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Video Retrieval API reference


Include the following headers when making a call to any API in this document.

Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: YOUR_COMPUTER_VISION_KEY Version: 2023-05-01-preview



PUT /retrieval/indexes/{indexName}?api-version=<version_number>


This method creates an index, which can then be used to ingest documents. An index needs to be created before ingestion can be performed.


Name Located in Description Required Type
indexName path The name of the index to be created. Yes string
api-version query Requested API version. Yes string
body body The request body containing the metadata that could be used for searching. Yes CreateIngestionIndexRequestModel


Code Description Type
201 Created GetIngestionIndexResponseModel



GET /retrieval/indexes/{indexName}?api-version=<version_number>


Retrieves the index with the specified name.


Name Located in Description Required Type
indexName path The name of the index to retrieve. Yes string
api-version query Requested API version. Yes string


Code Description Type
200 Success GetIngestionIndexResponseModel
default Error ErrorResponse



PATCH /retrieval/indexes/{indexName}?api-version=<version_number>


Updates an index with the specified name.


Name Located in Description Required Type
indexName path The name of the index to be updated. Yes string
api-version query Requested API version. Yes string
body body The request body containing the updates to be applied to the index. Yes UpdateIngestionIndexRequestModel


Code Description Type
200 Success GetIngestionIndexResponseModel
default Error ErrorResponse



DELETE /retrieval/indexes/{indexName}?api-version=<version_number>


Deletes an index and all its associated ingestion documents.


Name Located in Description Required Type
indexName path The name of the index to be deleted. Yes string
api-version query Requested API version. Yes string


Code Description
204 No Content



GET /retrieval/indexes?api-version=<version_number>


Retrieves a list of all indexes across all ingestions.


Name Located in Description Required Type
$skip query Number of datasets to be skipped. No integer
$top query Number of datasets to be returned after skipping. No integer
api-version query Requested API version. Yes string


Code Description Type
200 Success GetIngestionIndexResponseModelCollectionApiModel
default Error ErrorResponse



PUT /retrieval/indexes/{indexName}/ingestions/{ingestionName}?api-version=<version_number>


Ingestion request can have video payload. It can have one of the three modes (add, update or remove). Add mode will create an ingestion and process the video. Update mode will update the metadata only. In order to reprocess the video, the ingestion needs to be deleted and recreated.


Name Located in Description Required Type
indexName path The name of the index to which the ingestion is to be created. Yes string
ingestionName path The name of the ingestion to be created. Yes string
api-version query Requested API version. Yes string
body body The request body containing the ingestion request to be created. Yes CreateIngestionRequestModel


Code Description Type
202 Accepted IngestionResponseModel



GET /retrieval/indexes/{indexName}/ingestions/{ingestionName}?api-version=<version_number>


Gets the ingestion status for the specified index and ingestion name.


Name Located in Description Required Type
indexName path The name of the index for which the ingestion status to be checked. Yes string
ingestionName path The name of the ingestion to be retrieved. Yes string
detailLevel query A level to indicate detail level per document ingestion status. No string
api-version query Requested API version. Yes string


Code Description Type
200 Success IngestionResponseModel
default Error ErrorResponse



GET /retrieval/indexes/{indexName}/ingestions?api-version=<version_number>


Retrieves all ingestions for the specific index.


Name Located in Description Required Type
indexName path The name of the index for which to retrieve the ingestions. Yes string
api-version query Requested API version. Yes string


Code Description Type
200 Success IngestionResponseModelCollectionApiModel
default Error ErrorResponse



GET /retrieval/indexes/{indexName}/documents?api-version=<version_number>


Retrieves all documents for the specific index.


Name Located in Description Required Type
indexName path The name of the index for which to retrieve the documents. Yes string
$skip query Number of datasets to be skipped. No integer
$top query Number of datasets to be returned after skipping. No integer
api-version query Requested API version. Yes string


Code Description Type
200 Success IngestionDocumentResponseModelCollectionApiModel
default Error ErrorResponse



POST /retrieval/indexes/{indexName}:queryByText?api-version=<version_number>


Performs a text-based search on the specified index.


Name Located in Description Required Type
indexName path The name of the index to search. Yes string
api-version query Requested API version. Yes string
body body The request body containing the query and other parameters. Yes SearchQueryTextRequestModel


Code Description Type
200 Success SearchResultDocumentModelCollectionApiModel
default Error ErrorResponse



Represents the create ingestion index request model for the JSON document.

Name Type Description Required
metadataSchema MetadataSchemaModel No
features [ FeatureModel ] Gets or sets the list of features for the document. Default is "vision". No
userData object Gets or sets the user data for the document. No


Represents the create ingestion request model for the JSON document.

Name Type Description Required
videos [ IngestionDocumentRequestModel ] Gets or sets the list of video document ingestion requests in the JSON document. No
moderation boolean Gets or sets the moderation flag, indicating if the content should be moderated. No
generateInsightIntervals boolean Gets or sets the interval generation flag, indicating if insight intervals should be generated. No
documentAuthenticationKind string Gets or sets the authentication kind that is to be used for downloading the documents.
Enum: "none", "managedIdentity"
filterDefectedFrames boolean Frame filter flag indicating frames will be evaluated and all defected (e.g. blurry, lowlight, overexposure) frames will be filtered out. No
includeSpeechTranscript boolean Gets or sets the transcript generation flag, indicating if transcript should be generated. No


Represents a datetime filter to apply on a search query.

Name Type Description Required
fieldName string Gets or sets the name of the field to filter on. Yes
startTime string Gets or sets the start time of the range to filter on. No
endTime string Gets or sets the end time of the range to filter on. No


Response returned when an error occurs.

Name Type Description Required
error ErrorResponseDetails Yes


Error info.

Name Type Description Required
code string Error code. Yes
message string Error message. Yes
target string Target of the error. No
details [ ErrorResponseDetails ] List of detailed errors. No
innererror ErrorResponseInnerError No


Detailed error.

Name Type Description Required
code string Error code. Yes
message string Error message. Yes
innererror ErrorResponseInnerError No


Represents a feature in the index.

Name Type Description Required
name string Gets or sets the name of the feature.
Enum: "vision", "speech"
modelVersion string Gets or sets the model version of the feature. No
domain string Gets or sets the model domain of the feature.
Enum: "generic", "surveillance"


Represents the get ingestion index response model for the JSON document.

Name Type Description Required
name string Gets or sets the index name property. No
metadataSchema MetadataSchemaModel No
userData object Gets or sets the user data for the document. No
features [ FeatureModel ] Gets or sets the list of features in the index. No
eTag string Gets or sets the etag. Yes
createdDateTime dateTime Gets or sets the created date and time property. Yes
lastModifiedDateTime dateTime Gets or sets the last modified date and time property. Yes


Contains an array of results that may be paginated.

Name Type Description Required
value [ GetIngestionIndexResponseModel ] The array of results. Yes
nextLink string A link to the next set of paginated results, if there are more results available; not present otherwise. No


Represents a video document ingestion request in the JSON document.

Name Type Description Required
mode string Gets or sets the mode of the ingestion for document.
Enum: "add", "update", "remove"
documentId string Gets or sets the document ID. No
documentUrl string (uri) Gets or sets the document URL. Shared access signature (SAS), if any, will be removed from the URL. Yes
metadata object Gets or sets the metadata for the document as a dictionary of name-value pairs. No
userData object Gets or sets the user data for the document. No


Represents an ingestion document response object in the JSON document.

Name Type Description Required
documentId string Gets or sets the document ID. No
documentUrl string (uri) Gets or sets the document URL. Shared access signature (SAS), if any, will be removed from the URL. No
metadata object Gets or sets the key-value pairs of metadata. No
error ErrorResponseDetails No
createdDateTime dateTime Gets or sets the created date and time of the document. No
lastModifiedDateTime dateTime Gets or sets the last modified date and time of the document. No
userData object Gets or sets the user data for the document. No


Contains an array of results that may be paginated.

Name Type Description Required
value [ IngestionDocumentResponseModel ] The array of results. Yes
nextLink string A link to the next set of paginated results, if there are more results available; not present otherwise. No


Represents the ingestion error information for each document.

Name Type Description Required
code string Error code. No
message string Error message. No
innerError IngestionInnerErrorDetailsApiModel No


Represents the ingestion inner-error information for each document.

Name Type Description Required
code string Error code. No
message string Error message. No
innerError IngestionInnerErrorDetailsApiModel No


Represents the ingestion response model for the JSON document.

Name Type Description Required
name string Gets or sets the name of the ingestion. No
state string Gets or sets the state of the ingestion.
Enum: "notStarted", "running", "completed", "failed", "partiallySucceeded"
error ErrorResponseDetails No
batchName string The name of the batch associated with this ingestion. No
createdDateTime dateTime Gets or sets the created date and time of the ingestion. No
lastModifiedDateTime dateTime Gets or sets the last modified date and time of the ingestion. No
fileStatusDetails [ IngestionStatusDetailsApiModel ] The list of ingestion statuses for each document. No


Contains an array of results that may be paginated.

Name Type Description Required
value [ IngestionResponseModel ] The array of results. Yes
nextLink string A link to the next set of paginated results, if there are more results available; not present otherwise. No


Represents the ingestion status detail for each document.

Name Type Description Required
lastUpdateTime dateTime Status update time of the batch chunk. Yes
documentId string The document ID. Yes
documentUrl string (uri) The url of the document. No
succeeded boolean A flag to indicate if inference was successful. Yes
error IngestionErrorDetailsApiModel No


Represents a field in the metadata schema.

Name Type Description Required
name string Gets or sets the name of the field. Yes
searchable boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the field is searchable. Yes
filterable boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the field is filterable. Yes
type string Gets or sets the type of the field. It could be string or datetime.
Enum: "string", "datetime"


Represents the metadata schema for the document.

Name Type Description Required
language string Gets or sets the language of the metadata schema. Default is "en". No
fields [ MetadataSchemaFieldModel ] Gets or sets the list of fields in the metadata schema. Yes


Represents the filters to apply on a search query.

Name Type Description Required
stringFilters [ StringFilterModel ] Gets or sets the string filters to apply on the search query. No
datetimeFilters [ DatetimeFilterModel ] Gets or sets the datetime filters to apply on the search query. No
featureFilters [ string ] Gets or sets the feature filters to apply on the search query. No


Represents a search query request model for text-based search.

Name Type Description Required
queryText string Gets or sets the query text. Yes
filters SearchFiltersModel No
moderation boolean Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the moderation is enabled or disabled. No
top integer Gets or sets the number of results to retrieve. Yes
skip integer Gets or sets the number of results to skip. Yes
additionalIndexNames [ string ] Gets or sets the additional index names to include in the search query. No
dedup boolean Whether to remove similar video frames. Yes
dedupMaxDocumentCount integer The maximum number of documents after dedup. Yes
disableMetadataSearch boolean Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether metadata is disabled in the search or not. Yes


Represents a search query response.

Name Type Description Required
documentId string Gets or sets the ID of the document. No
documentKind string Gets or sets the kind of the document, which can be "video". No
start string Gets or sets the start time of the document. This property is only applicable for video documents. No
end string Gets or sets the end time of the document. This property is only applicable for video documents. No
best string Gets or sets the timestamp of the document with highest relevance score. This property is only applicable for video documents. No
relevance double Gets or sets the relevance score of the document. Yes
additionalMetadata object Gets or sets the additional metadata related to search. No


Contains an array of results that may be paginated.

Name Type Description Required
value [ SearchResultDocumentModel ] The array of results. Yes
nextLink string A link to the next set of paginated results, if there are more results available; not present otherwise. No


Represents a string filter to apply on a search query.

Name Type Description Required
fieldName string Gets or sets the name of the field to filter on. Yes
values [ string ] Gets or sets the values to filter on. Yes


Represents the update ingestion index request model for the JSON document.

Name Type Description Required
metadataSchema MetadataSchemaModel No
userData object Gets or sets the user data for the document. No