Mar 17, 9 PM - Mar 21, 10 AM
Ingħaqad mas-serje meetup biex tibni soluzzjonijiet skalabbli tal-IA bbażati fuq każijiet ta 'użu fid-dinja reali ma' żviluppaturi u esperti sħabi.
Irreġistra issaDan il-brawżer m'għadux appoġġjat.
Aġġorna għal Microsoft Edge biex tieħu vantaġġ mill-aħħar karatteristiċi, aġġornamenti tas-sigurtà, u appoġġ tekniku.
Property | Value |
Rule ID | IDE0070 |
Title | Use System.HashCode.Combine |
Category | Style |
Subcategory | Language rules (expression-level preferences) |
Applicable languages | C# and Visual Basic |
This rule recommends the use of the System.HashCode.Combine method to compute a hash code instead of using custom hash code computation logic.
This rule has no associated code-style options.
class B
public override int GetHashCode() => 0;
class C : B
int j;
// Code with violations
public override int GetHashCode()
// IDE0070: GetHashCode can be simplified.
var hashCode = 339610899;
hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + base.GetHashCode();
hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + j.GetHashCode();
return hashCode;
// Fixed code
public override int GetHashCode()
return System.HashCode.Combine(base.GetHashCode(), j);
If you want to suppress only a single violation, add preprocessor directives to your source file to disable and then re-enable the rule.
#pragma warning disable IDE0070
// The code that's violating the rule is on this line.
#pragma warning restore IDE0070
To disable the rule for a file, folder, or project, set its severity to none
in the configuration file.
dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0070.severity = none
To disable all of the code-style rules, set the severity for the category Style
to none
in the configuration file.
dotnet_analyzer_diagnostic.category-Style.severity = none
For more information, see How to suppress code analysis warnings.
Feedback ta’ .NET
.NET huwa proġett b’sors miftuħ. Agħżel link biex tipprovdi l-feedback:
Mar 17, 9 PM - Mar 21, 10 AM
Ingħaqad mas-serje meetup biex tibni soluzzjonijiet skalabbli tal-IA bbażati fuq każijiet ta 'użu fid-dinja reali ma' żviluppaturi u esperti sħabi.
Irreġistra issa