다음을 통해 공유


Call this function to disconnect a connection between a source, specified by pUnkSrc, and a sink, specified by pUnkSink.

BOOL AFXAPI AfxConnectionUnadvise( 
   LPUNKNOWN pUnkSrc, 
   REFIID iid, 
   LPUNKNOWN pUnkSink, 
   BOOL bRefCount, 
   DWORD dwCookie  

매개 변수

  • pUnkSrc
    A pointer to the object that calls the interface.

  • pUnkSink
    A pointer to the object that implements the interface.

  • iid
    The interface ID of the connection point interface.

  • bRefCount
    TRUE indicates that disconnecting the connection should cause the reference count of pUnkSink to be decremented. FALSE indicates that the reference count should not be decremented.

  • dwCookie
    The connection identifier returned by AfxConnectionAdvise.

반환 값

Nonzero if a connection was disconnected; otherwise 0.


//mysink is a CCmdTarget-derived class supporting automation. 
//Get a pointer to sink's IUnknown, no AddRef done.
IID iid = IID_IUnknown;
IUnknown* pUnkSink = mysink.GetInterface(&iid);

//Terminate a connection between source and sink. 
//pUnkSrc is IUnknown of server obtained by CoCreateInstance(). 
//dwCookie is a value obtained through AfxConnectionAdvise().
AfxConnectionUnadvise(pUnkSrc, IID_ISampleSink, pUnkSink, FALSE, dwCookie);

요구 사항

Header: afxctl.h

참고 항목




MFC 매크로 및 전역