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WifiConfig_AddDuplicateNetwork Function

Header: #include <applibs/wificonfig.h>

Adds a new network that is a duplicate of the specified network with the specified ID. The new network is assigned the specified name and is disabled by default.

int WifiConfig_AddDuplicateNetwork(int networkId, const char *configName);


  • networkId The ID of the network to duplicate. WifiConfig_AddNetwork returns the network ID.

  • configName A pointer to a byte array that contains the configuration name. The array must be NULL terminated and at most WIFICONFIG_CONFIG_NAME_MAX_LENGTH bytes, excluding the termination character.


Returns -1 if an error is encountered and sets errno to the error value.

  • EACCES: the application manifest doesn't include the WifiConfig capability.

  • EAGAIN: the Wi-Fi device isn't ready.

  • EEXIST: the configName is not unique.

  • EFAULT: the configName is NULL.

  • EINVAL: the networkId is invalid.

  • ENETDOWN: the Wi-Fi network interface is unavailable.

  • ENODEV: the networkId does not match any of the stored networks.

  • ENOMEM: there is not enough memory to add a new network.

  • ERANGE: the configName has less than one character or more than WIFICONFIG_CONFIG_NAME_MAX_LENGTH characters.

Any other errno may also be specified; such errors aren't deterministic and the same behavior might not be retained through system updates.

Return value

Returns the ID of the new network, or -1 for failure, in which case errno is set to the error value. The network ID is zero or a positive value.


The new network isn't configured and can be configured with the WifiConfig_Set* functions. Changes to the network configuration are effective immediately but are lost when the device reboots unless the WifiConfig_PersistConfig function is called to save the configuration to nonvolatile storage.

The number of networks you can store on a device is not fixed, but depends on the available resources and the amount of storage required for each network configuration.

Application manifest requirements

The application manifest must include the WifiConfig capability.