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Create and manage collections in the Microsoft Purview Data Map

Collections in the Microsoft Purview Data Map can be used to organize assets and sources by your business's flow. They're also the tool used to manage access across the Microsoft Purview governance portal. This guide will take you through the creation and management of these collections, as well as cover steps about how to register sources and add assets into your collections.


Check permissions

In order to create and manage collections in the Microsoft Purview Data Map, you'll need to be a Collection Admin within the Microsoft Purview governance portal. We can check these permissions in the Microsoft Purview governance portal. You can find the Microsoft Purview governance portal by:

  1. Select Data Map > Collections from the left pane to open collection management page.

    Screenshot of Microsoft Purview governance portal window, opened to the Data Map, with the Collections tab selected.

  2. Select your root collection. This is the top collection in your collection list and will have the same name as your account. In the following example, it's called Contoso Microsoft Purview. Alternatively, if collections already exist you can select any collection where you want to create a subcollection.

    Screenshot of Microsoft Purview governance portal window, opened to the Data Map, with the root collection highlighted.

  3. Select Role assignments in the collection window.

    Screenshot of Microsoft Purview governance portal window, opened to the Data Map, with the role assignments tab highlighted.

  4. To create a collection, you'll need to be in the collection admin list under role assignments. If you created the account, you should be listed as a collection admin under the root collection already. If not, you'll need to contact the collection admin to grant your permission.

    Screenshot of Microsoft Purview governance portal window, opened to the Data Map, with the collection admin section highlighted.

Collection management

Create a collection

You'll need to be a collection admin in order to create a collection. If you aren't sure, follow the guide above to check permissions.

  1. Select Data Map > Collections from the left pane to open collection management page.

    Screenshot of Microsoft Purview governance portal window, opened to the Data Map, with the Collections tab selected and open.

  2. Select + Add a collection. Again, note that only collection admins can manage collections.

    Screenshot of Microsoft Purview governance portal window, showing the new collection window, with the 'Add a collection' button highlighted.

  3. In the right panel, enter the collection name and description. If needed you can also add users or groups as collection admins to the new collection.

  4. Select Create.

    Screenshot of Microsoft Purview governance portal window, showing the new collection window, with a display name and collection admins selected, and the create button highlighted.

  5. The new collection's information will reflect on the page.

    Screenshot of Microsoft Purview governance portal window, showing the newly created collection window.

Edit a collection

  1. Select Edit either from the collection detail page, or from the collection's dropdown menu.

    Screenshot of Microsoft Purview governance portal window, open to collection window, with the 'edit' button highlighted both in the selected collection window, and under the ellipsis button next to the name of the collection.

  2. Currently collection description and collection admins can be edited. Make any changes, then select Save to save your change.

    Screenshot of Microsoft Purview governance portal window with the edit collection window open, a description added to the collection, and the save button highlighted.

View Collections

  1. Select the triangle icon beside the collection's name to expand or collapse the collection hierarchy. Select the collection names to navigate.

    Screenshot of Microsoft Purview governance portal collection window, with the button next to the collection name highlighted.

  2. Type in the filter box at the top of the list to filter collections.

    Screenshot of Microsoft Purview governance portal collection window, with the filter above the collections highlighted.

  3. Select Refresh in Root collection's contextual menu to reload the collection list.

    Screenshot of Microsoft Purview governance portal collection window, with the button next to the Resource name selected, and the refresh button highlighted.

  4. Select Refresh in collection detail page to reload the single collection.

    Screenshot of Microsoft Purview governance portal collection window, with the refresh button under the collection window highlighted.

Delete a collection

You'll need to be a collection admin in order to delete a collection. If you aren't sure, follow the guide above to check permissions. Collection can be deleted only if no child collections, assets, data sources or scans are associated with it.

  1. Select Delete from the collection detail page.

    Screenshot of Microsoft Purview governance portal window to delete a collection

  2. Select Confirm when prompted, Are you sure you want to delete this collection?

    Screenshot of Microsoft Purview governance portal window showing confirmation message to delete a collection

  3. Verify deletion of the collection from your Microsoft Purview Data Map.

Move registered sources between collections

You can move registered sources from one collection to another you have access to. For steps, see the manage data sources article.

Add roles and restrict access through collections

Since permissions are managed through collections in the Microsoft Purview Data Map, it's important to understand the roles and what permissions they'll give your users. A user granted permissions on a collection will have access to sources and assets associated with that collection, and inherit permissions to subcollections. Inheritance can be restricted, but is allowed by default.

The following guide will discuss the roles, how to manage them, and permissions inheritance.


All assigned roles apply to sources, assets, and other objects within the collection where the role is applied. A few of the main roles are:

  • Collection administrator - a role for users that will need to assign roles to other users in the Microsoft Purview governance portal or manage collections. Collection admins can add users to roles on collections where they're admins. They can also edit collections, their details, and add subcollections.
  • Data curators - a role that provides access to the data catalog to manage assets, configure custom classifications, set up glossary terms, and view data estate insights. Data curators can create, read, modify, move, and delete assets. They can also apply annotations to assets.
  • Data readers - a role that provides read-only access to data assets, classifications, classification rules, collections and glossary terms.
  • Data source administrator - a role that allows a user to manage data sources and scans. If a user is granted only to Data source admin role on a given data source, they can run new scans using an existing scan rule. To create new scan rules, the user must be also granted as either Data reader or Data curator roles.


For a list of all available roles, and more information about roles, see the permissions documentation.

Add role assignments

  1. Select the Role assignments tab to see all the roles in a collection. Only a collection admin can manage role assignments.

    Screenshot of Microsoft Purview governance portal collection window, with the role assignments tab highlighted.

  2. Select Edit role assignments or the person icon to edit each role member.

    Screenshot of Microsoft Purview governance portal collection window, with the edit role assignments dropdown list selected.

  3. Type in the textbox to search for users you want to add to the role member. Select X to remove members you don't want to add.

    Screenshot of Microsoft Purview governance portal collection admin window with the search bar highlighted.

  4. Select OK to save your changes, and you'll see the new users reflected in the role assignments list.

Remove role assignments

  1. Select X button next to a user's name to remove a role assignment.

    Screenshot of Microsoft Purview governance portal collection window, with the role assignments tab selected, and the x button beside one of the names highlighted.

  2. Select Confirm if you're sure to remove the user.

    Screenshot of a confirmation pop-up, with the confirm button highlighted.

Restrict inheritance

Collection permissions are inherited automatically from the parent collection. For example, any permissions on the root collection (the collection at the top of the list that has the same name as your account), will be inherited by all collections below it. You can restrict inheritance from a parent collection at any time, using the restrict inherited permissions option.

Once you restrict inheritance, you'll need to add users directly to the restricted collection to grant them access.

  1. Navigate to the collection where you want to restrict inheritance and select the Role assignments tab.

  2. Select Restrict inherited permissions and select Restrict access in the popup dialog to remove inherited permissions from this collection and any subcollections. Note that collection admin permissions won't be affected.

    Screenshot of Microsoft Purview governance portal collection window, with the role assignments tab selected, and the restrict inherited permissions slide button highlighted.

  3. After restriction, inherited members are removed from the roles expect for collection admin.

  4. Select the Restrict inherited permissions toggle button again to revert.

    Screenshot of Microsoft Purview governance portal collection window, with the role assignments tab selected, and the unrestrict inherited permissions slide button highlighted.

Register source to a collection

  1. Select Register or register icon on collection node to register a data source. Only a data source admin can register sources.

    Screenshot of the data map Microsoft Purview governance portal window with the register button highlighted both at the top of the page and under a collection.

  2. Fill in the data source name, and other source information. It lists all the collections where you have scan permission on the bottom of the form. You can select one collection. All assets under this source will belong to the collection you select.

    Screenshot of the source registration window.

  3. The created data source will be put under the selected collection. Select View details to see the data source.

    Screenshot of the data map Microsoft Purview governance portal window with the newly added source card highlighted.

  4. Select New scan to create scan under the data source.

    Screenshot of a source Microsoft Purview governance portal window with the new scan button highlighted.

  5. Similarly, at the bottom of the form, you can select a collection, and all assets scanned will be included in the collection. The collections listed here are restricted to subcollections of the data source collection.

    Screenshot of a new scan window with the collection dropdown highlighted.

  6. Back in the collection window, you'll see the data sources linked to the collection on the sources card.

    Screenshot of the data map Microsoft Purview governance portal window with the newly added source card highlighted in the map.

Add assets to collections

Assets and sources are also associated with collections. During a scan, if the scan was associated with a collection the assets will be automatically added to that collection, but can also be manually added to any subcollections.

  1. Check the collection information in asset details. You can find collection information in the Collection path section on right-top corner of the asset details page.

    Screenshot of Microsoft Purview governance portal asset window, with the collection path highlighted.

  2. Permissions in asset details page:

    1. Check the collection-based permission model by following the add roles and restricting access on collections guide above.

    2. If you don't have read permission on a collection, the assets under that collection won't be listed in search results. If you get the direct URL of one asset and open it, you'll see the no access page. Contact your collection admin to grant you the access. You can select the Refresh button to check the permission again.

      Screenshot of Microsoft Purview governance portal asset window where the user has no permissions, and has no access to information or options.

    3. If you have the read permission to one collection but don't have the write permission, you can browse the asset details page, but the following operations are disabled:

      • Edit the asset. The Edit button will be disabled.
      • Delete the asset. The Delete button will be disabled.
      • Move asset to another collection. The ellipsis button on the right-top corner of Collection path section will be hidden.
    4. The assets in Hierarchy section are also affected by permissions. Assets without read permission will be grayed.

      Screenshot of Microsoft Purview governance portal hierarchy window where the user has only read permissions, and has no access to options.

Move asset to another collection

  1. Select the ellipsis button on the right-top corner of Collection path section.

    Screenshot of Microsoft Purview governance portal asset window with the collection path highlighted and the ellipsis button next to collection path selected.

  2. Select the Move to another collection button.

  3. In the right side panel, choose the target collection you want move to. You can only see the collections where you have write permissions. The asset can also only be added to the subcollections of the data source collection.

    Screenshot of Microsoft Purview governance portal pop-up window with the select a collection dropdown menu highlighted.

  4. Select Move button on the bottom of the window to move the asset.

Search and browse by collections

Search by collection

  1. In the Microsoft Purview governance portal, the search bar is located at the top of the portal window.

    Screenshot showing the location of the Microsoft Purview governance portal search bar.

  2. When you select the search bar, you can see your recent search history and recently accessed assets. Select View all to see all of the recently viewed assets.

    Screenshot showing the search bar before any keywords have been entered

  3. Enter in keywords that help identify your asset such as its name, data type, classifications, and glossary terms. As you enter in keywords relating to your desired asset, the Microsoft Purview governance portal displays suggestions on what to search and potential asset matches. To complete your search, select View search results or press Enter.

    Screenshot showing the search bar as a user enters in keywords

  4. The search results page shows a list of assets that match the keywords provided in order of relevance. There are various factors that can affect the relevance score of an asset. You can filter down the list more by selecting specific collections, data stores, classifications, contacts, labels, and glossary terms that apply to the asset you're looking for.

    Screenshot showing the results of a search

  5. Select your desired asset to view the asset details page where you can view properties including schema, lineage, and asset owners.

    Screenshot showing search results with collections.

Browse by collection

  1. You can browse data assets, by selecting the Browse assets on the homepage.

    Screenshot of the catalog Microsoft Purview governance portal window with the browse assets button highlighted.

  2. On the Browse asset page, select By collection pivot. Collections are listed with hierarchical table view. To further explore assets in each collection, select the corresponding collection name.

    Screenshot of the asset Microsoft Purview governance portal window with the by collection tab selected.

  3. On the next page, the search results of the assets under selected collection will be shown. You can narrow the results by selecting the facet filters. Or you can see the assets under other collections by selecting the sub/related collection names.

    Screenshot of the catalog Microsoft Purview governance portal window with the by collection tab selected.

  4. To view the details of an asset, select the asset name in the search result. Or you can check the assets and bulk edit them.

    Screenshot of the catalog Microsoft Purview governance portal window with the by collection tab selected and asset check boxes highlighted.

Rename collections (PREVIEW)


This feature is currently in preview. The Supplemental Terms of Use for Microsoft Azure Previews include additional legal terms that apply to Azure features that are in beta, in preview, or otherwise not yet released into general availability.

  1. In the Microsoft Purview governance portal, navigate to the collection that you want to rename.

  2. Select Edit either from the collection detail page, or from the collection's dropdown menu.

    Screenshot of Microsoft Purview governance portal window to edit and rename a collection, open to collection window, with the 'edit' button highlighted both in the selected collection window, and under the ellipsis button next to the name of the collection.

  3. Provide a new friendly name and select Save to save your change.

    Screenshot of Microsoft Purview governance portal window with the rename collection window open.

Move collections (PREVIEW)


This feature is currently in preview. The Supplemental Terms of Use for Microsoft Azure Previews include additional legal terms that apply to Azure features that are in beta, in preview, or otherwise not yet released into general availability.

  1. In the Microsoft Purview governance portal, navigate to the collection that you want to move to a different parent collection.

  2. Select the ellipsis button on the right-top corner of collection path section and select Move to another collection.

    Screenshot of Microsoft Purview governance portal window to move a collection, open to collection window, ellipsis and move to another collection highlighted.

  3. From Select parent collection dropdown list, select a new parent for the collection and select OK.

    Screenshot of Microsoft Purview governance portal window with the move collection window open.

Next steps

Now that you have a collection, you can follow these guides below to add resources and scan.