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What is HostConfig?

HostConfig is a cross-platform configuration object that specifies how an Adaptive Card Renderer generates UI.

This allows properties which are platform agnostic to be shared among renderers on different platforms and devices. It also allows tooling to be created which gives you an idea of the look and feel that card would have for a given environment.

See a sample HostConfig.json to get a feeling for its contents.

Card Configuration


Toplevel options for AdaptiveCards

Property Type Required Description Version
allowCustomStyle boolean No, default: true Controls whether custom styling is allowed 1.0
supportsInteractivity boolean No, default: true Control whether interactive Actions are allowed to be invoke 1.0
imageBaseUrl string No Base URL to be used when loading resources 1.0
fontFamily string No, default: "Calibri" Font face to use when rendering text 1.0
actions object No Options for Actions 1.0
adaptiveCard object No Toplevel options for AdaptiveCards 1.0
containerStyles object No Controls styling for default and emphasis containers 1.0
imageSizes object No Controls Image sizes 1.0
imageSet object No Controls how ImageSets are displayed 1.0
factSet object No Controls the display of FactSets 1.0
fontSizes object No Controls font size metrics for different text styles 1.0
fontWeights object No Controls font weight metrics 1.0
spacing object No Controls how elements are to be laid out 1.0
separator object No Controls how separators are displayed 1.0
media object No Controls the display and behavior of Media elements 1.1


Options for Actions

Property Type Required Description Version
actionsOrientation string No, default: "horizontal" Controls how buttons are laid out 1.0
actionAlignment string No, default: "stretch" Control layout of buttons 1.0
buttonSpacing integer No, default: 10 Controls how much spacing to use between buttons 1.0
maxActions integer No, default: 5 Controls how many actions are allowed in total 1.0
spacing string No, default: "default" Controls overall spacing of action element 1.0
showCard object No Controls behavior and styling of Action.ShowCard 1.0
iconPlacement string No, default: "aboveTitle" Controls where to place the action icon 1.0
iconSize integer No, default: 30 Controls size of action icon 1.0


Controls styling for default and emphasis containers

Property Type Required Description Version
default object No Default container style 1.0
emphasis object No Container style to use for emphasis 1.0


Controls the display of FactSets

Property Type Required Description Version
title object No, default: {"weight":"bolder","size":"default","color":"default","isSubtle":false,"wrap":true,"maxWidth":150} Parameters controlling the display of text 1.0
value object No, default: {"weight":"default","size":"default","color":"default","isSubtle":false,"wrap":true,"maxWidth":0} Parameters controlling the display of text 1.0
spacing integer No, default: 10   1.0


Controls font size metrics for different text styles

Property Type Required Description Version
small integer No, default: 10 Small font size 1.0
default integer No, default: 12 Default font size 1.0
medium integer No, default: 14 Medium font size 1.0
large integer No, default: 17 Large font size 1.0
extraLarge integer No, default: 20 Extra large font size 1.0


Controls font weight metrics

Property Type Required Description Version
lighter integer No, default: 200   1.0
default integer No, default: 400   1.0
bolder integer No, default: 800   1.0


Controls various font colors

Property Type Required Description Version
default object No, default: {"default":"#FF000000","subtle":"#B2000000"}   1.0
accent object No, default: {"default":"#FF0000FF","subtle":"#B20000FF"}   1.0
dark object No, default: {"default":"#FF101010","subtle":"#B2101010"}   1.0
light object No, default: {"default":"#FFFFFFFF","subtle":"#B2FFFFFF"}   1.0
good object No, default: {"default":"#FF008000","subtle":"#B2008000"}   1.0
warning object No, default: {"default":"#FFFFD700","subtle":"#B2FFD700"}   1.0
attention object No, default: {"default":"#FF8B0000","subtle":"#B28B0000"}   1.0


Controls how ImageSets are displayed

Property Type Required Description Version
imageSize string No, default: "auto" Controls individual image sizing 1.0
maxImageHeight integer No, default: 100 Constrain image height to this value 1.0


Controls Image sizes

Property Type Required Description Version
small integer No, default: 80 Small image size value 1.0
medium integer No, default: 120 Medium image size value 1.0
large integer No, default: 180 Large image size value 1.0


Controls how labels and error messages are displayed

Property Type Required Description Version
label LabelConfig No Controls how labels are displayed 1.3
errorMessage ErrorMessageConfig No Controls how error messages are displayed 1.3


Controls how labels are displayed

Property Type Required Description Version
requiredInputs InputLabelConfig No Controls how labels for required inputs are displayed 1.3
optionalInputs InputLabelConfig No Controls how labels for optional inputs are displayed 1.3
spacing string No, default: "default" Spacing between the label and the input 1.3


Controls how required or optional labels are displayed

Property Type Required Description Version
color string No, default: "default" Font color of the label (the suffix is always rendered in attention color) 1.3
isSubtle bool No, default: false Defines whether to use the subtle foreground color 1.3
size string No, default: "default" Font size of the label to be displayed 1.3
suffix string No, default: "*" Suffix to be displayed at the end of the label for required inputs. If none is defined, an asterisk * is appended to the label 1.3
weight string No, default: "default" Font weight of the label 1.3


Controls how error messages are displayed. Error messages are always displayed with the attention color.

Property Type Required Description Version
spacing string No, default: "default" Spacing between the input and the error message 1.3
size string No, default: "default" Font size of the error message 1.3
weight string No, default: "default" Font weight of the error message 1.3


Controls the display and behavior of Media elements

Introduced in version 1.1

Property Type Required Description Version
defaultPoster string No URI to image to display when play button hasn't been invoked 1.1
playButton string No Image to display as play button 1.1
allowInlinePlayback boolean No, default: true Whether to display media inline or invoke externally 1.1


Controls how separators are displayed

Property Type Required Description Version
lineThickness integer No, default: 1 Thickness of separator line 1.0
lineColor string,null No, default: #B2000000 Color to use when drawing separator line 1.0


Controls behavior and styling of Action.ShowCard

Property Type Required Description Version
actionMode string No, default: "inline" Controls how the card is displayed 1.0
style object No, default: emphasis Controls styling of a container 1.0
inlineTopMargin integer No, default: 16 Amount of margin to use when displaying the card 1.0


Controls how elements are to be laid out

Property Type Required Description Version
small integer No, default: 3 Small spacing value 1.0
default integer No, default: 8 Default spacing value 1.0
medium integer No, default: 20 Medium spacing value 1.0
large integer No, default: 30 Large spacing value 1.0
extraLarge integer No, default: 40 Extra large spacing value 1.0
padding integer No, default: 20 Padding value 1.0


Parameters controlling the display of text

Property Type Required Description Version
size string No, default: "default" Font size to use when a card doesn't specify 1.0
weight string No, default: "normal" Font weight to use when a card doesn't specify 1.0
color string No, default: "default" Font color to use when a card doesn't specify 1.0
isSubtle boolean No, default: false Should text be subtle if a card doesn't specify 1.0
wrap boolean No, default: true Should text wrap if a card doesn't specify 1.0
maxWidth integer No, default: 0 Maximum width to use if a card doesn't specify 1.0