XlChartType enumeration (Excel)
Specifies the chart type.
Name | Value | Description |
xl3DArea | -4098 | 3D Area. |
xl3DAreaStacked | 78 | 3D Stacked Area. |
xl3DAreaStacked100 | 79 | 100% Stacked Area. |
xl3DBarClustered | 60 | 3D Clustered Bar. |
xl3DBarStacked | 61 | 3D Stacked Bar. |
xl3DBarStacked100 | 62 | 3D 100% Stacked Bar. |
xl3DColumn | -4100 | 3D Column. |
xl3DColumnClustered | 54 | 3D Clustered Column. |
xl3DColumnStacked | 55 | 3D Stacked Column. |
xl3DColumnStacked100 | 56 | 3D 100% Stacked Column. |
xl3DLine | -4101 | 3D Line. |
xl3DPie | -4102 | 3D Pie. |
xl3DPieExploded | 70 | Exploded 3D Pie. |
xlArea | 1 | Area. |
xlAreaEx | 135 | Area Ex. |
xlAreaStacked | 76 | Stacked Area. |
xlAreaStacked100 | 77 | 100% Stacked Area. |
xlAreaStacked100Ex | 137 | 100% Stacked Area Ex. |
xlAreaStackedEx | 136 | Stacked Area Ex. |
xlBarClustered | 57 | Clustered Bar. |
xlBarClusteredEx | 132 | Clustered Bar Ex. |
xlBarOfPie | 71 | Bar of Pie. |
xlBarStacked | 58 | Stacked Bar. |
xlBarStacked100 | 59 | 100% Stacked Bar. |
xlBarStacked100Ex | 134 | 100% Stacked Bar Ex. |
xlBarStackedEx | 133 | Stacked Bar Ex. |
xlBoxwhisker | 121 | Box & Whisker. |
xlBubble | 15 | Bubble. |
xlBubble3DEffect | 87 | Bubble with 3D effects. |
xlBubbleEx | 139 | Bubble Ex. |
xlColumnClustered | 51 | Clustered Column. |
xlColumnClusteredEx | 124 | Clustered Column Ex. |
xlColumnStacked | 52 | Stacked Column. |
xlColumnStacked100 | 53 | 100% Stacked Column. |
xlColumnStacked100Ex | 126 | 100% Stacked Column Ex. |
xlColumnStackedEx | 125 | Stacked Column Ex. |
xlCombo | -4152 | Custom Combination. |
xlComboAreaStackedColumnClustered | 115 | Stacked Area - Clustered Column. |
xlComboColumnClusteredLine | 113 | Clustered Column - Line. |
xlComboColumnClusteredLineSecondaryAxis | 114 | Clustered Column - Line on Secondary Axis. |
xlConeBarClustered | 102 | Clustered Cone Bar. |
xlConeBarStacked | 103 | Stacked Cone Bar. |
xlConeBarStacked100 | 104 | 100% Stacked Cone Bar. |
xlConeCol | 105 | 3D Cone Column. |
xlConeColClustered | 99 | Clustered Cone Column. |
xlConeColStacked | 100 | Stacked Cone Column. |
xlConeColStacked100 | 101 | 100% Stacked Cone Column. |
xlCylinderBarClustered | 95 | Clustered Cylinder Bar. |
xlCylinderBarStacked | 96 | Stacked Cylinder Bar. |
xlCylinderBarStacked100 | 97 | 100% Stacked Cylinder Bar. |
xlCylinderCol | 98 | 3D Cylinder Column. |
xlCylinderColClustered | 92 | Clustered Cone Column. |
xlCylinderColStacked | 93 | Stacked Cone Column. |
xlCylinderColStacked100 | 94 | 100% Stacked Cylinder Column. |
xlDoughnut | -4120 | Doughnut. |
xlDoughnutEx | 131 | Doughnut Ex. |
xlDoughnutExploded | 80 | Exploded Doughnut. |
xlFunnel | 123 | Funnel. |
xlHistogram | 118 | Histogram |
xlLine | 4 | Line. |
xlLineEx | 127 | Line Ex. |
xlLineMarkers | 65 | Line with Markers. |
xlLineMarkersStacked | 66 | Stacked Line with Markers. |
xlLineMarkersStacked100 | 67 | 100% Stacked Line with Markers. |
xlLineStacked | 63 | Stacked Line. |
xlLineStacked100 | 64 | 100% Stacked Line. |
xlLineStacked100Ex | 129 | 100% Stacked Line Ex. |
xlLineStackedEx | 128 | Stacked Line Ex. |
xlOtherCombinations | 116 | Other Combinations. |
xlPareto | 122 | Pareto. |
xlPie | 5 | Pie. |
xlPieEx | 130 | Pie Ex. |
xlPieExploded | 69 | Exploded Pie. |
xlPieOfPie | 68 | Pie of Pie. |
xlPyramidBarClustered | 109 | Clustered Pyramid Bar. |
xlPyramidBarStacked | 110 | Stacked Pyramid Bar. |
xlPyramidBarStacked100 | 111 | 100% Stacked Pyramid Bar. |
xlPyramidCol | 112 | 3D Pyramid Column. |
xlPyramidColClustered | 106 | Clustered Pyramid Column. |
xlPyramidColStacked | 107 | Stacked Pyramid Column. |
xlPyramidColStacked100 | 108 | 100% Stacked Pyramid Column. |
xlRadar | -4151 | Radar. |
xlRadarFilled | 82 | Filled Radar. |
xlRadarMarkers | 81 | Radar with Data Markers. |
xlRegionMap | 140 | Map chart. |
xlStockHLC | 88 | High-Low-Close. |
xlStockOHLC | 89 | Open-High-Low-Close. |
xlStockVHLC | 90 | Volume-High-Low-Close. |
xlStockVOHLC | 91 | Volume-Open-High-Low-Close. |
xlSuggestedChart | -2 | Suggested. |
xlSunburst | 120 | Sunburst. |
xlSurface | 83 | 3D Surface. |
xlSurfaceTopView | 85 | Surface (Top View). |
xlSurfaceTopViewWireframe | 86 | Surface (Top View wireframe). |
xlSurfaceWireframe | 84 | 3D Surface (wireframe). |
xlTreemap | 117 | Treemap. |
xlWaterfall | 119 | Waterfall. |
xlXYScatter | -4169 | Scatter. |
xlXYScatterEx | 138 | Scatter Ex. |
xlXYScatterLines | 74 | Scatter with Lines. |
xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers | 75 | Scatter with Lines and No Data Markers. |
xlXYScatterSmooth | 72 | Scatter with Smoothed Lines. |
xlXYScatterSmoothNoMarkers | 73 | Scatter with Smoothed Lines and No Data Markers. |
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