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Example: Configure SAML/WS-Fed based identity provider federation with AD FS

Applies to: Green circle with a white check mark symbol. Workforce tenants White circle with a gray X symbol. External tenants (learn more)


Direct federation in Microsoft Entra External ID is now referred to as SAML/WS-Fed identity provider (IdP) federation.

This article describes how to set up SAML/WS-Fed IdP federation using Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) as either a SAML 2.0 or WS-Fed IdP. To support federation, certain attributes and claims must be configured at the IdP. To illustrate how to configure an IdP for federation, we use Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) as an example. We show how to set up AD FS both as a SAML IdP and as a WS-Fed IdP.


This article describes how to set up AD FS for both SAML and WS-Fed for illustration purposes. For federation integrations where the IdP is AD FS, we recommend using WS-Fed as the protocol.

Configure AD FS for SAML 2.0 federation

Microsoft Entra B2B can be configured to federate with IdPs that use the SAML protocol with specific requirements listed below. To illustrate the SAML configuration steps, this section shows how to set up AD FS for SAML 2.0.

To set up federation, the following attributes must be received in the SAML 2.0 response from the IdP. These attributes can be configured by linking to the online security token service XML file or by entering them manually. Step 12 in Create a test AD FS instance describes how to find the AD FS endpoints or how to generate your metadata URL, for example https://fs.iga.azure-test.net/federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xml.

Attribute Value
AssertionConsumerService https://login.microsoftonline.com/login.srf
Audience urn:federation:MicrosoftOnline
Issuer The issuer URI of the partner IdP, for example http://www.example.com/exk10l6w90DHM0yi...

The following claims need to be configured in the SAML 2.0 token issued by the IdP:

Attribute Value
NameID Format urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent
emailaddress http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress

The next section illustrates how to configure the required attributes and claims using AD FS as an example of a SAML 2.0 IdP.

Before you begin

An AD FS server must already be set up and functioning before you begin this procedure.

Add the claim description

  1. On your AD FS server, select Tools > AD FS management.

  2. In the navigation pane, select Service > Claim Descriptions.

  3. Under Actions, select Add Claim Description.

  4. In the Add a Claim Description window, specify the following values:

    • Display Name: Persistent Identifier
    • Claim identifier: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent
    • Select the check box for Publish this claim description in federation metadata as a claim type that this federation service can accept.
    • Select the check box for Publish this claim description in federation metadata as a claim type that this federation service can send.
  5. Select Ok.

Add the relying party trust

  1. On the AD FS server, go to Tools > AD FS Management.

  2. In the navigation pane, select Relying Party Trusts.

  3. Under Actions, select Add Relying Party Trust.

  4. In the Add Relying Party Trust wizard, select Claims aware, and then select Start.

  5. In the Select Data Source section, select the check box for Import data about the relying party published online or on a local network. Enter this federation metadata URL: https://nexus.microsoftonline-p.com/federationmetadata/saml20/federationmetadata.xml. Select Next.

  6. Leave the other settings in their default options. Continue to select Next, and finally select Close to close the wizard.

  7. In AD FS Management, under Relying Party Trusts, right click the relying party trust you just created and select Properties.

  8. In the Monitoring tab, uncheck the box Monitor relying party.

  9. In the Identifiers tab, enter https://login.microsoftonline.com/<tenant ID>/ in the Relying party identifier text box using the tenant ID of the service partner’s Microsoft Entra tenant. Select Add.


    Be sure to include a slash (/) after the tenant ID, for example: https://login.microsoftonline.com/aaaabbbb-0000-cccc-1111-dddd2222eeee/.

  10. Select OK.

Create claims rules

  1. Right-click the relying party trust you created, and then select Edit Claim Issuance Policy.

  2. In the Edit Claim Rules wizard, select Add Rule.

  3. In Claim rule template, select Send LDAP Attributes as Claims.

  4. In Configure Claim Rule, specify the following values:

    • Claim rule name: Email claim rule
    • Attribute store: Active Directory
    • LDAP Attribute: E-Mail-Addresses
    • Outgoing Claim Type: E-Mail Address
  5. Select Finish.

  6. Select Add Rule.

  7. In Claim rule template, select Transform an Incoming Claim, and then select Next.

  8. In Configure Claim Rule, specify the following values:

    • Claim rule name: Email transform rule
    • Incoming claim type: E-mail Address
    • Outgoing claim type: Name ID
    • Outgoing name ID format: Persistent Identifier
    • Select Pass through all claim values.
  9. Select Finish.

  10. The Edit Claim Rules pane shows the new rules. Select Apply.

  11. Select OK. The AD FS server is now configured for federation using the SAML 2.0 protocol.

Configure AD FS for WS-Fed federation

Microsoft Entra B2B can be configured to federate with IdPs that use the WS-Fed protocol with the specific requirements listed below. Currently, the two WS-Fed providers have been tested for compatibility with Microsoft Entra External ID include AD FS and Shibboleth. Here, we use Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) as an example of the WS-Fed IdP. For more information about establishing a relying party trust between a WS-Fed compliant provider with Microsoft Entra External ID, download the Microsoft Entra identity provider compatibility docs.

To set up federation, the following attributes must be received in the WS-Fed message from the IdP. These attributes can be configured by linking to the online security token service XML file or by entering them manually. Step 12 in Create a test AD FS instance describes how to find the AD FS endpoints or how to generate your metadata URL, for example https://fs.iga.azure-test.net/federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xml.

Attribute Value
PassiveRequestorEndpoint https://login.microsoftonline.com/login.srf
Audience urn:federation:MicrosoftOnline
Issuer The issuer URI of the partner IdP, for example http://www.example.com/exk10l6w90DHM0yi...

Required claims for the WS-Fed token issued by the IdP:

Attribute Value
ImmutableID http://schemas.microsoft.com/LiveID/Federation/2008/05/ImmutableID
emailaddress http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress

The next section illustrates how to configure the required attributes and claims using AD FS as an example of a WS-Fed IdP.

Before you begin

An AD FS server must already be set up and functioning before you begin this procedure.

Add the relying party trust

  1. On the AD FS server, go to Tools > AD FS management.

  2. In the navigation pane, select Trust Relationships > Relying Party Trusts.

  3. Under Actions, select Add Relying Party Trust.

  4. In the Add Relying Party Trust wizard, select Claims aware, and then select Start.

  5. In the Select Data Source section, select Enter data about the relying party manually, and then select Next.

  6. In the Specify Display Name page, type a name in Display name. You may optionally enter a description for this relying party trust in the Notes section. Select Next.

  7. Optionally, in the Configure Certificate page, if you have a token encryption certificate, select Browse to locate a certificate file. Select Next.

  8. In the Configure URL page, select the Enable support for the WS-Federation Passive protocol check box. Under Relying party WS-Federation Passive protocol URL, enter the following URL: https://login.microsoftonline.com/login.srf

  9. Select Next.

  10. In the Configure Identifiers page, enter the following URLs and select Add. In the second URL, enter the tenant ID of service partner's Microsoft Entra tenant.

    • urn:federation:MicrosoftOnline
    • https://login.microsoftonline.com/<tenant ID>/


    Be sure to include a slash (/) after the tenant ID, for example: https://login.microsoftonline.com/aaaabbbb-0000-cccc-1111-dddd2222eeee/.

  11. Select Next.

  12. In the Choose Access Control Policy page, select a policy, and then select Next.

  13. In the Ready to Add Trust page, review the settings, and then select Next to save your relying party trust information.

  14. In the Finish page, select Close. select Relying Party Trust and select Edit Claim Issuance Policy.

Create claims rules

  1. Select the Relying Party Trust you just created, and then select Edit Claim Issuance Policy.

  2. Select Add rule.

  3. Select Send LDAP Attributes as Claims, and then select Next.

  4. In Configure Claim Rule, specify the following values:

    • Claim rule name: Email claim rule
    • Attribute store: Active Directory
    • LDAP Attribute: E-Mail-Addresses
    • Outgoing Claim Type: E-Mail Address
  5. Select Finish.

  6. In the same Edit Claim Rules wizard, select Add Rule.

  7. Select Send Claims Using a Custom Rule, and then select Next.

  8. In Configure Claim Rule, specify the following values:

    • Claim rule name: Issue Immutable ID
    • Custom rule: c:[Type == "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/windowsaccountname"] => issue(store = "Active Directory", types = ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/LiveID/Federation/2008/05/ImmutableID"), query = "samAccountName={0};objectGUID;{1}", param = regexreplace(c.Value, "(?<domain>[^\\]+)\\(?<user>.+)", "${user}"), param = c.Value);
  9. Select Finish.

  10. Select OK. The AD FS server is now configured for federation using WS-Fed.

Next steps

Next, you configure SAML/WS-Fed IdP federation in Microsoft Entra External ID either in the Azure portal or by using the Microsoft Graph API.