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?? (Evaluate C++ Expression)

The double question mark (??) command evaluates and displays the value of an expression according to C++ expression rules.

?? Expression



Specifies the C++ expression to evaluate. For more information about the syntax, see C++ Numbers and Operators.


Item Description
Modes User mode, kernel mode
Targets Live, crash dump
Platforms All


The ?? command evaluates symbols in the expression in the context of the current thread and process.

If you want to evaluate a part of the expression according to MASM expression rules, enclose that part in parentheses and add two at signs ( @@ ) before it. For more information about MASM expressions and C++ expressions, see Evaluating Expressions and Numerical Expression Syntax.

See also

? (Evaluate Expression)

.formats (Show Number Formats)

Evaluating Expressions

Numerical Expression Syntax