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Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization - Training
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization
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Aġġorna għal Microsoft Edge biex tieħu vantaġġ mill-aħħar karatteristiċi, aġġornamenti tas-sigurtà, u appoġġ tekniku.
This header is used by multiple technologies. For more information, see:
shobjidl.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IAccessibilityDockingService Docks an application window to the bottom of a monitor when a Windows Store app is visible and not snapped, or when the launcher is visible. |
IAccessibilityDockingServiceCallback Receives Accessibility Window Docking events. |
IAccessibleObject Exposes a method that can be used by an accessibility application. |
IApplicationAssociationRegistrationUI Exposes a method that launches an advanced association dialog box through which the user can customize their associations. |
IAutoCompleteDropDown Exposes methods that allow clients to reset or query the display state of the autocomplete drop-down list, which contains possible completions to a string entered by the user in an edit control. |
IBandHost Exposes methods that create and destroy bands and specify their availability. |
ICDBurn Exposes methods that determine whether a system has hardware for writing to CD, the drive letter of a CD writer device, and programmatically initiate a CD writing session. |
ICDBurnExt ICDBurnExt may be altered or unavailable. |
ICommDlgBrowser3 Extends the capabilities of ICommDlgBrowser2, and used by the common file dialog boxes when they host a Shell browser. |
IComputerInfoChangeNotify Not supported. This interface may be absent in later versions of Windows. (IComputerInfoChangeNotify) |
IDeskBand2 Exposes methods to enable and query translucency effects in a deskband object. |
IDesktopGadget Exposes a method that allows the programmatic addition of an installed gadget to the user's desktop. |
IDragSourceHelper2 Exposes a method that adds functionality to IDragSourceHelper. This method sets the characteristics of a drag-and-drop operation over an IDragSourceHelper object. |
IDynamicHWHandler Called by AutoPlay. Exposes methods that get dynamic information regarding a registered handler prior to displaying it to the user. |
IEnumerableView Exposes methods that enumerate the contents of a view and receive notification from callback upon enumeration completion. This interface enables clients of a view to attempt to share the view's list of folder contents. |
IEnumReadyCallback Exposes methods that enable the view to notify the implementer when the enumeration has completed. |
IFileDialog2 Extends the IFileDialog interface by providing methods that allow the caller to name a specific, restricted location that can be browsed in the common file dialog as well as to specify alternate text to display as a label on the Cancel button. |
IFileDialogControlEvents Exposes methods that allow an application to be notified of events that are related to controls that the application has added to a common file dialog. |
IFolderBandPriv IFolderBandPriv is available for use in the operating systems specified in the Requirements section. It may be altered or unavailable in subsequent versions. |
IFolderViewHost Exposes a method that hosts an IFolderView object in a window. |
IFolderViewOptions Exposes methods that allow control of folder view options specific to the Windows 7 and later views. |
IHWEventHandler Called by AutoPlay to implement the handling of registered media types. |
IHWEventHandler2 Extends the IHWEventHandler interface to address User Account Control (UAC) elevation for device handlers. |
IImageRecompress Exposes a method that recompress images. |
IInsertItem IInsertItem may be altered or unavailable. |
INameSpaceTreeAccessible Exposes methods that perform accessibility actions on a Shell item from a namespace tree control. |
INameSpaceTreeControl2 Extends the INameSpaceTreeControl interface by providing methods that get and set the display styles of treeview controls for use with Shell namespace items. |
INameSpaceTreeControlCustomDraw Exposes methods that enable the user to draw a custom namespace tree control and its items. |
INameSpaceTreeControlDropHandler Exposes handler methods for drag-and-drop. |
INameSpaceTreeControlEvents Exposes methods for handling INameSpaceTreeControl events. |
IPreviousVersionsInfo Exposes a method that checks for previous versions of server files or folders, stored for the purpose of reversion by the shadow copies technology provided with Windows Server 2003. |
IPublishingWizard Exposes methods for working with the Online Print Wizard, the Web Publishing Wizard, and the Add Network Place Wizard. In Windows Vista, IPublishingWizard no longer supports the Web Publishing Wizard or Online Print Wizard. |
IQueryCancelAutoPlay Exposes a method that programmatically overrides AutoPlay or AutoRun. This allows you to customize the location and type of content that is launched when media is inserted. |
IQueryCodePage Gets and sets the numeric value (Code Page identifier) of the ANSI code page. |
IResultsFolder Exposes methods that hold items from a data object. |
ISearchBoxInfo Exposes methods that allow the caller to retrieve information entered into a search box. |
IShellRunDll Not supported. (IShellRunDll) |
IShellView3 Extends the capabilities of IShellView2 by providing a method to replace IShellView2::CreateViewWindow2. |
IStartMenuPinnedList Exposes a method that unpins an application shortcut from the Start menu or the taskbar. |
IStreamAsync Exposes methods to manage input/output (I/O) to an asynchronous stream. |
IStreamUnbufferedInfo Exposes a method that determines the sector size as an aid to byte alignment. |
ITrayDeskBand Exposes methods that show, hide, and query deskbands. |
IUserAccountChangeCallback Exposes a method which is called when the picture that represents a user account is changed. |
IUserNotification2 Exposes methods that set notification information and then display that notification to the user in a balloon that appears in conjunction with the notification area of the taskbar. (IUserNotification2) |
IUserNotificationCallback Exposes a method for the handling of a mouse click or shortcut menu access in a notification balloon. Used with IUserNotification2::Show. |
IUseToBrowseItem This interface is not supported. Do not use. |
IVisualProperties Exposes methods that set and get visual properties. |
IWebWizardExtension Extends the IWizardExtension interface by exposing methods to set the wizard extension's initial URL, and a specific URL in case of an error. |
IWizardExtension Used by wizards such as the Web Publishing Wizard and Online Print Ordering Wizard which host server-side content pages. This interface exposes methods to specify supported extension pages and to navigate into and out of those pages. |
IWizardSite Exposes methods used by a wizard extension to navigate the borders between itself and the rest of the wizard. |
SHAddDefaultPropertiesByExt Adds default properties to the property store as registered for the specified file extension. |
SHCreateDefaultPropertiesOp Creates a file operation that sets the default properties on the Shell item that have not already been set. |
SHResolveFolderPathInLibrary Attempts to resolve the target location of a library folder that has been moved or renamed. |
SHSetDefaultProperties Applies the default set of properties on a Shell item. |
NSTCCUSTOMDRAW Custom draw structure used by INameSpaceTreeControlCustomDraw methods. |
OVERLAPPED Contains information used in asynchronous (overlapped) input/output (I/O). |
FOLDERVIEWOPTIONS Used by methods of the IFolderViewOptions interface to activate Windows Vista options not supported by default in Windows 7 and later systems as well as deactivating new Windows 7 options. |
NSTCSTYLE2 Used by methods of the INameSpaceTreeControl2 to specify extended display styles in a Shell namespace treeview. |
SYNC_ENGINE_STATE_FLAGS Specifies values used by any sync engine to expose their internal engine states to the Property Store's PKEY_StorageProviderStatus value in the File Indexer To update the property, first call IShellItem2::GetPropertyStore with the GPS_EXTRINSICPROPERTIES flag. Next, call the IPropertyStore::SetValue method of the returned object, specifying the PKEY_StorageProviderStatus key, to set the property's bitmask value using these SYNC_ENGINE_STATE_FLAGS. |
UNDOCK_REASON Values that indicate the reason that a docked accessibility app window has been undocked. Used by IAccessibilityDockingServiceCallback::Undocked. |
VPCOLORFLAGS Specifies the use of a color. Used by IVisualProperties methods. |
VPWATERMARKFLAGS Specifies watermark flags. Used by IVisualProperties::SetWatermark. |
Mogħdija tat-tagħlim
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization - Training
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization