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Page layout versions

Page layout packages are periodically updated to include fixes and improvements in their page elements. The following change log specifies the changes introduced in each version.


Azure Active Directory B2C releases improvements and fixes with each new page layout version. We highly recommend you keep your page layout versions up-to-date so that all page elements reflect the latest security enhancements, accessibility standards, and your feedback.

jQuery and Handlebars versions

Azure AD B2C page layout uses the following versions of the jQuery library and the Handlebars templates:

Element Page layout version range jQuery version Handlebars Runtime version Handlebars Compiler version
multifactor >= 1.2.8 3.5.1 4.7.7 4.7.7
>= 1.2.4 3.5.1 4.7.6 4.7.7
< 1.2.4 3.4.1 4.0.12 2.0.1
< 1.2.0 1.12.4
selfasserted >= 2.1.11 3.5.1 4.7.7 4.7.7
>= 2.1.4 3.5.1 4.7.6 4.7.7
< 2.1.4 3.4.1 4.0.12 2.0.1
< 1.2.0 1.12.4
unifiedssp >= 2.1.7 3.5.1 4.7.7 4.7.7
>= 2.1.4 3.5.1 4.7.6 4.7.7
< 2.1.4 3.4.1 4.0.12 2.0.1
< 1.2.0 1.12.4
globalexception >= 1.2.3 3.5.1 4.7.7 4.7.7
>= 1.2.1 3.5.1 4.7.6 4.7.7
< 1.2.1 3.4.1 4.0.12 2.0.1
< 1.2.0 1.12.4
providerselection >= 1.2.3 3.5.1 4.7.7 4.7.7
>= 1.2.1 3.5.1 4.7.6 4.7.7
< 1.2.1 3.4.1 4.0.12 2.0.1
< 1.2.0 1.12.4
claimsconsent >= 1.2.2 3.5.1 4.7.7 4.7.7
>= 1.2.2 3.5.1 4.7.7 4.7.7
< 1.2.1 3.4.1 4.0.12 2.0.1
< 1.2.0 1.12.4
unifiedssd >= 1.2.3 3.5.1 4.7.7 4.7.7
>= 1.2.1 3.5.1 4.7.6 4.7.7
< 1.2.1 3.4.1 4.0.12 2.0.1
< 1.2.0 1.12.4

Self-asserted page (selfasserted)


  • Removed Change Email for readonly scenarios (i.e. Change Phone Number). You will no longer be able to change the email if you are trying to change your phone number, it will now be read only.
  • Implementation of Captcha Control


  • Replaced Keypress to Key Down event and avoid Asterisk for nonrequired in classic mode.


  • Fixed content security policy (CSP) violation and remove additional request header X-Aspnetmvc-Version.


  • Fixed accessibility bugs.
  • Fixed MFA related issue and IE11 compatibility issues.


  • Fixed accessibility bugs.
  • Reduced min-width value for UI viewport for default template.


  • Fixed accessibility bugs.
  • Added logic to adopt QR Code Image generated from backend library.



  • Fixed Enter event trigger on MFA.
  • CSS changes rendering page text/control in vertical manner for small screens


  • Fix accessibility bugs.
  • Handle Undefined Error message for existing user sign-up.
  • Move Password mismatch error to Inline instead of page level.


  • Add asterisk for required fields
  • Fix TOTP Store Icons position for Classic Template
  • Activate input items only when verification code is verified
  • Add Alt Text for Background Image
  • Added customization for server errors by TOTP verification


  • Add descriptive error message and fixed forgotPassword link
  • Make checkbox as group
  • Enforce Validation Error Update on control change and enable continue on email verified
  • Add more field to error code to validation failure response


  • Fixed "Claims for verification control haven't been verified" bug while verifying code.
  • Hide error message on validation succeeds and send code to verify


  • Fixed QR code generation bug due to QR text length


  • Fixed WCAG 2.1 accessibility bug for the TOTP multifactor authentication screens.


  • Correcting to the tab index
  • Fixed WCAG 2.1 accessibility and screen reader issues


  • TOTP multifactor authentication support. Adding links that allows users to download and install the Microsoft authenticator app to complete the enrollment of the TOTP on the authenticator.


  • The claim name is added to the class attribute of the <li> HTML element that surrounding the user's attribute input elements. The class name allows you to create a CSS selector to select the parent <li> for a certain user attribute input element. The following HTML markup shows the class attribute for the sign-up page:

    <div id="attributeList" class="attr">
        <li class="EmailBox email_li">...</li>
        <li class="Password newPassword_li">...</li>
        <li class="Password reenterPassword_li">...</li>
        <li class="TextBox displayName_li">...</li>
        <li class="TextBox givenName_li">...</li>
        <li class="TextBox surname_li">...</li>
        <li class="TextBox extension_age_li">...</li>


  • Fixed a language encoding issue that is causing the request to fail.
  • Fixed an accessibility bug to show inline error messages only on form submission.


  • Fixed password error gets cleared when typing too quickly on a different field.


  • Fixed cursor jumps issue on iOS when editing in the middle of the text.


  • Updated jQuery version to 3.5.1.
  • Updated HandlebarJS version to 4.7.6.


  • Security fixes.


  • Fixed the localization encoding issue for languages such as Spanish and French.


  • Added a UXString heading in addition to intro to display on the page as a title. This message is hidden by default.
  • Added support for saving passwords to iCloud Keychain.
  • Added support for using policy or the QueryString parameter pageFlavor to select the layout (classic, oceanBlue, or slateGray).
  • Added disclaimers on self-asserted page.
  • Focus is now placed on the first editable field when the page loads.
  • Focus is now placed on the first error field when multiple fields have errors.
  • Focus is now placed on the 'change' button after the email verification code is verified.


  • Localization and accessibility fixes.



  • The username/email and password fields now use the form HTML element to allow Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer to properly save this information.
  • Added a configurable user input validation delay for improved user experience.
  • Accessibility fixes
  • Fix an accessibility issue so that error messages are read by Narrator.
  • Focus is now placed on the password field after the email is verified.
  • Removed autofocus from the checkbox control.
  • Added support for a display control for phone number verification.
  • You can now add the data-preload="true" attribute in your HTML tags
    • Load linked CSS files at the same time as your HTML template so it doesn't 'flicker' between loading the files.
    • Control the order in which your script tags are fetched and executed before the page load.
  • Email field is now type=email and mobile keyboards provide the correct suggestions.
  • Support for Chrome translates.
  • Added support for company branding in user flow pages.


  • Removed cancel alert
  • CSS class for error elements
  • Show/hide error logic improved
  • Default CSS removed


  • Initial release


If you localize your page to support multiple locales, or languages in a user flow. The localization IDs article provides the list of localization IDs that you can use for the page version you select.


  • Implementation of Captcha Control


  • Include Aria-required for UnifiedSSP (Accessibility).


  • Replaced Keypress to Key Down event.


  • Fixed content security policy (CSP) violation and remove more request header X-Aspnetmvc-Version


  • Removed ReplaceAll function for IE11 compatibility.


  • Fixed accessibility bugs.



  • Fixed accessibility bugs.
  • Accessibility changes related to High Contrast button display and anchor focus improvements


  • Add descriptive error message and fixed forgotPassword link!


  • Accessibility fix - correcting to the tab index


  • Accessibility fix - set the focus on the input field for verification.
  • Updates to the UI elements and CSS classes


  • Fixed an issue on tab order when idp selector template is used on sign-in page.
  • Fixed an encoding issue on sign-in link text.


  • Updated jQuery version to 3.5.1.
  • Updated HandlebarJS version to 4.7.6.


  • Security fixes.
  • Minor bug fixes.


  • Fixed the localization encoding issue for languages such as Spanish and French.
  • Allowing the "forgot password" link to use as claims exchange. For more information, see Self-service password reset.


  • Added a UXString heading in addition to intro to display on the page as a title. This message is hidden by default.
  • Added support for using policy or the QueryString parameter pageFlavor to select the layout (classic, oceanBlue, or slateGray).
  • Added support for saving passwords to iCloud Keychain.
  • Focus is now placed on the first error field when multiple fields have errors.
  • Focus is now placed on the first editable field when the page loads.
  • Added a new location for the claims provider selection link bottomUnderFormClaimsProviderSelections.
  • Removed UXStrings that are no longer used.


  • Added support for multiple sign-up links.
  • Added support for user input validation according to the predicate rules defined in the policy.
  • When the sign-in option is set to Email, the sign-in header presents "Sign in with your sign-in name". The username field presents "Sign in name". For more information, see localization.


  • The username/email and password fields now use the form HTML element to allow Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer to properly save this information.
  • Accessibility fixes
  • You can now add the data-preload="true" attribute in your HTML tags to control the load order for CSS and JavaScript.
    • Load linked CSS files at the same time as your HTML template so it doesn't 'flicker' between loading the files.
    • Control the order in which your script tags are fetched and executed before the page load.
  • Email field is now type=email and mobile keyboards provide the correct suggestions.
  • Support for Chrome translates.
  • Added support for tenant branding in user flow pages.


  • Added keep me signed in (KMSI) control


  • Initial release

MFA page (multifactor)


  • Fixes enter key for 'Phone only' mode.
  • Implementation to Captcha Control


  • Replaced KeyPress to KeyDown event.


  • Removed ReplaceAll function for IE11 compatibility.


  • Fixed accessibility bugs.


  • Fixes Enter event trigger on MFA.
  • CSS changes render page text/control in vertical manner for small screens
  • Fixes Multifactor tab navigation bug.


  • Passed the response status for MFA verification with error for backend to further triage.


  • Fixed accessibility issue on label for retries code.
  • Fixed issue caused by incompatibility of default parameter on Internet Explorer 11.
  • Set up H1 heading and enable by default.
  • Updated HandlebarJS version to 4.7.7.


  • Corrected the autocomplete value on verification code field from false to off.
  • Fixed a few XSS encoding issues.


  • Fixed a language encoding issue that is causing the request to fail.


  • Updated jQuery version to 3.5.1.
  • Updated HandlebarJS version to 4.7.6.


  • Allowing tooltip string override via language localization.
  • Security fixes.
  • Minor bug fixes.


  • Fixed an issue with autofilling the verification code when using iOS.
  • Fixed an issue with redirecting a token to the relying party from Android Webview.
  • Added a UXString heading in addition to intro to display on the page as a title. This message is hidden by default.
  • Added support for using policy or the QueryString parameter pageFlavor to select the layout (classic, oceanBlue, or slateGray).


  • Accessibility fixes on default templates


  • Accessibility fixes
  • You can now add the data-preload="true" attribute in your HTML tags to control the load order for CSS and JavaScript.
    • Load linked CSS files at the same time as your HTML template so it doesn't 'flicker' between loading the files.
    • Control the order in which your script tags are fetched and executed before the page load.
  • Email field is now type=email and mobile keyboards provide the correct suggestions
  • Support for Chrome translates.
  • Added support for tenant branding in user flow pages.


  • 'Confirm Code' button removed
  • The input field for the code now only takes input up to six (6) characters
  • The page will automatically attempt to verify the code entered when a six-digit code is entered, without any button having to be clicked
  • If the code is wrong, the input field is automatically cleared
  • After three (3) attempts with an incorrect code, B2C sends an error back to the relying party
  • Accessibility fixes
  • Default CSS removed


  • Initial release

Exception Page (globalexception)


  • Removed ReplaceAll function for IE11 compatibility.


  • Fixed accessibility bugs.


  • Updated HandlebarJS version to 4.7.7.


  • Set up H1 heading and enable by default.


  • Updated jQuery version to 3.5.1.
  • Updated HandlebarJS version to 4.7.6.


  • Accessibility fixes
  • You can now add the data-preload="true" attribute in your HTML tags to control the load order for CSS and JavaScript.
    • Load linked CSS files at the same time as your HTML template so it doesn't 'flicker' between loading the files.
    • Control the order in which your script tags are fetched and executed before the page load.
  • Email field is now type=email and mobile keyboards provide the correct suggestions
  • Support for Chrome translates


  • Accessibility fix
  • Removed the default message when there's no contact from the policy
  • Default CSS removed


  • Initial release

Other pages (ProviderSelection, ClaimsConsent, UnifiedSSD)


  • Remove ReplaceAll function for IE11 compatibility.


  • Fixed accessibility bugs.


  • Updated HandlebarJS version to 4.7.7


  • Updated jQuery version to 3.5.1.
  • Updated HandlebarJS version to 4.7.6.


  • Accessibility fixes
  • You can now add the data-preload="true" attribute in your HTML tags to control the load order for CSS and JavaScript.
    • Load linked CSS files at the same time as your HTML template so it doesn't 'flicker' between loading the files.
    • Control the order in which your script tags are fetched and executed before the page load.
  • Email field is now type=email and mobile keyboards provide the correct suggestions
  • Support for Chrome translates


  • Initial release

Next steps

For details on how to customize the user interface of your applications in custom policies, see Customize the user interface of your application using a custom policy.