Minecraft File Extensions

A file extension is the series of letters after the period in a name of a computer file. File extensions specify the program or programs the file is associated with. In Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, many extensions begin with '.mc,' as detailed below.


A zip file that contains .mcpack or .mcworld files to modify Minecraft (Bedrock Edition); generally used to distribute add-ons to other users.


A custom resource pack configuration file.


A zipped resource or behavior pack that modifies Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, typically used to transfer resources between users.


Minecraft Bedrock Editor's filetype. Files of this type only open in Editor and are capable of containing Editor extensions.

  • .mcworld files can be imported into Editor, at which point they are converted to an .mcproject.
  • When an .mcproject is exported as an .mcworld, Editor extensions are removed.


Contains a Minecraft structure such as a building or natural feature, saved using the Structure Block tool; can be shared between players, allowing the sharing of each other's structures.


A zip archive containing the template of a world used in Minecraft.


A zip archive that contains all the files needed to load a Minecraft: Bedrock Edition or Minecraft Education world, for example .dat and .txt files.