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Bicep logical operators

The logical operators evaluate boolean values, return non-null values, or evaluate a conditional expression. To run the examples, use Azure CLI or Azure PowerShell to deploy a Bicep file.

Operator Name
&& And
|| Or
! Not
?? Coalesce
? : Conditional expression

And &&

operand1 && operand2

Determines if both values are true.


Operand Type Description
operand1 boolean The first value to check if true.
operand2 boolean The second value to check if true.
More operands boolean More operands can be included.

Return value

True when both values are true, otherwise false is returned.


Evaluates a set of parameter values and a set of expressions.

param operand1 bool = true
param operand2 bool = true

output andResultParm bool = operand1 && operand2
output andResultExp bool = 10 >= 10 && 5 > 2

Output from the example:

Name Type Value
andResultParm boolean true
andResultExp boolean true

To avoid The language expression property 'foo' doesn't exist exception with Bicep objects, you can use the And logical operator as shown in the following example:

param objectToTest object = {
  one: 1
  two: 2
  three: 3

output bar bool = contains(objectToTest, 'four') && objectToTest.four == 4

Or ||

operand1 || operand2

Determines if either value is true.


Operand Type Description
operand1 boolean The first value to check if true.
operand2 boolean The second value to check if true.
More operands boolean More operands can be included.

Return value

True when either value is true, otherwise false is returned.


Evaluates a set of parameter values and a set of expressions.

param operand1 bool = true
param operand2 bool = false

output orResultParm bool = operand1 || operand2
output orResultExp bool = 10 >= 10 || 5 < 2

Output from the example:

Name Type Value
orResultParm boolean true
orResultExp boolean true

To avoid The language expression property array index 'x' is out of bounds exception, you can use the Or logical operator as shown in the following example:

param emptyArray array = []
param numberArray array = [1, 2, 3]

output foo bool = empty(emptyArray) || emptyArray[0] == 'bar'
output bar bool = length(numberArray) >= 3 || numberArray[3] == 4

Not !


Negates a boolean value.


Operand Type Description
boolValue boolean Boolean value that's negated.

Return value

Negates the initial value and returns a boolean. If the initial value is true, then false is returned.


The not operator negates a value. The values can be wrapped with parentheses.

param initTrue bool = true
param initFalse bool = false

output startedTrue bool = !(initTrue)
output startedFalse bool = !initFalse

Output from the example:

Name Type Value
startedTrue boolean false
startedFalse boolean true

Coalesce ??

operand1 ?? operand2

Returns first non-null value from operands.


Operand Type Description
operand1 string, integer, boolean, object, array Value to test for null.
operand2 string, integer, boolean, object, array Value to test for null.
More operands string, integer, boolean, object, array Value to test for null.

Return value

Returns the first non-null value. Empty strings, empty arrays, and empty objects aren't null and an <empty> value is returned.


The output statements return the non-null values. The output type must match the type in the comparison or an error is generated.

param myObject object = {
  isnull1: null
  isnull2: null
  string: 'demoString'
  emptystr: ''
  integer: 10

output nonNullStr string = myObject.isnull1 ?? myObject.string ?? myObject.isnull2
output nonNullInt int = myObject.isnull1 ?? myObject.integer ?? myObject.isnull2
output nonNullEmpty string = myObject.isnull1 ?? myObject.emptystr ?? myObject.string ?? myObject.isnull2

Output from the example:

Name Type Value
nonNullStr string demoString
nonNullInt int 10
nonNullEmpty string <empty>

Conditional expression ? :

condition ? true-value : false-value

Evaluates a condition and returns a value whether the condition is true or false.


Operand Type Description
condition boolean Condition to evaluate as true or false.
true-value string, integer, boolean, object, array Value when condition is true.
false-value string, integer, boolean, object, array Value when condition is false.


This example evaluates a parameter's initial and returns a value whether the condition is true or false.

param initValue bool = true

output outValue string = initValue ? 'true value' : 'false value'

Output from the example:

Name Type Value
outValue string true value

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