cmdlet, where <cmdlet name> is the name of the cmdlet that you want to research. For more detailed information, you can run any of the following cmdlets:

Get-Help <cmdlet name> -Detailed
Get-Help <cmdlet name> -Examples
Get-Help <cmdlet name> -Full