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This article teaches you to enable authentication with Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory) for your SQL Server on Azure virtual machines (VMs).
It's possible to configure Microsoft Entra authentication for unregistered instances of SQL Server, such as when you have multiple SQL Server instances on the same VM.
Starting with SQL Server 2022, you can connect to SQL Server on Azure VMs using one of the following Microsoft Entra authentication methods:
Password offers authentication with Microsoft Entra credentials
Universal with MFA adds multifactor authentication
Service Principal enables authentication from Azure applications
Managed Identity enables authentication from applications assigned Microsoft Entra identities
When you create a Microsoft Entra login for SQL Server and when a user connects using that login, SQL Server uses a managed identity to query Microsoft Graph. When you enable Microsoft Entra authentication for your SQL Server on Azure VM, you need to provide a managed identity that SQL Server can use to communicate with Microsoft Entra ID. This managed identity needs to have permissions to query Microsoft Graph.
When enabling a managed identity for a resource in Azure, the security boundary of the identity is the resource to which it's attached. For example, the security boundary for a virtual machine with managed identities for Azure resources enabled is the virtual machine. Any code running on that VM is able to call the managed identities endpoint and request tokens. When enabling a managed identity for SQL Server on Azure VMs, the identity is attached to the virtual machine, so the security boundary is the virtual machine. The experience is similar when working with other resources that support managed identities. For more information, read the Managed Identities FAQ.
The system-assigned and user-assigned managed identities used for Microsoft Entra authentication with SQL Server on Azure VMs offer the following benefits:
System-assigned managed identity offers a simplified configuration process. Since the managed identity has the same lifetime as the virtual machine, there's no need to delete it separately when you delete the virtual machine.
User-assigned managed identity offers scalability since it can be attached to, and used for Microsoft Entra authentication, for multiple SQL Server on Azure VMs.
Azure CLI 2.48.0 or later if you intend to use the Azure CLI to configure Microsoft Entra authentication for your SQL Server VM.
Grant permissions
The managed identity you choose to facilitate authentication between SQL Server and Microsoft Entra ID has to have the following three Microsoft Graph application permissions (app roles): User.Read.All, GroupMember.Read.All, and Application.Read.All.
Alternatively, adding the managed identity to the Microsoft Entra Directory Readers role grants sufficient permissions. Another way to assign the Directory Readers role to a managed identity is to assign the Directory Readers role to a group in Microsoft Entra ID. The group owners can then add the Virtual Machine managed identity as a member of this group. This minimizes involving Microsoft Entra role admins and delegates the responsibility to the group owners.
Add managed identity to the role
This section explains how to add your managed identity to the Directory Readers role in Microsoft Entra ID. You need to have Privileged Role Administrator privileges to make changes to the Directory Readers role assignments. If you don't have sufficient permission, work with your Microsoft Entra administrator to follow these steps.
To grant your managed identity the Directory Readers role, follow these steps:
Type Directory readers in the search box, and then select the role Directory readers to open the Directory Readers | Assignments page:
On the Directory Readers | Assignments page, select + Add assignments to open the Add assignment page.
On the Add assignments page, choose No member selected under Select members to open the Select a member page.
On the Select a member page, search for the name of the managed identity you want to use with your SQL Server VM and add it to the Directory Readers role. For system-assigned managed identities, search for the name of the VM. Use Select to confirm the identity and go back to the Add assignments page.
Verify that you see your chosen identity under Select members and then select Next.
Verify that your assignment type is set to Active and the box next to Permanently assigned is checked. Enter a business justification, such as Adding Directory Reader role permissions to the system-assigned identity for VM2 and then select Assign to save your settings and go back to the Directory Readers | Assignments page.
On the Directory Readers | Assignments page, confirm you see your newly added identity under Directory Readers.
Add app role permissions
You can use Azure PowerShell to grant app roles to a managed identity. To do so, follow these steps:
Azure AD and MSOnline PowerShell modules are deprecated as of March 30, 2024. To learn more, read the deprecation update. After this date, support for these modules are limited to migration assistance to Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK and security fixes. The deprecated modules will continue to function through March, 30 2025.
We recommend migrating to Microsoft Graph PowerShell to interact with Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure AD). For common migration questions, refer to the Migration FAQ. Note: Versions 1.0.x of MSOnline may experience disruption after June 30, 2024.
Choose Enterprise applications and then select All applications under Manage.
Filter the Application type by Managed identities.
Select the managed identity and then choose Permissions under Security. You should see the following permissions: User.Read.All, GroupMember.Read.All, Application.Read.All.
Enable outbound communication
For Microsoft Entra authentication to work, you need the following:
Outbound communication from SQL Server to Microsoft Entra ID and the Microsoft Graph endpoint.
Outbound communication from the SQL client to Microsoft Entra ID.
Default Azure VM configurations allow outbound communication to the Microsoft Graph endpoint, as well as Microsoft Entra ID, but some users choose to restrict outbound communication either by using an OS level firewall, or the Azure VNet network security group (NSG).
Firewalls on the SQL Server VM and any SQL client need to allow outbound traffic on ports 80 and 443.
The Azure VNet NSG rule for the VNet that hosts your SQL Server VM should have the following:
A Service Tag of AzureActiveDirectory.
Destination port ranges of: 80, 443.
Action set to Allow.
A high priority (which is a low number).
Enable Microsoft Entra authentication for the registered instance
When you register your SQL Server instance with the SQL IaaS Agent extension, you can enable Microsoft Entra authentication for the registered instance by using the Azure portal, the Azure CLI or PowerShell. Using the Azure portal or Azure CLI to manage your instance is only supported on the registered instance of SQL Server.
After Microsoft Entra authentication is enabled, you can follow the same steps in this section to update the configuration to use a different managed identity.
Choose Enable under Microsoft Entra authentication.
Choose the managed identity type from the drop-down, either System-assigned or User-assigned. If you choose user-assigned, then select the identity you want to use to authenticate to SQL Server on your Azure VM from the User-assigned managed identity drop-down that appears.
After Microsoft Entra authentication is enabled, you can follow the same steps to change which managed identity can authenticate to your SQL Server VM.
The error The selected managed identity does not have enough permissions for Microsoft Entra authentication indicates that permissions haven't been properly assigned to the identity you've selected. Check the Grant permissions section to assign proper permissions.
The following table lists the Azure CLI commands you can use to work with Microsoft Entra authentication for your SQL Server on Azure VMs.
- Run before you enable Microsoft Entra authentication to validate the configuration, such as to confirm the managed identity has the necessary permissions. - Run after you enable Microsoft Entra authentication to debug unexpected issues, such as the removal of a managed identity, or the removal of the necessary permissions for a managed identity.
Validate the status of Microsoft Entra authentication to your SQL Server on Azure VMs.
Validate Microsoft Entra environment
You can validate permissions have been correctly assigned to the specified managed identity by running the az sql vm validate-azure-ad-auth command at the client.
Validate Microsoft Entra authentication with a system-assigned managed identity:
Azure CLI
az sql vm validate-azure-ad-auth -n sqlvm -g myresourcegroup
Validate Microsoft Entra authentication with a user-assigned managed identity:
Azure CLI
az sql vm validate-azure-ad-auth -n sqlvm -g myresourcegroup
Enable Microsoft Entra authentication
You can enable Microsoft Entra authentication to the specified machine by running the az sql vm enable-azure-ad-auth command.
Assuming your SQL Server VM name is sqlvm and your resource group is myResourceGroup, the following examples enable Microsoft Entra authentication:
Enable Microsoft Entra authentication with a system-assigned managed identity using client-side validation:
Azure CLI
az sql vm enable-azure-ad-auth -n sqlvm -g myresourcegroup
Enable Microsoft Entra authentication with a system assigned managed identity, but skip client side validation and rely on the server-side validation that always happens:
Azure CLI
az sql vm enable-azure-ad-auth -n sqlvm -g myresourcegroup
Enable Microsoft Entra authentication with a user-assigned managed identity and client-side validation:
Azure CLI
az sql vm enable-azure-ad-auth -n sqlvm -g myresourcegroup
Enable Microsoft Entra authentication with a user-assigned managed identity but skip client-side validation and rely on the server-side validation that always happens:
Azure CLI
az sql vm enable-azure-ad-auth -n sqlvm -g myresourcegroup
--msi-client-id00001111-aaaa-2222-bbbb-3333cccc4444 --skip-client-validation
Check status of Microsoft Entra authentication
You can check if Microsoft Entra authentication has been enabled by running the az sql vm show --expand * command.
Microsoft Entra ID isn't enabled if AzureAdAuthenticationSettings from az sql vm show --expand * shows NULL.
For example, when you run:
Azure CLI
az sql vm show -n sqlvm -g myresourcegroup --expand *
The following output indicates Microsoft Entra authentication has been enabled with a user-assigned managed identity:
If you have a single instance of SQL Server already registered with the SQL IaaS agent extension, you can use the Update-AzSqlVM PowerShell command to enable Microsoft Entra authentication for that instance.
To configure Microsoft Entra authentication with a system-assigned managed identity, use the following sample PowerShell command:
Enable Microsoft Entra authentication for unregistered instances
If your SQL Server instance isn't registered with the SQL IaaS Agent extension, such as when you have multiple SQL Server instances on the same VM, you can enable Microsoft Entra authentication by using PowerShell.
You can enable Microsoft Entra authentication for specific unregistered instances, or for all instances on the VM.
To use Microsoft Entra authentication with unregistered instances on SQL Server on Azure VMs, you must have at least one instance registered with the SQL IaaS Agent extension.
When using the Set-AzVMExtension -ExtensionName "SqlIaasExtension" command to enable Microsoft Entra authentication for a SQL Server instance, consider the following:
Permissions of the managed identity are only checked when the CheckPermissions parameter is set to true.
Specify the client ID of the identity ClientID parameter to use a user-assigned managed identity. When the ClientID parameter is empty, a system-assigned managed identity is used.
Provide a list of instances in the the EnableForGivenInstances parameter to enable Microsoft Entra authentication for specific unregistered instances. Othewrise, use the EnableForAllInstances parameter to enable Microsoft Entra authentication for all unregistered instances on the virtual machine.
The following example enables Microsoft Entra authentication for all instances on the VM using a system-assigned identity:
Microsoft Entra authentication is only supported with SQL Server 2022 running on Windows VMs registered with the SQL IaaS Agent extension, deployed to any cloud.
Managing Microsoft Entra authentication in the Azure portal is only available to instances supported by the SQL IaaS Agent extension, such as a default instance, or a single named instance. Use the Azure CLI or PowerShell to manage Microsoft Entra authentication additional instances on the SQL Server VM that aren't registered with the SQL IaaS Agent extension.
Using Microsoft Entra authentication with failover cluster instances is not supported.
The identity you choose to authenticate to SQL Server has to have either the Directory Readers role in Microsoft Entra ID or the following three Microsoft Graph application permissions (app roles): User.Read.All, GroupMember.Read.All, and Application.Read.All.
Once Microsoft Entra authentication is enabled, there's no way to disable it.
Currently, authenticating to SQL Server on Azure VMs through Microsoft Entra authentication using the FIDO2 method isn't supported.
Next steps
Review the security best practices for SQL Server.
Learn about how to use Microsoft Entra ID for authentication with Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Managed Instance, and Synapse SQL in Azure Synapse Analytics
Tutorial on how to set up Microsoft Entra authentication that automatically creates a certificate and Microsoft Entra application used to authenticate with SQL Server