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DataItem Data Type (ASSL)

Defines a primitive data type that represents the data-related characteristics of a data item, such as a column or attribute.



Data Type Characteristics

Characteristic Description
Base data types None
Derived data types None

Data Type Relationships

Relationship Element
Parent elements None
Child elements Annotations, Collation, DataSize, DataType, Format, InvalidXmlCharacters, MimeType, NullProcessing, Source, Trimming
Derived elements See the table in Remarks.


The DataItem data type is used for any data item that can be bound; for example, a measure, attribute key, and attribute name. The details that are relevant, and the defaults that apply, depend on the usage; for example, attribute names must be strings.

An instance of Analysis Services accepts only a certain set of data types. Use of other data types results in an error, rather than an implicit conversion to one of the valid types.

The following table lists elements of type DataItem.

Parent Element Element of type DataItem Comments
AttributeTranslation CaptionColumn Source element of the DataItem must be of type ColumnBinding or AttributeBinding
DimensionAttribute CustomRollupColumn Source element of the DataItem must be of type ColumnBinding or AttributeBinding
DimensionAttribute CustomRollupPropertiesColumn Source element of the DataItem must be of type ColumnBinding or AttributeBinding
DimensionAttribute KeyColumn Source element of the DataItem must be of type ColumnBinding, AttributeBinding or TimeBinding
DimensionAttribute NameColumn Source element of the DataItem must be of type ColumnBinding or AttributeBinding
DimensionAttribute SkippedLevelsColumn Source element of the DataItem must be of type ColumnBinding or AttributeBinding
DimensionAttribute UnaryOperatorColumn Source element of the DataItem must be of type ColumnBinding or AttributeBinding
Measure Source Source element of the DataItem must be of type RowBinding, ColumnBinding, MeasureBinding, or CubeDimensionBinding
MeasureGroupAttribute KeyColumn Source element of the DataItem must be of type ColumnBinding, AttributeBinding or InheritedBinding
ScalarMiningStructureColumn KeyColumn Source element of the DataItem must be of type ColumnBinding
ScalarMiningStructureColumn NameColumn Source element of the DataItem must be of type ColumnBinding
TableMiningStructureColumn ForeignKeyColumn Source element of the DataItem must be of type ColumnBinding

The corresponding element in the Analysis Management Objects (AMO) object model is DataItem.

See Also

Analysis Services Scripting Language XML Data Types (ASSL)