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CloudEvents extension for Azure Web PubSub event handler with HTTP protocol

The Web PubSub service delivers client events to the upstream webhook using the CloudEvents HTTP protocol binding.

The data sent from the Web PubSub service to the server is always in CloudEvents binary format.

Webhook validation

The Webhook validation follows CloudEvents. The request always contains WebHook-Request-Origin: xxx.webpubsub.azure.com in the header.

If and only if the delivery target does allow delivery of the events, it MUST reply to the request by including WebHook-Allowed-Origin header, for example:

WebHook-Allowed-Origin: *


WebHook-Allowed-Origin: xxx.webpubsub.azure.com

For now, WebHook-Request-Rate and WebHook-Request-Callback aren't supported.

Web PubSub CloudEvents attribute extension

It was also noted that the HTTP specification is now following a similar pattern by no longer suggesting that extension HTTP headers be prefixed with X-.

This extension defines attributes used by Web PubSub for every event it produces.


Name Type Description Example
userId string The user the connection authed
hub string The hub the connection belongs to
connectionId string The connectionId is unique for the client connection
eventName string The name of the event without prefix
subprotocol string The subprotocol the client is using if any
connectionState string Defines the state for the connection. You can use the same response header to reset the value of the state. Multiple connectionState headers aren't allowed. Do base64 encode the string value if it contains complex characters inside, for example, base64(jsonString) to pass complex object using this attribute.
signature string The signature for the upstream webhook to validate if the incoming request is from the expected origin. The service calculates the value using both primary access key and secondary access key as the HMAC key: Hex_encoded(HMAC_SHA256(accessKey, connectionId)). The upstream should check if the request is valid before processing it.


There are two types of events. One is blocking events that the service waits for the response of the event to continue. One is unblocking events that the service doesn't wait for the response of such event before processing the next message.

System connect event

  • ce-type: azure.webpubsub.sys.connect
  • Content-Type: application/json

Request format:

POST /upstream HTTP/1.1
Host: xxxxxx
WebHook-Request-Origin: xxx.webpubsub.azure.com
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: nnnn
ce-specversion: 1.0
ce-type: azure.webpubsub.sys.connect
ce-source: /hubs/{hub}/client/{connectionId}
ce-id: {eventId}
ce-time: 2021-01-01T00:00:00Z
ce-signature: sha256={connection-id-hash-primary},sha256={connection-id-hash-secondary}
ce-userId: {userId}
ce-connectionId: {connectionId}
ce-hub: {hub}
ce-eventName: connect

    "claims": {},
    "query": {},
    "headers": {},
    "subprotocols": [],
    "clientCertificates": [
            "thumbprint": "<certificate SHA-1 thumbprint>",
            "content": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\r\n...\r\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"

Success response format:

  • Header ce-connectionState: If this header exists, the connection state of this connection will be updated to the value of the header. Only blocking events can update the connection state. The below sample uses base64 encoded JSON string to store the complex state for the connection.

  • Status code:

    • 204: Success, with no content.
    • 200: Success, the content SHOULD be a JSON format, with following properties allowed:
      • subprotocols

        The connect event forwards the subprotocol and authentication information to Upstream from the client. Web PubSub service uses the status code to determine if the request will be upgraded to WebSocket protocol.

        If the request contains the subprotocols property, the server should return one subprotocol it supports. If the server doesn't want to use any subprotocols, it should not send the subprotocol property in response. Sending a blank header is invalid.

      • userId: {auth-ed user ID}

        As the service allows anonymous connections, it's the connect event's responsibility to tell the service the user ID of the client connection. The service reads the user ID from the response payload userId if it exists. The connection is dropped if the user ID can't be read from the request claims nor the connect event's response payload.

      • groups: {groups to join}

        The property provides a convenient way for user to add this connection to one or multiple groups. In this way, there's no need to have another call to add this connection to some group.

      • roles: {roles the client has}

        The property provides a way for the upstream Webhook to authorize the client. There are different roles to grant initial permissions for PubSub WebSocket clients. Details about the permissions are described in Client permissions.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
ce-connectionState: eyJrZXkiOiJhIn0=

    "groups": [],
    "userId": "",
    "roles": [],
    "subprotocol": ""

Error response format:

  • 4xx: Error, the response from Upstream will be returned as the response for the client request.
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized

System connected event

The service calls the Upstream when the client completes WebSocket handshake and is successfully connected.

  • ce-type: azure.webpubsub.sys.connected
  • Content-Type: application/json
  • ce-connectionState: eyJrZXkiOiJhIn0=

Request body is empty JSON.

Request format:

POST /upstream HTTP/1.1
Host: xxxxxx
WebHook-Request-Origin: xxx.webpubsub.azure.com
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: nnnn
ce-specversion: 1.0
ce-type: azure.webpubsub.sys.connected
ce-source: /hubs/{hub}/client/{connectionId}
ce-id: {eventId}
ce-time: 2021-01-01T00:00:00Z
ce-signature: sha256={connection-id-hash-primary},sha256={connection-id-hash-secondary}
ce-userId: {userId}
ce-connectionId: {connectionId}
ce-hub: {hub}
ce-eventName: connected
ce-subprotocol: abc
ce-connectionState: eyJrZXkiOiJhIn0=


Response format:

2xx: success response.

connected is an asynchronous event, when the response status code isn't success, the service logs an error.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

System disconnected event

disconnected event is always triggered when the client request completes if the connect event returns 2xx status code.

  • ce-type: azure.webpubsub.sys.disconnected
  • Content-Type: application/json

Request format:

POST /upstream HTTP/1.1
Host: xxxxxx
WebHook-Request-Origin: xxx.webpubsub.azure.com
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: nnnn
ce-specversion: 1.0
ce-type: azure.webpubsub.sys.disconnected
ce-source: /hubs/{hub}/client/{connectionId}
ce-id: {eventId}
ce-time: 2021-01-01T00:00:00Z
ce-signature: sha256={connection-id-hash-primary},sha256={connection-id-hash-secondary}
ce-userId: {userId}
ce-connectionId: {connectionId}
ce-hub: {hub}
ce-eventName: disconnected
ce-subprotocol: abc
ce-connectionState: eyJrZXkiOiJhIn0=

    "reason": "{Reason}"

  • reason

    The reason describes the reason the client disconnects.

Response format:

2xx: success response.

disconnected is an asynchronous event, when the response status code isn't success, the service logs an error.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

User event message for the simple WebSocket clients

The service invokes the event handler upstream for every WebSocket message frame.

  • ce-type: azure.webpubsub.user.message
  • Content-Type: application/octet-stream for binary frame; text/plain for text frame;

UserPayload is what the client sends.

Request format:

POST /upstream HTTP/1.1
Host: xxxxxx
WebHook-Request-Origin: xxx.webpubsub.azure.com
Content-Type: application/octet-stream | text/plain | application/json
Content-Length: nnnn
ce-specversion: 1.0
ce-type: azure.webpubsub.user.message
ce-source: /hubs/{hub}/client/{connectionId}
ce-id: {eventId}
ce-time: 2021-01-01T00:00:00Z
ce-signature: sha256={connection-id-hash-primary},sha256={connection-id-hash-secondary}
ce-userId: {userId}
ce-connectionId: {connectionId}
ce-hub: {hub}
ce-eventName: message
ce-connectionState: eyJrZXkiOiJhIn0=


Success response format

  • Status code
    • 204: Success, with no content.
    • 200: Success, the format of the UserResponsePayload depends on the Content-Type of the response.
  • Content-Type: application/octet-stream for binary frame; text/plain for text frame;
  • Header Content-Type: application/octet-stream for binary frame; text/plain for text frame;
  • Header ce-connectionState: If this header exists, the connection state of this connection will be updated to the value of the header. Only blocking events can update the connection state. The below sample uses base64 encoded JSON string to store complex state for the connection.

When the Content-Type is application/octet-stream, the service sends UserResponsePayload to the client using binary WebSocket frame. When the Content-Type is text/plain, the service sends UserResponsePayload to the client using text WebSocket frame.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/octet-stream (for binary frame) or text/plain (for text frame)
Content-Length: nnnn
ce-connectionState: eyJrZXkiOiJhIn0=


Error response format

When the status code isn't success, it's considered to be error response. The connection would be dropped if the message response status code isn't success.

User custom event {custom_event} for PubSub WebSocket clients

The service calls the event handler webhook for every valid custom event message.

Case 1: send event with text data:

    "type": "event",
    "event": "<event_name>",
    "dataType" : "text",
    "data": "text data"

What the upstream event handler receives like below, the Content-Type for the CloudEvents HTTP request is text/plain for dataType=text

POST /upstream HTTP/1.1
Host: xxxxxx
WebHook-Request-Origin: xxx.webpubsub.azure.com
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: nnnn
ce-specversion: 1.0
ce-type: azure.webpubsub.user.<event_name>
ce-source: /client/{connectionId}
ce-id: {eventId}
ce-time: 2021-01-01T00:00:00Z
ce-signature: sha256={connection-id-hash-primary},sha256={connection-id-hash-secondary}
ce-userId: {userId}
ce-connectionId: {connectionId}
ce-hub: {hub_name}
ce-eventName: <event_name>
ce-subprotocol: json.webpubsub.azure.v1
ce-connectionState: eyJrZXkiOiJhIn0=

text data

Case 2: send event with JSON data:

    "type": "event",
    "event": "<event_name>",
    "dataType" : "json",
    "data": {
        "hello": "world"

What the upstream event handler receives like below, the Content-Type for the CloudEvents HTTP request is application/json for dataType=json

POST /upstream HTTP/1.1
Host: xxxxxx
WebHook-Request-Origin: xxx.webpubsub.azure.com
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: nnnn
ce-specversion: 1.0
ce-type: azure.webpubsub.user.<event_name>
ce-source: /client/{connectionId}
ce-id: {eventId}
ce-time: 2021-01-01T00:00:00Z
ce-signature: sha256={connection-id-hash-primary},sha256={connection-id-hash-secondary}
ce-userId: {userId}
ce-connectionId: {connectionId}
ce-hub: {hub_name}
ce-eventName: <event_name>
ce-subprotocol: json.webpubsub.azure.v1
ce-connectionState: eyJrZXkiOiJhIn0=

    "hello": "world"

Case 3: send event with binary data:

    "type": "event",
    "event": "<event_name>",
    "dataType" : "binary",
    "data": "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=" // base64 encoded binary

What the upstream event handler receives like below, the Content-Type for the CloudEvents HTTP request is application/octet-stream for dataType=binary

POST /upstream HTTP/1.1
Host: xxxxxx
WebHook-Request-Origin: xxx.webpubsub.azure.com
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Length: nnnn
ce-specversion: 1.0
ce-type: azure.webpubsub.user.<event_name>
ce-source: /client/{connectionId}
ce-id: {eventId}
ce-time: 2021-01-01T00:00:00Z
ce-signature: sha256={connection-id-hash-primary},sha256={connection-id-hash-secondary}
ce-userId: {userId}
ce-connectionId: {connectionId}
ce-hub: {hub_name}
ce-eventName: <event_name>
ce-subprotocol: json.webpubsub.azure.v1

<binary data>

Success response format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/octet-stream | text/plain | application/json
Content-Length: nnnn

  • Status code
    • 204: Success, with no content.
    • 200: Success, data sending to the PubSub WebSocket client depends on the Content-Type;
  • Header ce-connectionState: If this header exists, the connection state of this connection will be updated to the value of the header. Only blocking events can update the connection state. The below sample uses base64 encoded JSON string to store the complex state for the connection.
  • When Header Content-Type is application/octet-stream, the service sends UserResponsePayload back to the client using dataType as binary with payload base64 encoded. A sample response:
        "type": "message",
        "from": "server",
        "dataType": "binary",
        "data" : "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ="
  • When the Content-Type is text/plain, the service sends UserResponsePayload to the client using dataType as text with payload string.
  • When the Content-Type is application/json, the service sends UserResponsePayload to the client using dataType=json with data value token as the response payload body.

Error response format

When the status code isn't success, it's considered to be error response. The connection would be dropped if the {custom_event} response status code isn't success.

Next steps

Use these resources to start building your own application: