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Data retention and archive in Azure Monitor Logs

Azure Monitor Logs retains data in two states:

  • Interactive retention: Lets you retain Analytics logs for interactive queries of up to 2 years.
  • Archive: Lets you keep older, less used data in your workspace at a reduced cost. You can access data in the archived state by using search jobs and restore. You can keep data in archived state for up to 12 years.

The default free-tier retention period is "interactive retention" for 30 days.

This article describes how to configure data retention and archiving.

How retention and archiving work

Each workspace has a default retention setting that's applied to all tables. You can configure a different retention setting on individual tables.

Diagram that shows an overview of data retention and archive periods.

During the interactive retention period, data is available for monitoring, troubleshooting, and analytics. When you no longer use the logs, but still need to keep the data for compliance or occasional investigation, archive the logs to save costs.

Archived data stays in the same table, alongside the data that's available for interactive queries. When you set a total retention period that's longer than the interactive retention period, Log Analytics automatically archives the relevant data immediately at the end of the retention period.

You can access archived data by running a search job or restoring archived logs.


The archive period can only be set at the table level, not at the workspace level.

Adjustments to retention and archive settings

When you shorten an existing retention setting, Azure Monitor waits 30 days before removing the data, so you can revert the change and avoid data loss in the event of an error in configuration. You can purge data immediately when required.

When you increase the retention setting, the new retention period applies to all data that's already been ingested into the table and hasn't yet been purged or removed.

If you change the archive settings on a table with existing data, the relevant data in the table is also affected immediately. For example, you might have an existing table with 180 days of interactive retention and no archive period. You decide to change the retention setting to 90 days of interactive retention without changing the total retention period of 180 days. Log Analytics immediately archives any data that's older than 90 days and none of the data is deleted.

What happens to data when you delete a table in a Log Analytics workspace

A Log Analytics workspace can contain several types of tables. What happens when you delete the table is different for each:

Table type Data retention Recommendations
Azure table An Azure table holds logs from an Azure resource or data required by an Azure service or solution and cannot be deleted. When you stop streaming data from the resource, service, or solution, data remains in the workspace until the end of the retention period defined for the table or for the default workspace retention, if you do not define table-level retention. To minimize charges, set table-level retention to four days before you stop streaming logs to the table.
Restored table (table_RST) Deletes the hot cache provisioned for the restore, but source table data isn't deleted.
Search results table (table_SRCH) Deletes the table and data immediately and permanently.
Custom log table (table_CL) Soft deletes the table until the end of the table-level retention or default workspace retention period. During the soft delete period, you continue to pay for data retention and can recreate the table and access the data by setting up a table with the same name and schema. Fourteen days after you delete a custom table, Azure Monitor removes the table-level retention configuration and applies the default workspace retention. To minimize charges, set table-level retention to four days before you delete the table.

Permissions required

Action Permissions required
Configure data retention and archive policies for a Log Analytics workspace Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/write and microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/tables/write permissions to the Log Analytics workspace, as provided by the Log Analytics Contributor built-in role, for example
Get the retention and archive policy by table for a Log Analytics workspace Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/tables/read permissions to the Log Analytics workspace, as provided by the Log Analytics Reader built-in role, for example
Purge data from a Log Analytics workspace Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/purge/action permissions to the Log Analytics workspace, as provided by the Log Analytics Contributor built-in role, for example

Configure the default workspace retention

You can set a Log Analytics workspace's default retention in the Azure portal to 30, 31, 60, 90, 120, 180, 270, 365, 550, and 730 days. You can apply a different setting to specific tables by configuring retention and archive at the table level. If you're on the free tier, you need to upgrade to the paid tier to change the data retention period.


Workspaces with a 30-day retention might keep data for 31 days. If you need to retain data for 30 days only to comply with a privacy policy, configure the default workspace retention to 30 days using the API and update the immediatePurgeDataOn30Days workspace property to true. This operation is currently only supported using the Workspaces - Update API.

To set the default workspace retention:

  1. From the Log Analytics workspaces menu in the Azure portal, select your workspace.

  2. Select Usage and estimated costs in the left pane.

  3. Select Data Retention at the top of the page.

    Screenshot that shows changing the workspace data retention setting.

  4. Move the slider to increase or decrease the number of days, and then select OK.

Configure retention and archive at the table level

By default, all tables in your workspace inherit the workspace's interactive retention setting and have no archive. You can modify the retention and archive settings of individual tables, except for workspaces in the legacy Free Trial pricing tier.

The Analytics log data plan includes 31 days of interactive retention for workspaces in current-generation pricing tiers (Pay-as-you-go and Commitment Tiers as well as the legacy Standalone and Per Node tiers). You can increase the interactive retention period to up to 730 days at an additional cost. If needed, you can reduce the interactive retention period to as little as four days using the API or CLI. However, since 31 days of interactive retention are included in the ingestion price, lowering the retention period below 31 days doesn't reduce costs. You can set the archive period to a total retention time of up to 4,383 days (12 years).


Currently, you can set total retention to up to 12 years through the Azure portal and API. CLI and PowerShell are limited to seven years; support for 12 years will follow.

To set the retention and archive duration for a table in the Azure portal:

  1. From the Log Analytics workspaces menu, select Tables.

    The Tables screen lists all the tables in the workspace.

  2. Select the context menu for the table you want to configure and select Manage table.

    Screenshot that shows the Manage table button for one of the tables in a workspace.

  3. Configure the retention and archive duration in the Data retention settings section of the table configuration screen.

    Screenshot that shows the data retention settings on the table configuration screen.

Get retention and archive settings by table

To view the retention and archive duration for a table in the Azure portal, from the Log Analytics workspaces menu, select Tables.

The Tables screen shows the interactive retention and archive period for all the tables in the workspace.

Screenshot that shows the Manage table button for one of the tables in a workspace.

Tables with unique retention periods

By default, two data types, Usage and AzureActivity, keep data for at least 90 days at no charge. When you increase the workspace retention to more than 90 days, you also increase the retention of these data types. These tables are also free from data ingestion charges.

Tables related to Application Insights resources also keep data for 90 days at no charge. You can adjust the retention of each of these tables individually:

  • AppAvailabilityResults
  • AppBrowserTimings
  • AppDependencies
  • AppExceptions
  • AppEvents
  • AppMetrics
  • AppPageViews
  • AppPerformanceCounters
  • AppRequests
  • AppSystemEvents
  • AppTraces

Pricing model

The charge for maintaining archived logs is calculated based on the volume of data you archive, in GB, and the number or days for which you archive the data. Log data that has _IsBillable == false is not subject to retention or archive charges.

For more information, see Azure Monitor pricing.

Next steps

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