View your connection details and errors

To access and manage your Microsoft Graph connectors, you must be designated as a search administrator for your tenant. Contact your tenant administrator to provision your account for the search administrator role.

To see your connections in the Microsoft 365 admin center, go to the Data sources tab.

You can view the connection details and errors by selecting the connection.

Screenshot that shows connectors list with a connector selected and details pane showing information about this connector.

View Connection Statistics

Connection statistics will help you get overall information on what is happening to the data after the first full crawl completes successfully.

This section will include the data about the total number of items discovered, successfully indexed, or failed across all crawls. The data will update after every crawl and will provide a cumulative perspective on the sync between the data source and Microsoft Graph Connector index. With this information, you can swiftly identify discrepancies and ensure that their connection is up to date. Key perspective at this point is to understand the sync between Data source and Index is at a cumulative level and not just last Crawl.

An item is indexed with the following information - Content, Properties (Default + Custom) and Access.

  1. We consider an item as completely indexed when all 3 parts of the item are indexed successfully.
  2. We consider an item as partially indexed when some part of the data is indexed however some part is missing. The item is still searchable with the remaining properties. E.g. For an item we could index all the content but could not index some properties.

How to read the data in connection statistics: | Sr. No | Section | Meaning | | --- | --- | --- | |1. |Total number of discovered items |Total items discovered in Data source during crawling. This is the number of items that the admin credentials have access to against the data source. |2. |Items currently in index|All the items that could be index, partially or completely |2.a |Completely indexed items|Total items successfully indexed with complete information attached to it including content, Access and properties |2.b |Partially indexed items|Items which are partially indexed
a) Partially indexed with incomplete ACL
b) Partially indexed with incomplete Data
c) Partially indexed with incomplete Properties
|2.c |Items in index but out of sync|All items that were not updated with the latest information from the data source. This will be attempted again in the next crawl. |3. |Items failed to index|Items that were discovered but were not processed due to any error. Further details of each error can be seen on the errors tab

View your last crawl info

After the first initial incremental or full crawl completes successfully, the last crawl data values are displayed under the last crawl header in the detail pane. If there was no last crawl that ran, you don't see any information under the last crawl header. This information about the last crawl helps you gain insights into how the crawl performed, and allows you to take necessary steps wherever required.

The following last crawl values are available for each connection:

Value Description
Completed at Date and time the last crawl got completed
Type Incremental or full crawl
Duration How much time the last crawl took to complete
Successes Number of items that have been successfully ingested in the last crawl
Errors Number of items that produced an error in the last crawl

Download item errors

Download error report is available in the errors tab of the connection pane. A limited number of connection errors are shown in the UI of connection pane. To get the complete list of errors, you can run the PowerShell script to download the complete error report. Here are the steps to generate the report:

  • Open Windows PowerShell with administrator rights.
  • Run the command to download and install the script from the PowerShell Library.
    Install-Script -Name DownloadErrorScript
  • This script downloads the item errors in a Microsoft Graph Connectors Connection. An Msal token is generated using the tenant credentials in which the connection is present. The token is generated using MSAL.PS module, while installing this PS script, MSAL.PS module should be installed automatically. If this doesn't happen use the below command to install MSAL.PS
    Install-Module -Name MSAL.PS
  • Provide the connectionId of the connection for which you want to download the error report.
  • Give the name of the output file without extension as by default .csv extension is used.
  • Give the batch limit of the download. This is an optional parameter. A batch limit defines the batch of errors that is fetched from the service. Each batch fetch takes a few seconds. If you have a large number of errors in the order of thousands, larger batch size can be used to reduce the time spent in fetching the data with each batch. However, if the errors are in the order of hundreds, a low batch size would be ideal. Please note increasing batch size may increase the probability of failures. The maximum batch size limit is 5000.
  • The script will ask you to log in from the tenant account. After the login is complete, the download will start.
  • It will take some time based on the batch size and the number of errors to complete the download. The downloaded file will be present in the same path from where the script was run with the name given during the run.

Screenshot that shows PowerShell script run to download the error report.

Monitor errors

For each Active Connector on the Data sources tab, any existing crawl errors show under the Current crawl header, in the Errors section. It lists error codes, the count of each, and error log download options. You can select an error code to view the error's details.

Screenshot that shows details pane showing the current crawl, and errors section for the selected connector.

To view an error's specific details, select its error code. A screen appears with error details and a link. The most recent errors appear at the top.

The following list shows the different errors that can appear against any connection.

Error code Error message Solution
1000 The data source isn't available. Check your internet connection or make sure the data source is still accessible by the connector. This error occurs when the data source isn't reachable due to a network issue or when the data source itself is deleted, moved, or renamed. Check if the data source details provided are still valid.
1001 Can't update the data because the data source is throttling the connector. To unthrottle the data source, check if its scale limits can be increased or wait until a less traffic-heavy time of the day.
1002 Can't authenticate with the data source. Verify that the credentials associated with this data source are correct. Select Edit to update the authentication credentials.
1003 The account associated with the connector doesn't have permission to access the item. Ensure the proper account has access to the item you want indexed.
1005 Credentials associated with this data source have expired. Renew the credentials and update the connection. Select Edit to update the authentication credentials.
1008 The total quota utilization of your tenant has reached its limit. Try deleting a connection to free up some of your quota or adjusting your ingestion filters to bring in less data. If these steps don't solve the issue, contact Microsoft support.
1009 The total quota utilization for your connection has reached its limit. Try adjusting your ingestion filters to bring in less data. If this step doesn't solve the issue, contact Microsoft support.
1010 The total quota utilization for indexing non-Azure AD groups has reached its limit of 100 K. Try deleting a connection to free up some of your quota or adjusting your ingestion filters to bring in less data. If these steps don't solve the issue, contact Microsoft support.
1011 The Microsoft Graph connector agent isn't reachable or offline.
1012 Authentication to your connection failed due to an unsupported authentication mode. Edit the connection to update the authentication settings for your connection.
1015 Connections created on this agent will fail due to insufficient permissions. Grant the ExternalItem.ReadWrite.OwnedBy permission to the Microsoft Azure app used for registration to allow the app to read and write all external items without a signed-in user and resume the crawl. Ensure that the Azure app used for Agent registration has ExternalItem.ReadWrite.OwnedBy permission.
1016 Connections created on this agent will fail due to insufficient permissions. Grant the Directory.Read.All permission to the Microsoft Azure app used for registration to read data in your organization's directory and resume the crawl. Ensure that the Azure app used for Agent registration has Directory.Read.All permission.
1017 Item can't be indexed because the network is unavailable. Restore the network and wait for the next crawl for the item to get indexed.
1018 Please ensure that the entered user account has interactive logon rights to the machine where Graph connector agent is installed. Ensure that the user account has interactive logon rights to the machine where Graph connector agent is installed. Refer to the documentation to learn more.
1019 Connection failed because the app credentials given to GCA instance are invalid or expired. Please update the credentials. Check your app credentials for GCA instance associated with the connection.
1020 Graph connector agent associated with the connection is not able to connect to GRPC connector server. The GCA instance could not crawl the datasource as there was an issue with connecting to the custom connector over GRPC.
1025 Graph Connector Agent associated with this connection is deprecated due to critical issues, please upgrade to the latest version. Learn more: Upgrade your Graph connector Agent version by downloading the latest version from
1026 Connection has failed due to a critical issue with the associated graph connector agent. Upgrade to the latest version or contact support to resolve the issue. Learn more: Upgrade your Graph connector Agent version by downloading the latest version from
2001 Indexing is throttled because of a large number of updates in the queue. Depending on the queue, it can take some time for the updates to complete. Wait until the queue gets cleared.
2002 Indexing failed due to unsupported item formatting. For more information, see connector-specific documentation.
2003 Indexing failed due to unsupported item content. For more information, see connector-specific documentation.
2004 Indexing failed due to unsupported item or file size. For more information, see connector-specific documentation.
2005 Indexing failed because the URI is too long. For more information, see connector-specific documentation.
2006 User mapping failed due to an invalid mapping formula or no Microsoft Entra user with this property. Try deleting and recreating the connection with a different mapping formula.
2007 This item won't be displayed in Microsoft Search because some users or groups without permission to view this item couldn't be indexed.
2008 Connections can't have non-Azure AD groups with more than 50,000 members. Try removing users from a group or try removing items ACLed with that group from ingestion and recreate the connection.
2009 Non-Azure AD group indexing is temporarily paused due to a large number of requests. Indexing will resume when the system finishes processing these requests. Check back later.
2010 This connection is no longer valid because of an update made by Microsoft. Delete the connection and create a new one.
5000 Something went wrong. If this issue continues, contact support.