다음을 통해 공유



Create Lobby

Create a lobby.

Delete Lobby

Delete a lobby.

Find Friend Lobbies

Find lobbies which match certain criteria, and which friends are in.

Find Lobbies

Find all the lobbies that match certain criteria.

Get Lobby

Get a lobby.

Invite To Lobby

Send a notification to invite a player to a lobby.

Join Arranged Lobby

Join an Arranged lobby.

Join Lobby

Join a lobby.

Join Lobby As Server

Preview: Join a lobby as a server entity. This is restricted to client lobbies which are using connections.

Leave Lobby

Leave a lobby.

Leave Lobby As Server

Preview: Request for server to leave a lobby. This is restricted to client owned lobbies which are using connections.

Remove Member

Remove a member from a lobby.

Subscribe To Lobby Resource

Subscribe to lobby resource notifications.

Unsubscribe From Lobby Resource

Unsubscribe from lobby notifications.

Update Lobby

Update a lobby.

Update Lobby As Server

Preview: Update fields related to a joined server in the lobby the server is in. Servers can keep a lobby from expiring by being the one to "update" the lobby i...