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Registers a user with the Azure Sphere Security Service.

This command registers a user with the Azure Sphere Security Service so that the user can log in. There are also other ways to register a user.

When registering a user, specify a Microsoft account as described in One account for all things Microsoft. This account can also be associated with your existing email address from a third-party email account.

Such accounts include the work/school accounts you may have used with previous versions of Azure Sphere, as well as other types of accounts. This command does not authenticate the email address you specify, so it will accept any email address, but a user can log in only with a Microsoft account.

Once registered, the new user must use the azsphere login commmnd to log in.


It may take time to register a user even if the command returns success. We recommend waiting for a few seconds for the changes to take effect.

Required parameters

Parameter Type Description
-u, --new-user String User name to register (email address)
Global parameters

The following global parameters are available for the Azure Sphere CLI:

Parameter Description
--debug Increases logging verbosity to show all debug logs. If you find a bug, provide output generated with the --debug flag on when submitting a bug report.
-h, --help Prints CLI reference information about commands and their arguments and lists available subgroups and commands.
--only-show-errors Shows only errors, suppressing warnings.
-o, --output Changes the output format. The available output formats are json, jsonc (colorized JSON), tsv (Tab-Separated Values), table (human-readable ASCII tables), and yaml. By default the CLI outputs table. To learn more about the available output formats, see Output format for Azure Sphere CLI commands.
--query Uses the JMESPath query language to filter the output returned from Azure Sphere Security Services. See JMESPath tutorial and Query Azure CLI command output for more information and examples.
--verbose Prints information about resources created in Azure Sphere during an operation and other useful information. Use --debug for full debug logs.


If you are using Azure Sphere classic CLI, see Global parameters for more information on available options.


azsphere register-user --new-user <email>
Registration successful.