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Generate certificate signing requests for Azure Stack Hub

You use the Azure Stack Hub Readiness Checker tool to create certificate signing requests (CSRs) that are suitable for an Azure Stack Hub deployment, or for renewal of certificates for an existing deployment. It's important to request, generate, and validate certificates with enough lead time to test them before they're deployed.

The tool is used to request the following certificates, based on the Choose a CSR certificate scenario selector at the top of this article:

  • Standard certificates for a new deployment: Choose New deployment using the Choose a CSR certificate scenario selector at the top of this article.
  • Renewal certificates for an existing deployment: Choose Renewal using the Choose a CSR certificate scenario selector at the top of this article.
  • Platform-as-a-service (PaaS) certificates: Can optionally be generated with both standard and renewal certificates. See Azure Stack Hub public key infrastructure (PKI) certificate requirements - optional PaaS certificates for more details.


Before you generate CSRs for PKI certificates for an Azure Stack Hub deployment, your system must meet the following prerequisites:

  • You must be on a machine with Windows 10 or later, or Windows Server 2016 or later.
  • Install the Azure Stack Hub Readiness checker tool from a PowerShell prompt (5.1 or later) using the following cmdlet:
         Install-Module Microsoft.AzureStack.ReadinessChecker -Force -AllowPrerelease
  • You'll need the following attributes for your certificate:
    • Region name
    • External fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
    • Subject

Generate CSRs for new deployment certificates


Elevation is required to generate certificate signing requests. In restricted environments where elevation is not possible, you can use this tool to generate clear-text template files, which contain all the information that's required for Azure Stack Hub external certificates. You then need to use these template files on an elevated session to finish the public/private key pair generation. See below for more details.

To prepare CSRs for new Azure Stack Hub PKI certificates, complete the following steps:

  1. Open a PowerShell session on the machine where you installed the Readiness Checker tool.

  2. Declare the following variables:


    <regionName>.<externalFQDN> forms the basis on which all external DNS names in Azure Stack Hub are created. In the following example, the portal would be

    $outputDirectory = "$ENV:USERPROFILE\Documents\AzureStackCSR" # An existing output directory
    $IdentitySystem = "AAD"                     # Use "AAD" for Azure Active Director, "ADFS" for Active Directory Federation Services
    $regionName = 'east'                        # The region name for your Azure Stack Hub deployment
    $externalFQDN = ''    # The external FQDN for your Azure Stack Hub deployment

Now generate the CSRs using the same PowerShell session. The instructions are specific to the Subject format that you select below:


The first DNS name of the Azure Stack Hub service will be configured as the CN field on the certificate request.

  1. Declare a subject, for example:

    $subject = "C=US,ST=Washington,L=Redmond,O=Microsoft,OU=Azure Stack Hub"
  1. Generate CSRs by completing one of the following:

    • For a production deployment environment, the first script will generate CSRs for deployment certificates:

      New-AzsHubDeploymentCertificateSigningRequest -RegionName $regionName -FQDN $externalFQDN -subject $subject -OutputRequestPath $OutputDirectory -IdentitySystem $IdentitySystem
    • The second script, if desired, uses the -IncludeContainerRegistry and will generate a CSR for Azure Container Registry at the same time as CSRs for deployment certificates:

      New-AzsHubDeploymentCertificateSigningRequest -RegionName $regionName -FQDN $externalFQDN -subject $subject -OutputRequestPath $OutputDirectory -IdentitySystem $IdentitySystem -IncludeContainerRegistry
    • The third script will generate CSRs for any optional PaaS services you've installed:

      # App Services
      New-AzsHubAppServicesCertificateSigningRequest -RegionName $regionName -FQDN $externalFQDN -subject $subject -OutputRequestPath $OutputDirectory
      # DBAdapter (SQL/MySQL)
      New-AzsHubDbAdapterCertificateSigningRequest -RegionName $regionName -FQDN $externalFQDN -subject $subject -OutputRequestPath $OutputDirectory
      # EventHubs
      New-AzsHubEventHubsCertificateSigningRequest -RegionName $regionName -FQDN $externalFQDN -subject $subject -OutputRequestPath $OutputDirectory
      # Azure Container Registry
      New-AzsHubAzureContainerRegistryCertificateSigningRequest -RegionName $regionName -FQDN $externalFQDN -subject $subject -OutputRequestPath $OutputDirectory 
    • For a low-privilege environment, to generate a clear-text certificate template file with the necessary attributes declared, add the -LowPrivilege parameter:

      New-AzsHubDeploymentCertificateSigningRequest -RegionName $regionName -FQDN $externalFQDN -subject $subject -OutputRequestPath $OutputDirectory -IdentitySystem $IdentitySystem -LowPrivilege
    • For a development and test environment, to generate a single CSR with multiple-subject alternative names, add the -RequestType SingleCSR parameter and value.


      We do not recommend using this approach for production environments.

      New-AzsHubDeploymentCertificateSigningRequest -RegionName $regionName -FQDN $externalFQDN -RequestType SingleCSR -subject $subject -OutputRequestPath $OutputDirectory -IdentitySystem $IdentitySystem

Complete the final steps:

  1. Review the output:

    Starting Certificate Request Process for Deployment
    CSR generating for following SAN(s): *,*,*,*,*,*,*,,,,
    Present this CSR to your Certificate Authority for Certificate Generation:  C:\Users\username\Documents\AzureStackCSR\Deployment_east_azurestack_contoso_com_SingleCSR_CertRequest_20200710165538.req
    Certreq.exe output: CertReq: Request Created
  2. If the -LowPrivilege parameter was used, an .inf file was generated in the C:\Users\username\Documents\AzureStackCSR subdirectory. For example:


    Copy the file to a system where elevation is allowed, then sign each request with certreq by using the following syntax: certreq -new <example.inf> <example.req>. Then complete the rest of the process on that elevated system, because it requires matching the new certificate that's signed by the CA with its private key, which is generated on the elevated system.

  • Your system's region and external domain name (FQDN) will be used by the Readiness Checker to determine the endpoint for extracting attributes from your existing certificates. If either of the following apply to your scenario, you must use the Choose a CSR certificate scenario selector at the top of this article, and pick the New deployment version of this article instead:
    • You want to change the attributes of certificates at the endpoint, such as subject, key length, and signature algorithm.
    • You want to use a certificate subject that contains only the common name attribute.
  • Confirm that you have HTTPS connectivity for your Azure Stack Hub system before beginning.

Generate CSRs for renewal certificates

This section covers preparation of CSRs for renewal of existing Azure Stack Hub PKI certificates.

Generate CSRs

  1. Open a PowerShell session on the machine where you installed the Readiness Checker tool.

  2. Declare the following variables:


    The Readiness Checker uses stampEndpoint plus a prepended string to find existing certificates. For example, is used for deployment certificates, for app services certificates, etc.

    $regionName = 'east'                                            # The region name for your Azure Stack Hub deployment
    $externalFQDN = ''                        # The external FQDN for your Azure Stack Hub deployment    
    $stampEndpoint = "$regionName.$externalFQDN"
    $outputDirectory = "$ENV:USERPROFILE\Documents\AzureStackCSR"   # Declare the path to an existing output directory
  3. Generate CSRs by completing one or more of the following:

    • For a production environment, the first script will generate CSRs for deployment certificates:

      New-AzsHubDeploymentCertificateSigningRequest -StampEndpoint $stampEndpoint -OutputRequestPath $OutputDirectory
    • The second script, if desired, uses the -IncludeContainerRegistry and will generate a CSR for Azure Container Registry at the same time as CSRs for deployment certificates:

      New-AzsHubDeploymentCertificateSigningRequest -StampEndpoint $stampEndpoint -OutputRequestPath $OutputDirectory -IncludeContainerRegistry
    • The third script will generate CSRs for any optional PaaS services you've installed:

      # App Services
      New-AzsHubAppServicesCertificateSigningRequest -StampEndpoint $stampEndpoint -OutputRequestPath $OutputDirectory
      # DBAdapter
      New-AzsHubDBAdapterCertificateSigningRequest -StampEndpoint $stampEndpoint -OutputRequestPath $OutputDirectory
      # EventHubs
      New-AzsHubEventHubsCertificateSigningRequest -StampEndpoint $stampEndpoint -OutputRequestPath $OutputDirectory
      # Azure Container Registry
      New-AzsHubAzureContainerRegistryCertificateSigningRequest -StampEndpoint $stampEndpoint -OutputRequestPath $OutputDirectory 
    • For a development and test environment, to generate a single CSR with multiple-subject alternative names, add the -RequestType SingleCSR parameter and value.


      We do not recommend using this approach for production environments.

      New-AzsHubDeploymentCertificateSigningRequest -StampEndpoint $stampEndpoint -OutputRequestPath $OutputDirectory -RequestType SingleCSR
  4. Review the output:

    Querying StampEndpoint for existing certificate
    Starting Certificate Request Process for Deployment
    CSR generating for following SAN(s): *,*,*,*,*,*,*,,,,
    Present this CSR to your certificate authority for certificate generation: C:\Users\username\Documents\AzureStackCSR\Deployment_east_azurestack_contoso_com_SingleCSR_CertRequest_20200710122723.req
    Certreq.exe output: CertReq: Request Created

When you're ready, submit the generated .req file to your CA (either internal or public). The directory specified by the $outputDirectory variable contains the CSRs that must be submitted to a CA. The directory also contains, for your reference, a child directory containing the .inf files to be used during certificate request generation. Be sure that your CA generates certificates by using a generated request that meets the Azure Stack Hub PKI requirements.

Next steps

Once you receive your certificates back from your certificate authority, follow the steps in Prepare Azure Stack Hub PKI certificates on the same system.