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Best Practices for performance improvements using Service Bus Messaging

This article describes how to use Azure Service Bus to optimize performance when exchanging brokered messages. The first part of this article describes different mechanisms to increase performance. The second part provides guidance on using Service Bus in a way that can offer the best performance in a given scenario.

Throughout this article, the term "client" refers to any entity that accesses Service Bus. A client can take the role of a sender or a receiver. The term "sender" is used for a Service Bus queue client or a topic client that sends messages to a Service Bus queue or a topic. The term "receiver" refers to a Service Bus queue client or subscription client that receives messages from a Service Bus queue or a subscription.

Resource planning and considerations

As with any technical resourcing, prudent planning is key in ensuring that Azure Service Bus is providing the performance that your application expects. The right configuration or topology for your Service Bus namespaces depends on a host of factors involving your application architecture and how each of the Service Bus features is used.

Pricing tier

Service Bus offers various pricing tiers. It's recommended to pick the appropriate tier for your application requirements.

  • Standard tier - Suited for developer/test environments or low throughput scenarios where the applications are not sensitive to throttling.

  • Premium tier - Suited for production environments with varied throughput requirements where predictable latency and throughput are required. Additionally, Service Bus premium namespaces can be auto scaled and can be enabled to accommodate spikes in throughput.


If the right tier is not picked, there is a risk of overwhelming the Service Bus namespace which may lead to throttling.

Throttling does not lead to loss of data. Applications leveraging the Service Bus SDK can utilize the default retry policy to ensure that the data is eventually accepted by Service Bus.

Calculating throughput for Premium

Data sent to Service Bus is serialized to binary and then deserialized when received by the receiver. Thus, while applications think of messages as atomic units of work, Service Bus measures throughput in terms of bytes (or megabytes).

When calculating the throughput requirement, consider the data that is being sent to Service Bus (ingress) and data that is received from Service Bus (egress).

As expected, throughput is higher for smaller message payloads that can be batched together.


Here's a GitHub sample that you can run to see the expected throughput you receive for your Service Bus namespace. In our benchmark tests, we observed approximately 4 MB/second per Messaging Unit (MU) of ingress and egress.

The benchmarking sample doesn't use any advanced features, so the throughput your applications observe is different, based on your scenarios.

Compute considerations

Service Bus operates several background processes that can affect compute utilization. These include, but are not limited to, timers, schedules, and metrics emission. Additionally, using certain Service Bus features require compute utilization that can decrease the expected throughput. Some of these features are -

  1. Sessions.
  2. Fanning out to multiple subscriptions on a single topic.
  3. Running many filters on a single subscription.
  4. Scheduled messages.
  5. Deferred messages.
  6. Transactions.
  7. Deduplication & look back time window.
  8. Forward to (forwarding from one entity to another).

If your application uses any of the above features and you aren't receiving the expected throughput, you can review the CPU usage metrics and consider scaling up your Service Bus Premium namespace. You can also utilize Azure Monitor to automatically scale the Service Bus namespace. It is recommended to increase the number of Message Units (MUs) when CPU usage exceeds 70% to ensure optimal performance.

Sharding across namespaces

While scaling up Compute (Messaging Units) allocated to the namespace is an easier solution, it might not provide a linear increase in the throughput. It's because of Service Bus internals (storage, network, etc.), which might be limiting the throughput.

The cleaner solution in this case is to shard your entities (queues, and topics) across different Service Bus Premium namespaces. You can also consider sharding across different namespaces in different Azure regions.


Service Bus enables clients to send and receive messages via one of three protocols:

  1. Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP)
  2. Service Bus Messaging Protocol (SBMP)
  3. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

AMQP is the most efficient, because it maintains the connection to Service Bus. It also implements batching and prefetching. Unless explicitly mentioned, all content in this article assumes the use of AMQP or SBMP.


The SBMP protocol is only available for .NET Framework. AMQP is the default for .NET Standard.

On 30 September 2026, we'll retire support of the SBMP protocol for Azure Service Bus, so you'll no longer be able to use this protocol after 30 September 2026. Migrate to the latest Azure Service Bus SDK libraries using the AMQP protocol, which offer critical security updates and improved capabilities, before that date.

For more information, see the support retirement announcement.

Choosing the appropriate Service Bus .NET SDK

The Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus package is the latest Azure Service Bus .NET SDK available as of November 2020. There are two older .NET SDKs that will continue to receive critical bug fixes until 30 September 2026, but we strongly encourage you to use the latest SDK instead. Read the migration guide for details on how to move from the older SDKs.

NuGet Package Primary Namespaces Minimum Platforms Protocols
Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus (latest) Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus
.NET Core 2.0
.NET Framework 4.6.1
Mono 5.4
Universal Windows Platform 10.0.16299
Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus
.NET Core 2.0
.NET Framework 4.6.1
Mono 5.4
Universal Windows Platform 10.0.16299

For more information on minimum .NET Standard platform support, see .NET implementation support.

On 30 September 2026, we'll retire the Azure Service Bus SDK libraries WindowsAzure.ServiceBus, Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus, and com.microsoft.azure.servicebus, which don't conform to Azure SDK guidelines. We'll also end support of the SBMP protocol, so you'll no longer be able to use this protocol after 30 September 2026. Migrate to the latest Azure SDK libraries, which offer critical security updates and improved capabilities, before that date.

Although the older libraries can still be used beyond 30 September 2026, they'll no longer receive official support and updates from Microsoft. For more information, see the support retirement announcement.

Reusing factories and clients

The Service Bus clients that interact with the service, such as ServiceBusClient, ServiceBusSender, ServiceBusReceiver, and ServiceBusProcessor, should be registered for dependency injection as singletons (or instantiated once and shared). ServiceBusClient (factory) can be registered for dependency injection with the ServiceBusClientBuilderExtensions.

We recommend that you don't close or dispose these clients after sending or receiving each message. Closing or disposing the entity-specific objects (ServiceBusSender/Receiver/Processor) results in tearing down the link to the Service Bus service. Disposing the ServiceBusClient results in tearing down the connection to the Service Bus service.

This guidance doesn't apply to the ServiceBusSessionReceiver, as its lifetime is the same as the session itself. For applications working with the ServiceBusSessionReceiver, it's recommended to use a singleton instance of the ServiceBusClient to accept each session, which spans a new ServiceBusSessionReceiver bound to that session. Once the application finishes processing that session, it should dispose the associated ServiceBusSessionReceiver.

The following note applies to all SDKs:


Establishing a connection is an expensive operation that you can avoid by reusing the same factory or client objects for multiple operations. You can safely use these client objects for concurrent asynchronous operations and from multiple threads.

Concurrent operations

Operations such as send, receive, delete, and so on, take some time. This time includes the time that the Service Bus service takes to process the operation and the latency of the request and the response. To increase the number of operations per time, operations must execute concurrently.

The client schedules concurrent operations by performing asynchronous operations. The next request is started before the previous request is completed. The following code snippet is an example of an asynchronous send operation:

var messageOne = new ServiceBusMessage(body);
var messageTwo = new ServiceBusMessage(body);

var sendFirstMessageTask =
    sender.SendMessageAsync(messageOne).ContinueWith(_ =>
        Console.WriteLine("Sent message #1");
var sendSecondMessageTask =
    sender.SendMessageAsync(messageTwo).ContinueWith(_ =>
        Console.WriteLine("Sent message #2");

await Task.WhenAll(sendFirstMessageTask, sendSecondMessageTask);
Console.WriteLine("All messages sent");

The following code is an example of an asynchronous receive operation.

var client = new ServiceBusClient(connectionString);
var options = new ServiceBusProcessorOptions 

      AutoCompleteMessages = false,
      MaxConcurrentCalls = 20
await using ServiceBusProcessor processor = client.CreateProcessor(queueName,options);
processor.ProcessMessageAsync += MessageHandler;
processor.ProcessErrorAsync += ErrorHandler;

static Task ErrorHandler(ProcessErrorEventArgs args)
    return Task.CompletedTask;

static async Task MessageHandler(ProcessMessageEventArgs args)
    Console.WriteLine("Handle message");
    await args.CompleteMessageAsync(args.Message);

await processor.StartProcessingAsync();

Receive mode

When creating a queue or subscription client, you can specify a receive mode: Peek-lock or Receive and Delete. The default receive mode is PeekLock. When operating in the default mode, the client sends a request to receive a message from Service Bus. After the client has received the message, it sends a request to complete the message.

When setting the receive mode to ReceiveAndDelete, both steps are combined in a single request. These steps reduce the overall number of operations, and can improve the overall message throughput. This performance gain comes at the risk of losing messages.

Service Bus doesn't support transactions for receive-and-delete operations. Also, peek-lock semantics are required for any scenarios in which the client wants to defer or dead-letter a message.


Prefetching enables the queue or subscription client to load extra messages from the service when it receives messages. The client stores these messages in a local cache. The size of the cache is determined by the ServiceBusReceiver.PrefetchCount properties. Each client that enables prefetching maintains its own cache. A cache isn't shared across clients. If the client starts a receive operation and its cache is empty, the service transmits a batch of messages. If the client starts a receive operation and the cache contains a message, the message is taken from the cache.

When a message is prefetched, the service locks the prefetched message. With the lock, the prefetched message can't be received by a different receiver. If the receiver can't complete the message before the lock expires, the message becomes available to other receivers. The prefetched copy of the message remains in the cache. The receiver that consumes the expired cached copy receives an exception when it tries to complete that message. By default, the message lock expires after 60 seconds. This value can be extended to 5 minutes. To prevent the consumption of expired messages, set the cache size smaller than the number of messages that a client can consume within the lock timeout interval.

When you use the default lock expiration of 60 seconds, a good value for PrefetchCount is 20 times the maximum processing rates of all receivers of the factory. For example, a factory creates three receivers, and each receiver can process up to 10 messages per second. The prefetch count shouldn't exceed 20 X 3 X 10 = 600. By default, PrefetchCount is set to 0, which means that no extra messages are fetched from the service.

Prefetching messages increases the overall throughput for a queue or subscription because it reduces the overall number of message operations, or round trips. The fetch of the first message, however, takes longer (because of the increased message size). Receiving prefetched messages from the cache is faster because these messages have already been downloaded by the client.

The time-to-live (TTL) property of a message is checked by the server at the time the server sends the message to the client. The client doesn't check the message's TTL property when the message is received. Instead, the message can be received even if the message's TTL has passed while the message was cached by the client.

Prefetching doesn't affect the number of billable messaging operations, and is available only for the Service Bus client protocol. The HTTP protocol doesn't support prefetching. Prefetching is available for both synchronous and asynchronous receive operations.

Prefetching and ReceiveMessagesAsync

While the concepts of prefetching multiple messages together have similar semantics to processing messages in a batch (ReceiveMessagesAsync), there are some minor differences that must be kept in mind when using these approaches together.

Prefetch is a configuration (or mode) on the ServiceBusReceiver and ReceiveMessagesAsync is an operation (that has request-response semantics).

While using these approaches together, consider the following cases -

  • Prefetch should be greater than or equal to the number of messages you're expecting to receive from ReceiveMessagesAsync.
  • Prefetch can be up to n/3 times the number of messages processed per second, where n is the default lock duration.

There are some challenges with having a greedy approach, that is, keeping the prefetch count high, because it implies that the message is locked to a particular receiver. We recommend that you try out prefetch values that are between the thresholds mentioned earlier, and identify what fits.

Multiple queues or topics

If a single queue or topic can't handle the expected number of messages, use multiple messaging entities. When using multiple entities, create a dedicated client for each entity, instead of using the same client for all entities.

More queues or topics mean that you have more entities to manage at deployment time. From a scalability perspective, there really isn't too much of a difference that you would notice as Service Bus already spreads the load across multiple logs internally, so if you use six queues or topics or two queues or topics won't make a material difference.

The tier of service you use impacts performance predictability. If you choose Standard tier, throughput and latency are best effort over a shared multitenant infrastructure. Other tenants on the same cluster can impact your throughput. If you choose Premium, you get resources that give you predictable performance, and your multiple queues or topics get processed out of that resource pool. For more information, see Pricing tiers.

Partitioned namespaces

When you use partitioned premium tier namespaces, multiple partitions with lower messaging units (MU) give you a better performance over a single partition with higher MUs.


The following sections describe typical messaging scenarios and outline the preferred Service Bus settings. Throughput rates are classified as small (less than 1 message/second), moderate (1 message/second or greater but less than 100 messages/second) and high (100 messages/second or greater). The number of clients are classified as small (5 or fewer), moderate (more than 5 but less than or equal to 20), and large (more than 20).

High-throughput queue

Goal: Maximize the throughput of a single queue. The number of senders and receivers is small.

  • To increase the overall send rate into the queue, use multiple message factories to create senders. For each sender, use asynchronous operations or multiple threads.
  • To increase the overall receive rate from the queue, use multiple message factories to create receivers.
  • Set the prefetch count to 20 times the maximum processing rates of all receivers of a factory. This count reduces the number of Service Bus client protocol transmissions.

Multiple high-throughput queues

Goal: Maximize overall throughput of multiple queues. The throughput of an individual queue is moderate or high.

To obtain maximum throughput across multiple queues, use the settings outlined to maximize the throughput of a single queue. Also, use different factories to create clients that send or receive from different queues.

Low latency queue

Goal: Minimize latency of a queue or topic. The number of senders and receivers is small. The throughput of the queue is small or moderate.

  • If using a single client, set the prefetch count to 20 times the processing rate of the receiver. If multiple messages arrive at the queue at the same time, the Service Bus client protocol transmits them all at the same time. When the client receives the next message, that message is already in the local cache. The cache should be small.
  • If using multiple clients, set the prefetch count to 0. By setting the count, the second client can receive the second message while the first client is still processing the first message.

Queue with a large number of senders

Goal: Maximize throughput of a queue or topic with a large number of senders. Each sender sends messages with a moderate rate. The number of receivers is small.

Service Bus enables up to 1,000 concurrent connections to a messaging entity. This limit is enforced at the namespace level, and queues, topics, or subscriptions are capped by the limit of concurrent connections per namespace. For queues, this number is shared between senders and receivers. If all 1,000 connections are required for senders, replace the queue with a topic and a single subscription. A topic accepts up to 1,000 concurrent connections from senders. The subscription accepts an extra 1,000 concurrent connections from receivers. If more than 1,000 concurrent senders are required, the senders should send messages to the Service Bus protocol via HTTP.

To maximize throughput, follow these steps:

  • If each sender is in a different process, use only a single factory per process.
  • Set the prefetch count to 20 times the maximum processing rates of all receivers of a factory. This count reduces the number of Service Bus client protocol transmissions.

Queue with a large number of receivers

Goal: Maximize the receive rate of a queue or subscription with a large number of receivers. Each receiver receives messages at a moderate rate. The number of senders is small.

Service Bus enables up to 1,000 concurrent connections to an entity. If a queue requires more than 1,000 receivers, replace the queue with a topic and multiple subscriptions. Each subscription can support up to 1,000 concurrent connections. Alternatively, receivers can access the queue via the HTTP protocol.

To maximize throughput, follow these guidelines:

  • If each receiver is in a different process, use only a single factory per process.
  • Set the prefetch count to a small value (for example, PrefetchCount = 10). This count prevents receivers from being idle while other receivers have large numbers of messages cached.

Topic with a few subscriptions

Goal: Maximize the throughput of a topic with a few subscriptions. A message is received by many subscriptions, which means the combined receive rate over all subscriptions is larger than the send rate. The number of senders is small. The number of receivers per subscription is small.

To maximize throughput, follow these guidelines:

  • To increase the overall send rate into the topic, use multiple message factories to create senders. For each sender, use asynchronous operations or multiple threads.
  • To increase the overall receive rate from a subscription, use multiple message factories to create receivers. For each receiver, use asynchronous operations or multiple threads.
  • Set the prefetch count to 20 times the maximum processing rates of all receivers of a factory. This count reduces the number of Service Bus client protocol transmissions.

Topic with a large number of subscriptions

Goal: Maximize the throughput of a topic with a large number of subscriptions. A message is received by many subscriptions, which means the combined receive rate over all subscriptions is larger than the send rate. The number of senders is small. The number of receivers per subscription is small.

Topics with a large number of subscriptions typically expose a low overall throughput if all messages are routed to all subscriptions. It's because each message is received many times, and all messages in a topic and all its subscriptions are stored in the same store. The assumption here's that the number of senders and number of receivers per subscription is small. Service Bus supports up to 2,000 subscriptions per topic.

To maximize throughput, try the following steps:

  • Set the prefetch count to 20 times the expected rate at which messages are received. This count reduces the number of Service Bus client protocol transmissions.