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Quickstart: Subscribe to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) events with Azure Event Grid

Azure Event Grid is a fully managed event routing service that provides uniform event consumption using a publish-subscribe model.

In this quickstart, you create an AKS cluster and subscribe to AKS events.



In case there are issues specifically with EventGrid notifications, as can be seen here Service Outages, please note that AKS operations won't be impacted and they are independent of Event Grid outages.

Create an AKS cluster

Create an AKS cluster using the az aks create command. The following example creates a resource group MyResourceGroup and a cluster named MyAKS with one node in the MyResourceGroup resource group:

az group create --name MyResourceGroup --location eastus
az aks create --resource-group yResourceGroup --name MyAKS --location eastus  --node-count 1 --generate-ssh-keys

Subscribe to AKS events

Create a namespace and event hub using az eventhubs namespace create and az eventhubs eventhub create. The following example creates a namespace MyNamespace and an event hub MyEventGridHub in MyNamespace, both in the MyResourceGroup resource group.

az eventhubs namespace create --location eastus --name MyNamespace --resource-group MyResourceGroup
az eventhubs eventhub create --name MyEventGridHub --namespace-name MyNamespace --resource-group MyResourceGroup


The name of your namespace must be unique.

Subscribe to the AKS events using az eventgrid event-subscription create:

SOURCE_RESOURCE_ID=$(az aks show --resource-group MyResourceGroup --name MyAKS --query id --output tsv)
ENDPOINT=$(az eventhubs eventhub show --resource-group MyResourceGroup --name MyEventGridHub --namespace-name MyNamespace --query id --output tsv)
az eventgrid event-subscription create --name MyEventGridSubscription \
--source-resource-id $SOURCE_RESOURCE_ID \
--endpoint-type eventhub \
--endpoint $ENDPOINT

Verify your subscription to AKS events using az eventgrid event-subscription list:

az eventgrid event-subscription list --source-resource-id $SOURCE_RESOURCE_ID

The following example output shows you're subscribed to events from the MyAKS cluster and those events are delivered to the MyEventGridHub event hub:

    "deadLetterDestination": null,
    "deadLetterWithResourceIdentity": null,
    "deliveryWithResourceIdentity": null,
    "destination": {
      "deliveryAttributeMappings": null,
      "endpointType": "EventHub",
      "resourceId": "/subscriptions/SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/MyResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/MyNamespace/eventhubs/MyEventGridHub"
    "eventDeliverySchema": "EventGridSchema",
    "expirationTimeUtc": null,
    "filter": {
      "advancedFilters": null,
      "enableAdvancedFilteringOnArrays": null,
      "includedEventTypes": [
      "isSubjectCaseSensitive": null,
      "subjectBeginsWith": "",
      "subjectEndsWith": ""
    "id": "/subscriptions/SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/MyResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/MyAKS/providers/Microsoft.EventGrid/eventSubscriptions/MyEventGridSubscription",
    "labels": null,
    "name": "MyEventGridSubscription",
    "provisioningState": "Succeeded",
    "resourceGroup": "MyResourceGroup",
    "retryPolicy": {
      "eventTimeToLiveInMinutes": 1440,
      "maxDeliveryAttempts": 30
    "systemData": null,
    "topic": "/subscriptions/SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/MyResourceGroup/providers/microsoft.containerservice/managedclusters/MyAKS",
    "type": "Microsoft.EventGrid/eventSubscriptions"

When AKS events occur, you see those events appear in your event hub. For example, when the list of available Kubernetes versions for your clusters changes, you see a Microsoft.ContainerService.NewKubernetesVersionAvailable event. There are also new events available now for upgrades and cluster within support. For more information on the events AKS emits, see Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) as an Event Grid source.

Delete the cluster and subscriptions

Use the az group delete command to remove the resource group, the AKS cluster, namespace, and event hub, and all related resources.

az group delete --name MyResourceGroup --yes --no-wait


When you delete the cluster, the Microsoft Entra service principal used by the AKS cluster is not removed. For steps on how to remove the service principal, see AKS service principal considerations and deletion.

If you used a managed identity, the identity is managed by the platform and does not require removal.

Next steps

In this quickstart, you deployed a Kubernetes cluster and then subscribed to AKS events in Azure Event Hubs.

To learn more about AKS, and walk through a complete code to deployment example, continue to the Kubernetes cluster tutorial.