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Bicep core diagnostics

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Code Level Description
BCP001 Error The following token isn't recognized: "{token}".
BCP002 Error The multi-line comment at this location isn't terminated. Terminate it with the */ character sequence.
BCP003 Error The string at this location isn't terminated. Terminate the string with a single quote character.
BCP004 Error The string at this location isn't terminated due to an unexpected new line character.
BCP005 Error The string at this location isn't terminated. Complete the escape sequence and terminate the string with a single unescaped quote character.
BCP006 Error The specified escape sequence isn't recognized. Only the following escape sequences are allowed: {ToQuotedString(escapeSequences)}.
BCP007 Error This declaration type isn't recognized. Specify a metadata, parameter, variable, resource, or output declaration.
BCP008 Error Expected the "=" token, or a newline at this location.
BCP009 Error Expected a literal value, an array, an object, a parenthesized expression, or a function call at this location.
BCP010 Error Expected a valid 64-bit signed integer.
BCP011 Error The type of the specified value is incorrect. Specify a string, boolean, or integer literal.
BCP012 Error Expected the "{keyword}" keyword at this location.
BCP013 Error Expected a parameter identifier at this location.
BCP015 Error Expected a variable identifier at this location.
BCP016 Error Expected an output identifier at this location.
BCP017 Error Expected a resource identifier at this location.
BCP018 Error Expected the <character> character at this location.
BCP019 Error Expected a new line character at this location.
BCP020 Error Expected a function or property name at this location.
BCP021 Error Expected a numeric literal at this location.
BCP022 Error Expected a property name at this location.
BCP023 Error Expected a variable or function name at this location.
BCP024 Error The identifier exceeds the limit of {LanguageConstants.MaxIdentifierLength}. Reduce the length of the identifier.
BCP025 Error The property "{property}" is declared multiple times in this object. Remove or rename the duplicate properties.
BCP026 Error The output expects a value of type "{expectedType}" but the provided value is of type "{actualType}".
BCP028 Error Identifier "{identifier}" is declared multiple times. Remove or rename the duplicates.
BCP029 Error The resource type isn't valid. Specify a valid resource type of format "<types>@<apiVersion>".
BCP030 Error The output type isn't valid. Specify one of the following types: {ToQuotedString(validTypes)}.
BCP031 Error The parameter type isn't valid. Specify one of the following types: {ToQuotedString(validTypes)}.
BCP032 Error The value must be a compile-time constant.
BCP033 Error/Warning Expected a value of type <data-type> but the provided value is of type <data-type>.
BCP034 Error/Warning The enclosing array expected an item of type "{expectedType}", but the provided item was of type "{actualType}".
BCP035 Error/Warning The specified <data-type> declaration is missing the following required properties: <property-name>.
BCP036 Error/Warning The property <property-name> expected a value of type <data-type> but the provided value is of type <data-type>.
BCP037 Error/Warning The property <property-name> isn't allowed on objects of type <type-definition>.
BCP040 Error/Warning String interpolation isn't supported for keys on objects of type <type-definition>.
BCP041 Error Values of type "{valueType}" can't be assigned to a variable.
BCP043 Error This isn't a valid expression.
BCP044 Error Can't apply operator "{operatorName}" to operand of type "{type}".
BCP045 Error Can't apply operator "{operatorName}" to operands of type "{type1}" and "{type2}".{(additionalInfo is null? string.Empty : " " + additionalInfo)}
BCP046 Error Expected a value of type "{type}".
BCP047 Error String interpolation is unsupported for specifying the resource type.
BCP048 Error Can't resolve function overload. For details, see the documentation.
BCP049 Error The array index must be of type "{LanguageConstants.String}" or "{LanguageConstants.Int}" but the provided index was of type "{wrongType}".
BCP050 Error The specified path is empty.
BCP051 Error The specified path begins with "/". Files must be referenced using relative paths.
BCP052 Error/Warning The type <type-name> doesn't contain property <property-name>.
BCP053 Error/Warning The type <type-name> doesn't contain property <property-name>. Available properties include <property-names>.
BCP054 Error The type "{type}" doesn't contain any properties.
BCP055 Error Can't access properties of type <type-name>. A <type-name> type is required.
BCP056 Error The reference to name "{name}" is ambiguous because it exists in namespaces {ToQuotedString(namespaces)}. The reference must be fully qualified.
BCP057 Error The name <name> doesn't exist in the current context.
BCP059 Error The name "{name}" isn't a function.
BCP060 Error The "variables" function isn't supported. Directly reference variables by their symbolic names.
BCP061 Error The "parameters" function isn't supported. Directly reference parameters by their symbolic names.
BCP062 Error The referenced declaration with name <type-name> isn't valid.
BCP063 Error The name <name> isn't a parameter, variable, resource, or module.
BCP064 Error Found unexpected tokens in interpolated expression.
BCP065 Error Function <function-name> isn't valid at this location. It can only be used as a parameter default value.
BCP066 Error Function <function-name> isn't valid at this location. It can only be used in resource declarations.
BCP067 Error Can't call functions on type "{wrongType}". An "{LanguageConstants.Object}" type is required.
BCP068 Error Expected a resource type string. Specify a valid resource type of format "<types>@<apiVersion>".
BCP069 Error The function "{function}" isn't supported. Use the "{@operator}" operator instead.
BCP070 Error Argument of type "{argumentType}" isn't assignable to parameter of type "{parameterType}".
BCP071 Error Expected <arugment-count>, but got <argument-count>.
BCP072 Error This symbol can't be referenced here. Only other parameters can be referenced in parameter default values.
BCP073 Error/Warning The property <property-name> is read-only. Expressions can't be assigned to read-only properties.
BCP074 Error Indexing over arrays requires an index of type "{LanguageConstants.Int}" but the provided index was of type "{wrongType}".
BCP075 Error Indexing over objects requires an index of type "{LanguageConstants.String}" but the provided index was of type "{wrongType}".
BCP076 Error Can't index over expression of type "{wrongType}". Arrays or objects are required.
BCP077 Error/Warning The property <property-name> on type <type-name> is write-only. Write-only properties can't be accessed.
BCP078 Error/Warning The property <property-name> requires a value of type <type-name>, but none was supplied.
BCP079 Error This expression is referencing its own declaration, which isn't allowed.
BCP080 Error The expression is involved in a cycle ("{string.Join("" -> "", cycle)}").
BCP081 Warning Resource type "{resourceTypeReference.FormatName()}" doesn't have types available. Bicep is unable to validate resource properties prior to deployment, but this won't block the resource from being deployed.
BCP082 Error The name <name> doesn't exist in the current context. Did you mean <name>?
BCP083 Error/Warning The type <type-definition> doesn't contain property <property-name>. Did you mean <property-name>?
BCP084 Error The symbolic name "{name}" is reserved. Use a different symbolic name. Reserved namespaces are {ToQuotedString(namespaces.OrderBy(ns => ns))}.
BCP085 Error The specified file path contains one or more invalid path characters. The following aren't permitted: {ToQuotedString(forbiddenChars.OrderBy(x => x).Select(x => x.ToString()))}.
BCP086 Error The specified file path ends with an invalid character. The following aren't permitted: {ToQuotedString(forbiddenPathTerminatorChars.OrderBy(x => x).Select(x => x.ToString()))}.
BCP087 Error Array and object literals aren't allowed here.
BCP088 Error/Warning The property <property-name> expected a value of type <type-name> but the provided value is of type <type-name>. Did you mean <type-name>?
BCP089 Error/Warning The property <property-name> isn't allowed on objects of type <resource-type>. Did you mean <property-name>?
BCP090 Error This module declaration is missing a file path reference.
BCP091 Error An error occurred reading file. {failureMessage}
BCP092 Error String interpolation isn't supported in file paths.
BCP093 Error File path "{filePath}" couldn't be resolved relative to "{parentPath}".
BCP094 Error This module references itself, which isn't allowed.
BCP095 Error The file is involved in a cycle ("{string.Join("" -> "", cycle)}").
BCP096 Error Expected a module identifier at this location.
BCP097 Error Expected a module path string. This should be a relative path to another Bicep file, e.g. 'myModule.bicep' or '../parent/myModule.bicep'
BCP098 Error The specified file path contains a "" character. Use "/" instead as the directory separator character.
BCP099 Error The "{LanguageConstants.ParameterAllowedPropertyName}" array must contain one or more items.
BCP100 Error The function "if" isn't supported. Use the "?:" (ternary conditional) operator instead, e.g. condition ? ValueIfTrue : ValueIfFalse
BCP101 Error The "createArray" function isn't supported. Construct an array literal using [].
BCP102 Error The "createObject" function isn't supported. Construct an object literal using {}.
BCP103 Error The following token isn't recognized: "{token}". Strings are defined using single quotes in Bicep.
BCP104 Error The referenced module has errors.
BCP105 Error Unable to load file from URI "{fileUri}".
BCP106 Error Expected a new line character at this location. Commas aren't used as separator delimiters.
BCP107 Error The function "{name}" doesn't exist in namespace "{namespaceType.Name}".
BCP108 Error The function "{name}" doesn't exist in namespace "{namespaceType.Name}". Did you mean "{suggestedName}"?
BCP109 Error The type "{type}" doesn't contain function "{name}".
BCP110 Error The type "{type}" doesn't contain function "{name}". Did you mean "{suggestedName}"?
BCP111 Error The specified file path contains invalid control code characters.
BCP112 Error The "{LanguageConstants.TargetScopeKeyword}" can't be declared multiple times in one file.
BCP113 Warning Unsupported scope for module deployment in a "{LanguageConstants.TargetScopeTypeTenant}" target scope. Omit this property to inherit the current scope, or specify a valid scope. Permissible scopes include tenant: tenant(), named management group: managementGroup(<name>), named subscription: subscription(<subId>), or named resource group in a named subscription: resourceGroup(<subId>, <name>).
BCP114 Warning Unsupported scope for module deployment in a "{LanguageConstants.TargetScopeTypeManagementGroup}" target scope. Omit this property to inherit the current scope, or specify a valid scope. Permissible scopes include current management group: managementGroup(), named management group: managementGroup(<name>), named subscription: subscription(<subId>), tenant: tenant(), or named resource group in a named subscription: resourceGroup(<subId>, <name>).
BCP115 Warning Unsupported scope for module deployment in a "{LanguageConstants.TargetScopeTypeSubscription}" target scope. Omit this property to inherit the current scope, or specify a valid scope. Permissible scopes include current subscription: subscription(), named subscription: subscription(<subId>), named resource group in same subscription: resourceGroup(<name>), named resource group in different subscription: resourceGroup(<subId>, <name>), or tenant: tenant().
BCP116 Warning Unsupported scope for module deployment in a "{LanguageConstants.TargetScopeTypeResourceGroup}" target scope. Omit this property to inherit the current scope, or specify a valid scope. Permissible scopes include current resource group: resourceGroup(), named resource group in same subscription: resourceGroup(<name>), named resource group in a different subscription: resourceGroup(<subId>, <name>), current subscription: subscription(), named subscription: subscription(<subId>) or tenant: tenant().
BCP117 Error An empty indexer isn't allowed. Specify a valid expression.
BCP118 Error Expected the "{" character, the "[" character, or the "if" keyword at this location.
BCP119 Warning Unsupported scope for extension resource deployment. Expected a resource reference.
BCP120 Error This expression is being used in an assignment to the "{propertyName}" property of the "{objectTypeName}" type, which requires a value that can be calculated at the start of the deployment.
BCP121 Error Resources: {ToQuotedString(resourceNames)} are defined with this same name in a file. Rename them or split into different modules.
BCP122 Error Modules: {ToQuotedString(moduleNames)} are defined with this same name and this same scope in a file. Rename them or split into different modules.
BCP123 Error Expected a namespace or decorator name at this location.
BCP124 Error The decorator <decorator-name> can only be attached to targets of type <data-type>, but the target has type <data-type>.
BCP125 Error Function <function-name> can't be used as a parameter decorator.
BCP126 Error Function <function-name> can't be used as a variable decorator.
BCP127 Error Function <function-name> can't be used as a resource decorator.
BCP128 Error Function <function-name> can't be used as a module decorator.
BCP129 Error Function <function-name> can't be used as an output decorator.
BCP130 Error Decorators aren't allowed here.
BCP132 Error Expected a declaration after the decorator.
BCP133 Error The unicode escape sequence isn't valid. Valid unicode escape sequences range from \u{0} to \u{10FFFF}.
BCP134 Warning Scope {ToQuotedString(LanguageConstants.GetResourceScopeDescriptions(suppliedScope))} isn't valid for this module. Permitted scopes: {ToQuotedString(LanguageConstants.GetResourceScopeDescriptions(supportedScopes))}.
BCP135 Warning Scope {ToQuotedString(LanguageConstants.GetResourceScopeDescriptions(suppliedScope))} isn't valid for this resource type. Permitted scopes: {ToQuotedString(LanguageConstants.GetResourceScopeDescriptions(supportedScopes))}.
BCP136 Error Expected a loop item variable identifier at this location.
BCP137 Error Loop expected an expression of type "{LanguageConstants.Array}" but the provided value is of type "{actualType}".
BCP138 Error For-expressions aren't supported in this context. For-expressions may be used as values of resource, module, variable, and output declarations, or values of resource and module properties.
BCP139 Error A resource's scope must match the scope of the Bicep file for it to be deployable. You must use modules to deploy resources to a different scope.
BCP140 Error The multi-line string at this location isn't terminated. Terminate it with "'''.
BCP141 Error The expression can't be used as a decorator as it isn't callable.
BCP142 Error Property value for-expressions can't be nested.
BCP143 Error For-expressions can't be used with properties whose names are also expressions.
BCP144 Error Directly referencing a resource or module collection isn't currently supported here. Apply an array indexer to the expression.
BCP145 Error Output "{identifier}" is declared multiple times. Remove or rename the duplicates.
BCP147 Error Expected a parameter declaration after the decorator.
BCP148 Error Expected a variable declaration after the decorator.
BCP149 Error Expected a resource declaration after the decorator.
BCP150 Error Expected a module declaration after the decorator.
BCP151 Error Expected an output declaration after the decorator.
BCP152 Error Function <function-name> can't be used as a decorator.
BCP153 Error Expected a resource or module declaration after the decorator.
BCP154 Error Expected a batch size of at least {limit} but the specified value was "{value}".
BCP155 Error The decorator <decorator-name> can only be attached to resource or module collections.
BCP156 Error The resource type segment "{typeSegment}" is invalid. Nested resources must specify a single type segment, and optionally can specify an API version using the format "<type>@<apiVersion>".
BCP157 Error The resource type can't be determined due to an error in the containing resource.
BCP158 Error Can't access nested resources of type "{wrongType}". A resource type is required.
BCP159 Error The resource "{resourceName}" doesn't contain a nested resource named "{identifierName}". Known nested resources are: {ToQuotedString(nestedResourceNames)}.
BCP160 Error A nested resource can't appear inside of a resource with a for-expression.
BCP162 Error Expected a loop item variable identifier or "(" at this location.
BCP164 Error A child resource's scope is computed based on the scope of its ancestor resource. This means that using the "scope" property on a child resource is unsupported.
BCP165 Error A resource's computed scope must match that of the Bicep file for it to be deployable. This resource's scope is computed from the "scope" property value assigned to ancestor resource "{ancestorIdentifier}". You must use modules to deploy resources to a different scope.
BCP166 Error Duplicate <decorator-name> decorator.
BCP167 Error Expected the "{" character or the "if" keyword at this location.
BCP168 Error Length must not be a negative value.
BCP169 Error Expected resource name to contain {expectedSlashCount} "/" character(s). The number of name segments must match the number of segments in the resource type.
BCP170 Error Expected resource name to not contain any "/" characters. Child resources with a parent resource reference (via the parent property or via nesting) must not contain a fully qualified name.
BCP171 Error Resource type "{resourceType}" isn't a valid child resource of parent "{parentResourceType}".
BCP172 Error The resource type can't be validated due to an error in parent resource "{resourceName}".
BCP173 Error The property "{property}" can't be used in an existing resource declaration.
BCP174 Warning Type validation isn't available for resource types declared containing a "/providers/" segment. Instead use the "scope" property.
BCP176 Error Values of the "any" type aren't allowed here.
BCP177 Error This expression is being used in the if-condition expression, which requires a value that can be calculated at the start of the deployment.{variableDependencyChainClause}{accessiblePropertiesClause}
BCP178 Error This expression is being used in the for-expression, which requires a value that can be calculated at the start of the deployment.{variableDependencyChainClause}{accessiblePropertiesClause}
BCP179 Warning Unique resource or deployment name is required when looping. The loop item variable "{itemVariableName}" or the index variable "{indexVariableName}" must be referenced in at least one of the value expressions of the following properties in the loop body: {ToQuotedString(expectedVariantProperties)}
BCP180 Error Function <function-name> isn't valid at this location. It can only be used when directly assigning to a module parameter with a secure decorator.
BCP181 Error This expression is being used in an argument of the function <function-name>, which requires a value that can be calculated at the start of the deployment.{variableDependencyChainClause}{accessiblePropertiesClause}
BCP182 Error This expression is being used in the for-body of the variable "{variableName}", which requires values that can be calculated at the start of the deployment.{variableDependencyChainClause}{violatingPropertyNameClause}{accessiblePropertiesClause}
BCP183 Error The value of the module "params" property must be an object literal.
BCP184 Error File '{filePath}' exceeded maximum size of {maxSize} {unit}.
BCP185 Warning Encoding mismatch. File was loaded with '{detectedEncoding}' encoding.
BCP186 Error Unable to parse literal JSON value. Ensure that it's well-formed.
BCP187 Warning The property "{property}" doesn't exist in the resource or type definition, although it might still be valid.{TypeInaccuracyClause}
BCP188 Error The referenced ARM template has errors. See for information on how to diagnose and fix the template.
BCP189 Error (allowedSchemes.Contains(ArtifactReferenceSchemes.Local, StringComparer.Ordinal), allowedSchemes.Any(scheme => !string.Equals(scheme, ArtifactReferenceSchemes.Local, StringComparison.Ordinal))) switch { (false, false) => "Module references aren't supported in this context.", (false, true) => $"The specified module reference scheme "{badScheme}" isn't recognized. Specify a module reference using one of the following schemes: {FormatSchemes()}", (true, false) => $"The specified module reference scheme "{badScheme}" isn't recognized. Specify a path to a local module file.", (true, true) => $"The specified module reference scheme "{badScheme}" isn't recognized. Specify a path to a local module file or a module reference using one of the following schemes: {FormatSchemes()}"}
BCP190 Error The artifact with reference "{artifactRef}" hasn't been restored.
BCP191 Error Unable to restore the artifact with reference "{artifactRef}".
BCP192 Error Unable to restore the artifact with reference <reference>: <error-message>.
BCP193 Error {BuildInvalidOciArtifactReferenceClause(aliasName, badRef)} Specify a reference in the format of "{ArtifactReferenceSchemes.Oci}:<artifact-uri>:<tag>", or "{ArtifactReferenceSchemes.Oci}/<module-alias>:<module-name-or-path>:<tag>".
BCP194 Error {BuildInvalidTemplateSpecReferenceClause(aliasName, badRef)} Specify a reference in the format of "{ArtifactReferenceSchemes.TemplateSpecs}:<subscription-ID>/<resource-group-name>/<template-spec-name>:<version>", or "{ArtifactReferenceSchemes.TemplateSpecs}/<module-alias>:<template-spec-name>:<version>".
BCP195 Error {BuildInvalidOciArtifactReferenceClause(aliasName, badRef)} The artifact path segment "{badSegment}" isn't valid. Each artifact name path segment must be a lowercase alphanumeric string optionally separated by a ".", "_", or "-"."
BCP196 Error The module tag or digest is missing.
BCP197 Error The tag "{badTag}" exceeds the maximum length of {maxLength} characters.
BCP198 Error The tag "{badTag}" isn't valid. Valid characters are alphanumeric, ".", "", or "-" but the tag can't begin with ".", "", or "-".
BCP199 Error Module path "{badRepository}" exceeds the maximum length of {maxLength} characters.
BCP200 Error The registry "{badRegistry}" exceeds the maximum length of {maxLength} characters.
BCP201 Error Expected a provider specification string of with a valid format at this location. Valid formats are "br:<providerRegistryHost>/<providerRepositoryPath>@<providerVersion>" or "br/<providerAlias>:<providerName>@<providerVersion>".
BCP202 Error Expected a provider alias name at this location.
BCP203 Error Using provider statements requires enabling EXPERIMENTAL feature "Extensibility".
BCP204 Error Provider namespace "{identifier}" isn't recognized.
BCP205 Error Provider namespace "{identifier}" doesn't support configuration.
BCP206 Error Provider namespace "{identifier}" requires configuration, but none was provided.
BCP207 Error Namespace "{identifier}" is declared multiple times. Remove the duplicates.
BCP208 Error The specified namespace "{badNamespace}" isn't recognized. Specify a resource reference using one of the following namespaces: {ToQuotedString(allowedNamespaces)}.
BCP209 Error Failed to find resource type "{resourceType}" in namespace "{@namespace}".
BCP210 Error Resource type belonging to namespace "{childNamespace}" can't have a parent resource type belonging to different namespace "{parentNamespace}".
BCP211 Error The module alias name "{aliasName}" is invalid. Valid characters are alphanumeric, "_", or "-".
BCP212 Error The Template Spec module alias name "{aliasName}" doesn't exist in the {BuildBicepConfigurationClause(configFileUri)}.
BCP213 Error The OCI artifact module alias name "{aliasName}" doesn't exist in the {BuildBicepConfigurationClause(configFileUri)}.
BCP214 Error The Template Spec module alias "{aliasName}" in the {BuildBicepConfigurationClause(configFileUri)} is invalid. The "subscription" property can't be null or undefined.
BCP215 Error The Template Spec module alias "{aliasName}" in the {BuildBicepConfigurationClause(configFileUri)} is invalid. The "resourceGroup" property can't be null or undefined.
BCP216 Error The OCI artifact module alias "{aliasName}" in the {BuildBicepConfigurationClause(configFileUri)} is invalid. The "registry" property can't be null or undefined.
BCP217 Error {BuildInvalidTemplateSpecReferenceClause(aliasName, referenceValue)} The subscription ID "{subscriptionId}" isn't a GUID.
BCP218 Error {BuildInvalidTemplateSpecReferenceClause(aliasName, referenceValue)} The resource group name "{resourceGroupName}" exceeds the maximum length of {maximumLength} characters.
BCP219 Error {BuildInvalidTemplateSpecReferenceClause(aliasName, referenceValue)} The resource group name "{resourceGroupName}" is invalid. Valid characters are alphanumeric, unicode characters, ".", "_", "-", "(", or ")", but the resource group name can't end with ".".
BCP220 Error {BuildInvalidTemplateSpecReferenceClause(aliasName, referenceValue)} The Template Spec name "{templateSpecName}" exceeds the maximum length of {maximumLength} characters.
BCP221 Error {BuildInvalidTemplateSpecReferenceClause(aliasName, referenceValue)} The Template Spec name "{templateSpecName}" is invalid. Valid characters are alphanumeric, ".", "_", "-", "(", or ")", but the Template Spec name can't end with ".".
BCP222 Error {BuildInvalidTemplateSpecReferenceClause(aliasName, referenceValue)} The Template Spec version "{templateSpecVersion}" exceeds the maximum length of {maximumLength} characters.
BCP223 Error {BuildInvalidTemplateSpecReferenceClause(aliasName, referenceValue)} The Template Spec version "{templateSpecVersion}" is invalid. Valid characters are alphanumeric, ".", "_", "-", "(", or ")", but the Template Spec version can't end with ".".
BCP224 Error {BuildInvalidOciArtifactReferenceClause(aliasName, badRef)} The digest "{badDigest}" isn't valid. The valid format is a string "sha256:" followed by exactly 64 lowercase hexadecimal digits.
BCP225 Warning The discriminator property "{propertyName}" value can't be determined at compilation time. Type checking for this object is disabled.
BCP226 Error Expected at least one diagnostic code at this location. Valid format is "#disable-next-line diagnosticCode1 diagnosticCode2 ...".
BCP227 Error The type "{resourceType}" can't be used as a parameter or output type. Extensibility types are currently not supported as parameters or outputs.
BCP229 Error The parameter "{parameterName}" can't be used as a resource scope or parent. Resources passed as parameters can't be used as a scope or parent of a resource.
BCP230 Warning The referenced module uses resource type "{resourceTypeReference.FormatName()}" which doesn't have types available. Bicep is unable to validate resource properties prior to deployment, but this won't block the resource from being deployed.
BCP231 Error Using resource-typed parameters and outputs requires enabling EXPERIMENTAL feature "{nameof(ExperimentalFeaturesEnabled.ResourceTypedParamsAndOutputs)}".
BCP232 Error Unable to delete the module with reference "{moduleRef}" from cache.
BCP233 Error Unable to delete the module with reference "{moduleRef}" from cache: {message}
BCP234 Warning The ARM function "{armFunctionName}" failed when invoked on the value [{literalValue}]: {message}
BCP235 Error Specified JSONPath doesn't exist in the given file or is invalid.
BCP236 Error Expected a new line or comma character at this location.
BCP237 Error Expected a comma character at this location.
BCP238 Error Unexpected new line character after a comma.
BCP239 Error Identifier "{name}" is a reserved Bicep symbol name and can't be used in this context.
BCP240 Error The "parent" property only permits direct references to resources. Expressions aren't supported.
BCP241 Warning The <function-name> function is deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Bicep. Add a comment to if you believe this will impact your workflow.
BCP242 Error Lambda functions may only be specified directly as function arguments.
BCP243 Error Parentheses must contain exactly one expression.
BCP244 Error {minArgCount == maxArgCount ? $"Expected lambda expression of type "{lambdaType}" with {minArgCount} arguments but received {actualArgCount} arguments." : $"Expected lambda expression of type "{lambdaType}" with between {minArgCount} and {maxArgCount} arguments but received {actualArgCount} arguments."}
BCP245 Warning Resource type "{resourceTypeReference.FormatName()}" can only be used with the 'existing' keyword.
BCP246 Warning Resource type "{resourceTypeReference.FormatName()}" can only be used with the 'existing' keyword at the requested scope. Permitted scopes for deployment: {ToQuotedString(LanguageConstants.GetResourceScopeDescriptions(writableScopes))}.
BCP247 Error Using lambda variables inside resource or module array access isn't currently supported. Found the following lambda variable(s) being accessed: {ToQuotedString(variableNames)}.
BCP248 Error Using lambda variables inside the <function-name> function isn't currently supported. Found the following lambda variable(s) being accessed: {ToQuotedString(variableNames)}.
BCP249 Error Expected loop variable block to consist of exactly 2 elements (item variable and index variable), but found {actualCount}.
BCP250 Error Parameter "{identifier}" is assigned multiple times. Remove or rename the duplicates.
BCP256 Error The using declaration is missing a Bicep template file path reference.
BCP257 Error Expected a Bicep file path string. This should be a relative path to another Bicep file, e.g. 'myModule.bicep' or '../parent/myModule.bicep'
BCP258 Warning The following parameters are declared in the Bicep file but are missing an assignment in the params file: {ToQuotedString(identifiers)}.
BCP259 Error The parameter "{identifier}" is assigned in the params file without being declared in the Bicep file.
BCP260 Error The parameter "{identifier}" expects a value of type "{expectedType}" but the provided value is of type "{actualType}".
BCP261 Error A using declaration must be present in this parameters file.
BCP262 Error More than one using declaration is present.
BCP263 Error The file specified in the using declaration path doesn't exist.
BCP264 Error Resource type "{resourceTypeName}" is declared in multiple imported namespaces ({ToQuotedStringWithCaseInsensitiveOrdering(namespaces)}), and must be fully qualified.
BCP265 Error The name "{name}" isn't a function. Did you mean "{knownFunctionNamespace}.{knownFunctionName}"?
BCP266 Error Expected a metadata identifier at this location.
BCP267 Error Expected a metadata declaration after the decorator.
BCP268 Error Invalid identifier: "{name}". Metadata identifiers starting with '_' are reserved. Use a different identifier.
BCP269 Error Function <function-name> can't be used as a metadata decorator.
BCP271 Error Failed to parse the contents of the Bicep configuration file "{configurationPath}" as valid JSON: {parsingErrorMessage.TrimEnd('.')}.
BCP272 Error Couldn't load the Bicep configuration file "{configurationPath}": {loadErrorMessage.TrimEnd('.')}.
BCP273 Error Failed to parse the contents of the Bicep configuration file "{configurationPath}" as valid JSON: {parsingErrorMessage.TrimEnd('.')}.
BCP274 Warning Error scanning "{directoryPath}" for Bicep configuration: {scanErrorMessage.TrimEnd('.')}.
BCP275 Error Unable to open file at path "{directoryPath}". Found a directory instead.
BCP276 Error A using declaration can only reference a Bicep file.
BCP277 Error A module declaration can only reference a Bicep file, an ARM template, a registry reference, or a template spec reference.
BCP278 Error This parameters file references itself, which isn't allowed.
BCP279 Error Expected a type at this location. Specify a valid type expression or one of the following types: {ToQuotedString(LanguageConstants.DeclarationTypes.Keys)}.
BCP285 Error The type expression couldn't be reduced to a literal value.
BCP286 Error This union member is invalid because it can't be assigned to the '{keystoneType}' type.
BCP287 Error '{symbolName}' refers to a value but is being used as a type here.
BCP288 Error <name> refers to a type but is being used as a value here.
BCP289 Error The type definition isn't valid.
BCP290 Error Expected a parameter or type declaration after the decorator.
BCP291 Error Expected a parameter or output declaration after the decorator.
BCP292 Error Expected a parameter, output, or type declaration after the decorator.
BCP293 Error All members of a union type declaration must be literal values.
BCP294 Error Type unions must be reducible to a single ARM type (such as 'string', 'int', or 'bool').
BCP295 Error The '{decoratorName}' decorator may not be used on targets of a union or literal type. The allowed values for this parameter or type definition will be derived from the union or literal type automatically.
BCP296 Error Property names on types must be compile-time constant values.
BCP297 Error Function <function-name> can't be used as a type decorator.
BCP298 Error This type definition includes itself as a required component, which creates a constraint that can't be fulfilled.
BCP299 Error This type definition includes itself as a required component via a cycle ("{string.Join("" -> "", cycle)}").
BCP300 Error Expected a type literal at this location. Specify a concrete value or a reference to a literal type.
BCP301 Error The type name "{reservedName}" is reserved and may not be attached to a user-defined type.
BCP302 Error The name <type-name> isn't a valid type. Specify one of the following types: <type-names>.
BCP303 Error String interpolation is unsupported for specifying the provider.
BCP304 Error Invalid provider specifier string. Specify a valid provider of format "<providerName>@<providerVersion>".
BCP305 Error Expected the "with" keyword, "as" keyword, or a new line character at this location.
BCP306 Error The name "{name}" refers to a namespace, not to a type.
BCP307 Error The expression can't be evaluated, because the identifier properties of the referenced existing resource including {ToQuotedString(runtimePropertyNames.OrderBy(x => x))} can't be calculated at the start of the deployment. In this situation, {accessiblePropertyNamesClause}{accessibleFunctionNamesClause}.
BCP308 Error The decorator <decorator-name> may not be used on statements whose declared type is a reference to a user-defined type.
BCP309 Error Values of type "{flattenInputType.Name}" can't be flattened because "{incompatibleType.Name}" isn't an array type.
BCP311 Error The provided index value of <index-value> isn't valid for type <type-name>. Indexes for this type must be between 0 and <zero-based-tuple-index>.
BCP315 Error An object type may have at most one additional properties declaration.
BCP316 Error The "{LanguageConstants.ParameterSealedPropertyName}" decorator may not be used on object types with an explicit additional properties type declaration.
BCP317 Error Expected an identifier, a string, or an asterisk at this location.
BCP318 Warning The value of type "{possiblyNullType}" may be null at the start of the deployment, which would cause this access expression (and the overall deployment with it) to fail. If you don't know whether the value will be null and the template would handle a null value for the overall expression, use a .? (safe dereference) operator to short-circuit the access expression if the base expression's value is null: {accessExpression.AsSafeAccess().ToString()}. If you know the value won't be null, use a non-null assertion operator to inform the compiler that the value won't be null: {SyntaxFactory.AsNonNullable(expression).ToString()}.
BCP319 Error The type at "{errorSource}" couldn't be resolved by the ARM JSON template engine. Original error message: "{message}"
BCP320 Error The properties of module output resources can't be accessed directly. To use the properties of this resource, pass it as a resource-typed parameter to another module and access the parameter's properties therein.
BCP321 Warning Expected a value of type "{expectedType}" but the provided value is of type "{actualType}". If you know the value won't be null, use a non-null assertion operator to inform the compiler that the value won't be null: {SyntaxFactory.AsNonNullable(expression).ToString()}.
BCP322 Error The .? (safe dereference) operator may not be used on instance function invocations.
BCP323 Error The [?] (safe dereference) operator may not be used on resource or module collections.
BCP325 Error Expected a type identifier at this location.
BCP326 Error Nullable-typed parameters may not be assigned default values. They have an implicit default of 'null' that can't be overridden.
BCP327 Error/Warning The provided value (which will always be greater than or equal to <value>) is too large to assign to a target for which the maximum allowable value is <max-value>.
BCP328 Error/Warning The provided value (which will always be less than or equal to <value>) is too small to assign to a target for which the minimum allowable value is <max-value>.
BCP329 Warning The provided value can be as small as {sourceMin} and may be too small to assign to a target with a configured minimum of {targetMin}.
BCP330 Warning The provided value can be as large as {sourceMax} and may be too large to assign to a target with a configured maximum of {targetMax}.
BCP331 Error A type's "{minDecoratorName}" must be less than or equal to its "{maxDecoratorName}", but a minimum of {minValue} and a maximum of {maxValue} were specified.
BCP332 Error/Warning The provided value (whose length will always be greater than or equal to <string-length>) is too long to assign to a target for which the maximum allowable length is <max-length>.
BCP333 Error/Warning The provided value (whose length will always be less than or equal to <string-length>) is too short to assign to a target for which the minimum allowable length is <min-length>.
BCP334 Warning The provided value can have a length as small as {sourceMinLength} and may be too short to assign to a target with a configured minimum length of {targetMinLength}.
BCP335 Warning The provided value can have a length as large as {sourceMaxLength} and may be too long to assign to a target with a configured maximum length of {targetMaxLength}.
BCP337 Error This declaration type isn't valid for a Bicep Parameters file. Specify a "{LanguageConstants.UsingKeyword}", "{LanguageConstants.ParameterKeyword}" or "{LanguageConstants.VariableKeyword}" declaration.
BCP338 Error Failed to evaluate parameter <parameter-name>: <error-message>`
BCP339 Error The provided array index value of "{indexSought}" isn't valid. Array index should be greater than or equal to 0.
BCP340 Error Unable to parse literal YAML value. Ensure that it's well-formed.
BCP341 Error This expression is being used inside a function declaration, which requires a value that can be calculated at the start of the deployment. {variableDependencyChainClause}{accessiblePropertiesClause}
BCP342 Error User-defined types aren't supported in user-defined function parameters or outputs.
BCP344 Error Expected an assert identifier at this location.
BCP345 Error A test declaration can only reference a Bicep File
BCP346 Error Expected a test identifier at this location.
BCP347 Error Expected a test path string at this location.
BCP348 Error Using a test declaration statement requires enabling EXPERIMENTAL feature "{nameof(ExperimentalFeaturesEnabled.TestFramework)}".
BCP349 Error Using an assert declaration requires enabling EXPERIMENTAL feature "{nameof(ExperimentalFeaturesEnabled.Assertions)}".
BCP350 Error Value of type "{valueType}" can't be assigned to an assert. Asserts can take values of type 'bool' only.
BCP351 Error Function <function-name> isn't valid at this location. It can only be used when directly assigning to a parameter.
BCP352 Error Failed to evaluate variable "{name}": {message}
BCP353 Error The {itemTypePluralName} {ToQuotedString(itemNames)} differ only in casing. The ARM deployments engine isn't case sensitive and won't be able to distinguish between them.
BCP354 Error Expected left brace ('{') or asterisk ('*') character at this location.
BCP355 Error Expected the name of an exported symbol at this location.
BCP356 Error Expected a valid namespace identifier at this location.
BCP358 Error This declaration is missing a template file path reference.
BCP360 Error The '{symbolName}' symbol wasn't found in (or wasn't exported by) the imported template.
BCP361 Error The "@export()" decorator must target a top-level statement.
BCP362 Error This symbol is imported multiple times under the names {string.Join(", ", importedAs.Select(identifier => $"'{identifier}'"))}.
BCP363 Error The "{LanguageConstants.TypeDiscriminatorDecoratorName}" decorator can only be applied to object-only union types with unique member types.
BCP364 Error The property "{discriminatorPropertyName}" must be a required string literal on all union member types.
BCP365 Error The value "{discriminatorPropertyValue}" for discriminator property "{discriminatorPropertyName}" is duplicated across multiple union member types. The value must be unique across all union member types.
BCP366 Error The discriminator property name must be "{acceptablePropertyName}" on all union member types.
BCP367 Error The "{featureName}" feature is temporarily disabled.
BCP368 Error The value of the "{targetName}" parameter can't be known until the template deployment has started because it uses a reference to a secret value in Azure Key Vault. Expressions that refer to the "{targetName}" parameter may be used in {LanguageConstants.LanguageFileExtension} files but not in {LanguageConstants.ParamsFileExtension} files.
BCP369 Error The value of the "{targetName}" parameter can't be known until the template deployment has started because it uses the default value defined in the template. Expressions that refer to the "{targetName}" parameter may be used in {LanguageConstants.LanguageFileExtension} files but not in {LanguageConstants.ParamsFileExtension} files.
BCP372 Error The "@export()" decorator may not be applied to variables that refer to parameters, modules, or resource, either directly or indirectly. The target of this decorator contains direct or transitive references to the following unexportable symbols: {ToQuotedString(nonExportableSymbols)}.
BCP373 Error Unable to import the symbol named "{name}": {message}
BCP374 Error The imported model can't be loaded with a wildcard because it contains the following duplicated exports: {ToQuotedString(ambiguousExportNames)}.
BCP375 Error An import list item that identifies its target with a quoted string must include an 'as <alias>' clause.
BCP376 Error The "{name}" symbol can't be imported because imports of kind {exportMetadataKind} aren't supported in files of kind {sourceFileKind}.
BCP377 Error The provider alias name "{aliasName}" is invalid. Valid characters are alphanumeric, "_", or "-".
BCP378 Error The OCI artifact provider alias "{aliasName}" in the {BuildBicepConfigurationClause(configFileUri)} is invalid. The "registry" property can't be null or undefined.
BCP379 Error The OCI artifact provider alias name "{aliasName}" doesn't exist in the {BuildBicepConfigurationClause(configFileUri)}.
BCP380 Error Artifacts of type: "{artifactType}" aren't supported.
BCP381 Warning Declaring provider namespaces with the "import" keyword has been deprecated. Use the "provider" keyword instead.
BCP383 Error The "{typeName}" type isn't parameterizable.
BCP384 Error The "{typeName}" type requires {requiredArgumentCount} argument(s).
BCP385 Error Using resource-derived types requires enabling EXPERIMENTAL feature "{nameof(ExperimentalFeaturesEnabled.ResourceDerivedTypes)}".
BCP386 Error The decorator <decorator-name> may not be used on statements whose declared type is a reference to a resource-derived type.
BCP387 Error Indexing into a type requires an integer greater than or equal to 0.
BCP388 Error Can't access elements of type "{wrongType}" by index. A tuple type is required.
BCP389 Error The type "{wrongType}" doesn't declare an additional properties type.
BCP390 Error The array item type access operator ('[*]') can only be used with typed arrays.
BCP391 Error Type member access is only supported on a reference to a named type.
BCP392 Warning The supplied resource type identifier "{resourceTypeIdentifier}" wasn't recognized as a valid resource type name.
BCP393 Warning The type pointer segment "{unrecognizedSegment}" wasn't recognized. Supported pointer segments are: "properties", "items", "prefixItems", and "additionalProperties".
BCP394 Error Resource-derived type expressions must dereference a property within the resource body. Using the entire resource body type isn't permitted.
BCP395 Error Declaring provider namespaces using the '<providerName>@<version>' expression has been deprecated. Use an identifier instead.
BCP396 Error The referenced provider types artifact has been published with malformed content.
BCP397 Error Provider {name} is incorrectly configured in the {BuildBicepConfigurationClause(configFileUri)}. It's referenced in the "{RootConfiguration.ImplicitProvidersConfigurationKey}" section, but is missing corresponding configuration in the "{RootConfiguration.ProvidersConfigurationKey}" section.
BCP398 Error Provider {name} is incorrectly configured in the {BuildBicepConfigurationClause(configFileUri)}. It's configured as built-in in the "{RootConfiguration.ProvidersConfigurationKey}" section, but no built-in provider exists.
BCP399 Error Fetching az types from the registry requires enabling EXPERIMENTAL feature "{nameof(ExperimentalFeaturesEnabled.DynamicTypeLoading)}".
BCP400 Error Fetching types from the registry requires enabling EXPERIMENTAL feature "{nameof(ExperimentalFeaturesEnabled.ProviderRegistry)}".
BCP401 Error The spread operator "..." isn't permitted in this location.
BCP402 Error The spread operator "{spread.Ellipsis.Text}" can only be used in this context for an expression assignable to type "{requiredType}".
BCP403 Error/Warning The enclosing array expects elements of type "{expectedType}", but the array being spread contains elements of incompatible type "{actualType}".
BCP404 Error The "{LanguageConstants.ExtendsKeyword}" declaration is missing a bicepparam file path reference.
BCP405 Error More than one "{LanguageConstants.ExtendsKeyword}" declaration are present.
BCP406 Error The "{LanguageConstants.ExtendsKeyword}" keyword isn't supported.

Next steps

To learn about Bicep, see Bicep overview.