다음을 통해 공유

SHV 모듈


네트워크 액세스 보호 플랫폼은 Windows 10


NAP 시스템에 등록 및 등록 취소를 포함하여 SHV(시스템 상태 유효성 검사기) 모듈을 설정합니다.


NAP SDK에는 ...\Samples\NetDS\NAP...에서 찾을 수 있는 전체 샘플 코드 집합도 포함되어 있습니다. SDK 설치의 디렉터리입니다. 이 샘플 집합에는 SHA(시스템 상태 에이전트), SHV 및 EC(적용 클라이언트)가 포함됩니다. SHA-SHV와 SHA-EC 간의 통신을 설정하는 전체 작업 NAP 시나리오가 있습니다.


#include <windows.h>
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "NapUtil.h"

static const wchar_t friendlyName[] = L"SDK SHV Sample";
static const wchar_t version[] = L"";
static const wchar_t description[] = L"System Health Validator(SHV)";
static const wchar_t vendor[] = L"Microsoft";

/// Registers the SDK SHV with the NAP Server.
HRESULT RegisterSdkShv()
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    CComPtr<INapServerManagement> pSHVMgmt = NULL;
    NapComponentRegistrationInfo shvInfo;
    ZeroMemory (&shvInfo, sizeof(shvInfo));

    hr = pSHVMgmt.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_NapServerManagement, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER);
    hr = FillShvComponentRegistrationInfo(&shvInfo);
    hr = pSHVMgmt->RegisterSystemHealthValidator(&shvInfo, (CLSID *)&__uuidof(CSampleShv));
    return hr;

/// Unregisters the SDK SHV with the NAP Server.
HRESULT UnregisterSdkShv()
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    CComPtr<INapServerManagement> pSHVMgmt = NULL;

    hr = pSHVMgmt.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_NapServerManagement, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER);
    hr = pSHVMgmt->UnregisterSystemHealthValidator(QuarSampleSystemHealthId);
    return hr;

/// Fill the NapComponentRegistrationInfo structure that needs to be passed during registration.
HRESULT FillShvComponentRegistrationInfo (NapComponentRegistrationInfo *shvInfo)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    shvInfo->id = QuarSampleSystemHealthId;

    //<Temporarily till implement the Info Class>
    shvInfo->infoClsid = GUID_NULL; 

    hr = ConstructCountedString(friendlyName, sizeof(friendlyName), &(shvInfo->friendlyName));
    hr = ConstructCountedString(description, sizeof(description), &(shvInfo->description));
    hr = ConstructCountedString(version, sizeof(version), &(shvInfo->version));
    hr = ConstructCountedString(vendor, sizeof(vendor), &(shvInfo->vendorName));
    return hr;

// Helper Function for FillShvComponentRegistrationInfo.
HRESULT ConstructCountedString(const WCHAR* src, UINT16 len, CountedString* dest)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    hr = AllocateMemory(dest->string, ((len+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)));
    dest->length = len;
    retCode = StringCchCopy(dest->string, len+1, src);
    return hr;

// Helper Function for releasing ShaComponentRegistrationInfo members
void FreeComponentRegistration(NapComponentRegistrationInfo *shvInfo)