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Facility Ontology


Azure Maps Creator retirement

The Azure Maps Creator indoor map service is now deprecated and will be retired on 9/30/25. For more information, see End of Life Announcement of Azure Maps Creator.

Facility ontology defines how Azure Maps Creator internally stores facility data in a Creator dataset. In addition to defining internal facility data structure, facility ontology is also exposed externally through the WFS API. When WFS API is used to query facility data in a dataset, the response format is defined by the ontology supplied to that dataset.

Changes and Revisions

The Facility 1.0 contains revisions for the Facility feature class definitions for Azure Maps services.

The Facility 2.0 contains revisions for the Facility feature class definitions for Azure Maps services.

Major Changes

Fixed the following constraint validation checks:

  • Constraint validation check for exclusivity of isObstruction = true or the presence of obstructionArea for lineElement and areaElement feature classes.

  • Constraint validation check for exclusivity of isRoutable = true or the presence of routeThroughBehavior for the category feature class.

  • Added a structure feature class to hold walls, columns, and so on.
  • Cleaned up the attributes designed to enrich routing scenarios. The current routing engine doesn't support them.

Feature collection

At a high level, the facility ontology consists of feature collections, each contains an array of feature objects. All feature objects have two fields in common, ID and Geometry. When importing a drawing package into Azure Maps Creator, these fields are automatically generated.

At a high level, the facility ontology consists of feature collections, each contains an array of feature objects. All feature objects have two fields in common, ID and Geometry.

When importing a drawing package into Azure Maps Creator, these fields are automatically generated.

In addition to these common fields, each feature class defines a set of properties. Each property is defined by its data type and constraints. Some feature classes have properties that are dependent on other feature classes. Dependant properties evaluate to the ID of another feature class.

The remaining sections in this article define the different feature classes and their properties that make up the facility ontology in Microsoft Azure Maps Creator.


The unit feature class defines a physical and non-overlapping area that can be occupied and traversed by a navigating agent. A unit can be a hallway, a room, a courtyard, and so on.

Geometry Type: Polygon

Property Type Required Description
originalId string false When the dataset is created through the conversion service, the original ID is automatically set to the Azure Maps internal ID. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
externalId string false An ID used by the client to associate the feature with another feature in a different dataset, such as in an internal database. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
categoryId category.Id true The ID of a category feature.
isOpenArea boolean (Default value is null.) false Represents whether the unit is an open area. If set to true, structures don't surround the unit boundary, and a navigating agent can enter the unit without the need of an opening. By default, units are surrounded by physical barriers and are open only where an opening feature is placed on the boundary of the unit. If walls are needed in an open area unit, they can be represented as a lineElement or areaElement with an isObstruction property equal to true.
navigableBy enum ["pedestrian", "wheelchair", "machine", "bicycle", "automobile", "hiredAuto", "bus", "railcar", "emergency", "ferry", "boat"] false Indicates the types of navigating agents that can traverse the unit. If unspecified, the unit is assumed to be traversable by any navigating agent.
isRoutable boolean (Default value is null.) false Determines if the unit is part of the routing graph. If set to true, the unit can be used as source/destination or intermediate node in the routing experience.
routeThroughBehavior enum ["disallowed", "allowed", "preferred"] false Determines if navigating through the unit is allowed. If unspecified, it inherits its value from the category feature referred to in the categoryId property. If specified, it overrides the value given in its category feature."
nonPublic boolean false If true, the unit is navigable only by privileged users. Default value is false.
levelId level.Id true The ID of a level feature.
occupants array of directoryInfo.Id false The IDs of directoryInfo features. Used to represent one or many occupants in the feature.
addressId directoryInfo.Id false The ID of a directoryInfo feature. Used to represent the address of the feature.
addressRoomNumber directoryInfo.Id true Room/Unit/Apartment/Suite number of the unit.
name string false Name of the feature in local language. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameSubtitle string false Subtitle that shows up under the name of the feature. Can be used to display the name in a different language, and so on. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameAlt string false Alternate name used for the feature. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
anchorPoint Point false GeoJSON Point geometry that represents the feature as a point. Can be used to position the label of the feature.
Property Type Required Description
originalId string false When the dataset is created through the conversion service, the original ID is automatically set to the Azure Maps internal ID. When the dataset is created from a GeoJSON package, the original ID can be user defined. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
externalId string false An ID used by the client to associate the feature with another feature in a different dataset, such as in an internal database. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
categoryId category.Id true The ID of a category feature.
isOpenArea boolean (Default value is null.) false Represents whether the unit is an open area. If set to true, structures don't surround the unit boundary, and a navigating agent can enter the unit without the need of an opening. By default, units are surrounded by physical barriers and are open only where an opening feature is placed on the boundary of the unit. If walls are needed in an open area unit, they can be represented as a lineElement or areaElement with an isObstruction property equal to true.
isRoutable boolean (Default value is null.) false Determines if the unit is part of the routing graph. If set to true, the unit can be used as source/destination or intermediate node in the routing experience.
levelId level.Id true The ID of a level feature.
occupants array of directoryInfo.Id false The IDs of directoryInfo features. Used to represent one or many occupants in the feature.
addressId directoryInfo.Id false The ID of a directoryInfo feature. Used to represent the address of the feature.
addressRoomNumber string false Room/Unit/Apartment/Suite number of the unit. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
name string false Name of the feature in local language. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameSubtitle string false Subtitle that shows up under the name of the feature. Can be used to display the name in a different language, and so on. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameAlt string false Alternate name used for the feature. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
anchorPoint Point false GeoJSON Point geometry that represents the feature as a point. Can be used to position the label of the feature.


The structure feature class defines a physical and non-overlapping area that can't be navigated through. Can be a wall, column, and so on.

Geometry Type: Polygon

Property Type Required Description
originalId string false When the dataset is created through the conversion service, the original ID is set to the Azure Maps internal ID. When the dataset is created from a GeoJSON package, the original ID can be user defined. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
externalId string false An ID used by the client to associate the feature with another feature in a different dataset, such as in an internal database. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
categoryId category.Id true The ID of a category feature.
levelId level.Id true The ID of a level feature.
name string false Name of the feature in local language. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameSubtitle string false Subtitle that shows up under the name of the feature. Can be used to display the name in a different language, and so on. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameAlt string false Alternate name used for the feature. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
anchorPoint Point false GeoJSON Point geometry that represents the feature as a point. Can be used to position the label of the feature.


The zone feature class defines a virtual area, like a WiFi zone or emergency assembly area. Zones can be used as destinations but aren't meant for through traffic.

Geometry Type: Polygon

Property Type Required Description
originalId string false When the dataset is created through the conversion service, the original ID is automatically set to the Azure Maps internal ID. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
externalId string false An ID used by the client to associate the feature with another feature in a different dataset, such as in an internal database. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
categoryId category.Id true The ID of a category feature.
setId string true Required for zone features that represent multi-level zones. The setId is the unique ID for a zone that spans multiple levels. The setId enables a zone with varying coverage on different floors to be represented with different geometry on different levels. The setId can be any string and is case-sensitive. It's recommended that the setId is a GUID. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
levelId level.Id true The ID of a level feature.
name string false Name of the feature in local language. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameSubtitle string false Subtitle that shows up under the name of the feature. Can be used to display the name in a different language, and so on. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameAlt string false Alternate name used for the feature. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
anchorPoint Point false GeoJSON Point geometry that represents the feature as a point. Can be used to position the label of the feature.
Property Type Required Description
originalId string false When the dataset is created through the conversion service, the original ID is set to the Azure Maps internal ID. When the dataset is created from a GeoJSON package, the original ID can be user defined. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
externalId string false An ID used by the client to associate the feature with another feature in a different dataset, such as in an internal database. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
categoryId category.Id true The ID of a category feature.
setId string true Required for zone features that represent multi-level zones. The setId is the unique ID for a zone that spans multiple levels. The setId enables a zone with varying coverage on different floors to be represented with different geometry on different levels. The setId can be any string and is case-sensitive. It's recommended that the setId is a GUID. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
levelId level.Id true The ID of a level feature.
name string false Name of the feature in local language. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameSubtitle string false Subtitle that shows up under the name of the feature. Can be used to display the name in a different language, and so on. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameAlt string false Alternate name used for the feature. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
anchorPoint Point false GeoJSON Point geometry that represents the feature as a point. Can be used to position the label of the feature.


The level class feature defines an area of a building at a set elevation. For example, the floor of a building, which contains a set of features, such as units.

Geometry Type: MultiPolygon

Property Type Required Description
originalId string false When the dataset is created through the conversion service, the original ID is automatically set to the Azure Maps internal ID. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
externalId string false An ID used by the client to associate the feature with another feature in a different dataset, such as in an internal database. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
facilityId facility.Id true The ID of a facility feature.
ordinal integer true The level number. Used by the verticalPenetration feature to determine the relative order of the floors to help with travel direction. The general practice is to start with 0 for the ground floor. Add +1 for every floor upwards, and -1 for every floor going down. It can be modeled with any numbers, as long as the higher physical floors are represented by higher ordinal values.
abbreviatedName string false A four-character abbreviated level name, like what would be found on an elevator button.
heightAboveFacilityAnchor double false Vertical distance of the level's floor above facility.anchorHeightAboveSeaLevel, in meters.
verticalExtent double false Vertical extent of the level, in meters. If not provided, defaults to facility.defaultLevelVerticalExtent.
name string false Name of the feature in local language. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameSubtitle string false Subtitle that shows up under the name of the feature. Can be used to display the name in a different language, and so on. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameAlt string false Alternate name used for the feature. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
anchorPoint Point false GeoJSON Point geometry that represents the feature as a point. Can be used to position the label of the feature.
Property Type Required Description
originalId string false When the dataset is created through the conversion service, the original ID is set to the Azure Maps internal ID. When the dataset is created from a GeoJSON package, the original ID can be user defined. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
externalId string false An ID used by the client to associate the feature with another feature in a different dataset, such as in an internal database. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
facilityId facility.Id true The ID of a facility feature.
ordinal integer true The level number. Used by the verticalPenetration feature to determine the relative order of the floors to help with travel direction. The general practice is to start with 0 for the ground floor. Add +1 for every floor upwards, and -1 for every floor going down. It can be modeled with any numbers, as long as the higher physical floors are represented by higher ordinal values.
abbreviatedName string false A four-character abbreviated level name, like what would be found on an elevator button.
heightAboveFacilityAnchor double false Vertical distance of the level's floor above facility.anchorHeightAboveSeaLevel, in meters.
verticalExtent double false Vertical extent of the level, in meters. If not provided, defaults to facility.defaultLevelVerticalExtent.
name string false Name of the feature in local language. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameSubtitle string false Subtitle that shows up under the name of the feature. Can be used to display the name in a different language, and so on. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameAlt string false Alternate name used for the feature. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
anchorPoint Point false GeoJSON Point geometry that represents the feature as a point. Can be used to position the label of the feature.


The facility feature class defines the area of the site, building footprint, and so on.

Geometry Type: MultiPolygon

Property Type Required Description
originalId string false When the dataset is created through the conversion service, the original ID is automatically set to the Azure Maps internal ID. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
externalId string false An ID used by the client to associate the feature with another feature in a different dataset, such as in an internal database. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
categoryId category.Id true The ID of a category feature.
occupants array of directoryInfo.Id false The IDs of directoryInfo features. Used to represent one or many occupants in the feature.
addressId directoryInfo.Id true The ID of a directoryInfo feature. Used to represent the address of the feature.
name string false Name of the feature in local language. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameSubtitle string false Subtitle that shows up under the name of the feature. Can be used to display the name in a different language, and so on. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameAlt string false Alternate name used for the feature. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
anchorPoint Point false GeoJSON Point geometry that represents the feature as a point. Can be used to position the label of the feature.
anchorHeightAboveSeaLevel double false Height of anchor point above sea level, in meters. Sea level is defined by EGM 2008.
defaultLevelVerticalExtent double false Default value for vertical extent of levels, in meters.
Property Type Required Description
originalId string false When the dataset is created through the conversion service, the original ID is set to the Azure Maps internal ID. When the dataset is created from a GeoJSON package, the original ID can be user defined. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
externalId string false An ID used by the client to associate the feature with another feature in a different dataset, such as in an internal database. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
categoryId category.Id true The ID of a category feature.
occupants array of directoryInfo.Id false The IDs of directoryInfo features. Used to represent one or many occupants in the feature.
addressId directoryInfo.Id true The ID of a directoryInfo feature. Used to represent the address of the feature.
name string false Name of the feature in local language. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameSubtitle string false Subtitle that shows up under the name of the feature. Can be used to display the name in a different language, and so on. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameAlt string false Alternate name used for the feature. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
anchorPoint Point false GeoJSON Point geometry that represents the feature as a point. Can be used to position the label of the feature.
anchorHeightAboveSeaLevel double false Height of anchor point above sea level, in meters. Sea level is defined by EGM 2008.
defaultLevelVerticalExtent double false Default value for vertical extent of levels, in meters.


The verticalPenetration class feature defines an area that, when used in a set, represents a method of navigating vertically between levels. It can be used to model stairs, elevators, and so on. Geometry can overlap units and other vertical penetration features.

Geometry Type: Polygon

Property Type Required Description
originalId string false When the dataset is created through the conversion service, the original ID is automatically set to the Azure Maps internal ID. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
externalId string false An ID used by the client to associate the feature with another feature in a different dataset, such as in an internal database. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
categoryId category.Id true The ID of a category feature.
setId string true Vertical penetration features must be used in sets to connect multiple levels. Vertical penetration features in the same set are considered to be the same. The setId can be any string, and is case-sensitive. Using a GUID as a setId is recommended. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
levelId level.Id true The ID of a level feature.
direction string enum [ "both", "lowToHigh", "highToLow", "closed" ] false Travel direction allowed on this feature. The ordinal attribute on the level feature is used to determine the low and high order.
navigableBy enum ["pedestrian", "wheelchair", "machine", "bicycle", "automobile", "hiredAuto", "bus", "railcar", "emergency", "ferry", "boat"] false Indicates the types of navigating agents that can traverse the unit. If unspecified, the unit is traversable by any navigating agent.
nonPublic boolean false If true, the unit is navigable only by privileged users. Default value is false.
name string false Name of the feature in local language. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameSubtitle string false Subtitle that shows up under the name of the feature. Can be used to display the name in a different language, and so on. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameAlt string false Alternate name used for the feature. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
anchorPoint Point false GeoJSON Point geometry that represents the feature as a point. Can be used to position the label of the feature.
Property Type Required Description
originalId string false When the dataset is created through the conversion service, the original ID is set to the Azure Maps internal ID. When the dataset is created from a GeoJSON package, the original ID can be user defined. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
externalId string false An ID used by the client to associate the feature with another feature in a different dataset, such as in an internal database. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
categoryId category.Id true The ID of a category feature.
setId string true Vertical penetration features must be used in sets to connect multiple levels. Vertical penetration features in the same set are connected. The setId can be any string, and is case-sensitive. Using a GUID as a setId is recommended. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
levelId level.Id true The ID of a level feature.
direction string enum [ "both", "lowToHigh", "highToLow", "closed" ] false Travel direction allowed on this feature. The ordinal attribute on the level feature is used to determine the low and high order.
name string false Name of the feature in local language. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameSubtitle string false Subtitle that shows up under the name of the feature. Can be used to display the name in a different language, and so on. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameAlt string false Alternate name used for the feature. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
anchorPoint Point false GeoJSON Point geometry that represents the feature as a point. Can be used to position the label of the feature.


The opening class feature defines a traversable boundary between two units, or a unit and verticalPenetration.

Geometry Type: LineString

Property Type Required Description
originalId string false When the dataset is created through the conversion service, the original ID is automatically set to the Azure Maps internal ID. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
externalId string false An ID used by the client to associate the feature with another feature in a different dataset, such as in an internal database. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
categoryId category.Id true The ID of a category feature.
levelId level.Id true The ID of a level feature.
isConnectedToVerticalPenetration boolean false Whether or not this feature is connected to a verticalPenetration feature on one of its sides. Default value is false.
navigableBy enum ["pedestrian", "wheelchair", "machine", "bicycle", "automobile", "hiredAuto", "bus", "railcar", "emergency", "ferry", "boat"] false Indicates the types of navigating agents that can traverse the unit. If unspecified, the unit is traversable by any navigating agent.
accessRightToLeft enum [ "prohibited", "digitalKey", "physicalKey", "keyPad", "guard", "ticket", "fingerprint", "retina", "voice", "face", "palm", "iris", "signature", "handGeometry", "time", "ticketChecker", "other"] false Method of access when passing through the opening from right to left. Left and right are determined by the vertices in the feature geometry, standing at the first vertex and facing the second vertex. Omitting this property means there are no access restrictions.
accessLeftToRight enum [ "prohibited", "digitalKey", "physicalKey", "keyPad", "guard", "ticket", "fingerprint", "retina", "voice", "face", "palm", "iris", "signature", "handGeometry", "time", "ticketChecker", "other"] false Method of access when passing through the opening from left to right. Left and right are determined by the vertices in the feature geometry, standing at the first vertex and facing the second vertex. Omitting this property means there are no access restrictions.
isEmergency boolean false If true, the opening is navigable only during emergencies. Default value is false
anchorPoint Point false GeoJSON Point geometry y that represents the feature as a point. Can be used to position the label of the feature.
Property Type Required Description
originalId string false When the dataset is created through the conversion service, the original ID is set to the Azure Maps internal ID. When the dataset is created from a GeoJSON package, the original ID can be user defined. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
externalId string false An ID used by the client to associate the feature with another feature in a different dataset, such as in an internal database. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
categoryId category.Id true The ID of a category feature.
levelId level.Id true The ID of a level feature.
anchorPoint Point false GeoJSON Point geometry that represents the feature as a point. Can be used to position the label of the feature.


The directoryInfo object class feature defines the name, address, phone number, website, and hours of operation for a unit, facility, or an occupant of a unit or facility.

Geometry Type: None

Property Type Required Description
originalId string false When the dataset is created through the conversion service, the original ID is automatically set to the Azure Maps internal ID. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
externalId string false An ID used by the client to associate the feature with another feature in a different dataset, such as in an internal database. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
streetAddress string false Street address part of the address. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
unit string false Unit number part of the address. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
locality string false The locality of the address. For example: city, municipality, village. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
adminDivisions array of strings false Administrative division part of the address, from smallest to largest (County, State, Country). For example: ["King", "Washington", "USA" ] or ["West Godavari", "Andhra Pradesh", "IND" ]. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
postalCode string false Postal code part of the address. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
name string false Name of the feature in local language. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameSubtitle string false Subtitle that shows up under the name of the feature. Can be used to display the name in a different language, and so on. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameAlt string false Alternate name used for the feature. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
phoneNumber string false Phone number. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
website string false Website URL. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
hoursOfOperation string false Hours of operation as text, following the Open Street Map specification. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
Property Type Required Description
originalId string false When the dataset is created through the conversion service, the original ID is set to the Azure Maps internal ID. When the dataset is created from a GeoJSON package, the original ID can be user defined. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
externalId string false An ID used by the client to associate the feature with another feature in a different dataset, such as in an internal database. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
streetAddress string false Street address part of the address. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
unit string false Unit number part of the address. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
locality string false The locality of the address. For example: city, municipality, village. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
adminDivisions array of strings false Administrative division part of the address, from smallest to largest (County, State, Country). For example: ["King", "Washington", "USA" ] or ["West Godavari", "Andhra Pradesh", "IND" ]. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
postalCode string false Postal code part of the address. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
name string false Name of the feature in local language. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameSubtitle string false Subtitle that shows up under the name of the feature. Can be used to display the name in a different language, and so on. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameAlt string false Alternate name used for the feature. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
phoneNumber string false Phone number. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
website string false Website URL. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
hoursOfOperation string false Hours of operation as text, following the Open Street Map specification. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.


The pointElement is a class feature that defines a point feature in a unit, such as a first aid kit or a sprinkler head.

Geometry Type: MultiPoint

Property Type Required Description
originalId string false When the dataset is created through the conversion service, the original ID is automatically set to the Azure Maps internal ID. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
externalId string false An ID used by the client to associate the feature with another feature in a different dataset, such as in an internal database. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
categoryId category.Id true The ID of a category feature.
unitId string true The ID of a unit feature containing this feature. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
isObstruction boolean (Default value is null.) false If true, this feature represents an obstruction to be avoided while routing through the containing unit feature.
name string false Name of the feature in local language. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameSubtitle string false Subtitle that shows up under the name of the feature. Can be used to display the name in a different language, and so on. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameAlt string false Alternate name used for the feature. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
Property Type Required Description
originalId string false When the dataset is created through the conversion service, the original ID is set to the Azure Maps internal ID. When the dataset is created from a GeoJSON package, the original ID can be user defined. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
externalId string false An ID used by the client to associate the feature with another feature in a different dataset, such as in an internal database. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
categoryId category.Id true The ID of a category feature.
unitId string true The ID of a unit feature containing this feature. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
isObstruction boolean (Default value is null.) false If true, this feature represents an obstruction to be avoided while routing through the containing unit feature.
name string false Name of the feature in local language. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameSubtitle string false Subtitle that shows up under the name of the feature. Can be used to display the name in a different language, and so on. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameAlt string false Alternate name used for the feature. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.


The lineElement is a class feature that defines a line feature in a unit, such as a dividing wall or window.

Geometry Type: LinearMultiString

Property Type Required Description
originalId string false When the dataset is created through the conversion service, the original ID is automatically set to the Azure Maps internal ID. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
externalId string false An ID used by the client to associate the feature with another feature in a different dataset, such as in an internal database. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
categoryId category.Id true The ID of a category feature.
unitId unitId true The ID of a unit feature containing this feature.
isObstruction boolean (Default value is null.) false If true, this feature represents an obstruction to be avoided while routing through the containing unit feature.
name string false Name of the feature in local language. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameSubtitle string false Subtitle that shows up under the name of the feature. Can be used to display the name in a different language, and so on. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameAlt string false Alternate name used for the feature. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
anchorPoint Point false GeoJSON Point geometry that represents the feature as a point. Can be used to position the label of the feature.
obstructionArea Polygon or MultiPolygon false A simplified geometry (when the line geometry is complicated) of the feature that is to be avoided during routing. Requires isObstruction set to true.
Property Type Required Description
originalId string false When the dataset is created through the conversion service, the original ID is set to the Azure Maps internal ID. When the dataset is created from a GeoJSON package, the original ID can be user defined. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
externalId string false An ID used by the client to associate the feature with another feature in a different dataset, such as in an internal database. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
categoryId category.Id true The ID of a category feature.
unitId unitId true The ID of a unit feature containing this feature.
isObstruction boolean (Default value is null.) false If true, this feature represents an obstruction to be avoided while routing through the containing unit feature.
name string false Name of the feature in local language. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameSubtitle string false Subtitle that shows up under the name of the feature. Can be used to display the name in a different language, and so on. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameAlt string false Alternate name used for the feature. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
anchorPoint Point false GeoJSON Point geometry that represents the feature as a point. Can be used to position the label of the feature.
obstructionArea Polygon or MultiPolygon false A simplified geometry (when the line geometry is complicated) of the feature that is to be avoided during routing. Requires isObstruction set to true.


The areaElement is a class feature that defines a polygon feature in a unit, such as an area open to below, an obstruction like an island in a unit.

Geometry Type: MultiPolygon

Property Type Required Description
originalId string false When the dataset is created through the conversion service, the original ID is automatically set to the Azure Maps internal ID. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
externalId string false An ID used by the client to associate the feature with another feature in a different dataset, such as in an internal database. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
categoryId category.Id true The ID of a category feature.
unitId unitId true The ID of a unit feature containing this feature.
isObstruction boolean false If true, this feature represents an obstruction to be avoided while routing through the containing unit feature.
obstructionArea Polygon or MultiPolygon false A simplified geometry (when the line geometry is complicated) of the feature that is to be avoided during routing. Requires isObstruction set to true.
name string false Name of the feature in local language. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameSubtitle string false Subtitle that shows up under the name of the feature. Can be used to display the name in a different language, and so on. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameAlt string false Alternate name used for the feature. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
anchorPoint Point false GeoJSON Point geometry that represents the feature as a point. Can be used to position the label of the feature.
Property Type Required Description
originalId string false When the dataset is created through the conversion service, the original ID is set to the Azure Maps internal ID. When the dataset is created from a GeoJSON package, the original ID can be user defined. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
externalId string false An ID used by the client to associate the feature with another feature in a different dataset, such as in an internal database. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
categoryId category.Id true The ID of a category feature.
unitId unitId true The ID of a unit feature containing this feature.
isObstruction boolean false If true, this feature represents an obstruction to be avoided while routing through the containing unit feature.
obstructionArea Polygon or MultiPolygon false A simplified geometry (when the line geometry is complicated) of the feature that is to be avoided during routing. Requires isObstruction set to true.
name string false Name of the feature in local language. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameSubtitle string false Subtitle that shows up under the name of the feature. Can be used to display the name in a different language, and so on. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
nameAlt string false Alternate name used for the feature. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
anchorPoint Point false GeoJSON Point geometry that represents the feature as a point. Can be used to position the label of the feature.


The category class feature defines category names. For example: "room.conference".

Geometry Type: None

Property Type Required Description
originalId string false The category's original ID derived from client data. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
externalId string false An ID used by the client to associate the category with another category in a different dataset, such as in an internal database. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
name string true Name of the category. Suggested to use "." to represent hierarchy of categories. For example: "room.conference", "room.privateoffice". Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
routeThroughBehavior boolean false Determines whether a feature can be used for through traffic.
isRoutable boolean (Default value is null.) false Determines if a feature should be part of the routing graph. If set to true, the unit can be used as source/destination or intermediate node in the routing experience.
Property Type Required Description
originalId string false When the dataset is created through the conversion service, the original ID is set to the Azure Maps internal ID. When the dataset is created from a GeoJSON package, the original ID can be user defined. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
externalId string false An ID used by the client to associate the category with another category in a different dataset, such as in an internal database. Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.
name string true Name of the category. Suggested to use "." to represent hierarchy of categories. For example: "room.conference", "room.privateoffice". Maximum length allowed is 1,000 characters.

Next steps

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