Create PAM request

Used by a privileged account to elevate to a PAM role.


The URLs in this article are relative to the hostname that's chosen during API deployment, such as


Method Request URL
POST /api/pamresources/pamrequests

Query parameters

Parameter Description
Justification Optional. The user-supplied reason for the elevation request.
RoleId Required. The unique identifier (GUID) of the PAM role to elevate to.
RequestedTTL Required. The requested expiration time, in seconds.
RequestedTime Optional. The time to elevate privileges.
v Optional. The API version. If not included, the current (most recently released) version of the API is used. For more information, see Versioning in PAM REST API service details.


You can specify the Justification, RoleId, RequestedTTL, and RequestedTime parameters as properties in the request body, rather than as query parameters. The v parameter can only be specified as a query parameter.

Request headers

For common request headers, see HTTP request and response headers in PAM REST API service details.

Request body

Optional. The Justification, RoleId, RequestedTTL, and RequestedTime parameters can be specified as properties of a request body instead of specifying them in the URL query string.


This section describes the response.

Response codes

Code Description
200 OK
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
408 Request Timeout
500 Internal Server Error
503 Service Unavailable

Response headers

For common request headers, see HTTP request and response headers in PAM REST API service details.

Response body

A successful response contains a PAM request object with the following properties:

Property Description
RequestID The unique identifier (GUID) for the PAM request.
CreatorID The unique identifier (GUID) in the MIM service for the account that created the request.
Justification The reason for elevation.
CreationTime The creation time of the request.
CreationMethod The method used to create the request.
ExpirationTime The expiration time of the request.
RoleID The unique identifier (GUID) of the PAM role.
RequestedTTL The requested expiration timeout in seconds.
RequestedTime The requested time for elevation.
RequestStatus The status of the request. The possible values are "Processing," "Active," "Closed," "Closing," "Expired," "PendingApproval," "PendingMFA," and "Rejected."


This section provides examples to create a PAM request.

Example: Request 1

POST /api/pamresources/pamrequests?Justification=Sample+Reason&RoleId=c28eab4a-95cf-4c08-a153-d5e8a9e660cd&RequestedTTL=7200&RequestedTime=2015%2F07%2F11+23%3A40 HTTP/1.1

Example: Response 1

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

    "Justification":"Sample Reason",
    "CreationMethod":"PAM Web API",

Example: Request 2

POST /api/pamresources/pamrequests?Justification=&RoleId=c28eab4a-95cf-4c08-a153-d5e8a9e660cd&RequestedTTL=3600&RequestedTime= HTTP/1.1

Example: Response 2

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

    "CreationMethod":"PAM Web API",