다음을 통해 공유

Connection Close 메서드, Table Type 속성 예제(VC++)

ActiveConnection 속성을 Nothing으로 설정하면 카탈로그를 “닫아야” 합니다. 연결된 컬렉션은 비어 있습니다. 카탈로그의 스키마 개체에서 만든 모든 개체는 분리됩니다. 캐시된 개체의 모든 속성은 계속 사용할 수 있지만 공급자에 대한 호출이 필요한 속성을 읽으려는 시도는 실패합니다.

// BeginCloseConnectionCpp.cpp  
// compile with: /EHsc  
#import "msado15.dll" rename("EOF", "EndOfFile")  
#import "msadox.dll" no_namespace  
#include "iostream"  
using namespace std;  
// Function declarations  
inline void TESTHR(HRESULT x) {if FAILED(x) _com_issue_error(x);};  
void CloseConnectionByNothingX();  
void CloseConnectionX();  
int main() {  
   if ( FAILED(::CoInitialize(NULL) ) )  
      return -1;  
void CloseConnectionByNothingX() {  
   HRESULT hr = S_OK;  
   // Define and initialize ADOX object pointers, in ADODB namespace.  
   _CatalogPtr m_pCatalog = NULL;  
   _TablePtr m_pTable = NULL;  
   // Define ADODB object pointers  
   ADODB::_ConnectionPtr m_pCnn = NULL;  
   // Define other variables  
   _variant_t vIndex = (short) 0;  
   try {  
      TESTHR(hr = m_pCnn.CreateInstance(__uuidof(ADODB::Connection)));  
      TESTHR(hr = m_pCatalog.CreateInstance(__uuidof(Catalog)));  
      m_pCnn->Open("Provider='Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0';Data Source= 'c:\\Northwind.mdb';", "", "", NULL);  
      m_pCatalog->PutActiveConnection(_variant_t((IDispatch *)m_pCnn));  
      m_pTable = m_pCatalog->Tables->GetItem(vIndex);  
      // Cache m_pTable.Type info  
      cout << m_pTable->Type << endl;  
      _variant_t vCnn;  
      vCnn.vt = VT_DISPATCH;  
      vCnn.pdispVal = NULL;  
      // m_pTable is orphaned, will succeed if this was cached  
      cout << m_pTable->Type << endl;  
      cout << m_pTable->Columns->GetItem(vIndex)->DefinedSize << endl;  
      // Previous line will fail if this info has not been cached  
   catch(_com_error &e) {  
      // Notify the user of errors if any.  
      _bstr_t bstrSource(e.Source());  
      _bstr_t bstrDescription(e.Description());  
      printf("\nError\n\tSource :  %s \n\tdescription : %s \n", (LPCSTR)bstrSource, (LPCSTR)bstrDescription);  
   catch(...) {  
      cout << "Error occurred in CloseConnectionByNothingX...." << endl;  
void CloseConnectionX() {  
   HRESULT hr = S_OK;  
   // Define ADOX object pointers, initialize pointers. These are in ADODB  namespace.  
   _CatalogPtr m_pCatalog = NULL;  
   _TablePtr m_pTable = NULL;  
   // Define ADODB object pointers  
   ADODB::_ConnectionPtr m_pCnn = NULL;  
   // Define other variables  
   _variant_t vIndex = (short) 0;  
   try {  
      TESTHR(hr = m_pCnn.CreateInstance(__uuidof(ADODB::Connection)));  
      m_pCnn->Open("Provider='Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0';Data Source= 'c:\\Northwind.mdb';", "", "", NULL);  
      TESTHR(hr = m_pCatalog.CreateInstance(__uuidof(Catalog)));  
      m_pCatalog->PutActiveConnection(_variant_t((IDispatch *)m_pCnn));  
      m_pTable = m_pCatalog->Tables->GetItem(vIndex);  
      // Cache m_pTable.Type info  
      cout << m_pTable->Type << endl;  
      // m_pTable is orphaned, will succeed if this was cached  
      cout << m_pTable->Type << endl;  
      cout << m_pTable->Columns->GetItem(vIndex)->DefinedSize << endl;  
      // Previous line will fail if this info has not been cached  
   catch(_com_error &e) {  
      // Notify the user of errors if any.  
      _bstr_t bstrSource(e.Source());  
      _bstr_t bstrDescription(e.Description());  
      printf("\nError\n\tSource :  %s \n\tdescription : %s \n", (LPCSTR)bstrSource, (LPCSTR)bstrDescription);  
   catch(...) {  
      cout << "Error occurred in CloseConnectionX...." << endl;  

참고 항목

ActiveConnection 속성(ADOX)