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Customized Options


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Enable/Disable allow alter system command.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on
Parameter type read-only
Documentation allow_alter_system


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Use EXPLAIN ANALYZE for plan logging.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_analyze


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log buffers usage.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_buffers


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description EXPLAIN format to be used for plan logging.
Data type enumeration
Default value text
Allowed values text,xml,json,yaml
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_format


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log level for the plan.
Data type enumeration
Default value log
Allowed values debug5,debug4,debug3,debug2,debug1,debug,info,notice,warning,log
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_level


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the minimum execution time above which plans will be logged. Zero prints all plans. -1 turns this feature off.
Data type integer
Default value -1
Allowed values -1-2147483647
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_min_duration


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log nested statements.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_nested_statements


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log modified configuration parameters affecting query planning.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_settings


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Collect timing data, not just row counts.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_timing


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Include trigger statistics in plans. This has no effect unless log_analyze is also set.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_triggers


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Use EXPLAIN VERBOSE for plan logging.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_verbose


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log WAL usage.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_wal


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Fraction of queries to process.
Data type numeric
Default value 1.0
Allowed values 0.0-1.0
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.sample_rate


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Accepted password authentication method.
Data type set
Default value md5,scram-sha-256
Allowed values md5,scram-sha-256
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation azure.accepted_password_auth_method


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Create temp tablespace on ephemeral disk.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies which extensions are allowed to be created in the server.
Data type set
Default value
Allowed values amcheck,anon,bloom,btree_gin,btree_gist,citext,cube,dblink,dict_int,dict_xsyn,earthdistance,fuzzystrmatch,hstore,hypopg,intagg,intarray,isn,lo,login_hook,ltree,pageinspect,pg_buffercache,pg_freespacemap,pg_partman,pg_prewarm,pg_repack,pg_stat_statements,pg_trgm,pg_visibility,pgaudit,pgcrypto,pgrowlocks,pgstattuple,plpgsql,plv8,postgres_fdw,session_variable,sslinfo,tablefunc,tsm_system_rows,tsm_system_time,unaccent,uuid-ossp,vector
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation azure.extensions


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies if this is a server created for migrating from Azure Database for PostgreSQL Single Server to Flexible Server.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values off
Parameter type read-only


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Allow accessing data from blob storage in extension azure_storage.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Blob block size in megabytes for blob_put in extension azure_storage.
Data type integer
Default value Depends on resources (vCores, RAM, or disk space) allocated to the server.
Allowed values 1024
Parameter type read-only
Documentation azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb

Azure-specific notes

The default value for the azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb server parameter is calculated when you provision the instance of Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server, based on the product name that you select for its compute. Any subsequent changes of product selection to the compute that supports the flexible server won't have any effect on the default value for the azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb server parameter of that instance.

As of today, if you change the product assigned to an instance, you won't be able to adjust the value of azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb parameter because the parameter is declared as read-only.

The formula used to compute the value of azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb is MIN(3072, MAX(128, memoryGiB * 32)).

Based on the previous formula, the following table lists the values this server parameter would be set to depending on the amount of memory provisioned:

Memory size azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb
2 GiB 128 MiB
4 GiB 128 MiB
8 GiB 256 MiB
16 GiB 512 MiB
32 GiB 1024 MiB
48 GiB 1536 MiB
64 GiB 2048 MiB
80 GiB 2560 MiB
128 GiB 3072 MiB
160 GiB 3072 MiB
192 GiB 3072 MiB
256 GiB 3072 MiB
384 GiB 3072 MiB
432 GiB 3072 MiB
672 GiB 3072 MiB


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Allow all users to access data from public storage accounts in extension azure_storage.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Max login tokens per bucket.
Data type integer
Default value 2000
Allowed values 1-2147483647
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Enables temporary connection throttling per IP for too many login failures.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description The factor bias for calculating number of tokens for an IP's bucket.
Data type numeric
Default value 0.8
Allowed values 0.0-0.9
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Max number of entries in the login failures hash table.
Data type integer
Default value 500
Allowed values 1-2147483647
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Time between resetting the login bucket.
Data type integer
Default value 120
Allowed values 1-2147483647
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Factor to increase number of tokens by for IPs with low failure rate.
Data type numeric
Default value 2
Allowed values 1.0-100.0
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Time between updating the login bucket.
Data type integer
Default value 20
Allowed values 1-2147483647
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the database in which pg_cron metadata is kept.
Data type string
Default value postgres
Allowed values [A-Za-z0-9_]+
Parameter type static
Documentation cron.database_name


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log all jobs runs into the job_run_details table.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type static
Documentation cron.log_run


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log all cron statements prior to execution.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type static
Documentation cron.log_statement


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the maximum number of jobs that can run concurrently. This value is limited by max_connections.
Data type integer
Default value 32
Allowed values 0-5000
Parameter type static
Documentation cron.max_running_jobs


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Enable/Disable event triggers for debugging purpose.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on
Parameter type read-only
Documentation event_triggers


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the frequency at which each index optimization session is triggered when index_tuning.mode is set to 'REPORT'.
Data type integer
Default value 720
Allowed values 60-10080
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.analysis_interval


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Maximum number of columns that can be part of the index key for any recommended index.
Data type integer
Default value 2
Allowed values 1-10
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.max_columns_per_index


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Maximum number of indexes that can be recommended for each database during one optimization session.
Data type integer
Default value 10
Allowed values 1-25
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.max_index_count


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Maximum number of indexes that can be recommended for each table.
Data type integer
Default value 10
Allowed values 1-25
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.max_indexes_per_table


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Number of slowest queries per database for which indexes can be recommended.
Data type integer
Default value 25
Allowed values 5-100
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.max_queries_per_database


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Acceptable regression introduced by a recommended index on any of the queries analyzed during one optimization session.
Data type numeric
Default value 0.1
Allowed values 0.05-0.2
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.max_regression_factor


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Maximum total size, in percentage of total disk space, that all recommended indexes for any given database can use.
Data type numeric
Default value 0.1
Allowed values 0-1.0
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.max_total_size_factor


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Cost improvement that a recommended index must provide to at least one of the queries analyzed during one optimization session.
Data type numeric
Default value 0.2
Allowed values 0-20.0
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.min_improvement_factor


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Configures index optimization as disabled ('OFF') or enabled to only emit recommendation. Requires Query Store to be enabled by setting pg_qs.query_capture_mode to 'TOP' or 'ALL'.
Data type enumeration
Default value off
Allowed values off,report
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.mode


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Minimum number of daily average DML operations affecting the table, so that their unused indexes are considered for dropping.
Data type integer
Default value 1000
Allowed values 0-9999999
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.unused_dml_per_table


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Minimum number of days the index has not been used, based on system statistics, so that it is considered for dropping.
Data type integer
Default value 35
Allowed values 30-720
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.unused_min_period


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Minimum number of daily average read operations affecting the table, so that their unused indexes are considered for dropping.
Data type integer
Default value 1000
Allowed values 0-9999999
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.unused_reads_per_table


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Enables or disables server logs functionality.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation logfiles.download_enable


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the retention period window in days for server logs - after this time data will be deleted.
Data type integer
Default value 3
Allowed values 1-7
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation logfiles.retention_days


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies which classes of statements will be logged by session audit logging.
Data type set
Default value none
Allowed values none,read,write,function,role,ddl,misc,all
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies that session logging should be enabled in the case where all relations in a statement are in pg_catalog.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_catalog


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies whether audit messages should be visible to client.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_client


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies the log level that will be used for log entries.
Data type enumeration
Default value log
Allowed values debug5,debug4,debug3,debug2,debug1,info,notice,warning,log
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_level


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies that audit logging should include the parameters that were passed with the statement.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_parameter


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies whether session audit logging should create a separate log entry for each relation referenced in a SELECT or DML statement.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_relation


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies whether logging will include the statement text and parameters with the first log entry for a statement/substatement combination or with every entry.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_statement_once


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies the master role to use for object audit logging.
Data type string
Default value
Allowed values [A-Za-z\\._]*
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.role


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Tells PGLogical to use batch insert mechanism if possible.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pglogical.batch_inserts


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the log level for reporting detected conflicts when the pglogical.conflict_resolution is set to anything else than error.
Data type enumeration
Default value log
Allowed values debug5,debug4,debug3,debug2,debug1,info,notice,warning,error,log,fatal,panic
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pglogical.conflict_log_level


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the resolution method for any detected conflicts between local data and incoming changes.
Data type enumeration
Default value apply_remote
Allowed values error,apply_remote,keep_local,last_update_wins,first_update_wins
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pglogical.conflict_resolution


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Tells PGLogical to use SPI interface to form actual SQL (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) statements to apply incoming changes instead of using internal low level interface.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pglogical.use_spi


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Internal Use Only: This parameter is used as a feature override switch.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on
Parameter type read-only


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Set the frequency, in milliseconds, at which wait events are sampled.
Data type integer
Default value 100
Allowed values 1-600000
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgms_wait_sampling.history_period


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Internal Use Only: This parameter is used as a feature override switch. If it shows as off, wait sampling will be disabled despite the value set for pgms_wait_sampling.query_capture_mode.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on
Parameter type read-only
Documentation pgms_wait_sampling.is_enabled_fs


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Selects which statements are tracked by the pgms_wait_sampling extension.
Data type enumeration
Default value none
Allowed values all,none
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgms_wait_sampling.query_capture_mode


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Same purpose as the p_analyze argument to run_maintenance().
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_partman_bgw.analyze


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Required. The database(s) that run_maintenance() will run on. If more than one, use a comma separated list. If not set, BGW will do nothing.
Data type string
Default value
Allowed values [A-Za-z0-9_,]*
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_partman_bgw.dbname


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Number of seconds between calls to run_maintenance().
Data type integer
Default value 3600
Allowed values 1-315360000
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_partman_bgw.interval


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Same purpose as the p_jobmon argument to run_maintenance().
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_partman_bgw.jobmon


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description The role that run_maintenance() will run as. Default is postgres. Only a single role name is allowed.
Data type string
Default value
Allowed values [A-Za-z\\._]*
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_partman_bgw.role


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the query_store capture interval in minutes for pg_qs - this is the frequency of data persistence.
Data type integer
Default value 15
Allowed values 1-30
Parameter type static
Documentation pg_qs.interval_length_minutes


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Internal Use Only: This parameter is used as a feature override switch. If it shows as off, Query Store will be disabled despite the value set for pg_qs.query_capture_mode.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on
Parameter type read-only
Documentation pg_qs.is_enabled_fs


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the maximum number of bytes that will be saved for query plan text for pg_qs; longer plans will be truncated.
Data type integer
Default value 7500
Allowed values 100-10000
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.max_plan_size


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the maximum query text length that will be saved; longer queries will be truncated.
Data type integer
Default value 6000
Allowed values 100-10000
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.max_query_text_length


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets query capture mode for query store. None disables any capturing.
Data type enumeration
Default value none
Allowed values top,all,none
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.query_capture_mode


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the retention period window in days for pg_qs - after this time data will be deleted.
Data type integer
Default value 7
Allowed values 1-30
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.retention_period_in_days


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Turns saving query plans on or off for pg_qs
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.store_query_plans


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Selects whether utility commands are tracked by pg_qs.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.track_utility


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the maximum number of statements tracked by pg_stat_statements.
Data type integer
Default value 5000
Allowed values 100-2147483647
Parameter type static
Documentation pg_stat_statements.max


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Save pg_stat_statements statistics across server shutdowns.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_stat_statements.save


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Controls which statements are counted by pg_stat_statements.
Data type enumeration
Default value none
Allowed values top,all,none
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_stat_statements.track


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Selects whether utility commands are tracked by pg_stat_statements.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_stat_statements.track_utility


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Controls postgis GDAL enabled driver settings.
Data type enumeration
Default value DISABLE_ALL
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation postgis.gdal_enabled_drivers


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the maximum allowed duration (in milliseconds) of any transcation in a session. 0 turns this off.
Data type integer
Default value 0
Allowed values 0-2147483647
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation transaction_timeout


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Use EXPLAIN ANALYZE for plan logging.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_analyze


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log buffers usage.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_buffers


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description EXPLAIN format to be used for plan logging.
Data type enumeration
Default value text
Allowed values text,xml,json,yaml
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_format


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log level for the plan.
Data type enumeration
Default value log
Allowed values debug5,debug4,debug3,debug2,debug1,debug,info,notice,warning,log
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_level


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the minimum execution time above which plans will be logged. Zero prints all plans. -1 turns this feature off.
Data type integer
Default value -1
Allowed values -1-2147483647
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_min_duration


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log nested statements.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_nested_statements


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log modified configuration parameters affecting query planning.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_settings


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Collect timing data, not just row counts.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_timing


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Include trigger statistics in plans. This has no effect unless log_analyze is also set.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_triggers


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Use EXPLAIN VERBOSE for plan logging.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_verbose


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log WAL usage.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_wal


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Fraction of queries to process.
Data type numeric
Default value 1.0
Allowed values 0.0-1.0
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.sample_rate


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Accepted password authentication method.
Data type set
Default value md5,scram-sha-256
Allowed values md5,scram-sha-256
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation azure.accepted_password_auth_method


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Create temp tablespace on ephemeral disk.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies which extensions are allowed to be created in the server.
Data type set
Default value
Allowed values address_standardizer,address_standardizer_data_us,amcheck,anon,azure_ai,azure_storage,bloom,btree_gin,btree_gist,citext,cube,dblink,dict_int,dict_xsyn,earthdistance,fuzzystrmatch,hstore,hypopg,intagg,intarray,isn,lo,login_hook,ltree,orafce,pageinspect,pg_buffercache,pg_cron,pg_freespacemap,pg_hint_plan,pg_partman,pg_prewarm,pg_repack,pg_squeeze,pg_stat_statements,pg_trgm,pg_visibility,pgaudit,pgcrypto,pglogical,pgrowlocks,pgstattuple,plpgsql,plv8,postgis,postgis_raster,postgis_sfcgal,postgis_tiger_geocoder,postgis_topology,postgres_fdw,postgres_protobuf,semver,session_variable,sslinfo,tablefunc,tds_fdw,timescaledb,tsm_system_rows,tsm_system_time,unaccent,uuid-ossp,vector
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation azure.extensions


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies if this is a server created for migrating from Azure Database for PostgreSQL Single Server to Flexible Server.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values off
Parameter type read-only


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Allow accessing data from blob storage in extension azure_storage.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Blob block size in megabytes for blob_put in extension azure_storage.
Data type integer
Default value Depends on resources (vCores, RAM, or disk space) allocated to the server.
Allowed values 1024
Parameter type read-only
Documentation azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb

Azure-specific notes

The default value for the azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb server parameter is calculated when you provision the instance of Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server, based on the product name that you select for its compute. Any subsequent changes of product selection to the compute that supports the flexible server won't have any effect on the default value for the azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb server parameter of that instance.

As of today, if you change the product assigned to an instance, you won't be able to adjust the value of azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb parameter because the parameter is declared as read-only.

The formula used to compute the value of azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb is MIN(3072, MAX(128, memoryGiB * 32)).

Based on the previous formula, the following table lists the values this server parameter would be set to depending on the amount of memory provisioned:

Memory size azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb
2 GiB 128 MiB
4 GiB 128 MiB
8 GiB 256 MiB
16 GiB 512 MiB
32 GiB 1024 MiB
48 GiB 1536 MiB
64 GiB 2048 MiB
80 GiB 2560 MiB
128 GiB 3072 MiB
160 GiB 3072 MiB
192 GiB 3072 MiB
256 GiB 3072 MiB
384 GiB 3072 MiB
432 GiB 3072 MiB
672 GiB 3072 MiB


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Allow all users to access data from public storage accounts in extension azure_storage.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Max login tokens per bucket.
Data type integer
Default value 2000
Allowed values 1-2147483647
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Enables temporary connection throttling per IP for too many login failures.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description The factor bias for calculating number of tokens for an IP's bucket.
Data type numeric
Default value 0.8
Allowed values 0.0-0.9
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Max number of entries in the login failures hash table.
Data type integer
Default value 500
Allowed values 1-2147483647
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Time between resetting the login bucket.
Data type integer
Default value 120
Allowed values 1-2147483647
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Factor to increase number of tokens by for IPs with low failure rate.
Data type numeric
Default value 2
Allowed values 1.0-100.0
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Time between updating the login bucket.
Data type integer
Default value 20
Allowed values 1-2147483647
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the database in which pg_cron metadata is kept.
Data type string
Default value postgres
Allowed values [A-Za-z0-9_]+
Parameter type static
Documentation cron.database_name


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log all jobs runs into the job_run_details table.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type static
Documentation cron.log_run


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log all cron statements prior to execution.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type static
Documentation cron.log_statement


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the maximum number of jobs that can run concurrently. This value is limited by max_connections.
Data type integer
Default value 32
Allowed values 0-5000
Parameter type static
Documentation cron.max_running_jobs


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the frequency at which each index optimization session is triggered when index_tuning.mode is set to 'REPORT'.
Data type integer
Default value 720
Allowed values 60-10080
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.analysis_interval


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Maximum number of columns that can be part of the index key for any recommended index.
Data type integer
Default value 2
Allowed values 1-10
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.max_columns_per_index


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Maximum number of indexes that can be recommended for each database during one optimization session.
Data type integer
Default value 10
Allowed values 1-25
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.max_index_count


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Maximum number of indexes that can be recommended for each table.
Data type integer
Default value 10
Allowed values 1-25
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.max_indexes_per_table


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Number of slowest queries per database for which indexes can be recommended.
Data type integer
Default value 25
Allowed values 5-100
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.max_queries_per_database


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Acceptable regression introduced by a recommended index on any of the queries analyzed during one optimization session.
Data type numeric
Default value 0.1
Allowed values 0.05-0.2
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.max_regression_factor


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Maximum total size, in percentage of total disk space, that all recommended indexes for any given database can use.
Data type numeric
Default value 0.1
Allowed values 0-1.0
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.max_total_size_factor


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Cost improvement that a recommended index must provide to at least one of the queries analyzed during one optimization session.
Data type numeric
Default value 0.2
Allowed values 0-20.0
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.min_improvement_factor


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Configures index optimization as disabled ('OFF') or enabled to only emit recommendation. Requires Query Store to be enabled by setting pg_qs.query_capture_mode to 'TOP' or 'ALL'.
Data type enumeration
Default value off
Allowed values off,report
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.mode


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Minimum number of daily average DML operations affecting the table, so that their unused indexes are considered for dropping.
Data type integer
Default value 1000
Allowed values 0-9999999
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.unused_dml_per_table


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Minimum number of days the index has not been used, based on system statistics, so that it is considered for dropping.
Data type integer
Default value 35
Allowed values 30-720
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.unused_min_period


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Minimum number of daily average read operations affecting the table, so that their unused indexes are considered for dropping.
Data type integer
Default value 1000
Allowed values 0-9999999
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.unused_reads_per_table


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Enables or disables server logs functionality.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation logfiles.download_enable


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the retention period window in days for server logs - after this time data will be deleted.
Data type integer
Default value 3
Allowed values 1-7
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation logfiles.retention_days


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies which classes of statements will be logged by session audit logging.
Data type set
Default value none
Allowed values none,read,write,function,role,ddl,misc,all
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies that session logging should be enabled in the case where all relations in a statement are in pg_catalog.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_catalog


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies whether audit messages should be visible to client.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_client


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies the log level that will be used for log entries.
Data type enumeration
Default value log
Allowed values debug5,debug4,debug3,debug2,debug1,info,notice,warning,log
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_level


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies that audit logging should include the parameters that were passed with the statement.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_parameter


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies whether session audit logging should create a separate log entry for each relation referenced in a SELECT or DML statement.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_relation


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies whether logging will include the statement text and parameters with the first log entry for a statement/substatement combination or with every entry.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_statement_once


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies the master role to use for object audit logging.
Data type string
Default value
Allowed values [A-Za-z\\._]*
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.role


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Tells PGLogical to use batch insert mechanism if possible.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pglogical.batch_inserts


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the log level for reporting detected conflicts when the pglogical.conflict_resolution is set to anything else than error.
Data type enumeration
Default value log
Allowed values debug5,debug4,debug3,debug2,debug1,info,notice,warning,error,log,fatal,panic
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pglogical.conflict_log_level


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the resolution method for any detected conflicts between local data and incoming changes.
Data type enumeration
Default value apply_remote
Allowed values error,apply_remote,keep_local,last_update_wins,first_update_wins
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pglogical.conflict_resolution


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Tells PGLogical to use SPI interface to form actual SQL (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) statements to apply incoming changes instead of using internal low level interface.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pglogical.use_spi


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Internal Use Only: This parameter is used as a feature override switch.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on
Parameter type read-only


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Set the frequency, in milliseconds, at which wait events are sampled.
Data type integer
Default value 100
Allowed values 1-600000
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgms_wait_sampling.history_period


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Internal Use Only: This parameter is used as a feature override switch. If it shows as off, wait sampling will be disabled despite the value set for pgms_wait_sampling.query_capture_mode.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on
Parameter type read-only
Documentation pgms_wait_sampling.is_enabled_fs


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Selects which statements are tracked by the pgms_wait_sampling extension.
Data type enumeration
Default value none
Allowed values all,none
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgms_wait_sampling.query_capture_mode


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Same purpose as the p_analyze argument to run_maintenance().
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_partman_bgw.analyze


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Required. The database(s) that run_maintenance() will run on. If more than one, use a comma separated list. If not set, BGW will do nothing.
Data type string
Default value
Allowed values [A-Za-z0-9_,-]*
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_partman_bgw.dbname


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Number of seconds between calls to run_maintenance().
Data type integer
Default value 3600
Allowed values 1-315360000
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_partman_bgw.interval


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Same purpose as the p_jobmon argument to run_maintenance().
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_partman_bgw.jobmon


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description The role that run_maintenance() will run as. Default is postgres. Only a single role name is allowed.
Data type string
Default value
Allowed values [A-Za-z\\._]*
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_partman_bgw.role


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the query_store capture interval in minutes for pg_qs - this is the frequency of data persistence.
Data type integer
Default value 15
Allowed values 1-30
Parameter type static
Documentation pg_qs.interval_length_minutes


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Internal Use Only: This parameter is used as a feature override switch. If it shows as off, Query Store will be disabled despite the value set for pg_qs.query_capture_mode.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on
Parameter type read-only
Documentation pg_qs.is_enabled_fs


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the maximum number of bytes that will be saved for query plan text for pg_qs; longer plans will be truncated.
Data type integer
Default value 7500
Allowed values 100-10000
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.max_plan_size


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the maximum query text length that will be saved; longer queries will be truncated.
Data type integer
Default value 6000
Allowed values 100-10000
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.max_query_text_length


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets query capture mode for query store. None disables any capturing.
Data type enumeration
Default value none
Allowed values top,all,none
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.query_capture_mode


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the retention period window in days for pg_qs - after this time data will be deleted.
Data type integer
Default value 7
Allowed values 1-30
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.retention_period_in_days


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Turns saving query plans on or off for pg_qs
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.store_query_plans


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Selects whether utility commands are tracked by pg_qs.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.track_utility


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the maximum number of statements tracked by pg_stat_statements.
Data type integer
Default value 5000
Allowed values 100-2147483647
Parameter type static
Documentation pg_stat_statements.max


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Save pg_stat_statements statistics across server shutdowns.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_stat_statements.save


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Controls which statements are counted by pg_stat_statements.
Data type enumeration
Default value none
Allowed values top,all,none
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_stat_statements.track


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Selects whether utility commands are tracked by pg_stat_statements.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_stat_statements.track_utility


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Controls postgis GDAL enabled driver settings.
Data type enumeration
Default value DISABLE_ALL
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation postgis.gdal_enabled_drivers


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Use EXPLAIN ANALYZE for plan logging.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_analyze


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log buffers usage.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_buffers


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description EXPLAIN format to be used for plan logging.
Data type enumeration
Default value text
Allowed values text,xml,json,yaml
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_format


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log level for the plan.
Data type enumeration
Default value log
Allowed values debug5,debug4,debug3,debug2,debug1,debug,info,notice,warning,log
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_level


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the minimum execution time above which plans will be logged. Zero prints all plans. -1 turns this feature off.
Data type integer
Default value -1
Allowed values -1-2147483647
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_min_duration


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log nested statements.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_nested_statements


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log modified configuration parameters affecting query planning.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_settings


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Collect timing data, not just row counts.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_timing


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Include trigger statistics in plans. This has no effect unless log_analyze is also set.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_triggers


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Use EXPLAIN VERBOSE for plan logging.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_verbose


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log WAL usage.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_wal


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Fraction of queries to process.
Data type numeric
Default value 1.0
Allowed values 0.0-1.0
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.sample_rate


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Accepted password authentication method.
Data type set
Default value md5,scram-sha-256
Allowed values md5,scram-sha-256
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation azure.accepted_password_auth_method


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Create temp tablespace on ephemeral disk.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies which extensions are allowed to be created in the server.
Data type set
Default value
Allowed values address_standardizer,address_standardizer_data_us,amcheck,anon,azure_ai,azure_storage,bloom,btree_gin,btree_gist,citext,cube,dblink,dict_int,dict_xsyn,earthdistance,fuzzystrmatch,hstore,hypopg,intagg,intarray,isn,lo,login_hook,ltree,orafce,pageinspect,pg_buffercache,pg_cron,pg_freespacemap,pg_hint_plan,pg_partman,pg_prewarm,pg_repack,pg_squeeze,pg_stat_statements,pg_trgm,pg_visibility,pgaudit,pgcrypto,pglogical,pgrouting,pgrowlocks,pgstattuple,plpgsql,plv8,postgis,postgis_raster,postgis_sfcgal,postgis_tiger_geocoder,postgis_topology,postgres_fdw,postgres_protobuf,semver,session_variable,sslinfo,tablefunc,tds_fdw,timescaledb,tsm_system_rows,tsm_system_time,unaccent,uuid-ossp,vector
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation azure.extensions


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies if this is a server created for migrating from Azure Database for PostgreSQL Single Server to Flexible Server.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values off
Parameter type read-only


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Allow accessing data from blob storage in extension azure_storage.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Blob block size in megabytes for blob_put in extension azure_storage.
Data type integer
Default value Depends on resources (vCores, RAM, or disk space) allocated to the server.
Allowed values 1024
Parameter type read-only
Documentation azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb

Azure-specific notes

The default value for the azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb server parameter is calculated when you provision the instance of Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server, based on the product name that you select for its compute. Any subsequent changes of product selection to the compute that supports the flexible server won't have any effect on the default value for the azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb server parameter of that instance.

As of today, if you change the product assigned to an instance, you won't be able to adjust the value of azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb parameter because the parameter is declared as read-only.

The formula used to compute the value of azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb is MIN(3072, MAX(128, memoryGiB * 32)).

Based on the previous formula, the following table lists the values this server parameter would be set to depending on the amount of memory provisioned:

Memory size azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb
2 GiB 128 MiB
4 GiB 128 MiB
8 GiB 256 MiB
16 GiB 512 MiB
32 GiB 1024 MiB
48 GiB 1536 MiB
64 GiB 2048 MiB
80 GiB 2560 MiB
128 GiB 3072 MiB
160 GiB 3072 MiB
192 GiB 3072 MiB
256 GiB 3072 MiB
384 GiB 3072 MiB
432 GiB 3072 MiB
672 GiB 3072 MiB


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Allow all users to access data from public storage accounts in extension azure_storage.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Max login tokens per bucket.
Data type integer
Default value 2000
Allowed values 1-2147483647
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Enables temporary connection throttling per IP for too many login failures.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description The factor bias for calculating number of tokens for an IP's bucket.
Data type numeric
Default value 0.8
Allowed values 0.0-0.9
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Max number of entries in the login failures hash table.
Data type integer
Default value 500
Allowed values 1-2147483647
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Time between resetting the login bucket.
Data type integer
Default value 120
Allowed values 1-2147483647
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Factor to increase number of tokens by for IPs with low failure rate.
Data type numeric
Default value 2
Allowed values 1.0-100.0
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Time between updating the login bucket.
Data type integer
Default value 20
Allowed values 1-2147483647
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the database in which pg_cron metadata is kept.
Data type string
Default value postgres
Allowed values [A-Za-z0-9_]+
Parameter type static
Documentation cron.database_name


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log all jobs runs into the job_run_details table.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type static
Documentation cron.log_run


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log all cron statements prior to execution.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type static
Documentation cron.log_statement


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the maximum number of jobs that can run concurrently. This value is limited by max_connections.
Data type integer
Default value 32
Allowed values 0-5000
Parameter type static
Documentation cron.max_running_jobs


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the frequency at which each index optimization session is triggered when index_tuning.mode is set to 'REPORT'.
Data type integer
Default value 720
Allowed values 60-10080
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.analysis_interval


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Maximum number of columns that can be part of the index key for any recommended index.
Data type integer
Default value 2
Allowed values 1-10
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.max_columns_per_index


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Maximum number of indexes that can be recommended for each database during one optimization session.
Data type integer
Default value 10
Allowed values 1-25
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.max_index_count


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Maximum number of indexes that can be recommended for each table.
Data type integer
Default value 10
Allowed values 1-25
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.max_indexes_per_table


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Number of slowest queries per database for which indexes can be recommended.
Data type integer
Default value 25
Allowed values 5-100
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.max_queries_per_database


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Acceptable regression introduced by a recommended index on any of the queries analyzed during one optimization session.
Data type numeric
Default value 0.1
Allowed values 0.05-0.2
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.max_regression_factor


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Maximum total size, in percentage of total disk space, that all recommended indexes for any given database can use.
Data type numeric
Default value 0.1
Allowed values 0-1.0
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.max_total_size_factor


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Cost improvement that a recommended index must provide to at least one of the queries analyzed during one optimization session.
Data type numeric
Default value 0.2
Allowed values 0-20.0
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.min_improvement_factor


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Configures index optimization as disabled ('OFF') or enabled to only emit recommendation. Requires Query Store to be enabled by setting pg_qs.query_capture_mode to 'TOP' or 'ALL'.
Data type enumeration
Default value off
Allowed values off,report
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.mode


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Minimum number of daily average DML operations affecting the table, so that their unused indexes are considered for dropping.
Data type integer
Default value 1000
Allowed values 0-9999999
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.unused_dml_per_table


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Minimum number of days the index has not been used, based on system statistics, so that it is considered for dropping.
Data type integer
Default value 35
Allowed values 30-720
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.unused_min_period


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Minimum number of daily average read operations affecting the table, so that their unused indexes are considered for dropping.
Data type integer
Default value 1000
Allowed values 0-9999999
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.unused_reads_per_table


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Enables or disables server logs functionality.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation logfiles.download_enable


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the retention period window in days for server logs - after this time data will be deleted.
Data type integer
Default value 3
Allowed values 1-7
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation logfiles.retention_days


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies which classes of statements will be logged by session audit logging.
Data type set
Default value none
Allowed values none,read,write,function,role,ddl,misc,all
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies that session logging should be enabled in the case where all relations in a statement are in pg_catalog.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_catalog


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies whether audit messages should be visible to client.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_client


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies the log level that will be used for log entries.
Data type enumeration
Default value log
Allowed values debug5,debug4,debug3,debug2,debug1,info,notice,warning,log
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_level


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies that audit logging should include the parameters that were passed with the statement.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_parameter


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies whether session audit logging should create a separate log entry for each relation referenced in a SELECT or DML statement.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_relation


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies whether logging will include the statement text and parameters with the first log entry for a statement/substatement combination or with every entry.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_statement_once


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies the master role to use for object audit logging.
Data type string
Default value
Allowed values [A-Za-z\\._]*
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.role


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Tells PGLogical to use batch insert mechanism if possible.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pglogical.batch_inserts


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the log level for reporting detected conflicts when the pglogical.conflict_resolution is set to anything else than error.
Data type enumeration
Default value log
Allowed values debug5,debug4,debug3,debug2,debug1,info,notice,warning,error,log,fatal,panic
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pglogical.conflict_log_level


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the resolution method for any detected conflicts between local data and incoming changes.
Data type enumeration
Default value apply_remote
Allowed values error,apply_remote,keep_local,last_update_wins,first_update_wins
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pglogical.conflict_resolution


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Tells PGLogical to use SPI interface to form actual SQL (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) statements to apply incoming changes instead of using internal low level interface.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pglogical.use_spi


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Internal Use Only: This parameter is used as a feature override switch.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on
Parameter type read-only


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Set the frequency, in milliseconds, at which wait events are sampled.
Data type integer
Default value 100
Allowed values 1-600000
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgms_wait_sampling.history_period


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Internal Use Only: This parameter is used as a feature override switch. If it shows as off, wait sampling will be disabled despite the value set for pgms_wait_sampling.query_capture_mode.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on
Parameter type read-only
Documentation pgms_wait_sampling.is_enabled_fs


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Selects which statements are tracked by the pgms_wait_sampling extension.
Data type enumeration
Default value none
Allowed values all,none
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgms_wait_sampling.query_capture_mode


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Same purpose as the p_analyze argument to run_maintenance().
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_partman_bgw.analyze


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Required. The database(s) that run_maintenance() will run on. If more than one, use a comma separated list. If not set, BGW will do nothing.
Data type string
Default value
Allowed values [A-Za-z0-9_,-]*
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_partman_bgw.dbname


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Number of seconds between calls to run_maintenance().
Data type integer
Default value 3600
Allowed values 1-315360000
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_partman_bgw.interval


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Same purpose as the p_jobmon argument to run_maintenance().
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_partman_bgw.jobmon


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description The role that run_maintenance() will run as. Default is postgres. Only a single role name is allowed.
Data type string
Default value
Allowed values [A-Za-z\\._]*
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_partman_bgw.role


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the query_store capture interval in minutes for pg_qs - this is the frequency of data persistence.
Data type integer
Default value 15
Allowed values 1-30
Parameter type static
Documentation pg_qs.interval_length_minutes


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Internal Use Only: This parameter is used as a feature override switch. If it shows as off, Query Store will be disabled despite the value set for pg_qs.query_capture_mode.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on
Parameter type read-only
Documentation pg_qs.is_enabled_fs


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the maximum number of bytes that will be saved for query plan text for pg_qs; longer plans will be truncated.
Data type integer
Default value 7500
Allowed values 100-10000
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.max_plan_size


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the maximum query text length that will be saved; longer queries will be truncated.
Data type integer
Default value 6000
Allowed values 100-10000
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.max_query_text_length


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets query capture mode for query store. None disables any capturing.
Data type enumeration
Default value none
Allowed values top,all,none
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.query_capture_mode


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the retention period window in days for pg_qs - after this time data will be deleted.
Data type integer
Default value 7
Allowed values 1-30
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.retention_period_in_days


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Turns saving query plans on or off for pg_qs
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.store_query_plans


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Selects whether utility commands are tracked by pg_qs.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.track_utility


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the maximum number of statements tracked by pg_stat_statements.
Data type integer
Default value 5000
Allowed values 100-2147483647
Parameter type static
Documentation pg_stat_statements.max


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Save pg_stat_statements statistics across server shutdowns.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_stat_statements.save


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Controls which statements are counted by pg_stat_statements.
Data type enumeration
Default value none
Allowed values top,all,none
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_stat_statements.track


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Selects whether utility commands are tracked by pg_stat_statements.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_stat_statements.track_utility


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Controls postgis GDAL enabled driver settings.
Data type enumeration
Default value DISABLE_ALL
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation postgis.gdal_enabled_drivers


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Use EXPLAIN ANALYZE for plan logging.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_analyze


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log buffers usage.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_buffers


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description EXPLAIN format to be used for plan logging.
Data type enumeration
Default value text
Allowed values text,xml,json,yaml
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_format


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log level for the plan.
Data type enumeration
Default value log
Allowed values debug5,debug4,debug3,debug2,debug1,debug,info,notice,warning,log
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_level


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the minimum execution time above which plans will be logged. Zero prints all plans. -1 turns this feature off.
Data type integer
Default value -1
Allowed values -1-2147483647
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_min_duration


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log nested statements.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_nested_statements


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log modified configuration parameters affecting query planning.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_settings


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Collect timing data, not just row counts.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_timing


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Include trigger statistics in plans. This has no effect unless log_analyze is also set.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_triggers


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Use EXPLAIN VERBOSE for plan logging.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_verbose


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log WAL usage.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_wal


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Fraction of queries to process.
Data type numeric
Default value 1.0
Allowed values 0.0-1.0
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.sample_rate


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Accepted password authentication method.
Data type set
Default value md5,scram-sha-256
Allowed values md5,scram-sha-256
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation azure.accepted_password_auth_method


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Create temp tablespace on ephemeral disk.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies which extensions are allowed to be created in the server.
Data type set
Default value
Allowed values address_standardizer,address_standardizer_data_us,amcheck,anon,azure_ai,azure_storage,bloom,btree_gin,btree_gist,citext,cube,dblink,dict_int,dict_xsyn,earthdistance,fuzzystrmatch,hstore,hypopg,intagg,intarray,isn,lo,login_hook,ltree,orafce,pageinspect,pg_buffercache,pg_cron,pg_freespacemap,pg_hint_plan,pg_partman,pg_prewarm,pg_repack,pg_squeeze,pg_stat_statements,pg_trgm,pg_visibility,pgaudit,pgcrypto,pglogical,pgrouting,pgrowlocks,pgstattuple,plpgsql,plv8,postgis,postgis_raster,postgis_sfcgal,postgis_tiger_geocoder,postgis_topology,postgres_fdw,postgres_protobuf,semver,session_variable,sslinfo,tablefunc,tds_fdw,timescaledb,tsm_system_rows,tsm_system_time,unaccent,uuid-ossp,vector
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation azure.extensions


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies if this is a server created for migrating from Azure Database for PostgreSQL Single Server to Flexible Server.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values off
Parameter type read-only


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Allow accessing data from blob storage in extension azure_storage.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Blob block size in megabytes for blob_put in extension azure_storage.
Data type integer
Default value Depends on resources (vCores, RAM, or disk space) allocated to the server.
Allowed values 1024
Parameter type read-only
Documentation azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb

Azure-specific notes

The default value for the azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb server parameter is calculated when you provision the instance of Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server, based on the product name that you select for its compute. Any subsequent changes of product selection to the compute that supports the flexible server won't have any effect on the default value for the azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb server parameter of that instance.

As of today, if you change the product assigned to an instance, you won't be able to adjust the value of azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb parameter because the parameter is declared as read-only.

The formula used to compute the value of azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb is MIN(3072, MAX(128, memoryGiB * 32)).

Based on the previous formula, the following table lists the values this server parameter would be set to depending on the amount of memory provisioned:

Memory size azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb
2 GiB 128 MiB
4 GiB 128 MiB
8 GiB 256 MiB
16 GiB 512 MiB
32 GiB 1024 MiB
48 GiB 1536 MiB
64 GiB 2048 MiB
80 GiB 2560 MiB
128 GiB 3072 MiB
160 GiB 3072 MiB
192 GiB 3072 MiB
256 GiB 3072 MiB
384 GiB 3072 MiB
432 GiB 3072 MiB
672 GiB 3072 MiB


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Allow all users to access data from public storage accounts in extension azure_storage.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Max login tokens per bucket.
Data type integer
Default value 2000
Allowed values 1-2147483647
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Enables temporary connection throttling per IP for too many login failures.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description The factor bias for calculating number of tokens for an IP's bucket.
Data type numeric
Default value 0.8
Allowed values 0.0-0.9
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Max number of entries in the login failures hash table.
Data type integer
Default value 500
Allowed values 1-2147483647
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Time between resetting the login bucket.
Data type integer
Default value 120
Allowed values 1-2147483647
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Factor to increase number of tokens by for IPs with low failure rate.
Data type numeric
Default value 2
Allowed values 1.0-100.0
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Time between updating the login bucket.
Data type integer
Default value 20
Allowed values 1-2147483647
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the database in which pg_cron metadata is kept.
Data type string
Default value postgres
Allowed values [A-Za-z0-9_]+
Parameter type static
Documentation cron.database_name


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log all jobs runs into the job_run_details table.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type static
Documentation cron.log_run


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log all cron statements prior to execution.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type static
Documentation cron.log_statement


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the maximum number of jobs that can run concurrently. This value is limited by max_connections.
Data type integer
Default value 32
Allowed values 0-5000
Parameter type static
Documentation cron.max_running_jobs


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the frequency at which each index optimization session is triggered when index_tuning.mode is set to 'REPORT'.
Data type integer
Default value 720
Allowed values 60-10080
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.analysis_interval


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Maximum number of columns that can be part of the index key for any recommended index.
Data type integer
Default value 2
Allowed values 1-10
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.max_columns_per_index


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Maximum number of indexes that can be recommended for each database during one optimization session.
Data type integer
Default value 10
Allowed values 1-25
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.max_index_count


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Maximum number of indexes that can be recommended for each table.
Data type integer
Default value 10
Allowed values 1-25
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.max_indexes_per_table


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Number of slowest queries per database for which indexes can be recommended.
Data type integer
Default value 25
Allowed values 5-100
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.max_queries_per_database


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Acceptable regression introduced by a recommended index on any of the queries analyzed during one optimization session.
Data type numeric
Default value 0.1
Allowed values 0.05-0.2
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.max_regression_factor


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Maximum total size, in percentage of total disk space, that all recommended indexes for any given database can use.
Data type numeric
Default value 0.1
Allowed values 0-1.0
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.max_total_size_factor


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Cost improvement that a recommended index must provide to at least one of the queries analyzed during one optimization session.
Data type numeric
Default value 0.2
Allowed values 0-20.0
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.min_improvement_factor


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Configures index optimization as disabled ('OFF') or enabled to only emit recommendation. Requires Query Store to be enabled by setting pg_qs.query_capture_mode to 'TOP' or 'ALL'.
Data type enumeration
Default value off
Allowed values off,report
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.mode


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Minimum number of daily average DML operations affecting the table, so that their unused indexes are considered for dropping.
Data type integer
Default value 1000
Allowed values 0-9999999
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.unused_dml_per_table


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Minimum number of days the index has not been used, based on system statistics, so that it is considered for dropping.
Data type integer
Default value 35
Allowed values 30-720
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.unused_min_period


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Minimum number of daily average read operations affecting the table, so that their unused indexes are considered for dropping.
Data type integer
Default value 1000
Allowed values 0-9999999
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.unused_reads_per_table


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Enables or disables server logs functionality.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation logfiles.download_enable


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the retention period window in days for server logs - after this time data will be deleted.
Data type integer
Default value 3
Allowed values 1-7
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation logfiles.retention_days


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies which classes of statements will be logged by session audit logging.
Data type set
Default value none
Allowed values none,read,write,function,role,ddl,misc,all
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies that session logging should be enabled in the case where all relations in a statement are in pg_catalog.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_catalog


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies whether audit messages should be visible to client.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_client


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies the log level that will be used for log entries.
Data type enumeration
Default value log
Allowed values debug5,debug4,debug3,debug2,debug1,info,notice,warning,log
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_level


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies that audit logging should include the parameters that were passed with the statement.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_parameter


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies whether session audit logging should create a separate log entry for each relation referenced in a SELECT or DML statement.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_relation


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies whether logging will include the statement text and parameters with the first log entry for a statement/substatement combination or with every entry.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_statement_once


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies the master role to use for object audit logging.
Data type string
Default value
Allowed values [A-Za-z\\._]*
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.role


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Tells PGLogical to use batch insert mechanism if possible.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pglogical.batch_inserts


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the log level for reporting detected conflicts when the pglogical.conflict_resolution is set to anything else than error.
Data type enumeration
Default value log
Allowed values debug5,debug4,debug3,debug2,debug1,info,notice,warning,error,log,fatal,panic
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pglogical.conflict_log_level


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the resolution method for any detected conflicts between local data and incoming changes.
Data type enumeration
Default value apply_remote
Allowed values error,apply_remote,keep_local,last_update_wins,first_update_wins
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pglogical.conflict_resolution


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Tells PGLogical to use SPI interface to form actual SQL (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) statements to apply incoming changes instead of using internal low level interface.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pglogical.use_spi


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Internal Use Only: This parameter is used as a feature override switch.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on
Parameter type read-only


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Set the frequency, in milliseconds, at which wait events are sampled.
Data type integer
Default value 100
Allowed values 1-600000
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgms_wait_sampling.history_period


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Internal Use Only: This parameter is used as a feature override switch. If it shows as off, wait sampling will be disabled despite the value set for pgms_wait_sampling.query_capture_mode.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on
Parameter type read-only
Documentation pgms_wait_sampling.is_enabled_fs


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Selects which statements are tracked by the pgms_wait_sampling extension.
Data type enumeration
Default value none
Allowed values all,none
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgms_wait_sampling.query_capture_mode


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Same purpose as the p_analyze argument to run_maintenance().
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_partman_bgw.analyze


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Required. The database(s) that run_maintenance() will run on. If more than one, use a comma separated list. If not set, BGW will do nothing.
Data type string
Default value
Allowed values [A-Za-z0-9_,-]*
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_partman_bgw.dbname


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Number of seconds between calls to run_maintenance().
Data type integer
Default value 3600
Allowed values 1-315360000
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_partman_bgw.interval


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Same purpose as the p_jobmon argument to run_maintenance().
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_partman_bgw.jobmon


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description The role that run_maintenance() will run as. Default is postgres. Only a single role name is allowed.
Data type string
Default value
Allowed values [A-Za-z\\._]*
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_partman_bgw.role


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the query_store capture interval in minutes for pg_qs - this is the frequency of data persistence.
Data type integer
Default value 15
Allowed values 1-30
Parameter type static
Documentation pg_qs.interval_length_minutes


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Internal Use Only: This parameter is used as a feature override switch. If it shows as off, Query Store will be disabled despite the value set for pg_qs.query_capture_mode.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on
Parameter type read-only
Documentation pg_qs.is_enabled_fs


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the maximum number of bytes that will be saved for query plan text for pg_qs; longer plans will be truncated.
Data type integer
Default value 7500
Allowed values 100-10000
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.max_plan_size


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the maximum query text length that will be saved; longer queries will be truncated.
Data type integer
Default value 6000
Allowed values 100-10000
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.max_query_text_length


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets query capture mode for query store. None disables any capturing.
Data type enumeration
Default value none
Allowed values top,all,none
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.query_capture_mode


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the retention period window in days for pg_qs - after this time data will be deleted.
Data type integer
Default value 7
Allowed values 1-30
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.retention_period_in_days


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Turns saving query plans on or off for pg_qs
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.store_query_plans


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Selects whether utility commands are tracked by pg_qs.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.track_utility


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the maximum number of statements tracked by pg_stat_statements.
Data type integer
Default value 5000
Allowed values 100-2147483647
Parameter type static
Documentation pg_stat_statements.max


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Save pg_stat_statements statistics across server shutdowns.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_stat_statements.save


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Controls which statements are counted by pg_stat_statements.
Data type enumeration
Default value none
Allowed values top,all,none
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_stat_statements.track


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Selects whether utility commands are tracked by pg_stat_statements.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_stat_statements.track_utility


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Controls postgis GDAL enabled driver settings.
Data type enumeration
Default value DISABLE_ALL
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation postgis.gdal_enabled_drivers


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Use EXPLAIN ANALYZE for plan logging.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_analyze


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log buffers usage.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_buffers


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description EXPLAIN format to be used for plan logging.
Data type enumeration
Default value text
Allowed values text,xml,json,yaml
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_format


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log level for the plan.
Data type enumeration
Default value log
Allowed values debug5,debug4,debug3,debug2,debug1,debug,info,notice,warning,log
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_level


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the minimum execution time above which plans will be logged. Zero prints all plans. -1 turns this feature off.
Data type integer
Default value -1
Allowed values -1-2147483647
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_min_duration


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log nested statements.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_nested_statements


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log modified configuration parameters affecting query planning.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_settings


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Collect timing data, not just row counts.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_timing


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Include trigger statistics in plans. This has no effect unless log_analyze is also set.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_triggers


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Use EXPLAIN VERBOSE for plan logging.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_verbose


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log WAL usage.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_wal


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Fraction of queries to process.
Data type numeric
Default value 1.0
Allowed values 0.0-1.0
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.sample_rate


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Accepted password authentication method.
Data type set
Default value md5
Allowed values md5,scram-sha-256
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation azure.accepted_password_auth_method


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Create temp tablespace on ephemeral disk.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies which extensions are allowed to be created in the server.
Data type set
Default value
Allowed values address_standardizer,address_standardizer_data_us,amcheck,anon,azure_ai,azure_storage,bloom,btree_gin,btree_gist,citext,cube,dblink,dict_int,dict_xsyn,earthdistance,fuzzystrmatch,hstore,hypopg,intagg,intarray,isn,lo,login_hook,ltree,orafce,pageinspect,pg_buffercache,pg_cron,pg_freespacemap,pg_hint_plan,pg_partman,pg_prewarm,pg_repack,pg_squeeze,pg_stat_statements,pg_trgm,pg_visibility,pgaudit,pgcrypto,pglogical,pgrouting,pgrowlocks,pgstattuple,plpgsql,plv8,postgis,postgis_raster,postgis_sfcgal,postgis_tiger_geocoder,postgis_topology,postgres_fdw,postgres_protobuf,semver,session_variable,sslinfo,tablefunc,tds_fdw,timescaledb,tsm_system_rows,tsm_system_time,unaccent,uuid-ossp,vector
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation azure.extensions


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies if this is a server created for migrating from Azure Database for PostgreSQL Single Server to Flexible Server.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values off
Parameter type read-only


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Allow accessing data from blob storage in extension azure_storage.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Blob block size in megabytes for blob_put in extension azure_storage.
Data type integer
Default value Depends on resources (vCores, RAM, or disk space) allocated to the server.
Allowed values 1024
Parameter type read-only
Documentation azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb

Azure-specific notes

The default value for the azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb server parameter is calculated when you provision the instance of Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server, based on the product name that you select for its compute. Any subsequent changes of product selection to the compute that supports the flexible server won't have any effect on the default value for the azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb server parameter of that instance.

As of today, if you change the product assigned to an instance, you won't be able to adjust the value of azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb parameter because the parameter is declared as read-only.

The formula used to compute the value of azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb is MIN(3072, MAX(128, memoryGiB * 32)).

Based on the previous formula, the following table lists the values this server parameter would be set to depending on the amount of memory provisioned:

Memory size azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb
2 GiB 128 MiB
4 GiB 128 MiB
8 GiB 256 MiB
16 GiB 512 MiB
32 GiB 1024 MiB
48 GiB 1536 MiB
64 GiB 2048 MiB
80 GiB 2560 MiB
128 GiB 3072 MiB
160 GiB 3072 MiB
192 GiB 3072 MiB
256 GiB 3072 MiB
384 GiB 3072 MiB
432 GiB 3072 MiB
672 GiB 3072 MiB


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Allow all users to access data from public storage accounts in extension azure_storage.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Max login tokens per bucket.
Data type integer
Default value 2000
Allowed values 1-2147483647
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Enables temporary connection throttling per IP for too many login failures.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description The factor bias for calculating number of tokens for an IP's bucket.
Data type numeric
Default value 0.8
Allowed values 0.0-0.9
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Max number of entries in the login failures hash table.
Data type integer
Default value 500
Allowed values 1-2147483647
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Time between resetting the login bucket.
Data type integer
Default value 120
Allowed values 1-2147483647
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Factor to increase number of tokens by for IPs with low failure rate.
Data type numeric
Default value 2
Allowed values 1.0-100.0
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Time between updating the login bucket.
Data type integer
Default value 20
Allowed values 1-2147483647
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the database in which pg_cron metadata is kept.
Data type string
Default value postgres
Allowed values [A-Za-z0-9_]+
Parameter type static
Documentation cron.database_name


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log all jobs runs into the job_run_details table.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type static
Documentation cron.log_run


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log all cron statements prior to execution.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type static
Documentation cron.log_statement


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the maximum number of jobs that can run concurrently. This value is limited by max_connections.
Data type integer
Default value 32
Allowed values 0-5000
Parameter type static
Documentation cron.max_running_jobs


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the frequency at which each index optimization session is triggered when index_tuning.mode is set to 'REPORT'.
Data type integer
Default value 720
Allowed values 60-10080
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.analysis_interval


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Maximum number of columns that can be part of the index key for any recommended index.
Data type integer
Default value 2
Allowed values 1-10
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.max_columns_per_index


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Maximum number of indexes that can be recommended for each database during one optimization session.
Data type integer
Default value 10
Allowed values 1-25
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.max_index_count


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Maximum number of indexes that can be recommended for each table.
Data type integer
Default value 10
Allowed values 1-25
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.max_indexes_per_table


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Number of slowest queries per database for which indexes can be recommended.
Data type integer
Default value 25
Allowed values 5-100
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.max_queries_per_database


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Acceptable regression introduced by a recommended index on any of the queries analyzed during one optimization session.
Data type numeric
Default value 0.1
Allowed values 0.05-0.2
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.max_regression_factor


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Maximum total size, in percentage of total disk space, that all recommended indexes for any given database can use.
Data type numeric
Default value 0.1
Allowed values 0-1.0
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.max_total_size_factor


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Cost improvement that a recommended index must provide to at least one of the queries analyzed during one optimization session.
Data type numeric
Default value 0.2
Allowed values 0-20.0
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.min_improvement_factor


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Configures index optimization as disabled ('OFF') or enabled to only emit recommendation. Requires Query Store to be enabled by setting pg_qs.query_capture_mode to 'TOP' or 'ALL'.
Data type enumeration
Default value off
Allowed values off,report
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.mode


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Minimum number of daily average DML operations affecting the table, so that their unused indexes are considered for dropping.
Data type integer
Default value 1000
Allowed values 0-9999999
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.unused_dml_per_table


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Minimum number of days the index has not been used, based on system statistics, so that it is considered for dropping.
Data type integer
Default value 35
Allowed values 30-720
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.unused_min_period


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Minimum number of daily average read operations affecting the table, so that their unused indexes are considered for dropping.
Data type integer
Default value 1000
Allowed values 0-9999999
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.unused_reads_per_table


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Enables or disables server logs functionality.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation logfiles.download_enable


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the retention period window in days for server logs - after this time data will be deleted.
Data type integer
Default value 3
Allowed values 1-7
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation logfiles.retention_days


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies which classes of statements will be logged by session audit logging.
Data type set
Default value none
Allowed values none,read,write,function,role,ddl,misc,all
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies that session logging should be enabled in the case where all relations in a statement are in pg_catalog.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_catalog


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies whether audit messages should be visible to client.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_client


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies the log level that will be used for log entries.
Data type enumeration
Default value log
Allowed values debug5,debug4,debug3,debug2,debug1,info,notice,warning,log
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_level


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies that audit logging should include the parameters that were passed with the statement.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_parameter


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies whether session audit logging should create a separate log entry for each relation referenced in a SELECT or DML statement.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_relation


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies whether logging will include the statement text and parameters with the first log entry for a statement/substatement combination or with every entry.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_statement_once


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies the master role to use for object audit logging.
Data type string
Default value
Allowed values [A-Za-z\\._]*
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.role


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Tells PGLogical to use batch insert mechanism if possible.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pglogical.batch_inserts


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the log level for reporting detected conflicts when the pglogical.conflict_resolution is set to anything else than error.
Data type enumeration
Default value log
Allowed values debug5,debug4,debug3,debug2,debug1,info,notice,warning,error,log,fatal,panic
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pglogical.conflict_log_level


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the resolution method for any detected conflicts between local data and incoming changes.
Data type enumeration
Default value apply_remote
Allowed values error,apply_remote,keep_local,last_update_wins,first_update_wins
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pglogical.conflict_resolution


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Tells PGLogical to use SPI interface to form actual SQL (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) statements to apply incoming changes instead of using internal low level interface.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pglogical.use_spi


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Internal Use Only: This parameter is used as a feature override switch.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on
Parameter type read-only


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Set the frequency, in milliseconds, at which wait events are sampled.
Data type integer
Default value 100
Allowed values 1-600000
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgms_wait_sampling.history_period


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Internal Use Only: This parameter is used as a feature override switch. If it shows as off, wait sampling will be disabled despite the value set for pgms_wait_sampling.query_capture_mode.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on
Parameter type read-only
Documentation pgms_wait_sampling.is_enabled_fs


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Selects which statements are tracked by the pgms_wait_sampling extension.
Data type enumeration
Default value none
Allowed values all,none
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgms_wait_sampling.query_capture_mode


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Same purpose as the p_analyze argument to run_maintenance().
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_partman_bgw.analyze


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Required. The database(s) that run_maintenance() will run on. If more than one, use a comma separated list. If not set, BGW will do nothing.
Data type string
Default value
Allowed values [A-Za-z0-9_,-]*
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_partman_bgw.dbname


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Number of seconds between calls to run_maintenance().
Data type integer
Default value 3600
Allowed values 1-315360000
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_partman_bgw.interval


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Same purpose as the p_jobmon argument to run_maintenance().
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_partman_bgw.jobmon


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description The role that run_maintenance() will run as. Default is postgres. Only a single role name is allowed.
Data type string
Default value
Allowed values [A-Za-z\\._]*
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_partman_bgw.role


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the query_store capture interval in minutes for pg_qs - this is the frequency of data persistence.
Data type integer
Default value 15
Allowed values 1-30
Parameter type static
Documentation pg_qs.interval_length_minutes


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Internal Use Only: This parameter is used as a feature override switch. If it shows as off, Query Store will be disabled despite the value set for pg_qs.query_capture_mode.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on
Parameter type read-only
Documentation pg_qs.is_enabled_fs


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the maximum number of bytes that will be saved for query plan text for pg_qs; longer plans will be truncated.
Data type integer
Default value 7500
Allowed values 100-10000
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.max_plan_size


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the maximum query text length that will be saved; longer queries will be truncated.
Data type integer
Default value 6000
Allowed values 100-10000
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.max_query_text_length


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets query capture mode for query store. None disables any capturing.
Data type enumeration
Default value none
Allowed values top,all,none
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.query_capture_mode


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the retention period window in days for pg_qs - after this time data will be deleted.
Data type integer
Default value 7
Allowed values 1-30
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.retention_period_in_days


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Turns saving query plans on or off for pg_qs
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.store_query_plans


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Selects whether utility commands are tracked by pg_qs.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.track_utility


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the maximum number of statements tracked by pg_stat_statements.
Data type integer
Default value 5000
Allowed values 100-2147483647
Parameter type static
Documentation pg_stat_statements.max


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Save pg_stat_statements statistics across server shutdowns.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_stat_statements.save


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Controls which statements are counted by pg_stat_statements.
Data type enumeration
Default value none
Allowed values top,all,none
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_stat_statements.track


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Selects whether utility commands are tracked by pg_stat_statements.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_stat_statements.track_utility


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Controls postgis GDAL enabled driver settings.
Data type enumeration
Default value DISABLE_ALL
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation postgis.gdal_enabled_drivers


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Use EXPLAIN ANALYZE for plan logging.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_analyze


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log buffers usage.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_buffers


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description EXPLAIN format to be used for plan logging.
Data type enumeration
Default value text
Allowed values text,xml,json,yaml
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_format


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log level for the plan.
Data type enumeration
Default value log
Allowed values debug5,debug4,debug3,debug2,debug1,debug,info,notice,warning,log
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_level


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the minimum execution time above which plans will be logged. Zero prints all plans. -1 turns this feature off.
Data type integer
Default value -1
Allowed values -1-2147483647
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_min_duration


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log nested statements.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_nested_statements


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log modified configuration parameters affecting query planning.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_settings


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Collect timing data, not just row counts.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_timing


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Include trigger statistics in plans. This has no effect unless log_analyze is also set.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_triggers


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Use EXPLAIN VERBOSE for plan logging.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_verbose


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Fraction of queries to process.
Data type numeric
Default value 1.0
Allowed values 0.0-1.0
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.sample_rate


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Accepted password authentication method.
Data type set
Default value md5
Allowed values md5,scram-sha-256
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation azure.accepted_password_auth_method


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Create temp tablespace on ephemeral disk.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies which extensions are allowed to be created in the server.
Data type set
Default value
Allowed values address_standardizer,address_standardizer_data_us,amcheck,anon,azure_ai,azure_storage,bloom,btree_gin,btree_gist,citext,cube,dblink,dict_int,dict_xsyn,earthdistance,fuzzystrmatch,hstore,hypopg,intagg,intarray,isn,lo,login_hook,ltree,orafce,pageinspect,pg_buffercache,pg_cron,pg_freespacemap,pg_hint_plan,pg_partman,pg_prewarm,pg_repack,pg_squeeze,pg_stat_statements,pg_trgm,pg_visibility,pgaudit,pgcrypto,pglogical,pgrouting,pgrowlocks,pgstattuple,plpgsql,plv8,postgis,postgis_raster,postgis_sfcgal,postgis_tiger_geocoder,postgis_topology,postgres_fdw,postgres_protobuf,semver,session_variable,sslinfo,tablefunc,tds_fdw,timescaledb,tsm_system_rows,tsm_system_time,unaccent,uuid-ossp,vector
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation azure.extensions


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies if this is a server created for migrating from Azure Database for PostgreSQL Single Server to Flexible Server.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values off
Parameter type read-only


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Allow accessing data from blob storage in extension azure_storage.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Blob block size in megabytes for blob_put in extension azure_storage.
Data type integer
Default value Depends on resources (vCores, RAM, or disk space) allocated to the server.
Allowed values 1024
Parameter type read-only
Documentation azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb

Azure-specific notes

The default value for the azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb server parameter is calculated when you provision the instance of Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server, based on the product name that you select for its compute. Any subsequent changes of product selection to the compute that supports the flexible server won't have any effect on the default value for the azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb server parameter of that instance.

As of today, if you change the product assigned to an instance, you won't be able to adjust the value of azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb parameter because the parameter is declared as read-only.

The formula used to compute the value of azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb is MIN(3072, MAX(128, memoryGiB * 32)).

Based on the previous formula, the following table lists the values this server parameter would be set to depending on the amount of memory provisioned:

Memory size azure_storage.blob_block_size_mb
2 GiB 128 MiB
4 GiB 128 MiB
8 GiB 256 MiB
16 GiB 512 MiB
32 GiB 1024 MiB
48 GiB 1536 MiB
64 GiB 2048 MiB
80 GiB 2560 MiB
128 GiB 3072 MiB
160 GiB 3072 MiB
192 GiB 3072 MiB
256 GiB 3072 MiB
384 GiB 3072 MiB
432 GiB 3072 MiB
672 GiB 3072 MiB


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Allow all users to access data from public storage accounts in extension azure_storage.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Max login tokens per bucket.
Data type integer
Default value 2000
Allowed values 1-2147483647
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Enables temporary connection throttling per IP for too many login failures.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description The factor bias for calculating number of tokens for an IP's bucket.
Data type numeric
Default value 0.8
Allowed values 0.0-0.9
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Max number of entries in the login failures hash table.
Data type integer
Default value 500
Allowed values 1-2147483647
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Time between resetting the login bucket.
Data type integer
Default value 120
Allowed values 1-2147483647
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Factor to increase number of tokens by for IPs with low failure rate.
Data type numeric
Default value 2
Allowed values 1.0-100.0
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Time between updating the login bucket.
Data type integer
Default value 20
Allowed values 1-2147483647
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the database in which pg_cron metadata is kept.
Data type string
Default value postgres
Allowed values [A-Za-z0-9_]+
Parameter type static
Documentation cron.database_name


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log all jobs runs into the job_run_details table.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type static
Documentation cron.log_run


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log all cron statements prior to execution.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type static
Documentation cron.log_statement


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the maximum number of jobs that can run concurrently. This value is limited by max_connections.
Data type integer
Default value 32
Allowed values 0-5000
Parameter type static
Documentation cron.max_running_jobs


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the frequency at which each index optimization session is triggered when index_tuning.mode is set to 'REPORT'.
Data type integer
Default value 720
Allowed values 60-10080
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.analysis_interval


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Maximum number of columns that can be part of the index key for any recommended index.
Data type integer
Default value 2
Allowed values 1-10
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.max_columns_per_index


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Maximum number of indexes that can be recommended for each database during one optimization session.
Data type integer
Default value 10
Allowed values 1-25
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.max_index_count


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Maximum number of indexes that can be recommended for each table.
Data type integer
Default value 10
Allowed values 1-25
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.max_indexes_per_table


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Number of slowest queries per database for which indexes can be recommended.
Data type integer
Default value 25
Allowed values 5-100
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.max_queries_per_database


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Acceptable regression introduced by a recommended index on any of the queries analyzed during one optimization session.
Data type numeric
Default value 0.1
Allowed values 0.05-0.2
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.max_regression_factor


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Maximum total size, in percentage of total disk space, that all recommended indexes for any given database can use.
Data type numeric
Default value 0.1
Allowed values 0-1.0
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.max_total_size_factor


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Cost improvement that a recommended index must provide to at least one of the queries analyzed during one optimization session.
Data type numeric
Default value 0.2
Allowed values 0-20.0
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.min_improvement_factor


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Configures index optimization as disabled ('OFF') or enabled to only emit recommendation. Requires Query Store to be enabled by setting pg_qs.query_capture_mode to 'TOP' or 'ALL'.
Data type enumeration
Default value off
Allowed values off,report
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.mode


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Minimum number of daily average DML operations affecting the table, so that their unused indexes are considered for dropping.
Data type integer
Default value 1000
Allowed values 0-9999999
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.unused_dml_per_table


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Minimum number of days the index has not been used, based on system statistics, so that it is considered for dropping.
Data type integer
Default value 35
Allowed values 30-720
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.unused_min_period


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Minimum number of daily average read operations affecting the table, so that their unused indexes are considered for dropping.
Data type integer
Default value 1000
Allowed values 0-9999999
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation index_tuning.unused_reads_per_table


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Enables or disables server logs functionality.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation logfiles.download_enable


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the retention period window in days for server logs - after this time data will be deleted.
Data type integer
Default value 3
Allowed values 1-7
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation logfiles.retention_days


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies which classes of statements will be logged by session audit logging.
Data type set
Default value none
Allowed values none,read,write,function,role,ddl,misc,all
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies that session logging should be enabled in the case where all relations in a statement are in pg_catalog.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_catalog


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies whether audit messages should be visible to client.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_client


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies the log level that will be used for log entries.
Data type enumeration
Default value log
Allowed values debug5,debug4,debug3,debug2,debug1,info,notice,warning,log
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_level


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies that audit logging should include the parameters that were passed with the statement.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_parameter


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies whether session audit logging should create a separate log entry for each relation referenced in a SELECT or DML statement.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_relation


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies whether logging will include the statement text and parameters with the first log entry for a statement/substatement combination or with every entry.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_statement_once


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies the master role to use for object audit logging.
Data type string
Default value
Allowed values [A-Za-z\\._]*
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.role


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Tells PGLogical to use batch insert mechanism if possible.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pglogical.batch_inserts


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the log level for reporting detected conflicts when the pglogical.conflict_resolution is set to anything else than error.
Data type enumeration
Default value log
Allowed values debug5,debug4,debug3,debug2,debug1,info,notice,warning,error,log,fatal,panic
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pglogical.conflict_log_level


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the resolution method for any detected conflicts between local data and incoming changes.
Data type enumeration
Default value apply_remote
Allowed values error,apply_remote,keep_local,last_update_wins,first_update_wins
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pglogical.conflict_resolution


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Tells PGLogical to use SPI interface to form actual SQL (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) statements to apply incoming changes instead of using internal low level interface.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pglogical.use_spi


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Internal Use Only: This parameter is used as a feature override switch.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on
Parameter type read-only


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Set the frequency, in milliseconds, at which wait events are sampled.
Data type integer
Default value 100
Allowed values 1-600000
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgms_wait_sampling.history_period


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Internal Use Only: This parameter is used as a feature override switch. If it shows as off, wait sampling will be disabled despite the value set for pgms_wait_sampling.query_capture_mode.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on
Parameter type read-only
Documentation pgms_wait_sampling.is_enabled_fs


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Selects which statements are tracked by the pgms_wait_sampling extension.
Data type enumeration
Default value none
Allowed values all,none
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgms_wait_sampling.query_capture_mode


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Same purpose as the p_analyze argument to run_maintenance().
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_partman_bgw.analyze


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Required. The database(s) that run_maintenance() will run on. If more than one, use a comma separated list. If not set, BGW will do nothing.
Data type string
Default value
Allowed values [A-Za-z0-9_,-]*
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_partman_bgw.dbname


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Number of seconds between calls to run_maintenance().
Data type integer
Default value 3600
Allowed values 1-315360000
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_partman_bgw.interval


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Same purpose as the p_jobmon argument to run_maintenance().
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_partman_bgw.jobmon


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description The role that run_maintenance() will run as. Default is postgres. Only a single role name is allowed.
Data type string
Default value
Allowed values [A-Za-z\\._]*
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_partman_bgw.role


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the query_store capture interval in minutes for pg_qs - this is the frequency of data persistence.
Data type integer
Default value 15
Allowed values 1-30
Parameter type static
Documentation pg_qs.interval_length_minutes


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Internal Use Only: This parameter is used as a feature override switch. If it shows as off, Query Store will be disabled despite the value set for pg_qs.query_capture_mode.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on
Parameter type read-only
Documentation pg_qs.is_enabled_fs


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the maximum number of bytes that will be saved for query plan text for pg_qs; longer plans will be truncated.
Data type integer
Default value 7500
Allowed values 100-10000
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.max_plan_size


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the maximum query text length that will be saved; longer queries will be truncated.
Data type integer
Default value 6000
Allowed values 100-10000
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.max_query_text_length


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets query capture mode for query store. None disables any capturing.
Data type enumeration
Default value none
Allowed values top,all,none
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.query_capture_mode


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the retention period window in days for pg_qs - after this time data will be deleted.
Data type integer
Default value 7
Allowed values 1-30
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.retention_period_in_days


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Turns saving query plans on or off for pg_qs
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.store_query_plans


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Selects whether utility commands are tracked by pg_qs.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.track_utility


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the maximum number of statements tracked by pg_stat_statements.
Data type integer
Default value 5000
Allowed values 100-2147483647
Parameter type static
Documentation pg_stat_statements.max


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Save pg_stat_statements statistics across server shutdowns.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_stat_statements.save


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Controls which statements are counted by pg_stat_statements.
Data type enumeration
Default value none
Allowed values top,all,none
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_stat_statements.track


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Selects whether utility commands are tracked by pg_stat_statements.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_stat_statements.track_utility


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Controls postgis GDAL enabled driver settings.
Data type enumeration
Default value DISABLE_ALL
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation postgis.gdal_enabled_drivers


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Use EXPLAIN ANALYZE for plan logging.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_analyze


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log buffers usage.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_buffers


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description EXPLAIN format to be used for plan logging.
Data type enumeration
Default value text
Allowed values text,xml,json,yaml
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_format


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the minimum execution time above which plans will be logged. Zero prints all plans. -1 turns this feature off.
Data type integer
Default value -1
Allowed values -1-2147483647
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_min_duration


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log nested statements.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_nested_statements


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Collect timing data, not just row counts.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_timing


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Include trigger statistics in plans. This has no effect unless log_analyze is also set.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_triggers


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Use EXPLAIN VERBOSE for plan logging.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.log_verbose


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Fraction of queries to process.
Data type numeric
Default value 1.0
Allowed values 0.0-1.0
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation auto_explain.sample_rate


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Accepted password authentication method.
Data type set
Default value md5
Allowed values md5,scram-sha-256
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation azure.accepted_password_auth_method


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies if hostname is allowed in the username for Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values off
Parameter type read-only


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Create temp tablespace on ephemeral disk.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies which extensions are allowed to be created in the server.
Data type set
Default value
Allowed values address_standardizer,address_standardizer_data_us,amcheck,anon,bloom,btree_gin,btree_gist,citext,cube,dblink,dict_int,dict_xsyn,earthdistance,fuzzystrmatch,hstore,hypopg,intagg,intarray,isn,lo,login_hook,ltree,orafce,pageinspect,pg_buffercache,pg_cron,pg_freespacemap,pg_hint_plan,pg_partman,pg_prewarm,pg_repack,pg_squeeze,pg_stat_statements,pg_trgm,pg_visibility,pgaudit,pgcrypto,pglogical,pgrouting,pgrowlocks,pgstattuple,plpgsql,plv8,postgis,postgis_raster,postgis_sfcgal,postgis_tiger_geocoder,postgis_topology,postgres_fdw,semver,session_variable,sslinfo,tablefunc,tds_fdw,timescaledb,tsm_system_rows,tsm_system_time,unaccent,uuid-ossp,vector
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation azure.extensions


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies if this is a server created for migrating from Azure Database for PostgreSQL Single Server to Flexible Server.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values off
Parameter type read-only


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Max login tokens per bucket.
Data type integer
Default value 2000
Allowed values 1-2147483647
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Enables temporary connection throttling per IP for too many login failures.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description The factor bias for calculating number of tokens for an IP's bucket.
Data type numeric
Default value 0.8
Allowed values 0.0-0.9
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Max number of entries in the login failures hash table.
Data type integer
Default value 500
Allowed values 1-2147483647
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Time between resetting the login bucket.
Data type integer
Default value 120
Allowed values 1-2147483647
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Factor to increase number of tokens by for IPs with low failure rate.
Data type numeric
Default value 2
Allowed values 1.0-100.0
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Time between updating the login bucket.
Data type integer
Default value 20
Allowed values 1-2147483647
Parameter type dynamic


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the database in which pg_cron metadata is kept.
Data type string
Default value postgres
Allowed values [A-Za-z0-9_]+
Parameter type static
Documentation cron.database_name


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log all jobs runs into the job_run_details table.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type static
Documentation cron.log_run


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Log all cron statements prior to execution.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type static
Documentation cron.log_statement


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the maximum number of jobs that can run concurrently. This value is limited by max_connections.
Data type integer
Default value 32
Allowed values 0-5000
Parameter type static
Documentation cron.max_running_jobs


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Enables or disables server logs functionality.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation logfiles.download_enable


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the retention period window in days for server logs - after this time data will be deleted.
Data type integer
Default value 3
Allowed values 1-7
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation logfiles.retention_days


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies which classes of statements will be logged by session audit logging.
Data type set
Default value none
Allowed values none,read,write,function,role,ddl,misc,all
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies that session logging should be enabled in the case where all relations in a statement are in pg_catalog.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_catalog


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies whether audit messages should be visible to client.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_client


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies the log level that will be used for log entries.
Data type enumeration
Default value log
Allowed values debug5,debug4,debug3,debug2,debug1,info,notice,warning,log
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_level


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies that audit logging should include the parameters that were passed with the statement.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_parameter


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies whether session audit logging should create a separate log entry for each relation referenced in a SELECT or DML statement.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_relation


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies whether logging will include the statement text and parameters with the first log entry for a statement/substatement combination or with every entry.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.log_statement_once


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Specifies the master role to use for object audit logging.
Data type string
Default value
Allowed values [A-Za-z\\._]*
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgaudit.role


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Tells PGLogical to use batch insert mechanism if possible.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pglogical.batch_inserts


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the log level for reporting detected conflicts when the pglogical.conflict_resolution is set to anything else than error.
Data type enumeration
Default value log
Allowed values debug5,debug4,debug3,debug2,debug1,info,notice,warning,error,log,fatal,panic
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pglogical.conflict_log_level


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the resolution method for any detected conflicts between local data and incoming changes.
Data type enumeration
Default value apply_remote
Allowed values error,apply_remote,keep_local,last_update_wins,first_update_wins
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pglogical.conflict_resolution


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Tells PGLogical to use SPI interface to form actual SQL (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) statements to apply incoming changes instead of using internal low level interface.
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pglogical.use_spi


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Internal Use Only: This parameter is used as a feature override switch.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on
Parameter type read-only


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Set the frequency, in milliseconds, at which wait events are sampled.
Data type integer
Default value 100
Allowed values 1-600000
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgms_wait_sampling.history_period


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Internal Use Only: This parameter is used as a feature override switch. If it shows as off, wait sampling will be disabled despite the value set for pgms_wait_sampling.query_capture_mode.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on
Parameter type read-only
Documentation pgms_wait_sampling.is_enabled_fs


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Selects which statements are tracked by the pgms_wait_sampling extension.
Data type enumeration
Default value none
Allowed values all,none
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pgms_wait_sampling.query_capture_mode


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Same purpose as the p_analyze argument to run_maintenance().
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_partman_bgw.analyze


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Required. The database(s) that run_maintenance() will run on. If more than one, use a comma separated list. If not set, BGW will do nothing.
Data type string
Default value
Allowed values [A-Za-z0-9_,-]*
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_partman_bgw.dbname


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Number of seconds between calls to run_maintenance().
Data type integer
Default value 3600
Allowed values 1-315360000
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_partman_bgw.interval


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Same purpose as the p_jobmon argument to run_maintenance().
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_partman_bgw.jobmon


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description The role that run_maintenance() will run as. Default is postgres. Only a single role name is allowed.
Data type string
Default value
Allowed values [A-Za-z\\._]*
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_partman_bgw.role


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the query_store capture interval in minutes for pg_qs - this is the frequency of data persistence.
Data type integer
Default value 15
Allowed values 1-30
Parameter type static
Documentation pg_qs.interval_length_minutes


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Internal Use Only: This parameter is used as a feature override switch. If it shows as off, Query Store will be disabled despite the value set for pg_qs.query_capture_mode.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on
Parameter type read-only
Documentation pg_qs.is_enabled_fs


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the maximum number of bytes that will be saved for query plan text for pg_qs; longer plans will be truncated.
Data type integer
Default value 7500
Allowed values 100-10000
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.max_plan_size


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the maximum query text length that will be saved; longer queries will be truncated.
Data type integer
Default value 6000
Allowed values 100-10000
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.max_query_text_length


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets query capture mode for query store. None disables any capturing.
Data type enumeration
Default value none
Allowed values top,all,none
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.query_capture_mode


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the retention period window in days for pg_qs - after this time data will be deleted.
Data type integer
Default value 7
Allowed values 1-30
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.retention_period_in_days


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Turns saving query plans on or off for pg_qs
Data type boolean
Default value off
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.store_query_plans


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Selects whether utility commands are tracked by pg_qs.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_qs.track_utility


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Sets the maximum number of statements tracked by pg_stat_statements.
Data type integer
Default value 5000
Allowed values 100-2147483647
Parameter type static
Documentation pg_stat_statements.max


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Save pg_stat_statements statistics across server shutdowns.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_stat_statements.save


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Controls which statements are counted by pg_stat_statements.
Data type enumeration
Default value none
Allowed values top,all,none
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_stat_statements.track


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Selects whether utility commands are tracked by pg_stat_statements.
Data type boolean
Default value on
Allowed values on,off
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation pg_stat_statements.track_utility


Attribute Value
Category Customized Options
Description Controls postgis GDAL enabled driver settings.
Data type enumeration
Default value DISABLE_ALL
Parameter type dynamic
Documentation postgis.gdal_enabled_drivers