다음을 통해 공유

Groups 및 Users Append, ChangePassword 메서드 예제(VB)

이 예제에서는 GroupsAppend 메서드와 새 Group을 추가하여 UsersAppend 메서드 새 User를 시스템에 추가합니다. 새 Group이 새 UserGroups 컬렉션에 추가됩니다. 따라서 새 UserGroup에 추가됩니다. 또한 ChangePassword 메서드는 User 암호를 지정하는 데 사용됩니다.


Windows 인증을 지원하는 데이터 원본 공급자에 연결하는 경우 연결 문자열의 사용자 ID 및 암호 정보 대신 Trusted_Connection=yes 또는 Integrated Security=SSPI를 지정해야 합니다.

' BeginGroupVB  
Sub Main()  
    On Error GoTo GroupXError  
    Dim cat As ADOX.Catalog  
    Dim usrNew As ADOX.User  
    Dim usrLoop As ADOX.User  
    Dim grpLoop As ADOX.Group  
    Set cat = New ADOX.Catalog  
    cat.ActiveConnection = "Provider='Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0';" & _  
        "Data Source='Northwind.mdb';" & _  
        "jet oledb:system database=" & _  
    With cat  
        'Create and append new group with a string.  
        .Groups.Append "Accounting"  
        ' Create and append new user with an object.  
        Set usrNew = New ADOX.User  
        usrNew.Name = "Pat Smith"  
        usrNew.ChangePassword "", "Password1"  
        .Users.Append usrNew  
        ' Make the user Pat Smith a member of the  
        ' Accounting group by creating and adding the  
        ' appropriate Group object to the user's Groups  
        ' collection. The same is accomplished if a User  
        ' object representing Pat Smith is created and  
        ' appended to the Accounting group Users collection  
        usrNew.Groups.Append "Accounting"  
        ' Enumerate all User objects in the  
        ' catalog's Users collection.  
        For Each usrLoop In .Users  
            Debug.Print "  " & usrLoop.Name  
            Debug.Print "    Belongs to these groups:"  
            ' Enumerate all Group objects in each User  
            ' object's Groups collection.  
            If usrLoop.Groups.Count <> 0 Then  
                For Each grpLoop In usrLoop.Groups  
                    Debug.Print "    " & grpLoop.Name  
                Next grpLoop  
                Debug.Print "    [None]"  
            End If  
        Next usrLoop  
        ' Enumerate all Group objects in the default  
        ' workspace's Groups collection.  
        For Each grpLoop In .Groups  
            Debug.Print "  " & grpLoop.Name  
            Debug.Print "    Has as its members:"  
            ' Enumerate all User objects in each Group  
            ' object's Users collection.  
            If grpLoop.Users.Count <> 0 Then  
                For Each usrLoop In grpLoop.Users  
                    Debug.Print "    " & usrLoop.Name  
                Next usrLoop  
                Debug.Print "    [None]"  
            End If  
        Next grpLoop  
        ' Delete new User and Group objects because this  
        ' is only a demonstration.  
        ' These two line are commented out because the sub "OwnersX" uses  
        ' the group "Accounting".  
'        .Users.Delete "Pat Smith"  
'        .Groups.Delete "Accounting"  
    End With  
    'Clean up  
    Set cat.ActiveConnection = Nothing  
    Set cat = Nothing  
    Set usrNew = Nothing  
    Exit Sub  
    Set cat = Nothing  
    Set usrNew = Nothing  
    If Err <> 0 Then  
        MsgBox Err.Source & "-->" & Err.Description, , "Error"  
    End If  
End Sub  
' EndGroupVB  

참고 항목

Append 메서드(ADOX 그룹)
Append 메서드(ADOX 사용자)
카탈로그 개체(ADOX)
ChangePassword 메서드(ADOX)
그룹 개체(ADOX)
Groups 컬렉션(ADOX)
사용자 개체(ADOX)
Users 컬렉션(ADOX)