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Troubleshoot Windows update agent issues


Change Tracking and Inventory using Log Analytics agent has retired on 31 August 2024 and we recommend that you use Azure Monitoring Agent as the new supporting agent. Follow the guidelines for migration from Change Tracking and inventory using Log Analytics to Change Tracking and inventory using Azure Monitoring Agent version.

There can be many reasons why your machine isn't showing up as ready (healthy) during an Update Management deployment. You can check the health of a Windows Hybrid Runbook Worker agent to determine the underlying problem. The following are the three readiness states for a machine:

  • Ready: The Hybrid Runbook Worker is deployed and was last seen less than one hour ago.
  • Disconnected: The Hybrid Runbook Worker is deployed and was last seen over one hour ago.
  • Not configured: The Hybrid Runbook Worker isn't found or hasn't finished the deployment.


There can be a slight delay between what the Azure portal shows and the current state of a machine.

This article discusses how to run the troubleshooter for Azure machines from the Azure portal, and non-Azure machines in the offline scenario.


The troubleshooter script now includes checks for Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) and for the auto download and install keys.

Start the troubleshooter

For Azure machines, you can launch the Troubleshoot Update Agent page by selecting the Troubleshoot link under the Update Agent Readiness column in the portal. For non-Azure machines, the link brings you to this article. See Troubleshoot offline to troubleshoot a non-Azure machine.

Screenshot of the Update Management list of virtual machines.


To check the health of the Hybrid Runbook Worker, the VM must be running. If the VM isn't running, a Start the VM button appears.

On the Troubleshoot Update Agent page, select Run checks to start the troubleshooter. The troubleshooter uses Run Command to run a script on the machine, to verify dependencies. When the troubleshooter is finished, it returns the result of the checks.

Screenshot of the Troubleshoot Update Agent page.

Results are shown on the page when they're ready. The checks sections show what's included in each check.

Screenshot of Windows Troubleshooter.

Prerequisite checks

Operating system

The operating system check verifies whether the Hybrid Runbook Worker is running one of the supported operating systems

.NET 4.6.2

The .NET Framework check verifies that the system has .NET Framework 4.6.2 or later installed.

To fix, install .NET Framework 4.6 or later.
Download the .NET Framework.

WMF 5.1

The WMF check verifies that the system has the required version of the Windows Management Framework (WMF).

To fix, you need to download and install Windows Management Framework 5.1 as it requires Windows PowerShell 5.1 for Azure Update Management to work.

TLS 1.2

This check determines whether you're using TLS 1.2 to encrypt your communications. TLS 1.0 is no longer supported by the platform. Use TLS 1.2 to communicate with Update Management.

To fix, follow the steps to Enable TLS 1.2

Monitoring agent service health checks

Hybrid Runbook Worker

To fix the issue, do a force re-registration of Hybrid Runbook Worker.

Remove-Item -Path "HKLM:\software\microsoft\hybridrunbookworker" -Recurse -Force 
Restart-service healthservice


This will remove the user Hybrid worker from the machine. Ensure to check and re-register it afterwards. There is no action needed if the machine has only the System Hybrid Runbook worker.

To validate, check event id 15003 (HW start event) OR 15004 (hw stopped event) EXISTS in Microsoft-SMA/Operational event logs.

Raise a support ticket if the issue is not fixed still.

VMs linked workspace

See Network requirements.

To validate: Check VMs connected workspace or Heartbeat table of corresponding log analytics.

Heartbeat | where Computer =~ ""

Windows update service status

To fix this issue, start wuaserv service.

Start-Service -Name wuauserv -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

Connectivity checks

The troubleshooter currently doesn't route traffic through a proxy server if one is configured.

Registration endpoint

This check determines whether the agent can properly communicate with the agent service.

Proxy and firewall configurations must allow the Hybrid Runbook Worker agent to communicate with the registration endpoint. For a list of addresses and ports to open, see Network planning.

Allow the prerequisite URLs. After the network changes, you can either rerun the Troubleshooter or run the below commands to validate:

$workspaceId =- ""  
$endpoint = $workspaceId + “”  
(Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $endpoint -Port 443 -WarningAction SilentlyContinue).TcpTestSucceeded 

Operations endpoint

This check determines whether the agent can properly communicate with the Job Runtime Data Service.

Proxy and firewall configurations must allow the Hybrid Runbook Worker agent to communicate with the Job Runtime Data Service. For a list of addresses and ports to open, see Network planning.

Allow the prerequisite URLs. After the network changes, you can either rerun the Troubleshooter or run the below commands to validate:

$jrdsEndpointLocationMoniker = “” 

# $jrdsEndpointLocationMoniker should be based on automation account location (jpe/ase/scus) etc.  

$endpoint = $jrdsEndpointLocationMoniker + “” 

(Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $endpoint -Port 443 -WarningAction SilentlyContinue).TcpTestSucceeded  

Https connection

Simplifies the ongoing management of your network security rules. Allow the prerequisite URLs.

After the network changes, you can either rerun the Troubleshooter or run the below commands to validate:

$uri = ""
Invoke-WebRequest -URI $uri -UseBasicParsing

Proxy settings

If the proxy is enabled, ensure that you have access to the prerequisite URLs

To check if the proxy is set correctly, use the below commands:

netsh winhttp show proxy

or check the registry key ProxyEnable is set to 1 in

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings

IMDS endpoint connectivity

To fix the issue, allow access to IP
For more information see, access Azure instance metadata service

After the network changes, you can either rerun the Troubleshooter or run the below commands to validate:

Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{"Metadata"="true"} -Method GET -Uri

VM service health checks

Monitoring agent service status

This check determines if the Log Analytics agent for Windows (healthservice) is running on the machine. To learn more about troubleshooting the service, see The Log Analytics agent for Windows isn't running.

To reinstall the Log Analytics agent for Windows, see Install the agent for Windows.

Monitoring agent service events

This check determines whether any 4502 events appear in the Azure Operations Manager log on the machine in the past 24 hours.

To learn more about this event, see the Event 4502 in the Operations Manager log for this event.

Access permissions checks

Machine key folder

This check determines whether the local system account has access to: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys

To fix, grant the SYSTEM account the required permissions (Read, Write & Modify or Full Control) on folder C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys

Use the below commands to check the permissions on the folder:

$folder = “C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Crypto\\RSA\\MachineKeys” 

(Get-Acl $folder).Access |? {($_.IdentityReference -match $User) -or ($_.IdentityReference -match "Everyone")} | Select IdentityReference, FileSystemRights

Machine Update settings

Automatically reboot after install

To fix, remove the registry keys from: HKLM:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU

Configure reboot according to Update Management schedule configuration.


For more information, see Configure reboot settings

WSUS server configuration

If the environment is set to get updates from WSUS, ensure that it is approved in WSUS before the update deployment. For more information, see WSUS configuration settings. If your environment is not using WSUS, ensure that you remove the WSUS server settings and reset Windows update component.

Automatically download and install

To fix the issue, disable the AutoUpdate feature. Set it to Disabled in the local group policy Configure Automatic Updates. For more information, see Configure automatic updates.

Troubleshoot offline

You can use the troubleshooter on a Hybrid Runbook Worker offline by running the script locally. Get the following script from GitHub: UM_Windows_Troubleshooter_Offline.ps1. To run the script, you must have WMF 5.0 or later installed. To download the latest version of PowerShell, see Installing various versions of PowerShell.

The output of this script looks like the following example:

RuleId                      : OperatingSystemCheck 
RuleGroupId                 : prerequisites 
RuleName                    : Operating System 
RuleGroupName               : Prerequisite Checks 
RuleDescription             : The Windows Operating system must be version 6.1.7600 (Windows Server 2008 R2) or higher 
CheckResult                 : Passed 
CheckResultMessage          : Operating System version is supported 
CheckResultMessageId        : OperatingSystemCheck.Passed 
CheckResultMessageArguments : {} 


RuleId                      : DotNetFrameworkInstalledCheck 
RuleGroupId                 : prerequisites 
RuleName                    : .NET Framework 4.6.2+
RuleGroupName               : Prerequisite Checks 
RuleDescription             : .NET Framework version 4.6.2 or higher is required 
CheckResult                 : Passed 
CheckResultMessage          : .NET Framework version 4.6.2+ is found 
CheckResultMessageId        : DotNetFrameworkInstalledCheck.Passed 
CheckResultMessageArguments : {} 


RuleId                      : WindowsManagementFrameworkInstalledCheck 
RuleGroupId                 : prerequisites 
RuleName                    : WMF 5.1 
RuleGroupName               : Prerequisite Checks 
RuleDescription             : Windows Management Framework version 4.0 or higher is required (version 5.1 or higher is preferable) 
CheckResult                 : Passed 
CheckResultMessage          : Detected Windows Management Framework version: 5.1.22621.169 
CheckResultMessageId        : WindowsManagementFrameworkInstalledCheck.Passed 
CheckResultMessageArguments : {5.1.22621.169} 


RuleId                      : AutomationAgentServiceConnectivityCheck1 
RuleGroupId                 : connectivity 
RuleName                    : Registration endpoint 
RuleGroupName               : connectivity 
RuleDescription             :  
CheckResult                 : Failed 
CheckResultMessage          : Unable to find Workspace registration information 
CheckResultMessageId        : AutomationAgentServiceConnectivityCheck1.Failed.NoRegistrationFound 
CheckResultMessageArguments :  


RuleId                      : AutomationJobRuntimeDataServiceConnectivityCheck 
RuleGroupId                 : connectivity 
RuleName                    : Operations endpoint 
RuleGroupName               : connectivity 
RuleDescription             : Proxy and firewall configuration must allow Automation Hybrid Worker agent to communicate with  
CheckResult                 : Passed 
CheckResultMessage          : TCP Test for (port 443) succeeded 
CheckResultMessageId        : AutomationJobRuntimeDataServiceConnectivityCheck.Passed 
CheckResultMessageArguments : {} 


RuleId                      : MonitoringAgentServiceRunningCheck 
RuleGroupId                 : servicehealth 
RuleName                    : Monitoring Agent service status 
RuleGroupName               : VM Service Health Checks 
RuleDescription             : HealthService must be running on the machine 
CheckResult                 : Passed 
CheckResultMessage          : Microsoft Monitoring Agent service (HealthService) is running 
CheckResultMessageId        : MonitoringAgentServiceRunningCheck.Passed 
CheckResultMessageArguments : {Microsoft Monitoring Agent, HealthService} 


RuleId                      : SystemHybridRunbookWorkerRunningCheck 
RuleGroupId                 : servicehealth 
RuleName                    : Hybrid runbook worker status 
RuleGroupName               : VM Service Health Checks 
RuleDescription             : Hybrid runbook worker must be in running state. 
CheckResult                 : Passed 
CheckResultMessage          : Hybrid runbook worker is running. 
CheckResultMessageId        : SystemHybridRunbookWorkerRunningCheck.Passed 
CheckResultMessageArguments : {} 


RuleId                      : MonitoringAgentServiceEventsCheck 
RuleGroupId                 : servicehealth 
RuleName                    : Monitoring Agent service events 
RuleGroupName               : VM Service Health Checks 
RuleDescription             : Event Log must not have event 4502 logged in the past 24 hours 
CheckResult                 : Passed 
CheckResultMessage          : Microsoft Monitoring Agent service Event Log (Operations Manager) does not have event 4502 logged in the last 24 hours. 
CheckResultMessageId        : MonitoringAgentServiceEventsCheck.Passed 
CheckResultMessageArguments : {Microsoft Monitoring Agent, Operations Manager, 4502} 


RuleId                      : LinkedWorkspaceCheck 
RuleGroupId                 : servicehealth 
RuleName                    : VM's Linked Workspace 
RuleGroupName               : VM Service Health Checks 
RuleDescription             : Get linked workspace info of the VM 
CheckResult                 : Failed 
CheckResultMessage          : VM is not reporting to any workspace. 
CheckResultMessageId        : LinkedWorkspaceCheck.Failed.NoWorkspace 
CheckResultMessageArguments : {} 

RuleId                      : CryptoRsaMachineKeysFolderAccessCheck 
RuleGroupId                 : permissions 
RuleName                    : Crypto RSA MachineKeys Folder Access 
RuleGroupName               : Access Permission Checks 
RuleDescription             : SYSTEM account must have WRITE and MODIFY access to 'C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Crypto\\RSA\\MachineKeys' 
CheckResult                 : Passed 
CheckResultMessage          : Have permissions to access C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Crypto\\RSA\\MachineKeys 
CheckResultMessageId        : CryptoRsaMachineKeysFolderAccessCheck.Passed 
CheckResultMessageArguments : {C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Crypto\\RSA\\MachineKeys} 

RuleId                      : TlsVersionCheck 
RuleGroupId                 : prerequisites 
RuleName                    : TLS 1.2 
RuleGroupName               : Prerequisite Checks 
RuleDescription             : Client and Server connections must support TLS 1.2 
CheckResult                 : Passed 
CheckResultMessage          : TLS 1.2 is enabled by default on the Operating System. 
CheckResultMessageId        : TlsVersionCheck.Passed.EnabledByDefault 
CheckResultMessageArguments : {} 

RuleId                      : AlwaysAutoRebootCheck 
RuleGroupId                 : machineSettings 
RuleName                    : AutoReboot 
RuleGroupName               : Machine Override Checks 
RuleDescription             : Automatic reboot should not be enable as it forces a reboot irrespective of update configuration 
CheckResult                 : Passed 
CheckResultMessage          : Windows Update reboot registry keys are not set to automatically reboot 
CheckResultMessageId        : AlwaysAutoRebootCheck.Passed 
CheckResultMessageArguments :  


RuleId                      : WSUSServerConfigured 
RuleGroupId                 : machineSettings 
RuleName                    : isWSUSServerConfigured 
RuleGroupName               : Machine Override Checks 
RuleDescription             : Increase awareness on WSUS configured on the server 
CheckResult                 : Passed 
CheckResultMessage          : Windows Updates are downloading from the default Windows Update location. Ensure the server has access to the Windows Update service 
CheckResultMessageId        : WSUSServerConfigured.Passed 
CheckResultMessageArguments :  


RuleId                      : AutomaticUpdateCheck 
RuleGroupId                 : machineSettings 
RuleName                    : AutoUpdate 
RuleGroupName               : Machine Override Checks 
RuleDescription             : AutoUpdate should not be enabled on the machine 
CheckResult                 : Passed 
CheckResultMessage          : Windows Update is not set to automatically install updates as they become available 
CheckResultMessageId        : AutomaticUpdateCheck.Passed 
CheckResultMessageArguments :  


RuleId                      : HttpsConnection 
RuleGroupId                 : connectivity 
RuleName                    : Https connection 
RuleGroupName               : connectivity 
RuleDescription             : Check if VM is able to make https requests. 
CheckResult                 : Passed 
CheckResultMessage          : VM is able to make https requests. 
CheckResultMessageId        : HttpsConnection.Passed 
CheckResultMessageArguments : {} 


RuleId                      : ProxySettings 
RuleGroupId                 : connectivity 
RuleName                    : Proxy settings 
RuleGroupName               : connectivity 
RuleDescription             : Check if Proxy is enabled on the VM. 
CheckResult                 : Passed 
CheckResultMessage          : Proxy is not set. 
CheckResultMessageId        : ProxySettings.Passed 
CheckResultMessageArguments : {} 

RuleId                      : IMDSConnectivity 
RuleGroupId                 : connectivity 
RuleName                    : IMDS endpoint connectivity 
RuleGroupName               : connectivity 
RuleDescription             : Check if VM is able to reach IMDS server to get VM information. 
CheckResult                 : PassedWithWarning 
CheckResultMessage          : VM is not able to reach IMDS server. Consider this as a Failure if this is an Azure VM. 
CheckResultMessageId        : IMDSConnectivity.PassedWithWarning 
CheckResultMessageArguments : {} 


RuleId                      : WUServiceRunningCheck 
RuleGroupId                 : servicehealth 
RuleName                    : WU service status 
RuleGroupName               : WU Service Health Check 
RuleDescription             : WU must not be in the disabled state. 
CheckResult                 : Passed 
CheckResultMessage          : Windows Update service (wuauserv) is running. 
CheckResultMessageId        : WUServiceRunningCheck.Passed 
CheckResultMessageArguments : {Windows Update, wuauserv} 

RuleId                      : LAOdsEndpointConnectivity 
RuleGroupId                 : connectivity 
RuleName                    : LA ODS endpoint 
RuleGroupName               : connectivity 
RuleDescription             : Proxy and firewall configuration must allow to communicate with LA ODS endpoint 
CheckResult                 : Failed 
CheckResultMessage          : Unable to find Workspace registration information 
CheckResultMessageId        : LAOdsEndpointConnectivity.Failed 
CheckResultMessageArguments :  

RuleId                      : LAOmsEndpointConnectivity 
RuleGroupId                 : connectivity 
RuleName                    : LA OMS endpoint 
RuleGroupName               : connectivity 
RuleDescription             : Proxy and firewall configuration must allow to communicate with LA OMS endpoint 
CheckResult                 : Failed 
CheckResultMessage          : Unable to find Workspace registration information 
CheckResultMessageId        : LAOmsEndpointConnectivity.Failed 
CheckResultMessageArguments :  

Next steps

Troubleshoot Hybrid Runbook Worker issues.