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Applications_GetTotalMemoryUsageInKB function

Header: #include <applibs/applications.h>

Gets the total memory usage of your high-level application in kibibytes. This is the total physical memory usage of your app on the system, including kernel allocations (such as buffers for sockets) on behalf of your app or the debugging server, returned as a raw value (in KiB). Values returned are approximate and may vary across operating system versions.

static size_t Applications_GetTotalMemoryUsageInKB(void);


Returns 0 if an error is encountered and sets errno to the error value.

  • EAGAIN: Information temporarily unavailable. The call may work if tried again later.

Any other errno may also be specified; such errors aren't deterministic and there's no guarantee that the same behavior will be retained through system updates.

Return value

Returns the number of kibibytes of memory allocated, or 0 on error, in which case errno is set to the error value.