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Azure Service Bus as an Event Grid source

This article provides the properties and schema for Service Bus events. For an introduction to event schemas, see Azure Event Grid event schema.


Only Premium tier Service Bus namespace supports event integration. Basic and Standard tiers do not support integration with Event Grid.

Available event types

Service Bus emits the following event types:

Event type Description
Microsoft.ServiceBus.ActiveMessagesAvailableWithNoListeners Raised when a new active message arrives in a queue or subscription and there are no receivers listening.
Microsoft.ServiceBus.DeadletterMessagesAvailableWithNoListeners Raised when a new active messages arrives in a dead letter queue and there are no active listeners.
Microsoft.ServiceBus.ActiveMessagesAvailablePeriodicNotifications Raised every 30 seconds if there are active messages in a queue or subscription, even if there are active listeners on that specific queue or subscription. It's also raised when the active message count transitions from 0 to a positive value for the queue or subscription.
Microsoft.ServiceBus.DeadletterMessagesAvailablePeriodicNotifications Raised every 30 seconds if there are messages in the dead-letter entity of a queue or subscription, even if there are active listeners on the dead-letter entity of that specific queue or subscription. It's also raised when the dead-letter message count transitions from 0 to a positive value for the dead-letter entity of the queue or subscription.

Example event

Active messages available with no listeners

This event is generated if you have active messages in a queue or a subscription and there are no receivers listening.

  "topic": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourcegroups/{your-rg}/providers/Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/{your-service-bus-namespace}",
  "subject": "topics/{your-service-bus-topic}/subscriptions/{your-service-bus-subscription}",
  "eventType": "Microsoft.ServiceBus.ActiveMessagesAvailableWithNoListeners",
  "eventTime": "2018-02-14T05:12:53.4133526Z",
  "id": "dede87b0-3656-419c-acaf-70c95ddc60f5",
  "data": {
    "requestUri": "https://{your-service-bus-namespace}.servicebus.windows.net/{your-topic}/subscriptions/{your-service-bus-subscription}/messages/head",
    "entityType": "subscriber",
    "queueName": "QUEUE NAME IF QUEUE",
    "topicName": "TOPIC NAME IF TOPIC",
    "subscriptionName": "SUBSCRIPTION NAME"
  "dataVersion": "1",
  "metadataVersion": "1"

Dead-letter messages available with no listeners

The schema for a dead letter queue event is similar. You get at least one event per dead-letter queue that has messages and no active receivers.

  "topic": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourcegroups/{your-rg}/providers/Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/{your-service-bus-namespace}",
  "subject": "topics/{your-service-bus-topic}/subscriptions/{your-service-bus-subscription}",
  "eventType": "Microsoft.ServiceBus.DeadletterMessagesAvailableWithNoListeners",
  "eventTime": "2018-02-14T05:12:53.4133526Z",
  "id": "dede87b0-3656-419c-acaf-70c95ddc60f5",
  "data": {
    "requestUri": "https://{your-service-bus-namespace}.servicebus.windows.net/{your-topic}/subscriptions/{your-service-bus-subscription}/$deadletterqueue/messages/head",
    "entityType": "subscriber",
    "queueName": "QUEUE NAME IF QUEUE",
    "topicName": "TOPIC NAME IF TOPIC",
    "subscriptionName": "SUBSCRIPTION NAME"
  "dataVersion": "1",
  "metadataVersion": "1"

Active messages available periodic notifications

This event is generated periodically if you have active messages in the specific queue or subscription, even if there are active listeners for that specific queue or subscription.

  "topic": "/subscriptions/<subscription id>/resourcegroups/DemoGroup/providers/Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/<YOUR SERVICE BUS NAMESPACE WILL SHOW HERE>",
  "subject": "topics/<service bus topic>/subscriptions/<service bus subscription>",
  "eventType": "Microsoft.ServiceBus.ActiveMessagesAvailablePeriodicNotifications",
  "eventTime": "2018-02-14T05:12:53.4133526Z",
  "id": "dede87b0-3656-419c-acaf-70c95ddc60f5",
  "data": {
    "requestUri": "https://YOUR-SERVICE-BUS-NAMESPACE-WILL-SHOW-HERE.servicebus.windows.net/TOPIC-NAME/subscriptions/SUBSCRIPTIONNAME/$deadletterqueue/messages/head",
    "entityType": "subscriber",
    "queueName": "QUEUE NAME IF QUEUE",
    "topicName": "TOPIC NAME IF TOPIC",
    "subscriptionName": "SUBSCRIPTION NAME"
  "dataVersion": "1",
  "metadataVersion": "1"

Dead-letter messages available periodic notifications

This event is generated periodically if you have deadletter messages on the specific queue or subscription, even if there are active listeners on the deadletter entity of that specific queue or subscription.

  "topic": "/subscriptions/<subscription id>/resourcegroups/DemoGroup/providers/Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/<YOUR SERVICE BUS NAMESPACE WILL SHOW HERE>",
  "subject": "topics/<service bus topic>/subscriptions/<service bus subscription>",
  "eventType": "Microsoft.ServiceBus.DeadletterMessagesAvailablePeriodicNotifications",
  "eventTime": "2018-02-14T05:12:53.4133526Z",
  "id": "dede87b0-3656-419c-acaf-70c95ddc60f5",
  "data": {
    "requestUri": "https://YOUR-SERVICE-BUS-NAMESPACE-WILL-SHOW-HERE.servicebus.windows.net/TOPIC-NAME/subscriptions/SUBSCRIPTIONNAME/$deadletterqueue/messages/head",
    "entityType": "subscriber",
    "queueName": "QUEUE NAME IF QUEUE",
    "topicName": "TOPIC NAME IF TOPIC",
    "subscriptionName": "SUBSCRIPTION NAME"
  "dataVersion": "1",
  "metadataVersion": "1"

Event properties

An event has the following top-level data:

Property Type Description
topic string Full resource path to the event source. This field isn't writeable. Event Grid provides this value.
subject string Publisher-defined path to the event subject.
eventType string One of the registered event types for this event source.
eventTime string The time the event is generated based on the provider's UTC time.
id string Unique identifier for the event.
data object Blob storage event data.
dataVersion string The schema version of the data object. The publisher defines the schema version.
metadataVersion string The schema version of the event metadata. Event Grid defines the schema of the top-level properties. Event Grid provides this value.

The data object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
namespaceName string The Service Bus namespace the resource exists in.
requestUri string The URI to the specific queue or subscription emitting the event.
entityType string The type of Service Bus entity emitting events (queue or subscription).
queueName string The queue with active messages if subscribing to a queue. Value null if using topics / subscriptions.
topicName string The topic the Service Bus subscription with active messages belongs to. Value null if using a queue.
subscriptionName string The Service Bus subscription with active messages. Value null if using a queue.

Tutorials and how-tos

Title Description
Tutorial: Azure Service Bus to Azure Event Grid integration examples Event Grid sends messages from Service Bus topic to function app and logic app.
Azure Service Bus to Event Grid integration Overview of integrating Service Bus with Event Grid.


When a failover occurs for a Service Bus namespace that's Geo-DR enabled, the secondary namespace doesn't emit events to Event Grid. You need to manually add the Event Grid subscription for the secondary namespace.

Next steps