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브라우저의 언어 설정에 따라 ASP 로캘 ID 설정

이 문서에서는 브라우저의 언어 설정에 따라 ASP(활성 서버 페이지) 로캘 ID를 설정하는 방법을 설명합니다.

원래 제품 버전: 활성 서버 페이지
원본 KB 번호: 229690


여러 국제 사이트에서 액세스하는 ASP 애플리케이션을 만들 때 VBScript 날짜, 시간, 통화 등에서 형식이 사용자의 위치에 올바른 형식을 반환하도록 로캘 설정을 수정하는 것이 좋습니다.

추가 정보

다음 서브루틴은 사용자의 브라우저에서 제공하는 언어 설정에 따라 ASP 애플리케이션(Session.LCID)의 를 동적으로 설정합니다Locale ID.

<SCRIPT Runat=Server Language=VBScript>
Sub SetLCID()
    Dim strAcceptLanguage
    Dim strLCID
    Dim strPos
    strAcceptLanguage = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE")
    strPos = InStr(1, strAcceptLanguage, ",")
    If strPos > 0 Then
        strAcceptLanguage = Left(strAcceptLanguage, strPos - 1)
    End If

    Select Case LCase(strAcceptLanguage)
        Case "af"
          strLCID = 1078 ' Afrikaans
        Case "sq"
          strLCID = 1052 ' Albanian
        Case "ar-sa"
          strLCID = 1025 ' Arabic(Saudi Arabia)
        Case "ar-iq"
          strLCID = 2049 ' Arabic(Iraq)
        Case "ar-eg"
          strLCID = 3073 ' Arabic(Egypt)
        Case "ar-ly"
          strLCID = 4097 ' Arabic(Libya)
        Case "ar-dz"
          strLCID = 5121 ' Arabic(Algeria)
        Case "ar-ma"
          strLCID = 6145 ' Arabic(Morocco)
        Case "ar-tn"
          strLCID = 7169 ' Arabic(Tunisia)
        Case "ar-om"
          strLCID = 8193 ' Arabic(Oman)
        Case "ar-ye"
          strLCID = 9217 ' Arabic(Yemen)
        Case "ar-sy"
          strLCID = 10241 ' Arabic(Syria)
        Case "ar-jo"
          strLCID = 11265 ' Arabic(Jordan)
        Case "ar-lb"
          strLCID = 12289 ' Arabic(Lebanon)
        Case "ar-kw"
          strLCID = 13313 ' Arabic(Kuwait)
        Case "ar-ae"
          strLCID = 14337 ' Arabic(U.A.E.)
        Case "ar-bh"
          strLCID = 15361 ' Arabic(Bahrain)
        Case "ar-qa"
          strLCID = 16385 ' Arabic(Qatar)
        Case "eu"
          strLCID = 1069 ' Basque
        Case "bg"
          strLCID = 1026 ' Bulgarian
        Case "be"
          strLCID = 1059 ' Belarusian
        Case "ca"
          strLCID = 1027 ' Catalan
        Case "zh-tw"
          strLCID = 1028 ' Chinese(Taiwan)
        Case "zh-cn"
          strLCID = 2052 ' Chinese(PRC)
        Case "zh-hk"
          strLCID = 3076 ' Chinese(Hong Kong SAR)
        Case "zh-sg"
          strLCID = 4100 ' Chinese(Singapore)
        Case "hr"
          strLCID = 1050 ' Croatian
        Case "cs"
          strLCID = 1029 ' Czech
        Case "da"
          strLCID = 1030 ' Danish
        Case "nl"
          strLCID = 1043 ' Dutch(Standard)
        Case "nl-be"
          strLCID = 2067 ' Dutch(Belgian)
        Case "en"
          strLCID = 9 ' English
        Case "en-us"
          strLCID = 1033 ' English(United States)
        Case "en-gb"
          strLCID = 2057 ' English(British)
        Case "en-au"
          strLCID = 3081 ' English(Australian)
        Case "en-ca"
          strLCID = 4105 ' English(Canadian)
        Case "en-nz"
          strLCID = 5129 ' English(New Zealand)
        Case "en-ie"
          strLCID = 6153 ' English(Ireland)
        Case "en-za"
          strLCID = 7177 ' English(South Africa)
        Case "en-jm"
          strLCID = 8201 ' English(Jamaica)
        Case "en-ca"
          strLCID = 9225 ' English(Caribbean)
        Case "en-bz"
          strLCID = 10249 ' English(Belize)
        Case "en-tt"
          strLCID = 11273 ' English(Trinidad)
        Case "et"
          strLCID = 1061 ' Estonian
        Case "fo"
          strLCID = 1080 ' Faeroese
        Case "fa"
          strLCID = 1065 ' Persian
        Case "fi"
          strLCID = 1035 ' Finnish
        Case "fr"
          strLCID = 1036 ' French(Standard)
        Case "fr-be"
          strLCID = 2060 ' French(Belgian)
        Case "fr-ca"
          strLCID = 3084 ' French(Canadian)
        Case "fr-ch"
          strLCID = 4108 ' French(Swiss)
        Case "fr-lu"
          strLCID = 5132 ' French(Luxembourg)
        Case "mk"
          strLCID = 1071 ' Macedonian
        Case "gd"
          strLCID = 1084 ' Scottish Gaelic
        Case "de"
          strLCID = 1031 ' German(Standard)
        Case "de-ch"
          strLCID = 2055 ' German(Swiss)
        Case "de-at"
          strLCID = 3079 ' German(Austrian)
        Case "de-lu"
          strLCID = 4103 ' German(Luxembourg)
        Case "de-li"
          strLCID = 5127 ' German(Liechtenstein)
        Case "el"
          strLCID = 1032 ' Greek
        Case "he"
          strLCID = 1037 ' Hebrew
        Case "hi"
          strLCID = 1081 ' Hindi
        Case "hu"
          strLCID = 1038 ' Hungarian
        Case "is"
          strLCID = 1039 ' Icelandic
        Case "in"
          strLCID = 1057 ' Indonesian
        Case "it"
          strLCID = 1040 ' Italian(Standard)
        Case "it-ch"
          strLCID = 2064 ' Italian(Swiss)
        Case "ja"
          strLCID = 1041 ' Japanese
        Case "ko"
          strLCID = 1042 ' Korean
        Case "ko"
          strLCID = 2066 ' Korean(Johab)
        Case "lv"
          strLCID = 1062 ' Latvian
        Case "lt"
          strLCID = 1063 ' Lithuanian
        Case "ms"
          strLCID = 1086 ' Malaysian
        Case "mt"
          strLCID = 1082 ' Maltese
        Case "no"
          strLCID = 1044 ' Norwegian(Bokmal)
        Case "no"
          strLCID = 2068 ' Norwegian(Nynorsk)
        Case "pl"
          strLCID = 1045 ' Polish
        Case "pt-br"
          strLCID = 1046 ' Portuguese(Brazil)
        Case "pt"
          strLCID = 2070 ' Portuguese(Portugal)
        Case "rm"
          strLCID = 1047 ' Rhaeto-Romanic
        Case "ro"
          strLCID = 1048 ' Romanian
        Case "ro-mo"
          strLCID = 2072 ' Romanian(Moldova)
        Case "ru"
          strLCID = 1049 ' Russian
        Case "ru-mo"
          strLCID = 2073 ' Russian(Moldova)
        Case "sz"
          strLCID = 1083 ' Sami(Lappish)
        Case "sr"
          strLCID = 3098 ' Serbian(Cyrillic)
        Case "sr"
          strLCID = 2074 ' Serbian(Latin)
        Case "sk"
          strLCID = 1051 ' Slovak
        Case "sl"
          strLCID = 1060 ' Slovenian
        Case "sb"
          strLCID = 1070 ' Sorbian
        Case "es"
          strLCID = 1034 ' Spanish(Spain - Traditional Sort)
        Case "es-mx"
          strLCID = 2058 ' Spanish(Mexican)
        Case "es-gt"
          strLCID = 4106 ' Spanish(Guatemala)
        Case "es-cr"
          strLCID = 5130 ' Spanish(Costa Rica)
        Case "es-pa"
          strLCID = 6154 ' Spanish(Panama)
        Case "es-do"
          strLCID = 7178 ' Spanish(Dominican Republic)
        Case "es-ve"
          strLCID = 8202 ' Spanish(Venezuela)
        Case "es-co"
          strLCID = 9226 ' Spanish(Colombia)
        Case "es-pe"
          strLCID = 10250 ' Spanish(Peru)
        Case "es-ar"
          strLCID = 11274 ' Spanish(Argentina)
        Case "es-ec"
          strLCID = 12298 ' Spanish(Ecuador)
        Case "es-c"
          strLCID = 13322 ' Spanish(Chile)
        Case "es-uy"
          strLCID = 14346 ' Spanish(Uruguay)
        Case "es-py"
          strLCID = 15370 ' Spanish(Paraguay)
        Case "es-bo"
          strLCID = 16394 ' Spanish(Bolivia)
        Case "es-sv"
          strLCID = 17418 ' Spanish(El Salvador)
        Case "es-hn"
          strLCID = 18442 ' Spanish(Honduras)
        Case "es-ni"
          strLCID = 19466 ' Spanish(Nicaragua)
        Case "es-pr"
          strLCID = 20490 ' Spanish(Puerto Rico)
        Case "sx"
          strLCID = 1072 ' Sutu
        Case "sv"
          strLCID = 1053 ' Swedish
        Case "sv-fi"
          strLCID = 2077 ' Swedish(Finland)
        Case "th"
          strLCID = 1054 ' Thai
        Case "ts"
          strLCID = 1073 ' Tsonga
        Case "tn"
          strLCID = 1074 ' Tswana
        Case "tr"
          strLCID = 1055 ' Turkish
        Case "uk"
          strLCID = 1058 ' Ukrainian
        Case "ur"
          strLCID = 1056 ' Urdu
        Case "ve"
          strLCID = 1075 ' Venda
        Case "vi"
          strLCID = 1066 ' Vietnamese
        Case "xh"
          strLCID = 1076 ' Xhosa
        Case "ji"
          strLCID = 1085 ' Yiddish
        Case "zu"
          strLCID = 1077 ' Zulu
        Case Else
          strLCID = 2048 ' default
    End Select

    Session.LCID = strLCID
End Sub

샘플 ASP 페이지

다음 샘플 코드는 로캘 변경 내용을 보여 주는 데 사용할 수 있습니다. 변경 내용을 보여 주려면 다음 코드가 포함된 ASP 페이지를 만들고 브라우저에서 확인합니다. 인터넷 옵션(또는 기본 설정) 섹션에서 언어 설정을 수정하고 ASP 페이지를 새로 고칩니다.


코드 샘플은 SetLCID()setlcid.inc라는 포함 파일에 배치되었습니다.

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
    <!--#include -->
    SetLCID 'Set the Locale ID per the browser

    Response.Write "Date/Time Formats"
    Response.Write "<p>Date = " & Date()
    Response.Write "<br>Month = " & Month(Date())
    Response.Write "<br>Day = " & Day(Date())
    Response.Write "<br>Year = " & Year(Date())
    Response.Write "<br>Time = " & Time()

    Response.Write "<p>Currency Formats"
    Response.Write "<p>" & FormatCurrency(1.05, 2)
    Response.Write "<br>" & FormatNumber(1000000,2)
    Response.Write "<br>" & FormatNumber(-1000000,2)