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Quickstart: Get started with UI Library

Get started with Azure Communication Services UI Library to quickly integrate communication experiences into your applications. In this quickstart, learn how to integrate UI Library composites into an application and set up the experience for your app users.

Communication Services UI Library renders a full communication experience right in your application. It takes care of connecting to the call, and it sets up the user's participation in the call behind the scenes. As a developer, you need to worry about where in your app's user experience you want the communication experience to launch. The composite takes the user through setting up their devices, joining the call and participating in it, and rendering other participants.

View this video for an overview:


For detailed documentation and quickstarts about the Web UI Library visit the Web UI Library Storybook.


You can access the following quickstarts

Get the sample Android application for this quickstart in the open source Azure Communication Services UI Library for Android.


Set up the project

Complete the following sections to set up the quickstart project.

Create a new Android project

In Android Studio, create a new project:

  1. In the File menu, select New > New Project.

  2. In New Project, select the Empty Activity project template.

    Screenshot that shows the New Project dialog in Android Studio with Empty Activity selected.

  3. Select Next.

  4. In Empty Activity, name the project UILibraryQuickStart. For language, select Java/Kotlin. For the minimum SDK, select API 26: Android 8.0 (Oreo) or later.

  5. Select Finish.

    Screenshot that shows new project options and the Finish button selected.

Install the packages

Complete the following sections to install the required application packages.

Add a dependency

In your app-level UILibraryQuickStart/app/build.gradle file (in the app folder), add the following dependency:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.azure.android:azure-communication-ui-calling:+'

Add Maven repositories

Two Maven repositories are required to integrate the library:

  • MavenCentral
  • The Azure package repository

To add the repositories:

  1. In your project Gradle scripts, ensure that the following repositories are added. For Android Studio (2020.*), repositories is in settings.gradle, under dependencyResolutionManagement(Gradle version 6.8 or greater). For earlier versions of Android Studio (4.*), repositories is in the project-level build.gradle, under allprojects{}.

    // dependencyResolutionManagement
    repositories {
        maven {
            url "https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/MicrosoftDeviceSDK/DuoSDK-Public/_packaging/Duo-SDK-Feed/maven/v1"
  2. Sync your project with the Gradle files. To sync the project, on the File menu, select Sync Project With Gradle Files.

Add a button to Activity_main.xml

In the app/src/main/res/layout/activity_main.xml layout file, add the following code to create a button to start the composite:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"

        app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />


Initialize the composite

To initialize the composite:

  1. Go to MainActivity.

  2. Add the following code to initialize your composite components for calling. Replace "GROUP_CALL_ID" with the group ID for your call. Replace "DISPLAY_NAME" with your name. Replace "USER_ACCESS_TOKEN" with your token.

package com.example.uilibraryquickstart

import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity
import android.os.Bundle
import android.widget.Button
import com.azure.android.communication.common.CommunicationTokenCredential
import com.azure.android.communication.common.CommunicationTokenRefreshOptions
import com.azure.android.communication.ui.calling.CallComposite
import com.azure.android.communication.ui.calling.CallCompositeBuilder
import com.azure.android.communication.ui.calling.models.CallCompositeGroupCallLocator
import com.azure.android.communication.ui.calling.models.CallCompositeJoinLocator
import java.util.UUID

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        val startButton: Button = findViewById(R.id.startButton)
        startButton.setOnClickListener { l -> startCallComposite() }

    private fun startCallComposite() {
        val communicationTokenRefreshOptions = CommunicationTokenRefreshOptions({ fetchToken() }, true)
        val communicationTokenCredential = CommunicationTokenCredential(communicationTokenRefreshOptions)

        val locator: CallCompositeJoinLocator = CallCompositeGroupCallLocator(UUID.fromString("GROUP_CALL_ID"))
        val callComposite: CallComposite = CallCompositeBuilder()
        callComposite.launch(this, locator)

    private fun fetchToken(): String? {
        return "USER_ACCESS_TOKEN"

Run the code

In Android Studio, build and start the application:

  1. Select Launch.
  2. Accept permissions, and then select device, microphone, and video settings.
  3. Select Join call.

GIF animation that shows an example of how the project runs on an Android device.

Object model

The following classes and interfaces handle some key features of the Azure Communication Services Android UI:

Name Description
CallComposite Composite component that renders a call experience with participant gallery and controls
CallCompositeBuilder Builder that builds CallComposite with options
CallCompositeJoinMeetingLocator Passed-in CallComposite launch to start a group call
CallCompositeTeamsMeetingLinkLocator Passed to CallComposite launch to join a Microsoft Teams meeting
CallCompositeLocalizationOptions Injected as optional in CallCompositeBuilder to set the language of the composite

UI Library functionality

Get the code to create key communication features for your Android application.

Set up authentication

To set up authentication, inside the startCallComposite function, initialize a CommunicationTokenCredential instance. Replace "USER_ACCESS_TOKEN" with your access token.

val callComposite: CallComposite = CallCompositeBuilder().build()

val communicationTokenRefreshOptions = CommunicationTokenRefreshOptions(this::fetchToken, true)

val communicationTokenCredential = CommunicationTokenCredential(communicationTokenRefreshOptions)

Create CallComposite

To create CallComposite, inside the startCallComposite function, initialize a CallCompositeBuilder instance with application context, credentials and a display name.

val callComposite: CallComposite = CallCompositeBuilder()

Set up a group call

To set up a group call, initialize a CallCompositeGroupCallLocator.

val locator = CallCompositeGroupCallLocator(UUID.fromString("GROUP_CALL_ID"))

Join a Teams meeting

You can join to a Teams meeting using two mechanisms:

  • Teams meeting URL or Teams meeting short URL
  • Teams Meeting ID and Passcode

The Teams meeting link can be retrieved using Graph APIs, which is detailed in Graph documentation.

The Communication Services Calling SDK accepts a full Teams meeting link. This link is returned as part of the onlineMeeting resource, accessible under the joinWebUrl property You can also get the required meeting information from the Join Meeting URL in the Teams meeting invite itself.

Join via Teams meeting URL

To join a Microsoft Teams meeting, initialize a CallCompositeTeamsMeetingLinkLocator.

val locator = CallCompositeTeamsMeetingLinkLocator("TEAMS_MEETING_LINK")

Join via Teams Meeting ID and Passcode

The CallCompositeTeamsMeetingLinkLocator locates a meeting using a meeting ID and passcode. These can be found under a Teams meeting's join info. A Teams meeting ID is 12 characters long and consists of numeric digits grouped in threes (i.e. 000 000 000 000). A passcode consists of 6 alphabet characters (i.e. aBcDeF). The passcode is case sensitive.

val locator = CallCompositeTeamsMeetingIdLocator("TEAMS_MEETING_ID", "TEAMS_MEETING_PASSCODE")

Set up a Rooms call

To set up an Azure Communication Services Rooms call, initialize a CallCompositeRoomLocator with a room ID. While on the setup screen, CallComposite enables camera and microphone to all participants with any room role. Actual up-to-date participant role and capabilities are retrieved from Azure Communication Services once call is connected.

For more information about Rooms, how to create and manage one see Rooms Quickstart

val locator = CallCompositeRoomLocator("<ROOM_ID>")

Set up a 1:N Outgoing call and incoming call push notifications

UI Library supports one-to-one VoIP call to dial users by communication identifier. To receive incoming call UI Library also supports registering for PUSH notifications. To learn more about the integration for Android and iOS platform and usage of the API, see How to make one-to-one call and receive PUSH notifications.

Launch the composite

To launch the call UI, inside the startCallComposite function, call launch on the CallComposite instance.

callComposite.launch(activityContext, locator)

Subscribe to CallComposite error events

To receive error events, call setOnErrorHandler with CallComposite.

The following errorCode values might be sent to the error handler:

  • CallCompositeErrorCode.CALL_JOIN_FAILED
  • CallCompositeErrorCode.CALL_END_FAILED
  • CallCompositeErrorCode.TOKEN_EXPIRED
  • CallCompositeErrorCode.CAMERA_FAILURE

The following example shows an error event for a failed composite event.

callComposite.addOnErrorEventHandler { callCompositeErrorEvent ->

Apply a theme configuration

To change the primary color of the composite, create a new theme style in src/main/res/values/themes.xml and src/main/res/values-night/themes.xml by using AzureCommunicationUICalling.Theme as the parent theme. To apply the theme, inject the theme ID in CallCompositeBuilder:

<style name="MyCompany.CallComposite" parent="AzureCommunicationUICalling.Theme">
    <item name="azure_communication_ui_calling_primary_color">#27AC22</item>
    <item name="azure_communication_ui_calling_primary_color_tint10">#5EC65A</item>
    <item name="azure_communication_ui_calling_primary_color_tint20">#A7E3A5</item>
    <item name="azure_communication_ui_calling_primary_color_tint30">#CEF0CD</item>
val callComposite: CallComposite =

Apply a localization configuration

To change the language of the composite, use CallCompositeSupportedLocale to create CallCompositeLocalizationOptions with Locale. To apply language, inject the localization configuration in CallCompositeBuilder. By default, all text labels use English (en) strings. You can use CallCompositeLocalizationOptions to set a different value for language. By default, UI Library includes a set of language values that you can use with UI components. CallCompositeSupportedLocale provides the supported locales. For example, to access the English locale, you can use CallCompositeSupportedLocale.EN. CallCompositeSupportedLocale.getSupportedLocales() provides a list of locale objects for supported languages.

import com.azure.android.communication.ui.calling.models.CallCompositeLocalizationOptions
import com.azure.android.communication.ui.calling.models.CallCompositeSupportedLocale

// CallCompositeSupportedLocale provides list of supported locale
val callComposite: CallComposite =

Subscribe to CallComposite call state changed event

To receive call state changed events, call addOnCallStateChangedEventHandler with CallComposite.

The following example shows an event for a call state changed.

callComposite.addOnCallStateChangedEventHandler { callStateChangedEvent ->

Dismiss CallComposite and subscribe to dismissed event

To receive dismiss, call addOnDismissedEventHandler with CallComposite. To dismiss CallComposite, call dismiss.

The following example shows an event for a call state changed.

callComposite.addOnDismissedEventHandler { callCompositeDismissedEvent ->


More features

The list of use cases has detailed information about more features.

Add notifications to your mobile app

Azure Communication Services integrates with Azure Event Grid and Azure Notification Hubs, so you can add push notifications to your apps in Azure. You can use push notifications to send information from your application to users' mobile devices. A push notification can show a dialog, play a sound, or display an incoming call UI.

Get the sample iOS application for this QuickStart in the open source Azure Communication Services UI Library for iOS.


Set up the project

Complete the following sections to set up the quickstart project.

Create a new Xcode project

In Xcode, create a new project:

  1. In the File menu, select New > Project.

  2. In Choose a template for your new project, select the iOS platform and select the App application template. The quickstart uses the UIKit storyboards. The quickstart doesn't create tests, so you can clear the Include Tests checkbox.

    Screenshot that shows the Xcode new project dialog, with iOS and the App template selected.

  3. In Choose options for your new project, for the product name, enter UILibraryQuickStart. For the interface, select Storyboard.

    Screenshot that shows setting new project options in Xcode.

Install the package and dependencies

  1. (Optional) For MacBook with M1, install, and enable Rosetta in Xcode.

  2. In your project root directory, run pod init to create a Podfile. If you encounter an error, update CocoaPods to the current version.

  3. Add the following code to your Podfile. Replace UILibraryQuickStart with your project name.

    platform :ios, '15.0'
    target 'UILibraryQuickStart' do
        pod 'AzureCommunicationUICalling'
  4. Run pod install --repo-update.

  5. In Xcode, open the generated.xcworkspace* file.

Request access to device hardware

To access the device's hardware, including the microphone, and camera, update your app's information property list. Set the associated value to a string that's included in the dialog the system uses to request access from the user.

  1. Right-click the Info.plist entry of the project tree and select Open As > Source Code. Add the following lines to the top level <dict> section, and then save the file.


    Here's an example of the Info.plist source code in an Xcode file:

    Screenshot that shows an example of the info plist source code in an Xcode file.

  2. To verify that device permission requests are added correctly, select Open As > Property List. Check that the information property list looks similar to the following example:

    Screenshot that shows the camera and microphone device privacy in Xcode.

Turn off Bitcode

In the Xcode project, under Build Settings, set the Enable Bitcode option to No. To find the setting, change the filter from Basic to All or use the search bar.

Screenshot that shows the Build Settings option to turn off Bitcode.

Initialize the composite

To initialize the composite:

  1. Go to ViewController.

  2. Add the following code to initialize your composite components for a call. Replace <GROUP_CALL_ID> with either the group ID for your call or with UUID() to generate a group ID for the call. Replace <DISPLAY_NAME> with your name. (The string length limit for <DISPLAY_NAME> is 256 characters.) Replace <USER_ACCESS_TOKEN> with your access token.

    import UIKit
    import AzureCommunicationCalling
    import AzureCommunicationUICalling
    class ViewController: UIViewController {
        private var callComposite: CallComposite?
        override func viewDidLoad() {
            let button = UIButton(frame: CGRect(x: 100, y: 100, width: 200, height: 50))
            button.contentEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 10.0, left: 20.0, bottom: 10.0, right: 20.0)
            button.layer.cornerRadius = 10
            button.backgroundColor = .systemBlue
            button.setTitle("Start Experience", for: .normal)
            button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(startCallComposite), for: .touchUpInside)
            button.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
            button.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.centerXAnchor).isActive = true
            button.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.centerYAnchor).isActive = true
        @objc private func startCallComposite() {
            let callCompositeOptions = CallCompositeOptions(displayName: "<DISPLAY_NAME>")
            let communicationTokenCredential = try! CommunicationTokenCredential(token: "<USER_ACCESS_TOKEN>")
            callComposite = CallComposite(credential: communicationTokenCredential, withOptions: callCompositeOptions)
            callComposite?.launch(locator: .groupCall(groupId: UUID(uuidString: "<GROUP_CALL_ID>")!))

Run the code

To build and run your app on the iOS simulator, select Product > Run or use the (⌘-R) keyboard shortcut. Then, try out the call experience on the simulator:

  1. Select Start Experience.

  2. Accept audio permissions, and then select device, mic, and video settings.

  3. Select Start call.

GIF animation that demonstrates the final look and feel of the quickstart iOS app.

Object model

The following classes and interfaces handle some key features of the Azure Communication Services UI client library:

Name Description
CallComposite Component that renders a call experience that has a participant gallery and controls
CallCompositeOptions Settings for options like themes and event handling
ThemeOptions Customization options for the composite theme
LocalizationOptions Language options for the composite

UI Library functionality

Get the code to create key communication features for your iOS application.

Set up authentication

To set up authentication, inside the startCallComposite function, initialize a CommunicationTokenCredential instance. Replace <USER_ACCESS_TOKEN> with your access token.

let communicationTokenCredential = try! CommunicationTokenCredential(token: "<USER_ACCESS_TOKEN>")

If you don't already have an access token, create an Azure Communication Services access token.

Create CallComposite

To create CallComposite, inside the startCallComposite function, initialize a CallCompositeOptions instance with optional <DISPLAY_NAME> and a CommunicationTokenCredential instance:

@objc private func startCallComposite() {
    let callCompositeOptions = CallCompositeOptions(displayName: "<DISPLAY_NAME>")
    let communicationTokenCredential = try! CommunicationTokenCredential(token: "<USER_ACCESS_TOKEN>")

    callComposite = CallComposite(credential: communicationTokenCredential, withOptions: callCompositeOptions)

Set up a group call

To set up a group call, inside the startCallComposite function, initialize a .groupCall locator. Replace <GROUP_CALL_ID> with the group ID for your call.

// let uuid = UUID() to create a new call
let uuid = UUID(uuidString: "<GROUP_CALL_ID>")!
let locator = .groupCall(groupId: uuid)

For more information about using a group ID for calls, see Manage calls.

Join a Teams meeting

You can join to a Teams meeting using two mechanisms:

  • Teams meeting URL or Teams meeting short URL
  • Teams Meeting ID and Passcode

The Teams meeting link can be retrieved using Graph APIs, which is detailed in Graph documentation.

The Communication Services Calling SDK accepts a full Teams meeting link. This link is returned as part of the onlineMeeting resource, accessible under the joinWebUrl property You can also get the required meeting information from the Join Meeting URL in the Teams meeting invite itself.

Join via Teams meeting URL

To join a Microsoft Teams meeting, inside the startCallComposite function, initialize an instance for the .teamsMeeting locator. Replace <TEAMS_MEETING_LINK> with the Teams meeting link for your call. Replace <DISPLAY_NAME> with your name.

let locator = .teamsMeeting(teamsLink: "<TEAMS_MEETING_LINK>")

Join via Teams Meeting ID and Passcode

The teamMeetingId locates a meeting using a meeting ID and passcode. These can be found under a Teams meeting's join info. A Teams meeting ID is 12 characters long and consists of numeric digits grouped in threes (i.e. 000 000 000 000). A passcode consists of 6 alphabet characters (i.e. aBcDeF). The passcode is case sensitive.

let locator = .teamsMeetingId(meetingId: "<TEAMS_MEETING_ID>", meetingPasscode:  "<TEAMS_MEETING_PASSCODE>" )

Set up a Room call

To set up an Azure Communication Services Rooms call, initialize a CallCompositeRoomLocator with a room ID. While on the setup screen, CallComposite will enable camera and microphone to all participants with any room role. Actual up-to-date participant role and capabilities are retrieved from Azure Communication Services once call is connected.

For more information about Rooms, how to create and manage one see Rooms QuickStart

let locator = .roomCall(roomId: "<ROOM_ID>")

Set up a 1:N Outgoing call and incoming call push notifications

UI Library supports one-to-one VoIP call to dial users by communication identifier. To receive incoming call UI Library also supports registering for PUSH notifications. To learn more about the integration for Android and iOS platform and usage of the API, see How to make one-to-one call and receive PUSH notifications.

Launch the composite

Inside the startCallComposite function, call launch on the CallComposite instance:

callComposite?.launch(locator: locator)

Subscribe to events

You can implement closures to act on composite events. The following errorCodes might be sent to the error handler:

  • callJoin
  • callEnd
  • cameraFailure
  • tokenExpired
  • microphonePermissionNotGranted
  • networkConnectionNotAvailable

The following example shows an error event for a failed composite event:

callComposite?.events.onError = { error in
    print("CallComposite failed with error:\(error)")

Apply theme options

To customize the communication experience in your application, create custom theme options that implement the ThemeOptions protocol. Include an instance of the new class in CallCompositeOptions:

class CustomThemeOptions: ThemeOptions {
   var primaryColor: UIColor {
       return UIColor.red
let callCompositeOptions = CallCompositeOptions(theme: CustomThemeOptions())

For more information about how theming works, see the theming guide.

Apply localization options

To change the language in the composite, create custom localization options and include them in CallCompositeOptions. By default, all text labels use English (SupportedLocale.en) strings. You can use LocalizationOptions to set a different value for locale. By default, UI Library includes a set of locale values that you can use with the UI components. SupportedLocale.values provides a list of all supported languages.

In the following example, the composite is localized to French (fr):

// Option1: Use IntelliSense to get locales UI Library supports.
let localizationOptions = LocalizationOptions(locale: SupportedLocale.frFR)

// Option2: If UI Library doesn't support the locale you set, the Swift Locale struct defaults to English.
let localizationOptions = LocalizationOptions(locale: Locale(identifier: "fr-FR"))

let callCompositeOptions = CallCompositeOptions(localization: localizationOptions) 

For more information about localization and for a list of supported languages, see the localization guide.

Subscribe to CallComposite call state changed event

You can implement closures to act on composite events. The call states are sent to the call state changed handler.

The following example shows an event for a call state changed.

callComposite?.events.onCallStateChanged = { callStateEvent in
   print("CallComposite call state changed:\(callStateEvent.requestString)")

Dismiss CallComposite and subscribe to dismissed event

To dismiss CallComposite, call dismiss. The following dismiss event be sent on call composite dismissed:

callComposite?.events.onDismissed = { dismissed in
   print("CallComposite dismissed:\(dismissed.errorCode)")


More features

The list of use cases has detailed information about more features.

Add notifications to your mobile app

Azure Communication Services integrates with Azure Event Grid and Azure Notification Hubs, so you can add push notifications to your apps in Azure. You can use push notifications to send information from your application to users' mobile devices. A push notification can show a dialog, play a sound, or display an incoming call UI.

Clean up resources

If you want to clean up and remove a Communication Services subscription, you can delete the resource or resource group.

Deleting the resource group also deletes any other resources associated with it.

Learn more about cleaning up resources.