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Migrate from EA Usage Details APIs

EA customers who were previously using the Enterprise Reporting APIs behind the consumption.azure.com endpoint to obtain usage details and marketplace charges need to migrate to new and improved solutions. Instructions are outlined below along with contract differences between the old API and the new solutions.

The dataset is referred to as cost details instead of usage details.


All Azure Enterprise Reporting APIs are retired. You should Migrate to Microsoft Cost Management APIs as soon as possible.

New solutions generally available

The following table provides a summary of the migration destinations that are available along with a summary of what to consider when choosing which solution is best for you.

Solution Description Considerations Onboarding info
Exports Recurring data dumps to storage on a schedule - The most scalable solution for your workloads.
- Can be configured to use file partitioning for bigger datasets.
- Great for establishing and growing a cost dataset that can be integrated with your own queryable data stores.
-Requires access to a storage account that can hold the data.
- Configure in Azure portal
Automate Export creation with the API
- Export API Reference
Cost Details API On demand download - Useful for small cost datasets.
- Useful for scenarios when Exports to Azure storage aren't feasible due to security or manageability concerns.
- Get small cost datasets on demand
- Cost Details API

Generally we recommend using Exports if you have ongoing data ingestion needs and/or a large monthly cost details dataset. For more information, see Ingest cost details data. If you need additional information to help you make a decision for your workload, see Choose a cost details solution.

Assign permissions to an SPN to call the APIs

If you're looking to call either the Exports or Cost Details APIs programmatically, you need to configure a Service Principal with the correct permission. For more information, see Assign permissions to ACM APIs.

Avoid the Microsoft Consumption Usage Details API

The Consumption Usage Details API is another endpoint that currently supports EA customers. Don't migrate to this API. Migrate to either Exports or the Cost Details API, as outlined earlier in this document. The Consumption Usage Details API will be deprecated in the future and is located behind the following endpoint.

GET https://management.azure.com/{scope}/providers/Microsoft.Consumption/usageDetails?api-version=2021-10-01

This API is a synchronous endpoint and will be unable to scale as both your spending and the size of your month over month cost dataset increases. If you're currently using the Consumption Usage Details API, we recommend migrating off of it to either Exports of the Cost Details API as soon as possible. A formal deprecation announcement will be made at a future date. To learn more about migrating away from Consumption Usage Details, see Migrate from Consumption Usage Details API.

Migration benefits

Our new solutions provide many benefits over the EA Reporting Usage Details APIs. Here's a summary:

  • Security and stability - New solutions require Service Principal and/or user tokens in order to access data. They're more secure than the API keys that are used for authenticating to the EA Reporting APIs. Keys in these legacy APIs are valid for six months and can expose sensitive financial data if leaked. Additionally, if keys aren't renewed and integrated into workloads before their six month expiry, data access is revoked. This breaks customer workloads.
  • Scalability - The EA Reporting APIs aren't built to scale well as your Azure usage increases. The usage details dataset can get exceedingly large as you deploy more resources into the cloud. The new solutions are asynchronous and have extensive infrastructure enhancements behind them to ensure successful downloads for any size dataset.
  • Single dataset for all usage details - Azure and Azure Marketplace usage details were merged into one dataset in the new solutions. The single dataset reduces the number of APIs that you need to call to see all your charges.
  • Purchase amortization - Customers who purchase Reservations can see an Amortized view of their costs using the new solutions.
  • Schema consistency - Each solution that is available provides files with matching fields. It allows you to easily move between solutions based on your scenario.
  • Cost Allocation integration - Enterprise Agreement and Microsoft Customer Agreement customers can use the new solution to view charges in relation to the cost allocation rules that they configured. For more information about cost allocation, see Allocate costs.
  • Go forward improvements - The new solutions are being actively developed moving forward. The solutions receive all new features as they're released.

Enterprise Usage APIs to migrate off

The following table summarizes the different APIs that you might be using today to ingest cost details data. If you're using one of the following APIs, you need to migrate to one of the new solutions outlined previously. All APIs are behind the https://consumption.azure.com endpoint.

Endpoint API Comments
/v3/enrollments/{enrollmentNumber}/usagedetails/download?billingPeriod={billingPeriod} - API method: GET
- Synchronous (non polling)
- Data format: CSV
/v3/enrollments/{enrollmentNumber}/usagedetails/download?startTime=2017-01-01&endTime=2017-01-10 - API method: GET
- Synchronous (non polling)
- Data format: CSV
/v3/enrollments/{enrollmentNumber}/usagedetails - API method: GET
- Synchronous (non polling)
- Data format: JSON
/v3/enrollments/{enrollmentNumber}/billingPeriods/{billingPeriod}/usagedetails - API method: GET
- Synchronous (non polling)
- Data format: JSON
/v3/enrollments/{enrollmentNumber}/usagedetailsbycustomdate?startTime=2017-01-01&endTime=2017-01-10 - API method: GET
- Synchronous (non polling)
- Data format: JSON
/v3/enrollments/{enrollmentNumber}/usagedetails/submit?billingPeriod={billingPeriod} - API method: POST
- Asynchronous (polling based)
- Data format: CSV
/v3/enrollments/{enrollmentNumber}/usagedetails/submit?startTime=2017-04-01&endTime=2017-04-10 - API method: POST
- Asynchronous (polling based)
- Data format: CSV

Data field mapping

The following table provides a summary of the old fields available in the solutions you're currently using along with the field to use in the new solutions.

Old field New field Comments
accountId Not available - Use AccountName to get the account information.
accountName AccountName
accountOwnerEmail AccountOwnerId
additionalInfo AdditionalInfo
chargesBilledSeparately isAzureCreditEligible The properties are opposites. If isAzureCreditEnabled is true, ChargesBilledSeparately would be false.
consumedQuantity Quantity
consumedService ConsumedService
consumedServiceId ConsumedService consumedServiceId only provides a number value.
ConsumedService provides the name of the service.
cost CostInBillingCurrency
costCenter CostCenter
date Date The format in the old field was yyyy-mm-dd, while the new field is in the format mm/dd/yyyy.
departmentId InvoiceSectionId The field is currently empty. Use DepartmentName to get the department information.
departmentName InvoiceSectionName
extendedCost CostInBillingCurrency
instanceId ResourceId
isRecurringCharge Where applicable, use the Frequency and Term fields moving forward.
location ResourceLocationNormalized ResourceLocationNormalized is present in Cost Details report, but not yet in exports.
meterCategory MeterCategory
meterId MeterId
meterName MeterName
meterRegion MeterRegion
meterSubCategory MeterSubCategory
offerId OfferId
orderNumber Not available.
partNumber PartNumber
planName PlanName
product ProductName
publisherName PublisherName
resourceGroup ResourceGroup
resourceGuid MeterId Values vary. resourceGuid is a GUID value. meterId is a long number.
resourceLocation ResourceLocation
resourceLocationId Not available.
resourceRate EffectivePrice
serviceInfo1 ServiceInfo1
serviceInfo2 ServiceInfo2
serviceName MeterCategory
serviceTier MeterSubCategory
storeServiceIdentifier Not available.
subscriptionGuid SubscriptionId
subscriptionId SubscriptionId
subscriptionName SubscriptionName
tags Tags The new field doesn't have the enclosing {} around the key-value pairs.
unitOfMeasure UnitOfMeasure