Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization - Training
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization
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Overview of the Data Exchange technology.
To develop Data Exchange, you need these headers:
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
AddAtomA Adds a character string to the local atom table and returns a unique value (an atom) identifying the string. (ANSI) |
AddAtomW Adds a character string to the local atom table and returns a unique value (an atom) identifying the string. (Unicode) |
AddClipboardFormatListener Places the given window in the system-maintained clipboard format listener list. |
ChangeClipboardChain Removes a specified window from the chain of clipboard viewers. |
CloseClipboard Closes the clipboard. |
CountClipboardFormats Retrieves the number of different data formats currently on the clipboard. |
DdeAbandonTransaction Abandons the specified asynchronous transaction and releases all resources associated with the transaction. |
DdeAccessData Provides access to the data in the specified Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) object. An application must call the DdeUnaccessData function when it has finished accessing the data in the object. |
DdeAddData Adds data to the specified Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) object. |
DdeClientTransaction Begins a data transaction between a client and a server. Only a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) client application can call this function, and the application can use it only after establishing a conversation with the server. |
DdeCmpStringHandles Compares the values of two string handles. The value of a string handle is not related to the case of the associated string. |
DdeConnect Establishes a conversation with a server application that supports the specified service name and topic name pair. If more than one such server exists, the system selects only one. |
DdeConnectList Establishes a conversation with all server applications that support the specified service name and topic name pair. |
DdeCreateDataHandle Creates a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) object and fills the object with data from the specified buffer. A DDE application uses this function during transactions that involve passing data to the partner application. |
DdeCreateStringHandleA Creates a handle that identifies the specified string. A Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) client or server application can pass the string handle as a parameter to other Dynamic Data Exchange Management Library (DDEML) functions. (ANSI) |
DdeCreateStringHandleW Creates a handle that identifies the specified string. A Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) client or server application can pass the string handle as a parameter to other Dynamic Data Exchange Management Library (DDEML) functions. (Unicode) |
DdeDisconnect Terminates a conversation started by either the DdeConnect or DdeConnectList function and invalidates the specified conversation handle. |
DdeDisconnectList Destroys the specified conversation list and terminates all conversations associated with the list. |
DdeEnableCallback Enables or disables transactions for a specific conversation or for all conversations currently established by the calling application. |
DdeFreeDataHandle Frees a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) object and deletes the data handle associated with the object. |
DdeFreeStringHandle Frees a string handle in the calling application. |
DdeGetData Copies data from the specified Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) object to the specified local buffer. |
DdeGetLastError Retrieves the most recent error code set by the failure of a Dynamic Data Exchange Management Library (DDEML) function and resets the error code to DMLERR_NO_ERROR. |
DdeImpersonateClient Impersonates a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) client application in a DDE client conversation. |
DdeInitializeA Registers an application with the Dynamic Data Exchange Management Library (DDEML). An application must call this function before calling any other Dynamic Data Exchange Management Library (DDEML) function. (ANSI) |
DdeInitializeW Registers an application with the Dynamic Data Exchange Management Library (DDEML). An application must call this function before calling any other Dynamic Data Exchange Management Library (DDEML) function. (Unicode) |
DdeKeepStringHandle Increments the usage count associated with the specified handle. |
DdeNameService Registers or unregisters the service names a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) server supports. |
DdePostAdvise Causes the system to send an XTYP_ADVREQ transaction to the calling (server) application's Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) callback function for each client with an active advise loop on the specified topic and item. |
DdeQueryConvInfo Retrieves information about a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) transaction and about the conversation in which the transaction takes place. |
DdeQueryNextServer Retrieves the next conversation handle in the specified conversation list. |
DdeQueryStringA Copies text associated with a string handle into a buffer. (ANSI) |
DdeQueryStringW Copies text associated with a string handle into a buffer. (Unicode) |
DdeReconnect Enables a client Dynamic Data Exchange Management Library (DDEML) application to attempt to reestablish a conversation with a service that has terminated a conversation with the client. |
DdeSetQualityOfService Specifies the quality of service (QOS) a raw Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) application desires for future DDE conversations it initiates. |
DdeSetUserHandle Associates an application-defined value with a conversation handle or a transaction identifier. This is useful for simplifying the processing of asynchronous transactions. An application can use the DdeQueryConvInfo function to retrieve this value. |
DdeUnaccessData Unaccesses a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) object. An application must call this function after it has finished accessing the object. |
DdeUninitialize Frees all Dynamic Data Exchange Management Library (DDEML) resources associated with the calling application. |
DeleteAtom Decrements the reference count of a local string atom. If the atom's reference count is reduced to zero, DeleteAtom removes the string associated with the atom from the local atom table. |
EmptyClipboard Empties the clipboard and frees handles to data in the clipboard. The function then assigns ownership of the clipboard to the window that currently has the clipboard open. |
EnumClipboardFormats Enumerates the data formats currently available on the clipboard. |
FindAtomA Searches the local atom table for the specified character string and retrieves the atom associated with that string. (ANSI) |
FindAtomW Searches the local atom table for the specified character string and retrieves the atom associated with that string. (Unicode) |
FreeDDElParam Frees the memory specified by the lParam parameter of a posted Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) message. An application receiving a posted DDE message should call this function after it has used the UnpackDDElParam function to unpack the lParam value. |
GetAtomNameA Retrieves a copy of the character string associated with the specified local atom. (ANSI) |
GetAtomNameW Retrieves a copy of the character string associated with the specified local atom. (Unicode) |
GetClipboardData Retrieves data from the clipboard in a specified format. The clipboard must have been opened previously. |
GetClipboardFormatNameA Retrieves from the clipboard the name of the specified registered format. The function copies the name to the specified buffer. (ANSI) |
GetClipboardFormatNameW Retrieves from the clipboard the name of the specified registered format. The function copies the name to the specified buffer. (Unicode) |
GetClipboardOwner Retrieves the window handle of the current owner of the clipboard. |
GetClipboardSequenceNumber Retrieves the clipboard sequence number for the current window station. |
GetClipboardViewer Retrieves the handle to the first window in the clipboard viewer chain. |
GetOpenClipboardWindow Retrieves the handle to the window that currently has the clipboard open. |
GetPriorityClipboardFormat Retrieves the first available clipboard format in the specified list. |
GetUpdatedClipboardFormats Retrieves the currently supported clipboard formats. |
GlobalAddAtomA Adds a character string to the global atom table and returns a unique value (an atom) identifying the string. (GlobalAddAtomA) |
GlobalAddAtomExA Adds a character string to the global atom table and returns a unique value (an atom) identifying the string. (GlobalAddAtomExA) |
GlobalAddAtomExW Adds a character string to the global atom table and returns a unique value (an atom) identifying the string. (GlobalAddAtomExW) |
GlobalAddAtomW Adds a character string to the global atom table and returns a unique value (an atom) identifying the string. (GlobalAddAtomW) |
GlobalDeleteAtom Decrements the reference count of a global string atom. If the atom's reference count reaches zero, GlobalDeleteAtom removes the string associated with the atom from the global atom table. |
GlobalFindAtomA Searches the global atom table for the specified character string and retrieves the global atom associated with that string. (ANSI) |
GlobalFindAtomW Searches the global atom table for the specified character string and retrieves the global atom associated with that string. (Unicode) |
GlobalGetAtomNameA Retrieves a copy of the character string associated with the specified global atom. (ANSI) |
GlobalGetAtomNameW Retrieves a copy of the character string associated with the specified global atom. (Unicode) |
ImpersonateDdeClientWindow Enables a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) server application to impersonate a DDE client application's security context. This protects secure server data from unauthorized DDE clients. |
InitAtomTable Initializes the local atom table and sets the number of hash buckets to the specified size. |
IsClipboardFormatAvailable Determines whether the clipboard contains data in the specified format. |
MAKEINTATOM Converts the specified atom into a string, so it can be passed to functions which accept either atoms or strings. |
OpenClipboard Opens the clipboard for examination and prevents other applications from modifying the clipboard content. |
PackDDElParam Packs a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) lParam value into an internal structure used for sharing DDE data between processes. |
PFNCALLBACK An application-defined callback function used with the Dynamic Data Exchange Management Library (DDEML) functions. |
RegisterClipboardFormatA Registers a new clipboard format. This format can then be used as a valid clipboard format. (ANSI) |
RegisterClipboardFormatW Registers a new clipboard format. This format can then be used as a valid clipboard format. (Unicode) |
RemoveClipboardFormatListener Removes the given window from the system-maintained clipboard format listener list. |
ReuseDDElParam Enables an application to reuse a packed Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) lParam parameter, rather than allocating a new packed lParam. Using this function reduces reallocations for applications that pass packed DDE messages. |
SetClipboardData Places data on the clipboard in a specified clipboard format. |
SetClipboardViewer Adds the specified window to the chain of clipboard viewers. Clipboard viewer windows receive a WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD message whenever the content of the clipboard changes. This function is used for backward compatibility with earlier versions of Windows. |
UnpackDDElParam Unpacks a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)lParam value received from a posted DDE message. |
CONVCONTEXT Contains information supplied by a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) client application. The information is useful for specialized or cross-language DDE conversations. |
CONVINFO Contains information about a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) conversation. |
COPYDATASTRUCT Contains data to be passed to another application by the WM_COPYDATA message. |
DDEACK Contains status flags that a DDE application passes to its partner as part of the WM_DDE_ACK message. |
DDEADVISE Contains flags that specify how a DDE server application should send data to a client application during an advise loop. A client passes a handle to a DDEADVISE structure to a server as part of a WM_DDE_ADVISE message. |
DDEDATA Contains the data, and information about the data, sent as part of a WM_DDE_DATA message. |
DDEML_MSG_HOOK_DATA Contains information about a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) message, and provides read access to the data referenced by the message. This structure is intended to be used by a Dynamic Data Exchange Management Library (DDEML) monitoring application. |
DDEPOKE Contains the data, and information about the data, sent as part of a WM_DDE_POKE message. |
HSZPAIR Contains a DDE service name and topic name. A DDE server application can use this structure during an XTYP_WILDCONNECT transaction to enumerate the service-topic pairs that it supports. |
METAFILEPICT Defines the metafile picture format used for exchanging metafile data through the clipboard. |
MONCBSTRUCT Contains information about the current Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) transaction. A DDE debugging application can use this structure when monitoring transactions that the system passes to the DDE callback functions of other applications. |
MONCONVSTRUCT Contains information about a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) conversation. A DDE monitoring application can use this structure to obtain information about a conversation that has been established or has terminated. |
MONERRSTRUCT Contains information about the current Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) error. A DDE monitoring application can use this structure to monitor errors returned by DDE Management Library functions. |
MONHSZSTRUCTA Contains information about a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) string handle. A DDE monitoring application can use this structure when monitoring the activity of the string manager component of the DDE Management Library. (ANSI) |
MONHSZSTRUCTW Contains information about a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) string handle. A DDE monitoring application can use this structure when monitoring the activity of the string manager component of the DDE Management Library. (Unicode) |
MONLINKSTRUCT Contains information about a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) advise loop. A DDE monitoring application can use this structure to obtain information about an advise loop that has started or ended. |
MONMSGSTRUCT Contains information about a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) message. A DDE monitoring application can use this structure to obtain information about a DDE message that was sent or posted. |
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization - Training
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization