Mar 17, 9 PM - Mar 21, 10 AM
Ingħaqad mas-serje meetup biex tibni soluzzjonijiet skalabbli tal-IA bbażati fuq każijiet ta 'użu fid-dinja reali ma' żviluppaturi u esperti sħabi.
Irreġistra issaDan il-brawżer m'għadux appoġġjat.
Aġġorna għal Microsoft Edge biex tieħu vantaġġ mill-aħħar karatteristiċi, aġġornamenti tas-sigurtà, u appoġġ tekniku.
F# may be used to configure, deploy, and manage Azure resources. This articles provides links for the F#-specific technology Farmer.
Other options for Azure resource deployment and management are documented in Azure Resource Manager. This includes the Bicep language.
For F# programmers, Farmer is a free, open-source, community-driven technology providing an easy-to-learn library for rapidly authoring and deploying entire Azure architectures. Farmer generates Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates that define the infrastructure and configuration for your project.
Farmer provides simple code snippets that allow you to rapidly construct complex topologies and idempotent deployments. Farmer is cross-platform and completely backwards compatible with ARM templates. Farmer generates standard ARM templates so you can continue to use existing deployment processes.
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Mar 17, 9 PM - Mar 21, 10 AM
Ingħaqad mas-serje meetup biex tibni soluzzjonijiet skalabbli tal-IA bbażati fuq każijiet ta 'użu fid-dinja reali ma' żviluppaturi u esperti sħabi.
Irreġistra issaTaħriġ
Mogħdija tat-tagħlim
Deploy and manage resources in Azure by using JSON ARM templates - Training
Learn how JSON ARM templates enable you to manage both basic and complex infrastructure deployments on Azure.
Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate - Certifications
Build end-to-end solutions in Microsoft Azure to create Azure Functions, implement and manage web apps, develop solutions utilizing Azure storage, and more.
F# Machine Learning Tools - .NET
Learn about machine learning with F#.
Learn about web development options with F#.
Examine some of the key features of the F# programming language in this tour with code samples.